Exemple #1
    //Estructuras de control

    public virtual IEnumerator repetir()
        Transform      theRobot     = (Transform)Init.robotInstance;
        RobotBehaviour behaviour    = (RobotBehaviour)theRobot.GetComponent <RobotBehaviour>();
        int            i            = 0;
        Type           type         = behaviour.GetType();
        int            n            = int.Parse((string)arguments[0]);
        string         sentenceName = (string)arguments[1];

        if (n > i)
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(sentenceName);
                behaviour.StartCoroutine(methodInfo.Name, 0);
            UI.runtimeErrorMsg = I18N.getValue("the_number_of_repetitions_was_not_specified");
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));

        //Fin de ejecucion
        UI.executingCurrentLine = false;
Exemple #2
    /** Retorna el estado del robot */
    public string getRobotStatus()
        Transform theRobot = (Transform)Init.robotInstance;

        int posAv = Mathf.RoundToInt(theRobot.position.x);
        int posCa = Mathf.RoundToInt(theRobot.position.z);

        return(I18N.getValue("posavenue") + posAv + ", " +
               I18N.getValue("posstreet") + posCa + ", " +
               I18N.getValue("heading") + getHeading(theRobot) + "\n " +
               I18N.getValue("flowers_corner") + Init.city[posAv - 1, posCa - 1].flowers + ", " +
               I18N.getValue("papers_corner") + Init.city[posAv - 1, posCa - 1].papers + " - " +
               I18N.getValue("flowers_bag") + flores + ", " +
               I18N.getValue("papers_bag") + papeles + " ");
Exemple #3
    /** Efectiviza la animacion de la instruccion */
    void executeLine(int lineNo)
        // FIXME: Aqui deberia delegarse al robot a fin de que realice la animacion
        string status = I18N.getValue("exec_line") + (currentLine + 1) + ": " + sentences[lineNo];

        statusText = status;

        // Invocar ejecucion visual via reflection
            object result = null;
            // Recuperar el BigBang, y a partir de alli el Robot que se tenga configurado
            Transform      theRobot  = (Transform)Init.robotInstance;
            RobotBehaviour behaviour = (RobotBehaviour)theRobot.GetComponent <RobotBehaviour>();
            Type           type      = behaviour.GetType();

            // Pruebas para argumentos.  Esto igualmente se recibe desde libreria
            string sentence     = (string)sentences[lineNo];
            string sentenceName = sentence.Substring(0, sentence.Contains("(") ? sentence.IndexOf("(") : sentence.Length);
            // Cargar los parametros segun la instruccion que sea.  FIXME: Deshardcode
            if (sentence.Contains("("))
                string sentenceArgs = sentence.Substring(sentence.IndexOf("("), sentence.Length - sentence.IndexOf("("));
                sentenceArgs = sentenceArgs.Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace(" ", "");
                string[] args = sentenceArgs.Split(","[0]);
                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)

            MethodInfo methodInfo = type.GetMethod(sentenceName);
            // ParameterInfo[] parameters = methodInfo.GetParameters();

            // Invocar a la corutina encargada de ejecutar la visualizacion
            behaviour.StartCoroutine(methodInfo.Name, 0);
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("Exception!! " + e.ToString());
            statusText = I18N.getValue("unknown_line") + (currentLine + 1) + ": " + sentences[currentLine];
            run        = false;
Exemple #4
    /** Retorna el heading del robot */
    public string getHeading(Transform theRobot)
        int heading = Mathf.RoundToInt(theRobot.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y);

        switch (heading)
        case 0:

        case 90:

        case 180:

        case 270:
Exemple #5
    /** Ejecucion de una instruccion */
    IEnumerator executeStep()
        step = true;

        if (currentLine == sentences.Count - 1)
            statusText  = I18N.getValue("finished");
            currentLine = -1;
            run         = false;
            ended       = true;
            // Invocar a la corutina encargada de ejecutar la visualizacion
            Transform      theRobot  = (Transform)Init.robotInstance;
            RobotBehaviour behaviour = (RobotBehaviour)theRobot.GetComponent <RobotBehaviour>();
            behaviour.StartCoroutine("finalizar", 0);
        else if (sentences[currentLine] != null && sentences[currentLine].ToString().Length > 0)
            executingCurrentLine = true;

