// Helper routine for creation of a stereo eye.
    private void CreateEye(GvrViewer.Eye eye)
        string     nm = name + (eye == GvrViewer.Eye.Left ? " Left" : " Right");
        GameObject go = new GameObject(nm);

        go.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        go.AddComponent <Camera>().enabled = false;
        var GvrEye = go.AddComponent <GvrEye>();

        GvrEye.eye = eye;
Exemple #2
        public Pose3D GetEyePose(GvrViewer.Eye eye)
            switch (eye)
            case GvrViewer.Eye.Left:

            case GvrViewer.Eye.Right:

    // Helper routine for creation of a stereo eye.
    private void CreateEye(GvrViewer.Eye eye, string camName)
        string     nm = name + (eye == GvrViewer.Eye.Left ? " Left" : " Right");
        GameObject go = new GameObject(nm);

        //GameObject go = GameObject.FindWithTag(camName);
        go.transform.SetParent(transform, false);
        go.AddComponent <Camera>().enabled = false;
        go.AddComponent <UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.Bloom> ();
        var GvrEye = go.AddComponent <GvrEye>();

        GvrEye.eye = eye;
Exemple #4
        public Rect GetViewport(GvrViewer.Eye eye,
                                GvrViewer.Distortion distortion = GvrViewer.Distortion.Distorted)
            switch (eye)
            case GvrViewer.Eye.Left:
                return(distortion == GvrViewer.Distortion.Distorted ?
                       leftEyeDistortedViewport : leftEyeUndistortedViewport);

            case GvrViewer.Eye.Right:
                return(distortion == GvrViewer.Distortion.Distorted ?
                       rightEyeDistortedViewport : rightEyeUndistortedViewport);

                return(new Rect());
Exemple #5
        public Matrix4x4 GetProjection(GvrViewer.Eye eye,
                                       GvrViewer.Distortion distortion = GvrViewer.Distortion.Distorted)
            switch (eye)
            case GvrViewer.Eye.Left:
                return(distortion == GvrViewer.Distortion.Distorted ?
                       leftEyeDistortedProjection : leftEyeUndistortedProjection);

            case GvrViewer.Eye.Right:
                return(distortion == GvrViewer.Distortion.Distorted ?
                       rightEyeDistortedProjection : rightEyeUndistortedProjection);

    /// Compute the position of one of the stereo eye cameras.  Accounts for both
    /// FOV matching and stereo comfort, if those features are enabled.  The input is
    /// the [1,1] entry of the eye camera's projection matrix, representing the vertical
    /// field of view, and the overall scale being applied to the Z axis.  Returns the
    /// position of the stereo eye camera in local coordinates.
    public Vector3 ComputeStereoEyePosition(GvrViewer.Eye eye, float proj11, float zScale)
        if (centerOfInterest == null || !centerOfInterest.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
            return(GvrViewer.Instance.EyePose(eye).Position *stereoMultiplier);

        // Distance of COI relative to head.
        float distance = centerOfInterest != null ?
                         (centerOfInterest.position - transform.position).magnitude : 0;

        // Size of the COI, clamped to [0..distance] for mathematical sanity in following equations.
        float radius = Mathf.Clamp(radiusOfInterest, 0, distance);

        // Move the eye so that COI has about the same size onscreen as in the mono camera FOV.
        // The radius affects the horizon location, which is where the screen-size matching has to
        // occur.
        float scale  = proj11 / cam.projectionMatrix[1, 1]; // vertical FOV
        float offset =
            Mathf.Sqrt(radius * radius + (distance * distance - radius * radius) * scale * scale);
        float eyeOffset = (distance - offset) * Mathf.Clamp01(matchMonoFOV) / zScale;

        float ipdScale = stereoMultiplier;

        if (checkStereoComfort)
            // Manage IPD scale based on the distance to the COI.
            float minComfort = GvrViewer.Instance.ComfortableViewingRange.x;
            float maxComfort = GvrViewer.Instance.ComfortableViewingRange.y;
            if (minComfort < maxComfort) // Sanity check.
            // If closer than the minimum comfort distance, IPD is scaled down.
            // If farther than the maximum comfort distance, IPD is scaled up.
            // The result is that parallax is clamped within a reasonable range.
                float minDistance = (distance - radius) / zScale - eyeOffset;
                ipdScale *= minDistance / Mathf.Clamp(minDistance, minComfort, maxComfort);

        return(ipdScale * GvrViewer.Instance.EyePose(eye).Position + eyeOffset * Vector3.forward);