IGMatrix WithNoScale(IGMatrix mat)
            var mat3 = mat.ExtractMatrix3();

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Export the bones and their animation for the given skin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skin">The skin to export</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BabylonBone[] ExportBones(IIGameSkin skin)
            List <BabylonBone> bones         = new List <BabylonBone>();
            List <int>         nodeIndices   = GetNodeIndices(skin);
            List <IIGameNode>  revelantNodes = GetSkinnedBones(skin);

            foreach (IIGameNode node in revelantNodes)
                int parentIndex = (node.NodeParent == null) ? -1 : nodeIndices.IndexOf(node.NodeParent.NodeID);

                string boneId = node.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
                // create the bone
                BabylonBone bone = new BabylonBone()
                    id              = (isGltfExported)?boneId:boneId + "-bone",// the suffix "-bone" is added in babylon export format to assure the uniqueness of IDs
                    parentNodeId    = (parentIndex != -1)?node.NodeParent.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString():null,
                    name            = node.Name,
                    index           = nodeIndices.IndexOf(node.NodeID),
                    parentBoneIndex = parentIndex,
                    matrix          = (parentIndex == -1)?node.GetWorldTM(0).ToArray():node.GetLocalTM(0).ToArray()

                // Apply unit conversion factor to meter
                // Affect translation only
                bone.matrix[12] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
                bone.matrix[13] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
                bone.matrix[14] *= scaleFactorToMeters;

                if (exportParameters.exportAnimations)
                    // export its animation
                    var babylonAnimation = ExportMatrixAnimation("_matrix", key =>
                        IGMatrix mat = node.GetLocalTM(key);

                        float[] matrix = mat.ToArray();

                        // Apply unit conversion factor to meter
                        // Affect translation only
                        matrix[12] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
                        matrix[13] *= scaleFactorToMeters;
                        matrix[14] *= scaleFactorToMeters;

                                                                 false); // Do not remove linear animation keys for bones

                    if (babylonAnimation != null)
                        babylonAnimation.name = node.Name + "Animation"; // override default animation name
                        bone.animation        = babylonAnimation;


        public static CurveHandle GetCurve(IINode _node, int[] _frames, int _f, int _samplingRate)
            CurveHandle result           = new CurveHandle(Vector2.Zero, Vector2.Zero);
            IIGameNode  _GNode           = maxGlobal.IGameInterface.GetIGameNode(_node);
            int         _ticks_per_frame = maxGlobal.TicksPerFrame;
            float       delta            = 0.0f;

            if (_f > 0)
                List <Vector3> _samples     = new List <Vector3>();
                int            nb_of_frames = _frames[_f] - _frames[_f - 1];
                for (int i = _frames[_f - 1]; i <= _frames[_f]; i += _samplingRate)
                    float          proportion     = 1.0f - ((_frames[_f] - i) / (float)(nb_of_frames));
                    IGMatrix       _node_LGmatrix = _GNode.GetLocalTM(i * _ticks_per_frame);
                    DualQuaternion _node_LDQ      = _node_LGmatrix.convertToDQ(Transformation.Rotation);
                    _samples.Add(new Vector3(proportion, Math.Abs(_node_LDQ.RollPitchYaw.X) + Math.Abs(_node_LDQ.RollPitchYaw.Y) + Math.Abs(_node_LDQ.RollPitchYaw.Z), 0));
                List <BezierCurveFitting.BezierPoint> points = BezierCurveFitting.FitCurves.FitCurveBy(BezierCurveFitting.Method.Length, _samples.ToArray(), 0.01f, 2);
                delta = points[1].point.Y - points[0].point.Y;
                float val = points[1].foreHandle.Value.X;
                if (delta != 0)
                    val = (points[1].point.Y - points[1].foreHandle.Value.Y) / delta;

                result.easeIn = new Vector2(points[1].foreHandle.Value.X, val);
            else if (_f == 0)
                result.easeIn = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
            if (_f < _frames.Length - 1)
                List <Vector3> _samples     = new List <Vector3>();
                int            nb_of_frames = _frames[_f + 1] - _frames[_f];
                for (int i = _frames[_f]; i <= _frames[_f + 1]; i += _samplingRate)
                    float          proportion     = 1.0f - ((_frames[_f + 1] - i) / (float)(nb_of_frames));
                    IGMatrix       _node_LGmatrix = _GNode.GetLocalTM(i * _ticks_per_frame);
                    DualQuaternion _node_LDQ      = _node_LGmatrix.convertToDQ(Transformation.Rotation);
                    _samples.Add(new Vector3(proportion, Math.Abs(_node_LDQ.RollPitchYaw.X) + Math.Abs(_node_LDQ.RollPitchYaw.Y) + Math.Abs(_node_LDQ.RollPitchYaw.Z), 0));
                List <BezierCurveFitting.BezierPoint> points = BezierCurveFitting.FitCurves.FitCurveBy(BezierCurveFitting.Method.Length, _samples.ToArray(), 0.01f, 2);
                delta = points[1].point.Y - points[0].point.Y;
                float val = points[0].afterHandle.Value.X;
                if (delta != 0)
                    val = (points[1].point.Y - points[0].afterHandle.Value.Y) / delta;
                result.easeOut = new Vector2(points[0].afterHandle.Value.X, val);
            else if (_f == _frames.Length - 1)
                result.easeOut = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
        public static DualQuaternion convertToDQ(this IGMatrix _input)
            Matrix     _matrix = new Matrix(_input.GetRow(0).X, _input.GetRow(0).Y, _input.GetRow(0).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(1).X, _input.GetRow(1).Y, _input.GetRow(1).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(2).X, _input.GetRow(2).Y, _input.GetRow(2).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(3).X, _input.GetRow(3).Y, _input.GetRow(3).Z, 1);
            Quaternion _node_LQ;
            Vector3    _node_LS;
            Vector3    _node_LT;