        // Mientras que este ejecutando, esperar
        while (executingCurrentLine)
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1 - currentRunningSpeed));

        step = false;

        // Hubo un error?
        if (runtimeErrorMsg != null)
            angry       = true;
            statusText  = "Error ejecutando linea " + (currentLine + 1) + ": " + sentences[currentLine] + ". " + runtimeErrorMsg;
            run         = false;
            ended       = true;
            currentLine = -1;
Exemple #6
    /** Renders the Config Menu */
    void renderConfig()
        float rowSpace = 1.5f;
        float row      = 0f;
        // Botonera principal
        int i = 0;

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("accept"), styleButton))
            currentState = STATE_EDITING;
        GUI.Box(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, Screen.width - (2 * margin + i++ *buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("set_title"), styleButton);

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;

        // ========================================= FLOWERS! =======================================
        i = 0;
        GUI.Box(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, Screen.width - (2 * margin + i++ *buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight * (rowSpace * 2)), I18N.getValue("set_flowers") + I18N.getValue("wildcard"));

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;

        // Configuracion de flores en esquina
        i = 1;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("avenue"));
        config_flower_av = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_flower_av);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("street"));
        config_flower_st = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_flower_st);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("count"));
        config_flower_no = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_flower_no);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("set")))
            Corner.setCorner(config_flower_av, config_flower_st, config_flower_no, false);

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;
        row += rowSpace;

        // ========================================= PAPERS! =======================================
        i = 0;
        GUI.Box(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, Screen.width - (2 * margin + i++ *buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight * (rowSpace * 2)), I18N.getValue("set_papers") + I18N.getValue("wildcard"));

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;

        // Configuracion de papeles en esquina
        i = 1;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("avenue"));
        config_paper_av = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_paper_av);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("street"));
        config_paper_st = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_paper_st);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("count"));
        config_paper_no = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_paper_no);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("set")))
            Corner.setCorner(config_paper_av, config_paper_st, config_paper_no, true);

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;
        row += rowSpace;

        // ========================================= BAG! =======================================
        i = 0;
        GUI.Box(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, Screen.width - (2 * margin + i++ *buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight * (rowSpace * 2)), I18N.getValue("inthebag"));

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;

        // Configuracion de papeles en esquina
        i = 1;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("flowers_bag"));
        config_bag_flowers = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_bag_flowers);
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("papers_bag"));
        config_bag_papers = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight), config_bag_papers);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("set")))
            Init.getRobotBehaviour().flores  = int.Parse(config_bag_flowers);
            Init.getRobotBehaviour().papeles = int.Parse(config_bag_papers);

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;
        row += rowSpace;

        // ========================================= LANGUAGE! =======================================
        i = 0;
        GUI.Box(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, Screen.width - (2 * margin + i++ *buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight * (rowSpace * 2)), I18N.getValue("language"));

        // Nueva fila
        row += rowSpace;

        // Configuracion de idioma
        i = 1;
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth / 2, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth * 2, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("lang_selected"));
        langSelected = GUI.TextField(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), langSelected);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("lang_en")))
            langSelected = I18N.getValue("lang_en");
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight * row, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("lang_es")))
            langSelected = I18N.getValue("lang_es");
Exemple #7
    /** Renders the Running Menu */
    void renderRunning()
        // Botonera principal
        int i = 0;

