private void SendMessageLoop() { try { while (true) { byte[] socketSyncBytes = null; _CachedSendMessageQueue.TryDequeue(out socketSyncBytes); if (socketSyncBytes != null && _ServiceSocket != null) { int len = socketSyncBytes.Length; int sendLen = _ServiceSocket.Send(socketSyncBytes, len); if (len != sendLen) { HobaDebuger.Log("SendMessageLoop Failed: len != sendLen "); } } else { Thread.Sleep(DO_MESSAGE_INTERVAL); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException e) { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("SendMessageLoop Failed bcz {0}", e.ToString()); } }
private void BuildShaderList(GameObject shaderListObj) { _ShaderMap.Clear(); if (shaderListObj != null) { ShaderList compShaderList = shaderListObj.GetComponent <ShaderList>(); if (compShaderList != null && compShaderList.Shaders != null) { try { int nCount = compShaderList.Shaders.Length; HobaDebuger.LogFormat("ShaderManager.Init, Shaders Count: {0}", nCount); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { Shader shader = compShaderList.Shaders[i]; if (shader != null && !_ShaderMap.ContainsKey( { _ShaderMap.Add(, shader); //HobaDebuger.LogFormat("ShaderManager.Init, Load Shader: {0}",; } else { HobaDebuger.LogWarning(HobaText.Format("ShaderManager.Init, Shader {0} is missing!", i)); } } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { HobaDebuger.LogError(ae.Message); } } } }
public static void DumpStack(IntPtr L) { int top = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); for (int i = 1; i <= top; i++) { LuaTypes t = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, i); switch (t) { case LuaTypes.LUA_TSTRING: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("<String>: {0}", LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, i)); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("<Boolean>: {0}", LuaDLL.lua_toboolean(L, i).ToString()); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("<Number>: {0}", LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, i).ToString()); break; case LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE: HobaDebuger.Log("<Table>: "); break; default: HobaDebuger.LogFormat("{0}: {1}", t.GetType().ToString(), LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, i)); break; } } }
private void BuildShaderList(GameObject shaderListObj) { //ShaderManager.Instance._ShaderMap.Clear(); if (shaderListObj != null) { ShaderList compShaderList = shaderListObj.GetComponent <ShaderList>(); if (compShaderList != null && compShaderList.Shaders != null) { try { int nCount = compShaderList.Shaders.Length; HobaDebuger.LogFormat("ShaderManager.Init, Shaders Count: {0}", nCount); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { Shader shader = compShaderList.Shaders[i]; if (shader == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("ShaderManager.Init, Shader {0} is missing!", i); AssetBundleCheck.Instance._ErrorString += string.Format("ShaderManager.Init, Shader {0} is missing!", i); } } } catch (ArgumentException ae) { HobaDebuger.LogError(ae.Message); } } } }
public void OnConnectFailed(ConnectionEventArgs e) { #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE HobaDebuger.LogFormat(HobaText.Format("{0} ConnectFailed.", _IP)); #endif if (OnGatewayEvent != null) { OnGatewayEvent(EVENT.CONNECT_FAILED); } }
public static void UnloadBundle(string bundleName) { LoadedAssetBundle lab; if (_LoadedAssetBundles.TryGetValue(bundleName, out lab)) { lab.Bundle.Unload(false); _LoadedAssetBundles.Remove(bundleName); HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Unload unuesd bundles: {0}", bundleName); } }
public void OnConnected(ConnectionEventArgs e) { //_serviceSocket = e.Exsocket; #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE HobaDebuger.LogFormat(HobaText.Format("{0} Connected.", _IP)); #endif if (OnGatewayEvent != null) { OnGatewayEvent(EVENT.CONNECTED); } }
public static int print(IntPtr L) { if (HobaDebuger.GameLogLevel < LogLevel.Log) { return(0); } // For each argument we'll 'tostring' it int n = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); string s = String.Empty; LuaDLL.lua_getglobal(L, "tostring"); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { LuaDLL.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* function to be called */ LuaDLL.lua_pushvalue(L, i); /* value to print */ LuaDLL.lua_call(L, 1, 1); string ret = LuaDLL.lua_tostring(L, -1); if (ret == null) { HobaDebuger.LogError("!!!! lua print return null*"); } else { s += ret; } if (i < n) { s += "\t"; } LuaDLL.lua_pop(L, 1); /* pop result */ } #if !SERVER_USE if (!EntryPoint.Instance.IsInited) { LuaDLL.HOBA_LogString(HobaText.Format("print LUA: {0}", s)); } #endif HobaDebuger.LogFormat("LUA: {0}", s); return(0); }
/// 销毁分块 private void DestroyInstGo(ref SceneConfig.CPositionSetting currentPos) { if (!_LoadedPoints.Contains(currentPos._BlockName)) { return; } var _cacheGo = FindRegObj(currentPos._BlockName); if (null == _cacheGo) { return; } _LoadedObjectDic.Remove(currentPos._BlockName); RemoveFromSpecialObjectList(_cacheGo); ScenesAnimationManager.Instance.RemoveAnimationObj(currentPos._BlockName); _ObjectCacheDic.Remove(currentPos._BlockName); GameObject.Destroy(_cacheGo); _LoadedPoints.Remove(currentPos._BlockName); for (int i = 0; i < currentPos._LightIndexArray.Length; i++) { int v; if (_LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.TryGetValue(currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], out v)) { if (v > 0) { _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic[currentPos._LightIndexArray[i]] = v - 1; _IsLightmapsUpdated = true; } else { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("尝试销毁一张不存在的贴图,分块名称为 {0}", currentPos._BlockName); } } else { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("索引不正确,名称为 {0}", currentPos._BlockName); continue; } } }
