public async Task <ActionResult <AddressDTO> > AddAddressAsync([FromBody] Address address) { int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(address); if (created == 0) { var logData = new { Address = address, Action = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, Verb = HttpContext.Request.Method, EndpointPath = HttpContext.Request.Path.Value, User = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(usr => usr.Type == "preferred_username").Value }; _logger.LogInformation("No Address was created for the address {address}. Data: {@logData}", address, logData); return(NotFound("No Address was created")); } var newAddress = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(ad => ad.Client_Id == address.Client_Id && ad.StreetNumber == address.StreetNumber && ad.City == address.City); AddressDTO addressDTO = _mapper.Map <AddressDTO>(newAddress); return(Created("", addressDTO)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <BillableActivityDTO> > AddBillableActivityAsync([FromBody] BillableActivity billableActivity) { int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(billableActivity); if (created == 0) { var logData = new { NewBillableActivity = billableActivity, Action = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, Verb = HttpContext.Request.Method, EndpointPath = HttpContext.Request.Path.Value, User = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(usr => usr.Type == "preferred_username").Value }; _logger.LogInformation("No BillableActivity was created for {billableActivity}. Data: {@logData}", billableActivity, logData); return(NotFound("No Billable Activity was created")); } var newBillableActivity = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(ba => ba.Title == billableActivity.Title && ba.Employee_Id == billableActivity.Employee_Id && ba.LegalCase_Id == billableActivity.LegalCase_Id); BillableActivityDTO billableActivityDTO = _mapper.Map <BillableActivityDTO>(newBillableActivity); return(Created("", billableActivityDTO)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <LegalCaseDTO> > AddLegalCaseAsync([FromBody] LegalCase legalCase) { int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(legalCase); if (created == 0) { var logData = new { LegalCase = legalCase, Action = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, Verb = HttpContext.Request.Method, EndpointPath = HttpContext.Request.Path.Value, User = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(usr => usr.Type == "preferred_username").Value }; _logger.LogInformation("No LegalCase was created for Legalcase {@legalCase}. Data: {@logData}", legalCase, logData); return(NotFound("No Legal Case was created")); } var newLegalCase = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(lc => lc.Client_Id == legalCase.Client_Id && lc.Title == legalCase.Title); LegalCaseDTO legalCaseDTO = _mapper.Map <LegalCaseDTO>(newLegalCase); return(Created("", legalCaseDTO)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <EmployeeTypeDTO> > AddEmployeeType([FromBody] EmployeeType employeeType) { var addResult = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(employeeType); if (addResult == 0) { var logData = new { EmployeeType = employeeType, Action = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, Verb = HttpContext.Request.Method, EndpointPath = HttpContext.Request.Path.Value, User = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(usr => usr.Type == "preferred_username").Value }; _logger.LogInformation("No EmployeeType was created for the employeeType {@employeeType}. Data: {@logData}", employeeType, logData); return(NotFound("No EmployeeType was created")); } var newEmployeeType = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(et => et.Description == employeeType.Description); var employeeTypeDTO = _mapper.Map <EmployeeTypeDTO>(newEmployeeType); return(Created("", employeeTypeDTO)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ClientDTO> > AddClientAsync([FromBody] Client client) { int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(client); if (created == 0) { var logData = new { Client = client, Action = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, Verb = HttpContext.Request.Method, EndpointPath = HttpContext.Request.Path.Value, User = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(usr => usr.Type == "preferred_username").Value }; _logger.LogInformation("No Client was created for Client {@client}. Data: {@logData}", client, logData); return(NotFound("No Client was created")); } var newClient = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(cl => cl.Name == client.Name && cl.Description == client.Description && cl.Website == client.Website); ClientDTO clientDTO = _mapper.Map <ClientDTO>(newClient); return(Created("", clientDTO)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ContactDTO> > AddContactAsync([FromBody] Contact contact) { int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(contact); if (created == 0) { var logData = new { Contact = contact, Action = ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.DisplayName, Verb = HttpContext.Request.Method, EndpointPath = HttpContext.Request.Path.Value, User = HttpContext.User.Claims.First(usr => usr.Type == "preferred_username").Value }; _logger.LogInformation("No Contact was created for Contact {@contact}. Data: {@logData}", contact, logData); return(NotFound("No Contact was created")); } _logger.LogInformation("Contact was created for Contact {@contact}.", contact); var newContact = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(co => co.Client_Id == contact.Client_Id && co.Name == contact.Name && co.Position == contact.Position); ContactDTO contactDTO = _mapper.Map <ContactDTO>(newContact); return(Created("", contactDTO)); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ContactInfoDTO> > AddNewContactAsync([FromBody] ContactInfo newContact) { if (newContact == null) { return(NotFound("Input object cannot be null")); } newContact.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); int created = await _genericRepository.AddTAsync(newContact); if (created == 0) { return(NotFound("No New Contact created")); } var newRecord = await _genericRepository.GetOneByAsync(t => t.Id == newContact.Id); ContactInfoDTO contactInfoDTO = _mapper.Map <ContactInfoDTO>(newRecord); return(Created("New Contact Created", contactInfoDTO)); }