Exemple #1
        public virtual HitReaction Hurt(Vector3 center, Vector3 forward, Vector3 right, HitInfo hitInfo)
            HitReaction hr = new HitReaction();

            hr.reactionType = HitReactionType.Hit;
 public HumanoidDamageModule(float health, RagdollUtility ragdoll, HitReaction hitReaction, HumanoidAnimationModule animationModule, Transform headTransfrom, Transform chestTransfrom, OnDestoryDeligate onDestroyCallback, Outline outline) : base(health, onDestroyCallback, outline)
     m_ragdoll         = ragdoll;
     m_hitReaction     = hitReaction;
     m_headTransform   = headTransfrom;
     m_chestTransform  = chestTransfrom;
     m_animationSystem = animationModule;
        public virtual HitReaction Hurt(HurtInfoBase hurtInfoBase)
            HitReaction hr = new HitReaction();

            hr.reactionType = HitReactionType.Hit;
            OnHit?.Invoke(null, manager, hurtInfoBase.hitInfo);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     bc2d           = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     hitReact       = GetComponent <HitReaction>();
     isDead         = false;
     bullet         = transform.Find("Sharp").gameObject;
Exemple #5
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     bc2d           = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     anim           = GetComponent <Animator>();
     hitReact       = GetComponent <HitReaction>();
     controller     = GetComponent <MonsterController>();
     isDead         = false;
Exemple #6
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     muzzle         = transform.Find("Muzzle").gameObject;
     spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     bc2d           = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
     timer          = cooldown;
     hitReact       = GetComponent <HitReaction>();
     isDead         = false;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        GetComponent <Animator>().speed = animationSpeed;
        SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

        hitReaction = GetComponent <HitReaction>();
        //React to hit at start
        //Rotate DeathObjects to lookDirection in moment of death
        if (lookDirection.x < 0)
            spriteRenderer.flipX = true;
        if (lookDirection.x > 0)
            spriteRenderer.flipX = false;
    void Awake()
        animator = GetComponent <Animator>();

        hitReaction = GetComponent <HitReaction>();

        rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        if (targetPlayer == null)
            targetPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        if (wayPoints.Length == 0)
            wayPoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("WayPoint");

        if (blackBoard == null)
            blackBoard = gameObject.GetComponent <Blackboard>();

        if (behaviourTree == null)
            behaviourTree = gameObject.GetComponent <BehaviourTreeOwner>();

        if (blackBoard != null)
            blackBoard.SetValue("target", targetPlayer);

        if (behaviourTree != null)
            List <GameObject> wps = new List <GameObject>(wayPoints);
            blackBoard.SetValue("PatrolWayPoints", wps);

        currentHP = HP;

        ragdollUtility = GetComponent <RagdollUtility>();
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            Vector3    point = new Vector3(_camera.pixelWidth / 2, _camera.pixelHeight / 2, 0);
            Ray        ray   = _camera.ScreenPointToRay(point);
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                GameObject  hitObject     = hit.transform.gameObject;
                HitReaction enemyReaction = hitObject.GetComponent <HitReaction>();

                if (enemyReaction != null)
    void Awake()
        animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

        hitReaction = GetComponent<HitReaction>();

        rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        if (targetPlayer == null)
            targetPlayer = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        if (wayPoints.Length == 0)
            wayPoints = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("WayPoint");

        if(blackBoard == null)
            blackBoard = gameObject.GetComponent<Blackboard>();

        if (behaviourTree == null)
            behaviourTree = gameObject.GetComponent<BehaviourTreeOwner>();

        if (blackBoard != null)
            blackBoard.SetValue("target", targetPlayer);

        if (behaviourTree != null)
            List<GameObject> wps = new List<GameObject>(wayPoints);
            blackBoard.SetValue("PatrolWayPoints", wps);

        currentHP = HP;

        ragdollUtility = GetComponent<RagdollUtility>();
Exemple #11
    //Collider[] colliders;

    //EnemyGrab enemyGrab;

