Exemple #1
 public Map(IGameData gameData)
     this.gameData = gameData;
     Regions       = new ObservableCollection <Region>(gameData.GetRegions());
     adjacency     = gameData.GetRegionAdjacencies();
     //BackgroundDimensions = gameData.GetBackgroundDimensions();
Exemple #2
 public void Execute(string sessionID, string messageID, IGameData gameData)
     if (InvalidIDString(sessionID))
         throw new InvalidSessionIDException();
     if (InvalidIDString(messageID))
         throw new InvalidMessageIDException();
     if (InvalidIDString(gameData.CurrentCardID))
         throw new InvalidCardIDException();
     _gameDataGateway.Save(sessionID, gameData);
     _publishMessageAdaptor.Publish(new GameResponse
         SessionID     = sessionID,
         MessageID     = messageID,
         CardsToAdd    = gameData.CardsToAdd,
         CurrentCardID = gameData.CurrentCardID,
         Seed          = gameData.Seed,
         PackVersion   = gameData.PackVersion,
         CurrentStats  = gameData.CurrentStats
 public ReplayFileWriter(ILogger <ReplayFileWriter> logger, Settings settings, IHeroesProfileService heroesProfileService, IGameData gameData)
     this.logger = logger;
     this.heroesProfileService = heroesProfileService;
     this.gameData             = gameData;
     this.settings             = settings;
Exemple #4
 public ClanManager(
     IGameData gameData,
     INotificationManager notificationManager)
     this.gameData            = gameData;
     this.notificationManager = notificationManager;
Exemple #5
        public ItemManager(IGameData gameData, IItemReader itemReader)
            var file = gameData.Files[$"AM2_CPU"].Files[1];

            file.Position = 0;
            var data = AmigaExecutable.Read(file).Last(h => h.Type == AmigaExecutable.HunkType.Data).Data;

            file = new DataReader(data);

            // First find the item offset (the lamed ailment is the first item)
            long offset = file.FindString("LAMED", 0);

            if (offset == -1)
                offset = file.FindString("GELÄHMT", 0);

            if (offset == -1)
                throw new AmbermoonException(ExceptionScope.Data, "Could not find item data in AM2_CPU.");

            offset -= 40; // item name has a 40 byte offset to the item data offset

            file.Position = (int)offset;

            for (uint i = 1; i <= 402; ++i) // there are 402 items
                items.Add(i, Item.Load(itemReader, file));
Exemple #6
 public PatreonManager(
     IGameData gameData,
     IPlayerInventoryProvider playerInventory)
     this.gameData        = gameData;
     this.playerInventory = playerInventory;
        private void InitializeControls()
            if (!(objectManipulationInputController.CurrentlySelectedObject != null))
            ManipulatableObject componentInParent  = objectManipulationInputController.CurrentlySelectedObject.GetComponentInParent <ManipulatableObject>();
            ObjectManipulator   componentInParent2 = objectManipulationInputController.CurrentlySelectedObject.GetComponentInParent <ObjectManipulator>();

            if (!(componentInParent2 != null))
            switch (componentInParent.Type)
            case DecorationLayoutData.DefinitionType.Structure:

            case DecorationLayoutData.DefinitionType.Decoration:
                IGameData gameData = Service.Get <IGameData>();
                Dictionary <int, DecorationDefinition> dictionary = gameData.Get <Dictionary <int, DecorationDefinition> >();
                if (dictionary.ContainsKey(componentInParent.DefinitionId))
                    DecorationDefinition def = dictionary[componentInParent.DefinitionId];
                    ConfigureScalingOptions(def, componentInParent2);
                    ConfigureRotationOptions(def, componentInParent2);
            public WebSocketConnection(
                ILogger logger,
                IRavenBotApiClient ravenBotApi,
                IIntegrityChecker integrityChecker,
                IPlayerInventoryProvider inventoryProvider,
                IGameData gameData,
                IGameManager gameManager,
                IGamePacketManager packetManager,
                IGamePacketSerializer packetSerializer,
                ISessionManager sessionManager,
                IExtensionWebSocketConnectionProvider extWsProvider,
                GameWebSocketConnectionProvider sessionProvider,
                WebSocket ws,
                SessionToken sessionToken)
                this.receiveLoop      = new Thread(ReceiveLoop);
                this.sendLoop         = new Thread(SendLoop);
                this.gameLoop         = new Thread(GameUpdateLoop);
                this.logger           = logger;
                this.sessionToken     = sessionToken;
                this.packetManager    = packetManager;
                this.packetSerializer = packetSerializer;
                this.sessionManager   = sessionManager;
                this.sessionProvider  = sessionProvider;
                this.ws = ws;