        if (!ended && GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), run ? I18N.getValue("pause") : I18N.getValue("resume"), styleButton) && informarMessage == null)
            run = !run;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("stop"), styleButton) && informarMessage == null)
            currentState = STATE_EDITING;
        // Camara
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), ((Camera)cameras[currentCamera]).name, styleButton))
            if (currentCamera == CAMERA_VR)
            if (currentCamera >= cameras.Count)
                currentCamera = 0;
        // Linea de estado del robot
        GUI.TextArea(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, Screen.width - (2 * margin + (i - 1) * buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight * 2), Init.getRobotBehaviour().getRobotStatus(), styleTextArea);
        // Velocidad
        GUI.Label(new Rect(margin, Screen.height / 2 + buttonHeight * 4, buttonWidth * 2, buttonHeight + margin), I18N.getValue("speed"));
        currentRunningSpeed = GUI.VerticalScrollbar(new Rect(margin, Screen.height / 2 - buttonHeight * 4, margin, buttonHeight * 8), currentRunningSpeed, .1f, 1f, 0f);
        // Zoom
        GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width - buttonWidth / 2 - margin, Screen.height / 2 + buttonHeight * 4, buttonWidth, buttonHeight + margin), I18N.getValue("zoom"));
        zoom = GUI.VerticalScrollbar(new Rect(Screen.width - margin * 2, Screen.height / 2 - buttonHeight * 4, margin, buttonHeight * 8), zoom, 1f, .5f, 10f);
        // Paneo
        GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth - margin * 6, Screen.height - margin * 4 - buttonHeight * 2, buttonWidth, buttonHeight + margin), I18N.getValue("pan"));
        pan = GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - buttonWidth, Screen.height - margin * 3 - buttonHeight * 2, buttonWidth * 2, margin), pan, 3f, -15f, 15f);
        // Linea de ejecucion
        if (styleOK == null)
            // Textura para error
            Texture2D aTexture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
            aTexture.SetPixel(0, 0, Color.white);
            aTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat;

            // Mensajes OK y ERROR
            styleOK = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.textArea);
            styleKO = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.textArea);

            // Colores de Estilos OK y ERROR
            styleOK.normal.textColor  = Color.white;
            styleOK.fontSize          = styleTextArea.fontSize;
            styleKO.normal.textColor  = Color.red;
            styleKO.fontSize          = styleTextArea.fontSize;
            styleKO.normal.background = aTexture;
        GUI.TextArea(new Rect(margin, Screen.height - 2 * margin - buttonHeight, Screen.width - 2 * margin, margin + buttonHeight), statusText, getStatusStyle());
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape))

        // Informar dialog
        if (informarMessage != null)
            GUI.TextArea(new Rect(margin * 4, Screen.height / 2 - buttonHeight * 2, Screen.width - 8 * margin, buttonHeight * 4), informarMessage, styleTextArea);
            if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin * 4, Screen.height / 2 + buttonHeight * 2, Screen.width - 8 * margin, buttonHeight * 2), "OK", styleTextArea))
                informarMessage = null;
Exemple #8
    /** Renders the Editing Menu */
    void renderEditing()
        if (vrmod == false)
            XRSettings.enabled = false;
            vrmod = true;
            GvrPointerInputModule.Pointer.overridePointerCamera = ((Camera)cameras[2]);
        // Botonera principal
        int i = 0;

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("reset"), styleButton))
            SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, LoadSceneMode.Single);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("run"), styleButton))
            currentState = STATE_RUNNING;
            run          = true;
            step         = false;
            ended        = false;
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, 2 * buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("VR"), styleButton))
            vrmod = false;
            currentState = STATE_VR;

        //		if (GUI.Button (new Rect (margin + i++ * buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("open"), styleButton)) {
        //			var path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(I18N.getValue("open_file"), "", "txt");
        //			if (path.Length != 0) {
        //				Debug.Log ("Reading data from: " + path);
        //				readCode(path);
        //			}

        //		}
        //		if (GUI.Button (new Rect (margin + i++ * buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("save"), styleButton)) {
        //			var path = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel (I18N.getValue("save_file"), "", I18N.getValue("filename"), "txt");
        //			if (path.Length != 0) {
        //				Debug.Log ("Writing data to: " + path);
        //				writeCode (path);
        //			}
        //		}
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("settings"), styleButton))
            currentState = STATE_CONFIG;