            _matrix.Decompose(out _node_LS, out _node_LQ, out _node_LT);
            DualQuaternion _output = new DualQuaternion(_node_LQ, _node_LT);

        public ROD_ExportG()
            maxGlobal    = Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface.Instance;
            maxInterface = maxGlobal.COREInterface14;
            IPoint3 U = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            IPoint3 V = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
            IPoint3 N = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
            IPoint3 T = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

            _leftHanded  = maxGlobal.Matrix3.Create(U, V, N, T);
            _GleftHanded = maxGlobal.GMatrix.Create(_leftHanded);
        public static DualQuaternion GetBoneWorldDQ(IINode _node, int _frame)
            IInterval interval = maxGlobal.Interval.Create();

            IIGameNode     GNode            = maxGlobal.IGameInterface.GetIGameNode(_node);
            int            _ticks_per_frame = maxGlobal.TicksPerFrame;
            IGMatrix       _node_Gmatrix    = GNode.GetWorldTM(_frame * _ticks_per_frame);
            DualQuaternion DQ = _node_Gmatrix.convertToDQ();

Exemple #7
 public static float[] ToArray(this IGMatrix gmat)
     //float eulX =0,  eulY=0,  eulZ=0;
     //    gmat.Rotation.GetEuler( new IntPtr(&eulX), new IntPtr(&eulY), new IntPtr(&eulZ));
     //return (Matrix.Scaling(gmat.Scaling.X, gmat.Scaling.Y, gmat.Scaling.Z) * Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(eulY, eulX, eulZ) * Matrix.Translation(gmat.Translation.X, gmat.Translation.Y, gmat.Translation.Z)).ToArray();
     var r0 = gmat.GetRow(0);
     var r1 = gmat.GetRow(1);
     var r2 = gmat.GetRow(2);
     var r3 = gmat.GetRow(3);
     return new float[] {r0.X, r0.Y, r0.Z, r0.W,
     r1.X, r1.Y,r1.Z, r1.W,
     r2.X, r2.Y,r2.Z, r2.W,
     r3.X, r3.Y,r3.Z, r3.W,};
        public static DualQuaternion GetBoneLocalDQ(IINode _node, int[] _frames, int _f)
            IINode     _parent_node     = _node.ParentNode;
            IIGameNode _GNode           = maxGlobal.IGameInterface.GetIGameNode(_node);
            IIGameNode _parentGNode     = maxGlobal.IGameInterface.GetIGameNode(_parent_node);
            int        _ticks_per_frame = maxGlobal.TicksPerFrame;

            // node Local Transform
            IGMatrix       _node_LGmatrix = _GNode.GetLocalTM(_frames[_f] * _ticks_per_frame);
            DualQuaternion _node_LDQ      = _node_LGmatrix.convertToDQ(Transformation.Rotation);

            IGMatrix       _node_BLGmatrix = _GNode.GetLocalTM(0);
            DualQuaternion _node_BLDQ      = _node_BLGmatrix.convertToDQ(Transformation.Rotation);

            DualQuaternion _node_LTDQL = _node_LDQ * DualQuaternion.Conjugate(_node_BLDQ);

        public static DualQuaternion convertToDQ(this IGMatrix _input, Transformation _transformation)
            Matrix     _matrix = new Matrix(_input.GetRow(0).X, _input.GetRow(0).Y, _input.GetRow(0).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(1).X, _input.GetRow(1).Y, _input.GetRow(1).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(2).X, _input.GetRow(2).Y, _input.GetRow(2).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(3).X, _input.GetRow(3).Y, _input.GetRow(3).Z, 1);
            Quaternion _node_LQ;
            Vector3    _node_LS;
            Vector3    _node_LT;

            _matrix.Decompose(out _node_LS, out _node_LQ, out _node_LT);
            DualQuaternion _output = DualQuaternion.Identity;

            if (_transformation == Transformation.All)
                _output = new DualQuaternion(_node_LQ, _node_LT);
            if (_transformation == Transformation.Rotation)
                _output = new DualQuaternion(_node_LQ, Vector3.Zero);
            if (_transformation == Transformation.Translation)
                _output = new DualQuaternion(Quaternion.Identity, _node_LT);
Exemple #10
        private BabylonNode ExportMesh(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode meshNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (IsMeshExportable(meshNode) == false)

            RaiseMessage(meshNode.Name, 1);

            // Instances
            var tabs = Loader.Global.NodeTab.Create();

            Loader.Global.IInstanceMgr.InstanceMgr.GetInstances(meshNode.MaxNode, tabs);
            if (tabs.Count > 1)
                // For a mesh with instances, we distinguish between master and instance meshes:
                //      - a master mesh stores all the info of the mesh (transform, hierarchy, animations + vertices, indices, materials, bones...)
                //      - an instance mesh only stores the info of the node (transform, hierarchy, animations)

                // Check if this mesh has already been exported
                BabylonMesh babylonMasterMesh = null;
                var         index             = 0;
                while (babylonMasterMesh == null &&
                       index < tabs.Count)
#if MAX2017
                    var indexer = index;
                    var indexer = new IntPtr(index);
                    var tab = tabs[indexer];

                    babylonMasterMesh = babylonScene.MeshesList.Find(_babylonMesh => {
                        // Same id
                        return(_babylonMesh.id == tab.GetGuid().ToString() &&
                               // Mesh is not a dummy
                               _babylonMesh.isDummy == false);


                if (babylonMasterMesh != null)
                    // Mesh already exported
                    // Export this node as instance


                    var babylonInstanceMesh = new BabylonAbstractMesh {
                        name = meshNode.Name, id = meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString()

