Exemple #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Correct init logics

        if (GetComponent<CoinSpin>() != null)
            coin = GetComponent<CoinSpin>();

        if (GetComponent<AudioSource>() != null)
            //Audi = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        this.tag = Globals.TAGS.Item;
        this.award_Flame = Mathf.Max(award_Flame, 0f);
        if (monitor == null)
            monitor = Session_Monitor.Instance;
            Audi = ((AudioSource )monitor.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>());
        if (dragonSM == null)
            dragonSM = FindObjectsOfType<HealthMonitor>().First(t => t.tag == Globals.TAGS.Player);
        Audi = ((AudioSource)monitor.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>());
        if(GetComponent<CoinSpin>() == null)
            Audi = null;
        p = FindObjectOfType<Perks>();
 public void Setup()
     _healthMonitor = new HealthMonitor();
Exemple #3
        public void Reload()
            var     errors        = new List <ValidationResult>();
            JObject config        = null;
            object  updatedConfig = null;

                config = ConfigCache.CreateJsonConfig(ConfigPath) ?? Empty;

                if (JToken.DeepEquals(LatestNode, config))
                    if (Latest != null)
                        ValidationErrors = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                errors.Add(new ValidationResult("Failed to acquire config JObject: " + HealthMonitor.GetMessages(ex)));

            if (config != null && errors.Any() == false)
                    updatedConfig = config.ToObject(ObjectType);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // It is not only JsonException, as sometimes a custom deserializer capable to throw god knows what (including ProgrammaticException)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationResult("Failed to deserialize config object: " + HealthMonitor.GetMessages(ex)));

                if (updatedConfig != null)
                    Validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(updatedConfig, errors);

            if (errors.Any() == false)
                ValidationErrors = null;
                UsageTracking.AddConfigObject(Latest, ConfigPath);
                if (isCreated)
                    Log.Info(_ => _("A config object has been updated",
                                    unencryptedTags: new {
                        ConfigObjectType  = ObjectType.FullName,
                        ConfigObjectPath  = ConfigPath,
                        OverallModifyTime = ConfigCache.LatestConfigFileModifyTime,
                                    encryptedTags: new {
                        Changes = DiffJObjects(LatestNode, config, new StringBuilder(), new Stack <string>()).ToString(),
                else//It mean we are first time not need to send update messsage
                    isCreated = true;

                LatestNode = config;
                Latest     = updatedConfig;
                ValidationErrors = string.Join(" \n", errors.Select(a => a.ErrorMessage));

                Log.Error(_ => _("A config object has been updated but failed validation", unencryptedTags: new
                    ConfigObjectType = ObjectType.FullName,
                    ConfigObjectPath = ConfigPath,
Exemple #4
        private HealthCheckResult HealthCheck()
            var failedQueries      = _failedQueries.ToArray();
            var nonExistQueries    = _existingServices.Where(_ => _.Value == false).Select(_ => _.Key).ToArray();
            var nonExistQueriesStr = nonExistQueries.Any() ? $"The following queries do not exist: {string.Join(", ", nonExistQueries)}" : string.Empty;

            if (failedQueries.Any() == false)
                var failedQueriesStr = "The following queries failed: " + string.Join(", ", failedQueries.Select(q => $"\"{q.Key}\": {HealthMonitor.GetMessages(q.Value)}"));
                return(HealthCheckResult.Unhealthy(nonExistQueriesStr + "\r\n" + failedQueriesStr));
 public HealthMonitoringPartitionControllerDecorator(PartitionController inner, HealthMonitor monitor)
     this.inner   = inner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(inner));
     this.monitor = monitor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(monitor));
Exemple #6
 // Use this for initialization
 public virtual void Start()
     rigidbody = GetComponentInParent<Rigidbody2D>();
     health = GetComponentInParent<HealthMonitor>();
     Audi = GetComponentInParent<AudioSource>();
Exemple #7
        public ConsulClient(IEnvironmentVariableProvider environmentVariableProvider, ILog log, HealthMonitor healthMonitor)
            Log        = log;
            DataCenter = environmentVariableProvider.DataCenter;
            var address = environmentVariableProvider.ConsulAddress ?? $"{CurrentApplicationInfo.HostName}:8500";

