public static Optional <Path> FindPath(MapPawn mapPawn) { HexCell start = mapPawn.Location; HexCell dest = mapPawn.Destination; // For node n, cameFrom[n] is the node immediately preceding it on the cheapest path from start // to n currently known. Dictionary <HexCell, PathNode> cameFrom = MapPool <HexCell, PathNode> .GLGet(); // For node n, gScore[n] is the cost of the cheapest path from start to n currently known. Dictionary <HexCell, int> gScore = MapPool <HexCell, int> .GLGet(); gScore[start] = 0; // For node n, fScore[n] = gScore[n] + h(n). fScore[n] represents our current best guess as to // how short a path from start to finish can be if it goes through n. int startFScore = Heuristic(start, dest); // The set of discovered nodes that may need to be (re-)expanded. PriorityQueue <HexCell> openSet = ObjectPool <PriorityQueue <HexCell> > .GLGet(); openSet.Add(start, startFScore); // The set of nodes for which a shortest path has already been found HashSet <HexCell> closedSet = HashSetPool <HexCell> .GLGet(); while (!openSet.IsEmpty()) { HexCell current = (HexCell)openSet.Poll(); // Explicit cast because we know this can never be null if (current == dest) { ObjectPool <PriorityQueue <HexCell> > .GLRestore(openSet); MapPool <HexCell, int> .GLRestore(gScore); HashSetPool <HexCell> .GLRestore(closedSet); return(ReconstructPath(cameFrom, current)); } closedSet.Add(current); for (HexDirection dir = HexDirection.NE; dir <= HexDirection.NW; dir++) { HexCell neighbor = current.GetNeighbor(dir); if (neighbor == null || closedSet.Contains(neighbor)) { continue; // Dont waste time with already evaluated nodes } if (!mapPawn.CanTransverse(current, neighbor, dir)) { continue; // We cannot go there } int transversalCost = mapPawn.TransversalCost(current, neighbor); int tentative_gScore = gScore[current] + transversalCost; int neighbor_gScore = gScore.ContainsKey(neighbor) ? gScore[neighbor] : int.MaxValue; if (tentative_gScore < neighbor_gScore) { cameFrom[neighbor] = new PathNode(current, transversalCost); gScore[neighbor] = tentative_gScore; int fScore = tentative_gScore + Heuristic(neighbor, dest); if (!openSet.Update(neighbor, fScore)) { openSet.Add(neighbor, fScore); } } } } // Open set is empty but goal was never reached ObjectPool <PriorityQueue <HexCell> > .GLRestore(openSet); MapPool <HexCell, PathNode> .GLRestore(cameFrom); MapPool <HexCell, int> .GLRestore(gScore); HashSetPool <HexCell> .GLRestore(closedSet); return(null); }