                this.killTask      = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
                this.gameProcessor = new GameProcessor(
                    ravenBotApi, integrityChecker, this, extWsProvider, sessionManager, inventoryProvider, gameData, gameManager, sessionToken);
Exemple #9
 private static void RecreateState(IGameData gameData)
     if (gameData != null)
Exemple #10
    public BiologProgress(IGameData gameData, BiologLoadingProcess loadingProcess)
        _unlockedEntries = new List <BiologEntry>();
        _dataStorage     = new TransientDataStorage();// PersistentDataStorage("biologProgress.txt");

        switch (loadingProcess)
        case BiologLoadingProcess.UnlockAll:
            foreach (BiologEntry entry in gameData.BiologData.Entries)

        case BiologLoadingProcess.UnlockNone:

        case BiologLoadingProcess.UseProgressData:
            _unlockedEntries = new List <BiologEntry>();

            _dataStorage = new TransientDataStorage();    //new PersistentDataStorage("biologProgress.txt");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> value in _dataStorage)
                _unlockedEntries.Add(gameData.BiologData.Entries.Find((e) => e.EntryName.Equals(value.Key)));
Exemple #11
        protected void UpdateResources(
            IGameData gameData,
            DataModels.GameSession session,
            Character character,
            DataModels.Resources resources)
            if (resources == null)
                resources = new DataModels.Resources
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                character.ResourcesId = resources.Id;

            var user      = gameData.GetUser(character.UserId);
            var gameEvent = gameData.CreateSessionEvent(GameEventType.ResourceUpdate, session,
                                                        new ResourceUpdate
                UserId      = user.UserId,
                FishAmount  = resources.Fish,
                OreAmount   = resources.Ore,
                WheatAmount = resources.Wheat,
                WoodAmount  = resources.Wood,
                CoinsAmount = resources.Coins

Exemple #12
 public void Initialize(IGameData gameData)
     _model = new T1();
     _model.StateChanged += OnModelStateChanged;
     _model.Initialize(gameData, _configuration);
     _isInitialized = true;
 public MarketplaceService(
     IGameData gameData,
     IMarketplaceManager marketplaceManager)
     this.gameData           = gameData;
     this.marketplaceManager = marketplaceManager;
Exemple #14
        public MapManager(IGameData gameData, IMapReader mapReader, ITilesetReader tilesetReader, ILabdataReader labdataReader)
            foreach (var tilesetFile in gameData.Files["Icon_data.amb"].Files)
                var tileset = Tileset.Load(tilesetReader, tilesetFile.Value);
                tilesets.Add((uint)tilesetFile.Key, tileset);
                tileset.Index = (uint)tilesetFile.Key;

            // Map 1-256 -> File 1
            // Map 300-369 -> File 2
            // Map 257-299, 400-455, 513-528 -> File 3
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
                var file      = gameData.Files[$"{i}Map_data.amb"];
                var textFiles = gameData.Files[$"{i}Map_texts.amb"];

                foreach (var mapFile in file.Files)
                    uint index    = (uint)mapFile.Key;
                    var  textFile = textFiles.Files.ContainsKey(mapFile.Key) ? textFiles.Files[mapFile.Key] : null;
                    maps.Add(index, Map.Load(index, mapReader, mapFile.Value, textFile, tilesets));

            foreach (var labdataFile in gameData.Files["2Lab_data.amb"].Files) // Note: 2Lab_data.amb and 3Lab_data.amb both contain all lab data files
                var labdata = Labdata.Load(labdataReader, labdataFile.Value, gameData);
                labdatas.Add((uint)labdataFile.Key, labdata);
 public abstract void Process(
     IIntegrityChecker integrityChecker,
     IGameData gameData,
     IPlayerInventoryProvider inventoryProvider,
     DataModels.GameSession session,
     Character character,
     DataModels.CharacterState state);
Exemple #16
 public ItemManager(
     IMemoryCache memoryCache,
     IGameData gameData)
     this.memoryCache = memoryCache;
     this.gameData    = gameData;
Exemple #17
        private async void RefreshGameInfo()
            var        bearer      = "Bearer " + loginData.Access_Token;
            HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();