            ConsulAddress = new Uri($"http://{address}");
            _httpClient   = new HttpClient {
                BaseAddress = ConsulAddress, Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            healthMonitor.SetHealthFunction("ConsulClient", HealthCheck);
Exemple #8
 // Use this for initialization
 public virtual void Start()
     rigidbody = GetComponentInParent <Rigidbody2D>();
     health    = GetComponentInParent <HealthMonitor>();
     Audi      = GetComponentInParent <AudioSource>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the specified settings, overwriting existing settings.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="updatedEndPointsResult"></param>
        /// this <see cref="RemoteHostPool"/>.
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when </exception>
        /// <exception cref="EnvironmentException"></exception>
        private void ReloadEndpoints(EndPointsResult updatedEndPointsResult)
            lock (_lock)
                    var updatedEndPoints = updatedEndPointsResult.EndPoints;
                    if (updatedEndPoints.Any() == false)
                        Health.SetHealthFunction(() =>
                            var config = GetConfig();
                            if (IsHealthCheckSuppressed(config))
                                return(new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Healthy(
                                                                             $"No endpoints were discovered from source '{config.Source}' but the remote service was not in use for more than {config.SuppressHealthCheckAfterServiceUnused.TotalSeconds} seconds.")));
                                return(new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Unhealthy(
                                                                             $"No endpoints were discovered from source '{config.Source}'.")));

                        EndPointsResult = updatedEndPointsResult;

                        ReachableHosts   = new List <RemoteHost>();
                        UnreachableHosts = new List <RemoteHost>();
                        if (EndPoints != null)
                            foreach (var removedEndPoint in EndPoints.Except(updatedEndPoints))
                                ReachableHosts.SingleOrDefault(h => h.Equals(removedEndPoint))?.StopMonitoring();
                                ReachableHosts.RemoveAll(h => h.Equals(removedEndPoint));
                                UnreachableHosts.RemoveAll(h => h.Equals(removedEndPoint));

                        var newHosts = updatedEndPoints
                                       .Except(EndPoints ?? Enumerable.Empty <EndPoint>())
                                       .Select(ep => new RemoteHost(ep.HostName, this, _lock, ep.Port));


                        EndPointsResult = updatedEndPointsResult;

                        Counter = (ulong)_random.Next(0, ReachableHosts.Count);


                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn("Failed to process newly discovered endpoints", exception: ex);
                    Health.SetHealthFunction(() =>
                                             new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Unhealthy("Failed to process newly discovered endpoints: " +
 public void Tick_ShouldNotThrow_WhenUnconfigured()
Exemple #11
    int m_bPlayerInstanceCount = 0;  //flag to disable multiple player instances
    void InitialiseInstance(Parser.Tr2Item tr2item)
        GameObject go = tr2item.UnityObject;

        go.name += " " + tr2item.ObjectID;
        if (tr2item.ObjectID == 0)
            if (m_bPlayerInstanceCount == 1)
            //playable character found!
            m_Player                  = go;
            m_Player.layer            = UnityLayer.Player;
            m_PrevPlayPos             = m_Player.transform.position;
            m_Player.transform.parent = m_LevelRoot;

            if (m_leveldata.Camera != null)
                m_leveldata.Camera.target = m_Player.transform;
            LaraStatePlayer stateplayer = m_Player.AddComponent <LaraStatePlayer>();
            stateplayer.tranimations = m_DynamicPrefabs[0].AnimClips;
            m_Player.name            = "Lara";

            GameObject FlashLight = new GameObject("Fire Torch");
            FlashLight.AddComponent <FlashLightStatePlayer>();
            Light lt = FlashLight.AddComponent <Light>();
            lt.type      = LightType.Spot;
            lt.range     = 5;
            lt.spotAngle = 70;
            lt.intensity = 5;

            FlashLight.transform.parent   = m_Player.transform.Find("objPart:0");//.Find("objPart:7").Find("objPart:14");
            FlashLight.transform.position = FlashLight.transform.parent.position;
            FlashLight.transform.forward  = FlashLight.transform.parent.forward;
            lt.enabled = false;

            Player player = go.AddComponent <Player>();
            player.m_Tr2Item = tr2item;
            HealthMonitor          healthmon      = go.AddComponent <HealthMonitor>();
            PlayerCollisionHandler playercollider = go.AddComponent <PlayerCollisionHandler>();

            //Initialise Current Active Room for player
            player.m_AnimStatePlayer = stateplayer;
            player.m_Room            = SetRoomForPlayer();
            if (player.m_Room != null)
                Debug.Log("Player Rooms: " + player.m_Room.name);
            AICondition.SetActive(m_Player, true);

            //set every game object under player as player
            Transform[] objs = m_Player.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
            foreach (Transform t in objs)
                t.gameObject.layer = UnityLayer.Player;