                    // Add instance to master mesh
                    List <BabylonAbstractMesh> list = babylonMasterMesh.instances != null?babylonMasterMesh.instances.ToList() : new List <BabylonAbstractMesh>();

                    babylonMasterMesh.instances = list.ToArray();

                    // Export transform / hierarchy / animations
                    exportNode(babylonInstanceMesh, meshNode, scene, babylonScene);

                    // Animations
                    exportAnimation(babylonInstanceMesh, meshNode);


            var  gameMesh    = meshNode.IGameObject.AsGameMesh();
            bool initialized = gameMesh.InitializeData; // needed, the property is in fact a method initializing the exporter that has wrongly been auto
                                                        // translated into a property because it has no parameters

            var babylonMesh = new BabylonMesh {
                name = meshNode.Name, id = meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString()

            // Position / rotation / scaling / hierarchy
            exportNode(babylonMesh, meshNode, scene, babylonScene);

            // Sounds
            var soundName = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_filename", "");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundName))
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(soundName);

                var meshSound = new BabylonSound
                    name            = filename,
                    autoplay        = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_autoplay", 1),
                    loop            = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_loop", 1),
                    volume          = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_volume", 1.0f),
                    playbackRate    = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_playbackrate", 1.0f),
                    connectedMeshId = babylonMesh.id,
                    isDirectional   = false,
                    spatialSound    = false,
                    distanceModel   = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_distancemodel", "linear"),
                    maxDistance     = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_maxdistance", 100f),
                    rolloffFactor   = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_rolloff", 1.0f),
                    refDistance     = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_refdistance", 1.0f),

                var isDirectional = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_directional");

                if (isDirectional)
                    meshSound.isDirectional  = true;
                    meshSound.coneInnerAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneinnerangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneouterangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterGain  = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneoutergain", 1.0f);


                if (isBabylonExported)
                        File.Copy(soundName, Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, filename), true);

            // Misc.
#if MAX2017
            babylonMesh.isVisible      = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable;
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows;
            babylonMesh.applyFog       = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics;
            babylonMesh.isVisible      = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable == 1;
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows == 1;
            babylonMesh.applyFog       = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics == 1;
            babylonMesh.pickable                 = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkpickable");
            babylonMesh.showBoundingBox          = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showsubmeshesboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.alphaIndex               = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_alphaindex", 1000);

            // Actions
            babylonMesh.actions = ExportNodeAction(meshNode);

            // Collisions
            babylonMesh.checkCollisions = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");

            var        isSkinned          = gameMesh.IsObjectSkinned;
            var        skin               = gameMesh.IGameSkin;
            var        unskinnedMesh      = gameMesh;
            IGMatrix   skinInitPoseMatrix = Loader.Global.GMatrix.Create(Loader.Global.Matrix3.Create(true));
            List <int> boneIds            = null;
            int        maxNbBones         = 0;
            if (isSkinned)
                bonesCount = skin.TotalSkinBoneCount;
                var skinAlreadyStored = skins.Find(_skin => IsSkinEqualTo(_skin, skin));
                if (skinAlreadyStored == null)
                    skin = skinAlreadyStored;

                babylonMesh.skeletonId = skins.IndexOf(skin);
                boneIds = SortBones(skin);
                skinSortedBones[skin] = boneIds;

            // Mesh

            if (unskinnedMesh.IGameType == Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Mesh && unskinnedMesh.MaxMesh != null)
                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces < 1)
                    RaiseError($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has no face", 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts < 3)
                    RaiseError($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has not enough vertices", 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has tmore than 65536 vertices which means that it will require specific WebGL extension to be rendered. This may impact portability of your scene on low end devices.", 2);

                if (skin != null)
                    for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts; vertexIndex++)
                        maxNbBones = Math.Max(maxNbBones, skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex));

                // Physics
                var impostorText = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_impostor", "None");

                if (impostorText != "None")
                    switch (impostorText)
                    case "Sphere":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 1;

                    case "Box":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 2;

                    case "Plane":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 3;

                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 0;

                    babylonMesh.physicsMass        = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_mass");
                    babylonMesh.physicsFriction    = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_friction", 0.2f);
                    babylonMesh.physicsRestitution = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_restitution", 0.2f);

                // Material
                var mtl            = meshNode.NodeMaterial;
                var multiMatsCount = 1;

                if (mtl != null)
                    babylonMesh.materialId = mtl.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString();

                    if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(mtl))

                    multiMatsCount = Math.Max(mtl.SubMaterialCount, 1);

                babylonMesh.visibility = meshNode.MaxNode.GetVisibility(0, Tools.Forever);

                var  vertices        = new List <GlobalVertex>();
                var  indices         = new List <int>();
                var  mappingChannels = unskinnedMesh.ActiveMapChannelNum;
                bool hasUV           = false;
                bool hasUV2          = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < mappingChannels.Count; ++i)
#if MAX2017
                    var indexer = i;
                    var indexer = new IntPtr(i);
                    var channelNum = mappingChannels[indexer];
                    if (channelNum == 1)
                        hasUV = true;
                    else if (channelNum == 2)
                        hasUV2 = true;
                var hasColor = unskinnedMesh.NumberOfColorVerts > 0;
                var hasAlpha = unskinnedMesh.GetNumberOfMapVerts(-2) > 0;

                var optimizeVertices = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_optimizevertices");

                // Compute normals
                var subMeshes = new List <BabylonSubMesh>();
                ExtractGeometry(vertices, indices, subMeshes, boneIds, skin, unskinnedMesh, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, optimizeVertices, multiMatsCount, meshNode);

                if (vertices.Count >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has {vertices.Count} vertices. This may prevent your scene to work on low end devices where 32 bits indice are not supported", 2);

                    if (!optimizeVertices)
                        RaiseError("You can try to optimize your object using [Try to optimize vertices] option", 2);