            _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", bearer);
            var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(Endpoint.GameById + gameData.Id);

            this.gameData = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <OnlineGame>();

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                this.LabelGameName.Content     = gameData.Name;
                this.LabelGameState.Content    = gameData.GameState;
                this.LabelFirstPlayer.Content  = gameData.FirstPlayerName;
                this.LabelSecondPlayer.Content = gameData.SecondPlayerName;
                this.Button0.Content           = gameData.Field[0] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[0];
                this.Button1.Content           = gameData.Field[1] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[1];
                this.Button2.Content           = gameData.Field[2] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[2];
                this.Button3.Content           = gameData.Field[3] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[3];
                this.Button4.Content           = gameData.Field[4] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[4];
                this.Button5.Content           = gameData.Field[5] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[5];
                this.Button6.Content           = gameData.Field[6] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[6];
                this.Button7.Content           = gameData.Field[7] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[7];
                this.Button8.Content           = gameData.Field[8] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[8];
                MessageBox.Show(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
Exemple #18
        public static Models.GameSession Map(IGameData gameData, DataModels.GameSession data)
            var session = DataMapper.Map <Models.GameSession, DataModels.GameSession>(data);
            var user    = gameData.GetUser(session.UserId);

            if (user == null)

            var state = gameData.GetSessionState(session.Id);

            if (state != null)
                session.ClientVersion = state.ClientVersion;
                session.SyncTime      = state.SyncTime;

            session.TwitchUserId    = user.UserId;
            session.UserName        = user.UserName;
            session.AdminPrivileges = user.IsAdmin.GetValueOrDefault();
            session.ModPrivileges   = user.IsModerator.GetValueOrDefault();
            session.Players         = gameData.GetSessionCharacters(data)
                                      .Select(x => Map(gameData, x))
                                      .Where(x => x != null)

Exemple #19
        public override void Handle(
            IIntegrityChecker integrityChecker,
            IGameData gameData,
            DataModels.GameSession session,
            Character character,
            CharacterState characterState)
            var now       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var resources = gameData.GetResources(character.ResourcesId);
            var state     = gameData.GetCharacterSessionState(session.Id, character.Id);

            if (now - state.LastTaskUpdate >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(ResourceGatherInterval))
                session.Updated      = DateTime.UtcNow;
                state.LastTaskUpdate = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (resources.Ore >= OrePerIngot)
                    resources.Ore -= OrePerIngot;
                    IncrementItemStack(gameData, session, character, IngotId);

                if (resources.Wood >= WoodPerPlank)
                    resources.Wood -= WoodPerPlank;
                    IncrementItemStack(gameData, session, character, PlankId);

                UpdateResources(gameData, session, character, resources);
Exemple #20
 public RoomHandler(
     IGameData gameData,
     SnakeGenerator charGenerator,
     GameConfigurations configurations) : base(gameData.Room, configurations.RoomConfiguration)
     _charGenerator = charGenerator;
Exemple #21
        private static void UpdateGameData <T>(string name, Action onUpdated) where T : IGameData
                          delegate(string data)
                T[] _data             = JsonReader.Deserialize <T[]>(data);
                IGameData[] _gameData = new IGameData[_data.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < _data.Length; i++)
                    _gameData[i] = _data[i];
                if (m_gameData.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
                    m_gameData[typeof(T)] = _gameData;
                    m_gameData.Add(typeof(T), _gameData);

                if (onUpdated != null)
Exemple #22
        //private static readonly Version ClientVersion_ClanLevel = new Version(0, 7, 1);
        public override void Process(
            IIntegrityChecker integrityChecker,
            IGameData gameData,
            IPlayerInventoryProvider inventoryProvider,
            GameSession session,
            Character character,
            CharacterState state)
            var membership = gameData.GetClanMembership(character.Id);

            if (membership == null)

            var clan = gameData.GetClan(membership.ClanId);

            if (clan == null)