            //Add Charecter light
            GameObject LaraLight = new GameObject("Lara Light");
            Light      light     = LaraLight.AddComponent <Light>();
            light.transform.position = m_Player.transform.position;
            light.type = LightType.Directional;
            light.transform.forward = Vector3.Reflect(Vector3.one, -Vector3.up);
            light.transform.parent  = m_Player.transform;
            light.cullingMask       = MaskedLayer.Player;
            light.intensity         = 0.3f;
            light.gameObject.AddComponent <LaraLightStatePlayer>();

            m_bPlayerInstanceCount = 1;
        //check if we have any custom behabiour  script for object
        else if (m_OnAttachBehabiourScript != null && !m_OnAttachBehabiourScript(tr2item.UnityObject, tr2item.ObjectID, m_Player, tr2item))
            go.AddComponent <DefaultStatePlayer>(); // user did not attached any custom behabiour. so use default one
            AICondition.SetActive(go, true);        //Added default activation state active
        public void AddNotifier_ShouldAddNotifier(INotifier notifier)

        public void AddCheck_ShouldAddCheck(IHealthCheck check)

    void GetStatMonitor()
        if (hasStatMonitor == true) { return; }
        if (source == null)
            // Get a source

            source = FindObjectsOfType<HealthMonitor>().First(t => t.tag == Globals.TAGS.Player);
            if (source == null)
                // Thats bad!

            if (Use_Stat_Number == 3)
                // Use a debug mode which used SIN()
                max = 1;
                max = source.GetLimitAtIndex(Use_Stat_Number);


            hasStatMonitor = true;
        private void Create()
            var     errors        = new List <ValidationResult>();
            JObject config        = null;
            object  updatedConfig = null;

                config = ConfigCache.CreateJsonConfig(ConfigPath) ?? Empty;

                if (JToken.DeepEquals(LatestNode, config))
                    if (Latest != null)
                        ValidationErrors = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                errors.Add(new ValidationResult("Failed to acquire config JObject: " + HealthMonitor.GetMessages(ex)));

            if (config != null && errors.Any() == false)
                LatestNode = config;

                    updatedConfig = LatestNode.ToObject(ObjectType);
                catch (JsonException ex)
                    errors.Add(new ValidationResult("Failed to deserialize config object: " + HealthMonitor.GetMessages(ex)));

                if (updatedConfig != null)
                    Validator.TryValidateObjectRecursive(updatedConfig, errors);

            if (errors.Any() == false)
                Latest           = updatedConfig;
                ValidationErrors = null;
                UsageTracking.AddConfigObject(Latest, ConfigPath);

                Log.Info(_ => _("A config object has been updated", unencryptedTags: new
                    ConfigObjectType = ObjectType.FullName,
                    ConfigObjectPath = ConfigPath

                ValidationErrors = string.Join(" \n", errors.Select(a => a.ErrorMessage));

                Log.Error(_ => _("A config object has been updated but failed validation", unencryptedTags: new
                    ConfigObjectType = ObjectType.FullName,
                    ConfigObjectPath = ConfigPath,
        private ValueTask <HealthCheckResult> CheckHealth()
            var config = GetConfig();

            if (IsHealthCheckSuppressed(config))
                return(new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Healthy($"Health check suppressed because service was not in use for more than {config.SuppressHealthCheckAfterServiceUnused.TotalSeconds} seconds.")));

            int       reachableCount;
            int       unreachableCount;
            Exception exception;

            string[] unreachableHosts;

            lock (_lock)
                reachableCount   = ReachableHosts.Count;
                unreachableHosts = UnreachableHosts.Select(x => $"{x.HostName}:{x.Port}").ToArray();
                unreachableCount = unreachableHosts.Length;
                exception        = UnreachableHosts.FirstOrDefault()?.LastException;

            if (reachableCount == 0)
                return(new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Unhealthy($"All of the {unreachableCount} hosts are unreachable: " +
                                                                                     $"{string.Join(",", unreachableHosts)}. Last exception: {HealthMonitor.GetMessages(exception)}")));
                if (unreachableCount > 0)
                    return(new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Unhealthy($"The following {unreachableCount} hosts " +
                                                                                         $"(out of {unreachableCount + reachableCount}) are unreachable: {string.Join(",", unreachableHosts)}. " +
                                                                                         $"Last exception: {HealthMonitor.GetMessages(exception)}")));
                    return(new ValueTask <HealthCheckResult>(HealthCheckResult.Healthy($"All {reachableCount} hosts are reachable.")));
 public MetricsInitializer(ILog log, IConfiguration configuration, IMetricsSettings metricsSettings, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, IEnvironmentVariableProvider envProvider, CurrentApplicationInfo appInfo)
     Configuration   = configuration;
     MetricsSettings = metricsSettings;
     HealthMonitor   = healthMonitor;
     Log             = log;
     EnvProvider     = envProvider;
     AppInfo         = appInfo;
 public MetricsInitializer(ILog log, IConfiguration configuration, IMetricsSettings metricsSettings, HealthMonitor healthMonitor, CurrentApplicationInfo appInfo)
     Configuration   = configuration;
     MetricsSettings = metricsSettings;
     HealthMonitor   = healthMonitor;
     Log             = log;
     AppInfo         = appInfo;