                RaiseMessage($"{vertices.Count} vertices, {indices.Count/3} faces", 2);

                // Buffers
                babylonMesh.positions = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, v.Position.Z }).ToArray();
                babylonMesh.normals   = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Normal.X, v.Normal.Y, v.Normal.Z }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV)
                    babylonMesh.uvs = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV.X, 1 - v.UV.Y }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV2)
                    babylonMesh.uvs2 = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV2.X, 1 - v.UV2.Y }).ToArray();

                if (skin != null)
                    babylonMesh.matricesWeights = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Weights.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.matricesIndices = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndices).ToArray();

                    babylonMesh.numBoneInfluencers = maxNbBones;
                    if (maxNbBones > 4)
                        babylonMesh.matricesWeightsExtra = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.WeightsExtra != null ? v.WeightsExtra.ToArray() : new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }).ToArray();
                        babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndicesExtra).ToArray();

                if (hasColor)
                    babylonMesh.colors         = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Color.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.hasVertexAlpha = hasAlpha;

                babylonMesh.subMeshes = subMeshes.ToArray();

                // Buffers - Indices
                babylonMesh.indices = indices.ToArray();

                // ------------------------
                // ---- Morph targets -----
                // ------------------------

                // Retreive modifiers with morpher flag
                List <IIGameModifier> modifiers = new List <IIGameModifier>();
                for (int i = 0; i < meshNode.IGameObject.NumModifiers; i++)
                    var modifier = meshNode.IGameObject.GetIGameModifier(i);
                    if (modifier.ModifierType == Autodesk.Max.IGameModifier.ModType.Morpher)

                // Cast modifiers to morphers
                List <IIGameMorpher> morphers = modifiers.ConvertAll(new Converter <IIGameModifier, IIGameMorpher>(modifier => modifier.AsGameMorpher()));

                var hasMorphTarget = false;
                morphers.ForEach(morpher =>
                    if (morpher.NumberOfMorphTargets > 0)
                        hasMorphTarget = true;

                if (hasMorphTarget)
                    RaiseMessage("Export morph targets", 2);

                    // Morph Target Manager
                    var babylonMorphTargetManager = new BabylonMorphTargetManager();
                    babylonMesh.morphTargetManagerId = babylonMorphTargetManager.id;

                    // Morph Targets
                    var babylonMorphTargets = new List <BabylonMorphTarget>();
                    // All morphers are considered identical
                    // Their targets are concatenated
                    morphers.ForEach(morpher =>
                        for (int i = 0; i < morpher.NumberOfMorphTargets; i++)
                            // Morph target
                            var maxMorphTarget = morpher.GetMorphTarget(i);

                            // Ensure target still exists (green color legend)
                            if (maxMorphTarget != null)
                                var babylonMorphTarget = new BabylonMorphTarget
                                    name = maxMorphTarget.Name

                                // TODO - Influence
                                babylonMorphTarget.influence = 0f;

                                // Target geometry
                                var targetVertices           = ExtractVertices(maxMorphTarget, optimizeVertices);
                                babylonMorphTarget.positions = targetVertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, v.Position.Z }).ToArray();
                                babylonMorphTarget.normals   = targetVertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Normal.X, v.Normal.Y, v.Normal.Z }).ToArray();

                                // Animations
                                var animations  = new List <BabylonAnimation>();
                                var morphWeight = morpher.GetMorphWeight(i);
                                ExportFloatGameController(morphWeight, "influence", animations);
                                if (animations.Count > 0)
                                    babylonMorphTarget.animations = animations.ToArray();

                    babylonMorphTargetManager.targets = babylonMorphTargets.ToArray();

            // Animations
            // Done last to avoid '0 vertex found' error (unkown cause)
            exportAnimation(babylonMesh, meshNode);


Exemple #11
        private void ExportMesh(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode meshNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            if (meshNode.MaxNode.IsInstance())

            if (meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_noexport"))

            if (!ExportHiddenObjects && meshNode.MaxNode.IsHidden(NodeHideFlags.None, false))

            var  gameMesh    = meshNode.IGameObject.AsGameMesh();
            bool initialized = gameMesh.InitializeData; //needed, the property is in fact a method initializing the exporter that has wrongly been auto
            // translated into a property because it has no parameters

            var babylonMesh = new BabylonMesh {
                name = meshNode.Name, id = meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString()

            if (meshNode.NodeParent != null)
                babylonMesh.parentId = GetParentID(meshNode.NodeParent, babylonScene, scene);

            // Sounds
            var soundName = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_filename", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundName))
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(soundName);

                var meshSound = new BabylonSound
                    name            = filename,
                    autoplay        = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_autoplay", 1),
                    loop            = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_loop", 1),
                    volume          = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_volume", 1.0f),
                    playbackRate    = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_playbackrate", 1.0f),
                    connectedMeshId = babylonMesh.id,
                    isDirectional   = false,
                    spatialSound    = false,
                    distanceModel   = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_distancemodel", "linear"),
                    maxDistance     = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_maxdistance", 100f),
                    rolloffFactor   = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_rolloff", 1.0f),
                    refDistance     = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_refdistance", 1.0f),

                var isDirectional = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_directional");

                if (isDirectional)
                    meshSound.isDirectional  = true;
                    meshSound.coneInnerAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneinnerangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneouterangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterGain  = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneoutergain", 1.0f);


                    File.Copy(soundName, Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, filename), true);

            // Misc.
#if MAX2017
            babylonMesh.isVisible      = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable;
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows;
            babylonMesh.applyFog       = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics;
            babylonMesh.isVisible      = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable == 1;
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows == 1;
            babylonMesh.applyFog       = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics == 1;
            babylonMesh.pickable                 = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkpickable");
            babylonMesh.showBoundingBox          = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showsubmeshesboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.alphaIndex               = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_alphaindex", 1000);

