Exemple #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the simplest type of house - a shack
    /// A shack is made of either (cobble?) stone or wood,
    /// it consists of only 1 room, with basic objects inside (bed, chair, table)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="house"></param>
    /// <param name="vox"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static House GenerateShack(GenerationRandom genRan, House house, out BuildingVoxels vox, BuildingGenerationPlan plan)
        vox           = new BuildingVoxels(house.Width, World.ChunkHeight, house.Height);
        Tile[,] floor = new Tile[house.Width, house.Height];

        BuildingGenerator.BuildBoundingWallRect(vox, house.Width, house.Height, 6, Voxel.wood);
        //BuildingGenerator.ConnectBoundingWall(vox, house.BoundingWall, Voxel.wood, 5);
        BuildingGenerator.SetTiles(floor, 0, 0, house.Width - 1, house.Height - 1, Tile.STONE_FLOOR);

        BuildingGenerator.ChooseEntrancePoint(genRan, vox, house, plan);
        BuildingGenerator.AddWindow(genRan, vox, house, size: genRan.RandomInt(1, 4), autoReattempt: true);
        BuildingGenerator.AddWindow(genRan, vox, house, size: genRan.RandomInt(1, 4), autoReattempt: true);
        BuildingGenerator.AddWindow(genRan, vox, house, size: genRan.RandomInt(1, 4), autoReattempt: false);
        BuildingGenerator.AddWindow(genRan, vox, house, size: genRan.RandomInt(1, 4), autoReattempt: false);
        BuildingGenerator.AddWindow(genRan, vox, house, size: genRan.RandomInt(1, 4), autoReattempt: false);
        house.InsideWallPoints = BuildingGenerator.FindInsideWallBoundryPoints(vox, house);

        /*foreach (Vec2i v in house.InsideWallPoints)
         * {
         *  //house.AddObjectReference(new Chest().SetPosition(v));
         *  WorldObjectData bed = new Bed().SetPosition(v);
         *  bed.SetRotation(Vec2i.Angle(Vec2i.Forward, BuildingGenerator.GetWallPointDirection(house, v)));
         *  if(!house.ObjectIntersects(bed))
         *      house.AddObjectReference(bed);
         * }*/

        BuildingGenerator.PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, new DoubleBed(), 0, vox, house, .3f, distToEntr: 4, attemptsCount: 40);
        BuildingGenerator.PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, new Chest(), 0, vox, house, 0.1f, distToEntr: 3, attemptsCount: 40);

        for (int i = 0; i < house.BoundingWall.Length; i++)
            BuildingGenerator.PlaceObjectAgainstWall(genRan, new WallTorch(), 1.5f, vox, house, 0f, requireWallBacking: true);
        house.AddExternalObject(new BuildingInternalNoWalkFloor(new Vector3(1, 0, 1), new Vector3(house.Width - 2, 5, house.Height - 2)));
        BuildingGenerator.AddRoof(genRan, vox, house, Voxel.thatch);

        BuildingSubworldBuilder b = new BuildingSubworldBuilder(house, vox, plan);

        //ChunkData[,] subChunks = new ChunkData[1, 1];
