private static void Add(bool isGoldenVersion)
            string upperColor = isGoldenVersion ? "Golden" : "Black";
            string lowerColor = isGoldenVersion ? "golden" : "black";

            Gun gun = ETGMod.Databases.Items.NewGun($"{upperColor} Revolver", $"gr_{lowerColor}_revolver");

            Game.Items.Rename($"outdated_gun_mods:{lowerColor}_revolver", $"ex:{lowerColor}_revolver");

            gun.gameObject.AddComponent <BlackAndGoldenRevolver>();
            gun.SetShortDescription("Six Deep");

            string longDescription = "Bullets fired from this cursed revolver jam enemies on hit, but also completely ignore their increased strength, damaging them as if they were unjammed.";

            if (isGoldenVersion)
                longDescription += "\n\nThree bullet kin, that were completely unalike each other, set aside their differences to obtain this revolver, that was once carried by the bearer of a terrible curse. Their presence can still be felt while wielding it.";
                longDescription += "\n\nThis revolver was once carried by the bearer of a terrible curse. It is cold to the touch. A dark wind blows.";


            // frame rate can be adjusted if we don't like the current idle animation speed
            gun.SetupSprite(null, $"gr_{lowerColor}_revolver_idle_001", 5);

            var idleAnimation = gun.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteAnimator>().GetClipByName(gun.idleAnimation);

            var list = idleAnimation.frames.ToList();

            // manually add the reversal of the animation so we don't load the same sprite multiple times for no reason (these frames don't really need to be duplicated)

            // add a few more frames of the idle frame so the animation has a slight pause before looping
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

            idleAnimation.frames = list.ToArray();

            gun.SetAnimationFPS(gun.shootAnimation, 12);
            gun.SetAnimationFPS(gun.reloadAnimation, 14);

            // Every modded gun has base projectile it works with that is borrowed from other guns in the game.
            // The gun names are the names from the JSON dump! While most are the same, some guns named completely different things. If you need help finding gun names, ask a modder on the Gungeon discord.
            // which means its the ETGMod.Databases.Items / PickupObjectDatabase.Instance.InternalGetByName name, aka the

            var defaultGun = PickupObjectDatabase.GetById(22) as Gun;

            gun.AddProjectileModuleFrom(defaultGun, true, false);

            // move the gun up with the hand in the second frame of the shooting animation (hand movement was done in GAE with a y offset of 1)
            //gun.GetComponent<tk2dSpriteAnimator>().GetClipByName(gun.shootAnimation).frames[1].FrameToDefinition().MakeOffset(new Vector2(0, 1));

            gun.gunSwitchGroup     = defaultGun.gunSwitchGroup;
            gun.muzzleFlashEffects = defaultGun.muzzleFlashEffects;

            gun.muzzleOffset.localPosition = new Vector3(1.2f, 0.8f, 0f);
            gun.barrelOffset.localPosition = new Vector3(1.4f, 0.8f, 0f);

            gun.DefaultModule.shootStyle          = ProjectileModule.ShootStyle.SemiAutomatic;
            gun.DefaultModule.sequenceStyle       = ProjectileModule.ProjectileSequenceStyle.Random;
            gun.DefaultModule.cooldownTime        = 0.07f;
            gun.DefaultModule.numberOfShotsInClip = 6;
            gun.DefaultModule.angleVariance       = 0;
            gun.DefaultModule.ammoCost            = 1;

            var curseWhileHeld = new StatModifier
                amount      = 2,
                statToBoost = PlayerStats.StatType.Curse,
                modifyType  = StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE

            gun.currentGunStatModifiers = new StatModifier[] { curseWhileHeld };

            gun.shellCasing            = defaultGun.shellCasing;
            gun.shellsToLaunchOnFire   = 0;
            gun.shellsToLaunchOnReload = gun.DefaultModule.numberOfShotsInClip;
            gun.reloadShellLaunchFrame = defaultGun.reloadShellLaunchFrame;

            gun.reloadTime = 1f;
            gun.gunClass   = GunClass.PISTOL;
            gun.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.EXCLUDED;

            gun.encounterTrackable.EncounterGuid = $"this is the {lowerColor} skull revolver";

            Projectile projectile      = isGoldenVersion ? WestBrosGoldenRevolverProjectile.AddComponent <Projectile>() : WestBrosBlackRevolverProjectile.AddComponent <Projectile>();
            GameObject projectileChild = projectile.transform.Find("Sprite").gameObject;
            tk2dSprite projetileSprite = SpriteSerializer.AddSpriteToObject(projectileChild, ExpandCustomEnemyDatabase.WestBrosCollection, "gr_black_revolver_projectile_001");

            ExpandUtility.GenerateSpriteAnimator(projectileChild, playAutomatically: true);
            ExpandUtility.AddAnimation(projectileChild.GetComponent <tk2dSpriteAnimator>(), projetileSprite.Collection, ProjectileSpriteList, "idle", tk2dSpriteAnimationClip.WrapMode.Loop, 13);

            SpeculativeRigidbody projectileRigidBody = projectile.gameObject.AddComponent <SpeculativeRigidbody>();

            ExpandUtility.DuplicateRigidBody(projectileRigidBody, defaultGun.DefaultModule.projectiles[0].specRigidbody);
            ExpandUtility.DuplicateComponent(projectile, defaultGun.DefaultModule.projectiles[0]);
            gun.DefaultModule.projectiles[0] = projectile;
            projectile.baseData.damage       = 14f;
            projectile.baseData.speed        = 25f;
            projectile.baseData.force        = 14f;

            // projectile.transform.parent = gun.barrelOffset;
            projectile.transform.localPosition = gun.barrelOffset.localPosition;

            projectile.shouldRotate = true;
            var comp = projectile.gameObject.AddComponent <SkullRevolverBullet>();

            comp.jamsEnemies = true;

            ETGMod.Databases.Items.Add(gun, null, "ANY");

            if (isGoldenVersion)
                GoldenRevolverID = gun.PickupObjectId;
                BlackRevolverID = gun.PickupObjectId;