            // Actions
            babylonMesh.actions = ExportNodeAction(meshNode);

            // Collisions
            babylonMesh.checkCollisions = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");

            var        isSkinned          = gameMesh.IsObjectSkinned;
            var        skin               = gameMesh.IGameSkin;
            var        unskinnedMesh      = gameMesh;
            IGMatrix   skinInitPoseMatrix = Loader.Global.GMatrix.Create(Loader.Global.Matrix3.Create(true));
            List <int> boneIds            = null;
            int        maxNbBones         = 0;
            if (isSkinned)
                bonesCount = skin.TotalSkinBoneCount;

                babylonMesh.skeletonId = skins.IndexOf(skin);
                boneIds = SortBones(skin);
                skinSortedBones[skin] = boneIds;

            // Position / rotation / scaling
            var localTM = meshNode.GetObjectTM(0);
            if (meshNode.NodeParent != null)
                var parentWorld = meshNode.NodeParent.GetObjectTM(0);

            var meshTrans         = localTM.Translation;
            var meshRotation      = localTM.Rotation;
            var meshScale         = localTM.Scaling;
            var exportQuaternions = Loader.Core.RootNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_exportquaternions");

            babylonMesh.position = new[] { meshTrans.X, meshTrans.Y, meshTrans.Z };

            if (exportQuaternions)
                babylonMesh.rotationQuaternion = new[] { meshRotation.X, meshRotation.Y, meshRotation.Z, -meshRotation.W };
                RotationToEulerAngles(babylonMesh, meshRotation);

            babylonMesh.scaling = new[] { meshScale.X, meshScale.Y, meshScale.Z };

            // Mesh
            RaiseMessage(meshNode.Name, 1);

            if (unskinnedMesh.IGameType == Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Mesh && unskinnedMesh.MaxMesh != null)
                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces < 1)
                    RaiseError($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has no face", 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts < 3)
                    RaiseError($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has not enough vertices", 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has tmore than 65536 vertices which means that it will require specific WebGL extension to be rendered. This may impact portability of your scene on low end devices.", 2);

                if (skin != null)
                    for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts; vertexIndex++)
                        maxNbBones = Math.Max(maxNbBones, skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex));

                // Physics
                var impostorText = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_impostor", "None");

                if (impostorText != "None")
                    switch (impostorText)
                    case "Sphere":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 1;

                    case "Box":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 2;

                    case "Plane":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 3;

                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 0;

                    babylonMesh.physicsMass        = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_mass");
                    babylonMesh.physicsFriction    = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_friction", 0.2f);
                    babylonMesh.physicsRestitution = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_restitution", 0.2f);

                // Material
                var mtl            = meshNode.NodeMaterial;
                var multiMatsCount = 1;

                if (mtl != null)
                    babylonMesh.materialId = mtl.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString();

                    if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(mtl))

                    multiMatsCount = Math.Max(mtl.SubMaterialCount, 1);

                babylonMesh.visibility = meshNode.MaxNode.GetVisibility(0, Tools.Forever);

                var  vertices        = new List <GlobalVertex>();
                var  indices         = new List <int>();
                var  mappingChannels = unskinnedMesh.ActiveMapChannelNum;
                bool hasUV           = false;
                bool hasUV2          = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < mappingChannels.Count; ++i)
#if MAX2017
                    var indexer = i;
                    var indexer = new IntPtr(i);
                    var channelNum = mappingChannels[indexer];
                    if (channelNum == 1)
                        hasUV = true;
                    else if (channelNum == 2)
                        hasUV2 = true;
                var hasColor = unskinnedMesh.NumberOfColorVerts > 0;
                var hasAlpha = unskinnedMesh.GetNumberOfMapVerts(-2) > 0;

                var optimizeVertices = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_optimizevertices");

                // Compute normals
                List <GlobalVertex>[] verticesAlreadyExported = null;

                if (optimizeVertices)
                    verticesAlreadyExported = new List <GlobalVertex> [unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts];

                var subMeshes  = new List <BabylonSubMesh>();
                var indexStart = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < multiMatsCount; ++i)
                    int materialId     = meshNode.NodeMaterial?.GetMaterialID(i) ?? 0;
                    var indexCount     = 0;
                    var minVertexIndex = int.MaxValue;
                    var maxVertexIndex = int.MinValue;
                    var subMesh        = new BabylonSubMesh {
                        indexStart = indexStart, materialIndex = i

                    if (multiMatsCount == 1)
                        for (int j = 0; j < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces; ++j)
                            var face = unskinnedMesh.GetFace(j);
                            ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);
                        ITab <IFaceEx> materialFaces = unskinnedMesh.GetFacesFromMatID(materialId);
                        for (int j = 0; j < materialFaces.Count; ++j)
#if MAX2017
                            var faceIndexer = j;
                            var faceIndexer = new IntPtr(j);
                            var face = materialFaces[faceIndexer];

#if !MAX2017
                            ExtractFace(skin, unskinnedMesh, vertices, indices, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, verticesAlreadyExported, ref indexCount, ref minVertexIndex, ref maxVertexIndex, face, boneIds);

                    if (indexCount != 0)
                        subMesh.indexCount    = indexCount;
                        subMesh.verticesStart = minVertexIndex;
                        subMesh.verticesCount = maxVertexIndex - minVertexIndex + 1;

                        indexStart += indexCount;


                if (vertices.Count >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has {vertices.Count} vertices. This may prevent your scene to work on low end devices where 32 bits indice are not supported", 2);

                    if (!optimizeVertices)
                        RaiseError("You can try to optimize your object using [Try to optimize vertices] option", 2);