            UpdateClanExperience(gameData, session, clan);
            UpdateClanSkillsExperience(gameData, session, character, state, clan);
Exemple #23
        private static ClanSkill GetTrainingSkill(IGameData gameData, CharacterState state, List <ClanSkill> clanSkills)
            ClanSkill trainingSkill = null;

            foreach (var cs in clanSkills)
                var skill   = gameData.GetSkill(cs.SkillId);
                var task    = state.Task;
                var taskArg = state.TaskArgument;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(task))

                if (task.Equals(skill.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskArg) && taskArg.Equals(skill.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    trainingSkill = cs;

 public void Execute(string sessionID, string messageID, IGameData gameData)
     SessionID      = sessionID;
     ExecuteCalled  = true;
     MessageID      = messageID;
     GameDataToSave = gameData;
Exemple #25
 public Map(IGameData gameData)
     this.gameData = gameData;
       Regions = new ObservableCollection<Region>(gameData.GetRegions());
       adjacency = gameData.GetRegionAdjacencies();
       //BackgroundDimensions = gameData.GetBackgroundDimensions();
 public UserPlayerDeleteHandler(
     IGameData gameData,
     IWorldProcessor worldProcessor)
     this.gameData       = gameData;
     this.worldProcessor = worldProcessor;
Exemple #27
        public void Execute(object parameter)
            PuzzleEditScreen screen = (PuzzleEditScreen)parameter;

            var  facade = new PiCrossFacade();
            bool am     = false;

            foreach (IPuzzleEditorSquare square in screen.Editor.Grid.Items)
                if (square.Ambiguity.Value == Ambiguity.Ambiguous)
                    am = true;
            if (!am)
                IGameData           gameData = facade.LoadGameData("../../../../python/picross.zip", true);
                Puzzle              puzzle   = screen.Editor.BuildPuzzle();
                IPuzzleLibraryEntry entry    = gameData.PuzzleLibrary.Create(puzzle, "Jonas");
                screen.navigator.selectionScreen.cell.Value.Add(new PuzzleViewModel(entry));
                screen.SwitchTo(new MenuScreen(screen.navigator));
Exemple #28
 public ReplayAnalyzer(ILogger <ReplayAnalyzer> logger, Settings settings, IEnumerable <IFocusCalculator> calculators, IGameData gameData)
     this.calculators = calculators;
     this.gameData    = gameData;
     this.logger      = logger;
     this.settings    = settings;
        public static T[] LoadGameData <T>(string path, bool isForceUpdate = false) where T : IGameData
            if (m_gameData.ContainsKey(typeof(T)))
                if (!isForceUpdate)
                    return(GetAllGameData <T>());

                T[] _data = JsonReader.Deserialize <T[]>(GetJsonString(path));
                m_gameData[typeof(T)] = new IGameData[_data.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < _data.Length; i++)
                    m_gameData[typeof(T)][i] = _data[i];

                return(GetAllGameData <T>());
                T[]         _data     = JsonReader.Deserialize <T[]>(GetJsonString(path));
                IGameData[] _gameData = new IGameData[_data.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < _data.Length; i++)
                    _gameData[i] = _data[i];
                m_gameData.Add(typeof(T), _gameData);

                return(GetAllGameData <T>());
 public MultiplayerGameMoveHandler(Connection connection, User user, IGameHubContext gameHubContext, IGameData gameData)
     _connection     = connection;
     _user           = user;
     _gameHubContext = gameHubContext;
     _gameData       = gameData;
Exemple #31
        public MenuViewModel(Action <Puzzle> puzzleScreenSwitcher)
            var       facade   = new PiCrossFacade();
            IGameData gameData = facade.CreateDummyGameData();