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(margin + i++ *buttonWidth, margin, buttonWidth, margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("quit"), styleButton))

        GUI.Box(new Rect(margin + i * buttonWidth, margin, Screen.width - (2 * margin + i++ *buttonWidth), margin + buttonHeight), I18N.getValue("edit_title"), styleButton);

        // Visualizacion de codigo fuente
        sourceCode = GUI.TextArea(new Rect(margin, buttonHeight + 3 * margin, Screen.width - 2 * margin, Screen.height - 4 * margin - buttonHeight), sourceCode, styleTextArea);
Exemple #9
     * El robot deposita un papel
    public virtual IEnumerator depositarPapel()
        // Depositar papel en la esquina.
        Vector3 pos = getRobotPosition();

        if (papeles == 0)
            UI.runtimeErrorMsg = I18N.getValue("no_papers_bag");
            Init.city[(int)pos.x - 1, (int)pos.z - 1].incPapers();

        // ======== Movimiento brazos robot. TODO: modularizar (ver problema de uso con Coroutines) ========
        // Recuperar el robot
        Transform theRobot  = (Transform)Init.robotInstance;
        Transform cuerpo    = theRobot.Find("CuerpoRobot");
        Transform brazoIzq  = cuerpo.Find("BrazoIzq");
        Transform brazoDer  = cuerpo.Find("BrazoDer");
        Vector3   defPosIzq = brazoIzq.position;
        Vector3   defPosDer = brazoDer.position;

        // Brazos abajo!
        Vector3 startPosIzq      = brazoIzq.position;
        Vector3 startPosDer      = brazoDer.position;
        Vector3 endPosIzq        = new Vector3(brazoIzq.position.x, brazoIzq.position.y - .15f, brazoIzq.position.z);
        Vector3 endPosDer        = new Vector3(brazoDer.position.x, brazoDer.position.y - .15f, brazoDer.position.z);
        float   journeyLengthIzq = Vector3.Distance(startPosIzq, endPosIzq);
        float   startTimeIzq     = Time.time;
        float   speedIzq         = UI.currentRunningSpeed * 5;

        while (Vector3.Distance(endPosIzq, brazoIzq.position) > 0.001f)
            float distCoveredIzq = (Time.time - startTimeIzq) * speedIzq;
            float fracJourneyIzq = distCoveredIzq / journeyLengthIzq;
            brazoIzq.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosIzq, endPosIzq, fracJourneyIzq);
            brazoDer.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosDer, endPosDer, fracJourneyIzq);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));

        // Dust!
        Transform      throttle = theRobot.Find("Dust");
        ParticleSystem ps       = (ParticleSystem)throttle.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));

        // Brazos arriba!
        endPosIzq        = startPosIzq;
        endPosDer        = startPosDer;
        startPosIzq      = brazoIzq.position;
        startPosDer      = brazoDer.position;
        journeyLengthIzq = Vector3.Distance(startPosIzq, endPosIzq);
        startTimeIzq     = Time.time;
        speedIzq         = UI.currentRunningSpeed * 5;
        while (Vector3.Distance(endPosIzq, brazoIzq.position) > 0.001f)
            float distCoveredIzq = (Time.time - startTimeIzq) * speedIzq;
            float fracJourneyIzq = distCoveredIzq / journeyLengthIzq;
            brazoIzq.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosIzq, endPosIzq, fracJourneyIzq);
            brazoDer.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPosDer, endPosDer, fracJourneyIzq);
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));

        // Dejar posicion de brazos tal cual estaba
        brazoIzq.position = defPosIzq;
        brazoDer.position = defPosDer;

        // ======== FIN Movimiento brazos robot. ========

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));

        // Fin de ejecucion
        UI.executingCurrentLine = false;