                RaiseMessage($"{vertices.Count} vertices, {indices.Count/3} faces", 2);

                // Buffers
                babylonMesh.positions = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, v.Position.Z }).ToArray();
                babylonMesh.normals   = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Normal.X, v.Normal.Y, v.Normal.Z }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV)
                    babylonMesh.uvs = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV.X, 1 - v.UV.Y }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV2)
                    babylonMesh.uvs2 = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV2.X, 1 - v.UV2.Y }).ToArray();

                if (skin != null)
                    babylonMesh.matricesWeights = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Weights.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.matricesIndices = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndices).ToArray();

                    babylonMesh.numBoneInfluencers = maxNbBones;
                    if (maxNbBones > 4)
                        babylonMesh.matricesWeightsExtra = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.WeightsExtra != null ? v.WeightsExtra.ToArray() : new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }).ToArray();
                        babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndicesExtra).ToArray();

                if (hasColor)
                    babylonMesh.colors         = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Color.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.hasVertexAlpha = hasAlpha;

                babylonMesh.subMeshes = subMeshes.ToArray();

                // Buffers - Indices
                babylonMesh.indices = indices.ToArray();

            // Instances
            var tabs = Loader.Global.NodeTab.Create();

            Loader.Global.IInstanceMgr.InstanceMgr.GetInstances(meshNode.MaxNode, tabs);
            var instances = new List <BabylonAbstractMesh>();

            for (var index = 0; index < tabs.Count; index++)
#if MAX2017
                var indexer = index;
                var indexer = new IntPtr(index);
                var tab = tabs[indexer];

#if !MAX2017

                if (meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid() == tab.GetGuid())
                var instanceGameNode = scene.GetIGameNode(tab);
                if (instanceGameNode == null)

                var instance = new BabylonAbstractMesh {
                    name = tab.Name
                    var instanceLocalTM = instanceGameNode.GetObjectTM(0);

                    var instanceTrans    = instanceLocalTM.Translation;
                    var instanceRotation = instanceLocalTM.Rotation;
                    var instanceScale    = instanceLocalTM.Scaling;

                    instance.position = new[] { instanceTrans.X, instanceTrans.Y, instanceTrans.Z };

                    if (exportQuaternions)
                        instance.rotationQuaternion = new[] { instanceRotation.X, instanceRotation.Y, instanceRotation.Z, -instanceRotation.W };
                        RotationToEulerAngles(instance, instanceRotation);

                    instance.scaling = new[] { instanceScale.X, instanceScale.Y, instanceScale.Z };
                var instanceAnimations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();
                GenerateCoordinatesAnimations(meshNode, instanceAnimations);
                instance.animations = instanceAnimations.ToArray();


            babylonMesh.instances = instances.ToArray();

            // Animations
            var animations = new List <BabylonAnimation>();

            GenerateCoordinatesAnimations(meshNode, animations);

            if (!ExportFloatController(meshNode.MaxNode.VisController, "visibility", animations))
                ExportFloatAnimation("visibility", animations, key => new[] { meshNode.MaxNode.GetVisibility(key, Tools.Forever) });

            babylonMesh.animations = animations.ToArray();

            if (meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate", 1))
                babylonMesh.autoAnimate     = true;
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateFrom = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_from");
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateTo   = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_autoanimate_to", 100);
                babylonMesh.autoAnimateLoop = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_autoanimateloop", 1);

Exemple #12
        public static Matrix convertTo(this IGMatrix _input)
            Matrix _output = new Matrix(_input.GetRow(0).X, _input.GetRow(0).Y, _input.GetRow(0).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(1).X, _input.GetRow(1).Y, _input.GetRow(1).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(2).X, _input.GetRow(2).Y, _input.GetRow(2).Z, 0, _input.GetRow(3).X, _input.GetRow(3).Y, _input.GetRow(3).Z, 1);

 IGMatrix WithNoScale(IGMatrix mat)
     var mat3 = mat.ExtractMatrix3();
     return Loader.Global.GMatrix.Create(mat3);
Exemple #14
        private BabylonNode ExportMasterMesh(IIGameScene scene, IIGameNode meshNode, BabylonScene babylonScene)
            var gameMesh = meshNode.IGameObject.AsGameMesh();

                bool initialized = gameMesh.InitializeData; // needed, the property is in fact a method initializing the exporter that has wrongly been auto
                                                            // translated into a property because it has no parameters
            catch (Exception e)
                RaiseWarning($"Mesh {meshNode.Name} failed to initialize. Mesh is exported as dummy.", 2);
                return(ExportDummy(scene, meshNode, babylonScene));

            var babylonMesh = new BabylonMesh {
                name = meshNode.Name, id = meshNode.MaxNode.GetGuid().ToString()

            // Position / rotation / scaling / hierarchy
            exportNode(babylonMesh, meshNode, scene, babylonScene);

            // Sounds
            var soundName = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_filename", "");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(soundName))
                var filename = Path.GetFileName(soundName);

                var meshSound = new BabylonSound
                    name            = filename,
                    autoplay        = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_autoplay", 1),
                    loop            = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_loop", 1),
                    volume          = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_volume", 1.0f),
                    playbackRate    = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_playbackrate", 1.0f),
                    connectedMeshId = babylonMesh.id,
                    isDirectional   = false,
                    spatialSound    = false,
                    distanceModel   = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_sound_distancemodel", "linear"),
                    maxDistance     = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_maxdistance", 100f),
                    rolloffFactor   = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_rolloff", 1.0f),
                    refDistance     = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_refdistance", 1.0f),

                var isDirectional = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_sound_directional");

                if (isDirectional)
                    meshSound.isDirectional  = true;
                    meshSound.coneInnerAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneinnerangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterAngle = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneouterangle", 360f);
                    meshSound.coneOuterGain  = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_sound_coneoutergain", 1.0f);


                if (isBabylonExported)
                        File.Copy(soundName, Path.Combine(babylonScene.OutputPath, filename), true);