            this.Choices = gameData.PuzzleLibrary.Entries.Select((IPuzzleLibraryEntry s) => new ChoiceViewModel(s.Puzzle, puzzleScreenSwitcher));
Exemple #32
 public Engine(IHacherGroupFactory hacherGroupFactory, IWarEffectFactory warEffect,
     IReader reader, IWriter writer,
     IGameData gameData)
     this.hacherGroupFactory = hacherGroupFactory;
     this.warEffectFactory = warEffect;
     this.reader = reader;
     this.writer = writer;
     this.gameData = gameData;
 public Engine(
     IInputHandler reader,
     IOutputRenderer writer, 
     IGameData gameData, 
     ICommandManager commandManager)
     this.Reader = reader;
     this.Writer = writer;
     this.GameData = gameData;
     this.CommandManager = commandManager;
 public GameEngine(
     IInputReader reader,
     IOutputWriter writer,
     IGameData data,
     IBlobFactory blobFactory)
     this.reader = reader;
     this.writer = writer;
     this.data = data;
     this.blobFactory = blobFactory;
        public GameWindow(LoginData loginData, string placement, GameMode gameMode, OnlineGame gameData = null)
            this._placement = placement;
            this.gameMode = gameMode;
            this.loginData = loginData;
            if (gameMode == GameMode.Online)
                this.gameData = gameData;

                this.LabelFirstPlayer.Content = gameData.FirstPlayerName;
                this.LabelSecondPlayer.Content = gameData.SecondPlayerName;
                this.LabelGameState.Content = gameData.GameState;
                this.LabelGameName.Content = gameData.Name;

            else if (gameMode == GameMode.Multiplayer)
                this.LabelFirstPlayer.Content = this.loginData.UserName;
                this.LabelGameName.Content = "Multiplayer";
                this.LabelSecondPlayer.Content = "Other guy";
                this.gameData = new MultiPlayerGame()
                    FirstPlayerName = this.loginData.UserName,
                    SecondPlayerName = "Other guy",
                    EnumGameState = GameState.FirstPlayer,
                    Field = new String('0', 9),
                    Name = "Multiplayer"
            else if (gameMode == GameMode.Singleplayer)
                this.LabelFirstPlayer.Content = this.loginData.UserName;
                this.LabelGameName.Content = "Singleplayer";
                this.LabelSecondPlayer.Content = "Bot";
                this.gameData = new SinglePlayerGame()
                    FirstPlayerName = this.loginData.UserName,
                    EnumGameState = GameState.FirstPlayer,
                    Field = new String('0', 9),
                    Name = "Singleplayer"
Exemple #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class.
 /// </summary>
 public MainViewModel(IGameData gameData)
     Map = new Map(gameData);
Exemple #37
 public DrawableComponent(IGameData game)
     : base(game)
     _contentManager = game.ContentManager;
Exemple #38
 public UpdatableComponent(IGameData game)
     this._game = game;
 public ClosedQuestionsController(IGameData context)
     this.data = context;
Exemple #40
 public SceneModel(IGameData game)
     : base(game)
Exemple #41
 public Bloom(IGameData game)
     : base(game)
 public BaseApiController(IGameData data)
     this.data = data;
 public PlayersController(IGameData data)
     this.data = data;
        private async void RefreshGameInfo()
            var bearer = "Bearer " + loginData.Access_Token;
            HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient();
            _httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", bearer);
            var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(Endpoint.GameById + gameData.Id);
            this.gameData = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<OnlineGame>();

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                this.LabelGameName.Content = gameData.Name;
                this.LabelGameState.Content = gameData.GameState;
                this.LabelFirstPlayer.Content = gameData.FirstPlayerName;
                this.LabelSecondPlayer.Content = gameData.SecondPlayerName;
                this.Button0.Content = gameData.Field[0] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[0];
                this.Button1.Content = gameData.Field[1] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[1];
                this.Button2.Content = gameData.Field[2] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[2];
                this.Button3.Content = gameData.Field[3] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[3];
                this.Button4.Content = gameData.Field[4] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[4];
                this.Button5.Content = gameData.Field[5] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[5];
                this.Button6.Content = gameData.Field[6] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[6];
                this.Button7.Content = gameData.Field[7] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[7];
                this.Button8.Content = gameData.Field[8] == '0' ? ' ' : gameData.Field[8];
                MessageBox.Show(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="GameDataEventArgs"/> instance
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gameData"></param>
 public GameDataEventArgs(IGameData gameData)
     this.GameData = gameData;
 public OpenQuestionsController(IGameData context)
     this.data = context;
 public GamesController(IGameData data)
     : base(data)