    /// <summary>
    /// Put this in Start() to init vars
    /// </summary>
    public void Initialize()
        animator        = this.GetComponent <Animator> ();
        agent           = this.GetComponentInChildren <NavMeshAgent> ();
        stateController = this.GetComponentInChildren <StateController> ();
        obs             = this.GetComponentInChildren <NavMeshObstacle> ();
        //enemyGrab = this.GetComponent<EnemyGrab> ();
        hitReaction = this.GetComponentInChildren <HitReaction>();
        bodyIK      = this.GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK> ();

        initialSpeed            = agent.speed;
        animator.enabled        = true;
        stateController.enabled = true;
        agent.enabled           = true;
        bodyIK.enabled          = true;

        obs.enabled = false;
        hitPoints   = 250;

        Rigidbody[] rbs = this.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody> ();
        foreach (Rigidbody rb in rbs)
            rb.useGravity  = false;
            rb.isKinematic = false;
            rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;

            if (rb.name == "DinolonglegLLegAnkle" || rb.name == "DinolonglegLLegPlatform" || rb.name == "DinolonglegRLegAnkle" || rb.name == "DinolonglegRLegPlatform" || rb.name == "Elbow_L" || rb.name == "DinolonglegRLegPlatform" || rb.name == "Elbow_R" || rb.name == "UpperArm" || rb.name == "ForeArm" || rb.name == "Hand")
                rb.isKinematic = true;

        //colliders = this.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider> ();
        //OnOffCollider (true,true);
 private void Awake()
     deathHandler      = GetComponent <DeathHandler>();
     hitReactionObject = GetComponentInChildren <HitReaction>();
        public override HitReaction Hurt(HurtInfoBase hurtInfoBase)
            EntityPhysicsManager physicsManager = (EntityPhysicsManager)Controller.PhysicsManager;
            HurtInfo3D           hurtInfo       = (HurtInfo3D)hurtInfoBase;

            HitReaction hitReaction = new HitReaction();

            hitReaction.reactionType = HitReactionType.Hit;

            // Check if should hit grounded/aerial opponent.
            if (hurtInfo.hitInfo.groundOnly && !Controller.IsGrounded ||
                hurtInfo.hitInfo.airOnly && Controller.IsGrounded)
                hitReaction.reactionType = HitReactionType.Avoided;

            HitInfo hitInfo = (HitInfo)hurtInfo.hitInfo;

            // Got hit.
            LastHitBy = hurtInfo.hitInfo;

            // Convert forces the attacker-based forward direction.
            switch (hitInfo.forceType)
            case HitboxForceType.SET:
                Vector3 baseForce = hitInfo.opponentForceDir * hitInfo.opponentForceMagnitude;
                Vector3 forces    = (hurtInfo.forward * baseForce.z + hurtInfo.right * baseForce.x);
                forces.y = baseForce.y;
                physicsManager.forceGravity.y = baseForce.y;
                forces.y = 0;
                physicsManager.forceMovement = forces;

            case HitboxForceType.PULL:
                Vector3 dir = transform.position - hurtInfo.center;
                if (!hitInfo.forceIncludeYForce)
                    dir.y = 0;
                Vector3 forceDir = Vector3.ClampMagnitude((dir) * hitInfo.opponentForceMagnitude, hitInfo.opponentMaxMagnitude);
                float   yForce   = forceDir.y;
                forceDir.y = 0;
                if (hitInfo.forceIncludeYForce)
                    physicsManager.forceGravity.y = yForce;
                physicsManager.forceMovement = forceDir;

            if (physicsManager.forceGravity.y > 0)
                Controller.IsGrounded = false;

            // Change state to the correct one.
            if (Controller.IsGrounded && hitInfo.groundBounces)
            else if (hitInfo.causesTumble)
                Controller.StateManager.ChangeState((int)(Controller.IsGrounded ? EntityStates.FLINCH : EntityStates.FLINCH_AIR));

Exemple #14
 private void Awake()
     spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     hitReact       = GetComponent <HitReaction>();
     controller     = GetComponent <PlayerController>();