            // Misc.
#if MAX2017 || MAX2018 || MAX2019
            babylonMesh.isVisible      = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable;
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows;
            babylonMesh.applyFog       = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics;
            babylonMesh.isVisible      = meshNode.MaxNode.Renderable == 1;
            babylonMesh.receiveShadows = meshNode.MaxNode.RcvShadows == 1;
            babylonMesh.applyFog       = meshNode.MaxNode.ApplyAtmospherics == 1;
            babylonMesh.pickable                 = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkpickable");
            babylonMesh.showBoundingBox          = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_showsubmeshesboundingbox");
            babylonMesh.alphaIndex               = (int)meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_alphaindex", 1000);

            // Collisions
            babylonMesh.checkCollisions = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_checkcollisions");

            // Skin
            var        isSkinned          = gameMesh.IsObjectSkinned;
            var        skin               = gameMesh.IGameSkin;
            var        unskinnedMesh      = gameMesh;
            IGMatrix   skinInitPoseMatrix = Loader.Global.GMatrix.Create(Loader.Global.Matrix3.Create(true));
            List <int> boneIds            = null;
            int        maxNbBones         = 0;
            if (isSkinned && GetRelevantNodes(skin).Count > 0)  // if the mesh has a skin with at least one bone
                var skinAlreadyStored = skins.Find(_skin => IsSkinEqualTo(_skin, skin));
                if (skinAlreadyStored == null)
                    babylonMesh.skeletonId = skins.IndexOf(skin);
                    babylonMesh.skeletonId = skins.IndexOf(skinAlreadyStored);

                boneIds = GetNodeIndices(skin);
                skin = null;

            // Mesh

            if (unskinnedMesh.IGameType == Autodesk.Max.IGameObject.ObjectTypes.Mesh && unskinnedMesh.MaxMesh != null)
                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfFaces < 1)
                    RaiseError($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has no face", 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts < 3)
                    RaiseError($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has not enough vertices", 2);

                if (unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has tmore than 65536 vertices which means that it will require specific WebGL extension to be rendered. This may impact portability of your scene on low end devices.", 2);

                if (skin != null)
                    for (var vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < unskinnedMesh.NumberOfVerts; vertexIndex++)
                        maxNbBones = Math.Max(maxNbBones, skin.GetNumberOfBones(vertexIndex));

                // Physics
                var impostorText = meshNode.MaxNode.GetStringProperty("babylonjs_impostor", "None");

                if (impostorText != "None")
                    switch (impostorText)
                    case "Sphere":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 1;

                    case "Box":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 2;

                    case "Plane":
                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 3;

                        babylonMesh.physicsImpostor = 0;

                    babylonMesh.physicsMass        = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_mass");
                    babylonMesh.physicsFriction    = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_friction", 0.2f);
                    babylonMesh.physicsRestitution = meshNode.MaxNode.GetFloatProperty("babylonjs_restitution", 0.2f);

                // Material
                var mtl            = meshNode.NodeMaterial;
                var multiMatsCount = 1;

                // The DirectXShader material is a passthrough to its render material.
                // The shell material is a passthrough to its baked material.
                while (mtl != null && (isShellMaterial(mtl) || isDirectXShaderMaterial(mtl)))
                    if (isShellMaterial(mtl))
                        // Retrieve the baked material from the shell material.
                        mtl = GetBakedMaterialFromShellMaterial(mtl);
                    else // isDirectXShaderMaterial(mtl)
                        // Retrieve the render material from the directX shader
                        mtl = GetRenderMaterialFromDirectXShader(mtl);

                if (mtl != null)
                    IIGameMaterial unsupportedMaterial = isMaterialSupported(mtl);
                    if (unsupportedMaterial == null)
                        babylonMesh.materialId = mtl.MaxMaterial.GetGuid().ToString();

                        if (!referencedMaterials.Contains(mtl))

                        multiMatsCount = Math.Max(mtl.SubMaterialCount, 1);
                        if (mtl.SubMaterialCount == 0 || mtl == unsupportedMaterial)
                            RaiseWarning("Unsupported material type '" + unsupportedMaterial.MaterialClass + "'. Material is ignored.", 2);
                            RaiseWarning("Unsupported sub-material type '" + unsupportedMaterial.MaterialClass + "'. Material is ignored.", 2);

                babylonMesh.visibility = meshNode.MaxNode.GetVisibility(0, Tools.Forever);

                var  vertices        = new List <GlobalVertex>();
                var  indices         = new List <int>();
                var  mappingChannels = unskinnedMesh.ActiveMapChannelNum;
                bool hasUV           = false;
                bool hasUV2          = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < mappingChannels.Count; ++i)
                #if MAX2017 || MAX2018 || MAX2019
                    var channelNum = mappingChannels[i];
                    var channelNum = mappingChannels[new IntPtr(i)];
                    if (channelNum == 1)
                        hasUV = true;
                    else if (channelNum == 2)
                        hasUV2 = true;
                var hasColor = unskinnedMesh.NumberOfColorVerts > 0;
                var hasAlpha = unskinnedMesh.GetNumberOfMapVerts(-2) > 0;

                var optimizeVertices = meshNode.MaxNode.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_optimizevertices");

                var invertedWorldMatrix = GetInvertWorldTM(meshNode, 0);
                var offsetTM            = GetOffsetTM(meshNode, 0);

