Exemple #1
        private void UseSpecialAction(IClient client, IClient target, Specials special)
            Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Debug, "Game {0}: UseSpecial[{1}][{2}]:{3}", Name, client.Name, target.Name, special);

            if (target.State != ClientStates.Playing)
                Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Warning, "Cannot use special on a non-playing client");

            // Update statistics
            UpdateStatistics(client.Name, target.Name, special);
            // Store special id locally
            int specialId = _specialId;
            // Increment special
            // If special is Switch, call OnGridModified with switched grids
            if (special == Specials.SwitchFields)
                // Switch locally
                byte[] tmp = target.Grid;
                target.Grid = client.Grid;
                client.Grid = tmp;

                // Send switched grid to player and target
                client.OnGridModified(client.Id, client.Grid);
                if (client != target)
                    target.OnGridModified(target.Id, target.Grid);
                // Client and target will send their grid when receiving them (with an optional capping)
            // Inform about special use
            foreach (IClient c in Clients)
                c.OnSpecialUsed(client.Id, target.Id, specialId, special);