/// 加载分块 private void LoadInstGo(ref SceneConfig.CPositionSetting currentPos, Vector3 position) { int filterRegionIndex = ScenesRegionManager.Instance.CurBlockReigionID; var isContains = IsContainsKey(currentPos._RegionArray, filterRegionIndex); if (!isContains) { return; } /// 同名文件不重复加载 if (_LoadedPoints.Contains(currentPos._BlockName)) { GameObject cacheGo; if (_ObjectCacheDic.TryGetValue(currentPos._BlockName, out cacheGo)) { cacheGo.transform.transform.localPosition = currentPos._BlockPosition; AddToSpecialObjectList(cacheGo); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < currentPos._LightIndexArray.Length; i++) { int val = 0; if (_LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.TryGetValue(currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], out val)) { _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic[currentPos._LightIndexArray[i]] = val + 1; _IsLightmapsUpdated = true; } else { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("光照贴图索引不正确,最大索引{0},当前索引为{1},资源{2}", _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.Count - 1, currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], currentPos._BlockName); continue; } } _LoadedPoints.Add(currentPos._BlockName); LoadBlockFromBundle(currentPos._BlockName, currentPos._EffectiveType); } }
/// 根据角色位置,预加载周围的分块后回调 public void Preload(float posx, float posz, Action callback) { if (null == _Config) { HobaDebuger.Log("Scene Config Init Failed,Please Make Sure Scene Prefab Loaded Success ! "); return; } _CallBack = callback; var preLoadBlockList = new List <SceneConfig.CPositionSetting>(); _PreLoadBlockCounter = 0; int blockCount = _Config._BlockPositionList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; ++i) { var currentBlock = _Config._BlockPositionList[i]; if (_SceneQuality < currentBlock._SceneQuality) { continue; } float fDistance = Util.DistanceH(currentBlock._BlockPosition, new Vector3(posx, 0, posz)); if (fDistance <= currentBlock._ShowDistance) { preLoadBlockList.Add(currentBlock); } } int nBlockCount = preLoadBlockList.Count; _PreLoadBlockCounter = nBlockCount; if (nBlockCount == 0) { AddToSpecialObjectList(_Config.gameObject); } else { for (var index = 0; index < nBlockCount; index++) { var currentPos = preLoadBlockList[index]; if (!_LoadedPoints.Contains(currentPos._BlockName)) { for (int i = 0; i < currentPos._LightIndexArray.Length; i++) { int val; if (_LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.TryGetValue(currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], out val)) { _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic[currentPos._LightIndexArray[i]] = val + 1; _IsLightmapsUpdated = true; } else { HobaDebuger.LogFormat("光照贴图索引不正确,最大索引{0},当前索引为{1},资源{2}", _LightmapIdx2RefCountDic.Count - 1, currentPos._LightIndexArray[i], currentPos._BlockName); continue; } } _LoadedPoints.Add(currentPos._BlockName); LoadBlockWithCounter(currentPos._BlockName, currentPos._EffectiveType); } else { --_PreLoadBlockCounter; HobaDebuger.LogErrorFormat("{0} 重复名字的Block! {1}", index, currentPos._BlockName); } } } ///计数加载,加载完成之后进行回调 if (0 == _PreLoadBlockCounter && _CallBack != null) { _CallBack(); _CallBack = null; } }
private void LoadVersionData() { if (Instance == null) { throw new Exception("Failed to Initialize"); } byte[] abVersionContent; if (CAssetBundleManager.IsUpdateFileExist("abversion.txt")) //使用更新目录下的abversion.txt { string dirAssetBundles = CAssetBundleManager.UpdateAssetBundleURL; abVersionContent = Util.ReadFile(dirAssetBundles + "abversion.txt"); HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Use abversion.txt from Update Dir: {0}", dirAssetBundles); } else { string dirAssetBundles = CAssetBundleManager.GameResBasePath; abVersionContent = Util.ReadFile(dirAssetBundles + "abversion.txt"); HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Use abversion.txt from Base Dir: {0}", dirAssetBundles); } if (null != abVersionContent) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(abVersionContent)); string strLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (strLine != null) { _ABVersion = strLine; } sr.Close(); } else { _ABVersion = "0"; //所有文件夹下都没有对应的版本信息。默认为0 } //HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Use abversion.txt ReadLine: {0}", _ABVersion); byte[] clientVersionContent; if (CAssetBundleManager.IsUpdateFileExist("clientversion.txt")) //使用更新目录下的clientversion.txt { string dirAssetBundles = CAssetBundleManager.UpdateAssetBundleURL; clientVersionContent = Util.ReadFile(dirAssetBundles + "clientversion.txt"); HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Use clientversion.txt from Update Dir: {0}", dirAssetBundles); } else { string dirAssetBundles = CAssetBundleManager.GameResBasePath; clientVersionContent = Util.ReadFile(dirAssetBundles + "clientversion.txt"); HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Use clientversion.txt from Base Dir: {0}", dirAssetBundles); } if (null != clientVersionContent) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(clientVersionContent)); string strLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (strLine != null) { _ClientVersion = strLine; } sr.Close(); } else { _ClientVersion = "0"; //所有文件夹下都没有对应的版本信息。默认为0 } //HobaDebuger.LogFormat("Use clientversion.txt ReadLine: {0}", _ClientVersion); }