                // Compute normals
                var        subMeshes   = new List <BabylonSubMesh>();
                List <int> faceIndexes = null;
                ExtractGeometry(babylonMesh, vertices, indices, subMeshes, boneIds, skin, unskinnedMesh, invertedWorldMatrix, offsetTM, hasUV, hasUV2, hasColor, hasAlpha, optimizeVertices, multiMatsCount, meshNode, ref faceIndexes);

                if (vertices.Count >= 65536)
                    RaiseWarning($"Mesh {babylonMesh.name} has {vertices.Count} vertices. This may prevent your scene to work on low end devices where 32 bits indice are not supported", 2);

                    if (!optimizeVertices)
                        RaiseError("You can try to optimize your object using [Try to optimize vertices] option", 2);

                RaiseMessage($"{vertices.Count} vertices, {indices.Count / 3} faces", 2);

                // Buffers
                babylonMesh.positions = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, v.Position.Z }).ToArray();
                babylonMesh.normals   = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Normal.X, v.Normal.Y, v.Normal.Z }).ToArray();

                // Export tangents if option is checked and mesh has tangents
                if (exportParameters.exportTangents)
                    babylonMesh.tangents = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Tangent).ToArray();

                if (hasUV)
                    babylonMesh.uvs = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV.X, 1 - v.UV.Y }).ToArray();
                if (hasUV2)
                    babylonMesh.uvs2 = vertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.UV2.X, 1 - v.UV2.Y }).ToArray();

                if (skin != null)
                    babylonMesh.matricesWeights = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Weights.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.matricesIndices = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndices).ToArray();

                    babylonMesh.numBoneInfluencers = maxNbBones;
                    if (maxNbBones > 4)
                        babylonMesh.matricesWeightsExtra = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.WeightsExtra != null ? v.WeightsExtra.ToArray() : new[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }).ToArray();
                        babylonMesh.matricesIndicesExtra = vertices.Select(v => v.BonesIndicesExtra).ToArray();

                if (hasColor)
                    babylonMesh.colors         = vertices.SelectMany(v => v.Color.ToArray()).ToArray();
                    babylonMesh.hasVertexAlpha = hasAlpha;

                babylonMesh.subMeshes = subMeshes.ToArray();

                // Buffers - Indices
                babylonMesh.indices = indices.ToArray();

                // ------------------------
                // ---- Morph targets -----
                // ------------------------

                // Retreive modifiers with morpher flag
                List <IIGameModifier> modifiers = new List <IIGameModifier>();
                for (int i = 0; i < meshNode.IGameObject.NumModifiers; i++)
                    var modifier = meshNode.IGameObject.GetIGameModifier(i);
                    if (modifier.ModifierType == Autodesk.Max.IGameModifier.ModType.Morpher)

                // Cast modifiers to morphers
                List <IIGameMorpher> morphers = modifiers.ConvertAll(new Converter <IIGameModifier, IIGameMorpher>(modifier => modifier.AsGameMorpher()));

                var hasMorphTarget = false;
                morphers.ForEach(morpher =>
                    if (morpher.NumberOfMorphTargets > 0)
                        hasMorphTarget = true;

                if (hasMorphTarget)
                    RaiseMessage("Export morph targets", 2);

                    var rawScene = Loader.Core.RootNode;

                    // Morph Target Manager
                    var babylonMorphTargetManager = new BabylonMorphTargetManager();
                    babylonMesh.morphTargetManagerId = babylonMorphTargetManager.id;

                    // Morph Targets
                    var babylonMorphTargets = new List <BabylonMorphTarget>();
                    // All morphers are considered identical
                    // Their targets are concatenated
                    morphers.ForEach(morpher =>
                        for (int i = 0; i < morpher.NumberOfMorphTargets; i++)
                            // Morph target
                            var maxMorphTarget = morpher.GetMorphTarget(i);

                            // Ensure target still exists (green color legend)
                            if (maxMorphTarget != null)
                                var babylonMorphTarget = new BabylonMorphTarget
                                    name = maxMorphTarget.Name

                                // TODO - Influence
                                babylonMorphTarget.influence = 0f;

                                // Target geometry
                                var targetVertices           = ExtractVertices(babylonMesh, maxMorphTarget, optimizeVertices, faceIndexes);
                                babylonMorphTarget.positions = targetVertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Position.X, v.Position.Y, v.Position.Z }).ToArray();

                                if (rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_export_Morph_Normals", 1))
                                    babylonMorphTarget.normals = targetVertices.SelectMany(v => new[] { v.Normal.X, v.Normal.Y, v.Normal.Z }).ToArray();

                                // Tangent
                                if (exportParameters.exportTangents && rawScene.GetBoolProperty("babylonjs_export_Morph_Tangents"))
                                    babylonMorphTarget.tangents = targetVertices.SelectMany(v => v.Tangent).ToArray();

                                // Animations
                                var animations  = new List <BabylonAnimation>();
                                var morphWeight = morpher.GetMorphWeight(i);
                                ExportFloatGameController(morphWeight, "influence", animations);
                                if (animations.Count > 0)
                                    babylonMorphTarget.animations = animations.ToArray();

                    babylonMorphTargetManager.targets = babylonMorphTargets.ToArray();

            // World Modifiers
            ExportWorldModifiers(meshNode, babylonScene, babylonMesh);

            // Animations
            // Done last to avoid '0 vertex found' error (unkown cause)
            exportAnimation(babylonMesh, meshNode);


Exemple #15
 public ROD_ExportG()
     maxGlobal = Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface.Instance;
     maxInterface = maxGlobal.COREInterface13;
     IPoint3 U = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     IPoint3 V = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
     IPoint3 N = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
     IPoint3 T = maxGlobal.Point3.Create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     _leftHanded = maxGlobal.Matrix3.Create(U, V, N, T);
     _GleftHanded = maxGlobal.GMatrix.Create(_leftHanded);