Exemple #1
        public override float Utility(HT a)
            // By declaring these classes INSIDE of JBAgent_Utility, they gain access to JBAgent_Utility.MEM
            if (MEM[PickUp.eType.none].Count == 0)
                // Everything has been discovered!!!
                // If all SpawnPoints are known, set dest to the origin and return minimum utility
                uRec.dest = Vector3.zero;
                uRec.u    = 0;

            // Looks like we still have some exploring to do!
            // Return the closest unknown SpawnPoint and try to explore it.
            uRec.dest = a.ClosestSPFromList(MEM[PickUp.eType.none]).pos;
            uRec.u    = 1;

            // The last line of ALL of these needs to be return base.Utility(a)
            //   because base.Utility(a) applies both the curve and the utilMinMax limits