new protected HandModel CreateHand(HandModel model) { HandModel hand_model = Instantiate(model, transform.position, transform.rotation) as HandModel; hand_model.gameObject.SetActive(true); ParticleSystem[] particleSystems = hand_model.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); foreach (ParticleSystem system in particleSystems) { system.Stop(); } Utils.IgnoreCollisions(hand_model.gameObject, gameObject); // add scripts... foreach (FingerModel finger in hand_model.fingers) { if (finger.GetType() == typeof(RigidFinger)) { RigidFinger rigidFinger = finger as RigidFinger; foreach (Transform bone in rigidFinger.bones) { if (bone == null) { continue; } GameObject bGameObject = bone.gameObject; Rigidbody bRigidBody = bGameObject.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>() as Rigidbody; bRigidBody.isKinematic = false; bRigidBody.useGravity = false; bRigidBody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic; } rigidFinger.bones[rigidFinger.bones.Length - 1].gameObject.tag = "FingerTip"; } } // add grasp script if (hand_model.GetType() == typeof(RigidHand)) { hand_model.gameObject.AddComponent <GraspController>(); GraspController graspController = hand_model.gameObject.GetComponent <GraspController>(); //graspController.GraspTriggerDistance = 1.0f * this.GraspDistanceScale; //graspController.ReleaseTriggerDistance = 2.5f * this.GraspDistanceScale; graspController.GraspObjectDistance = 3.5f * this.GraspDistanceScale * transform.localScale.x; } Collider[] allCls = hand_model.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(); foreach (Collider lcl in allCls) { foreach (Collider refCl in allCls) { if (!lcl.Equals(refCl)) { Physics.IgnoreCollision(lcl, refCl, true); } } } if (this.enableFingerParticleSystems && hand_model.GetType() == typeof(SkeletalHand)) { SkeletalHand skeletalHand = hand_model as SkeletalHand; foreach (FingerModel finger in skeletalHand.fingers) { if (finger.GetType() == typeof(SkeletalFinger)) { SkeletalFinger skeletalFinger = finger as SkeletalFinger; if (skeletalFinger.fingerType == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_INDEX) { Transform bone = skeletalFinger.bones[skeletalFinger.bones.Length - 1]; /*GameObject indexProxy = GameObject.Instantiate(this.IndexStimulationProxyPrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; * indexProxy.transform.parent = bone; * indexProxy.transform.localPosition =;*/ } else if (skeletalFinger.fingerType == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB) { Transform bone = skeletalFinger.bones[skeletalFinger.bones.Length - 1]; /*GameObject thumbProxy = GameObject.Instantiate(this.ThumbStimulationProxyPrefab,, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; * thumbProxy.transform.parent = bone; * thumbProxy.transform.localPosition =;*/ } } } //skeletalHand.gameObject.AddComponent<StimulationProxy>(); } return(hand_model); }
new protected void UpdateHandModels(Dictionary <int, HandModel> all_hands, HandList leap_hands, HandModel left_model, HandModel right_model) { List <int> ids_to_check = new List <int>(all_hands.Keys); // Go through all the active hands and update them. int num_hands = leap_hands.Count; for (int h = 0; h < num_hands; ++h) { Hand leap_hand = leap_hands[h]; HandModel model = (mirrorZAxis != leap_hand.IsLeft) ? left_model : right_model; // hmm, quite stupid way to keep track of the right hand ID... if (leap_hand.IsRight && !(right_model.GetType() == typeof(RigidHand))) { this.currentRightHandID = leap_hand.Id; } // If we've mirrored since this hand was updated, destroy it. if (all_hands.ContainsKey(leap_hand.Id) && all_hands[leap_hand.Id].IsMirrored() != mirrorZAxis) { DestroyHand(all_hands[leap_hand.Id]); all_hands.Remove(leap_hand.Id); } // Only create or update if the hand is enabled. if (model != null) { ids_to_check.Remove(leap_hand.Id); // Create the hand and initialized it if it doesn't exist yet. if (!all_hands.ContainsKey(leap_hand.Id)) { HandModel new_hand = CreateHand(model); new_hand.SetLeapHand(leap_hand); new_hand.MirrorZAxis(mirrorZAxis); new_hand.SetController(this); // Set scaling based on reference hand. float hand_scale = MM_TO_M * leap_hand.PalmWidth / new_hand.handModelPalmWidth; new_hand.transform.localScale = hand_scale * transform.lossyScale; new_hand.InitHand(); new_hand.UpdateHand(); all_hands[leap_hand.Id] = new_hand; if (leap_hand.Id == this.currentRightHandID) { this.currentRelevantPalmPosition = all_hands[leap_hand.Id].GetPalmPosition(); foreach (FingerModel finger in all_hands[leap_hand.Id].fingers) { if (finger.fingerType == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_INDEX) { this.currentRelevantIndexPosition = finger.GetTipPosition(); } else if (finger.fingerType == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB) { this.currentRelevantThumbPosition = finger.GetTipPosition(); } } } } else { // Make sure we update the Leap Hand reference. HandModel hand_model = all_hands[leap_hand.Id]; hand_model.SetLeapHand(leap_hand); hand_model.MirrorZAxis(mirrorZAxis); // Set scaling based on reference hand. float hand_scale = MM_TO_M * leap_hand.PalmWidth / hand_model.handModelPalmWidth; hand_model.transform.localScale = hand_scale * transform.lossyScale; hand_model.UpdateHand(); if (leap_hand.Id == this.currentRightHandID) { this.currentRelevantPalmPosition = all_hands[leap_hand.Id].GetPalmPosition(); foreach (FingerModel finger in all_hands[leap_hand.Id].fingers) { if (finger.fingerType == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_INDEX) { this.currentRelevantIndexPosition = finger.GetTipPosition(); } else if (finger.fingerType == Finger.FingerType.TYPE_THUMB) { this.currentRelevantThumbPosition = finger.GetTipPosition(); } } } } } } // Destroy all hands with defunct IDs. for (int i = 0; i < ids_to_check.Count; ++i) { DestroyHand(all_hands[ids_to_check[i]]); all_hands.Remove(ids_to_check[i]); if (ids_to_check[i] == this.currentRightHandID) { this.currentRightHandID = -1; } } }