protected void btnMadehInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtMadehTitle.Text != "") { Value.InsertValues(lblMadehID.Text, lblMadehValue.Text, txtMadehTitle.Text); } txtMadehTitle.Text = ""; GridView13.DataBind(); }
protected void GridView13_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e) { DataTable dataTable = GridView13.DataSource as DataTable; if (dataTable != null) { DataView dataView = new DataView(dataTable); dataView.Sort = e.SortExpression + " " + ConvertSortDirectionToSql(e.SortDirection); GridView13.DataSource = dataView; GridView13.DataBind(); } }
private void View8_DataBind() { GridView12.DataBind(); GridView13.DataBind(); Chart8.DataBind(); Label42.Text = "Me"; Label43.Text = DropDownList15.SelectedItem.Text; Label42.Visible = true; Label43.Visible = true; Label41.Text = "Me Vs " + DropDownList15.SelectedItem.Text + " Overrall Comparison"; Label41.Visible = true; if (Chart8.Series[0].Points.Count > 0 || Chart8.Series[1].Points.Count > 0) { Chart8.Visible = true; } }
protected void Button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { con.Open(); string query = "(SELECT first_name,students_phonenumber FROM student_account WHERE id_number='" + DropDownList22.SelectedValue.ToString() + "')"; SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); da1.Fill(ds1); GridView13.DataSource = ds1; GridView13.DataBind(); con.Close(); } catch (Exception p) { Response.Write(p.Message); } try { con.Open(); com.Connection = con; com.CommandText = "(SELECT first_name,students_phonenumber FROM student_account WHERE id_number = '" + DropDownList22.SelectedValue.ToString() + "')"; using (SqlDataReader read = com.ExecuteReader()) { while (read.Read()) { Label67.Text = (read["first_name"].ToString()); TextBox39.Text = (read["students_phonenumber"].ToString()); } } con.Close(); } catch (Exception a) { Response.Write(a.Message); } }
protected void odswiez() { Session["data_1"] = Date1.Text; Session["data_2"] = Date2.Text; string yyx = (string)Session["id_dzialu"]; id_dzialu.Text = (string)Session["txt_dzialu"]; string txt = string.Empty; // txt = "File name: <b>onsk.aspx</b></br>"; cl.deleteRowTable(); txt = txt + cl.clear_maim_db(); try { txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, yyx, 1, tenPlik); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, yyx, 10, tenPlik); try { DataTable dt01 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy_przestawnych1(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, yyx, 1000, 1, tenPlik); cm.log.Error(tenPlik + " generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych 1000 il wierszy" + dt01.Rows.Count.ToString()); GridView13.DataSource = null; GridView13.ShowHeader = false; GridView13.DataSourceID = null; GridView13.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView13.DataSource = dt01; GridView13.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error(tenPlik + " generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych 1000 " + ex.Message); } try { DataTable dt01 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy_przestawnych1(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, yyx, 1002, 1, tenPlik); GridView15.DataSource = null; GridView15.ShowHeader = false; GridView15.DataSourceID = null; GridView15.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView15.DataSource = dt01; GridView15.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error(tenPlik + " generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych 1002 " + ex.Message); } //==================================================== try { DataTable dt01 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 1001, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, tenPlik); // DataTable dt01 = dr.tworzTabele(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 1001, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, 30, GridView14, tenPlik); GridView14.DataSource = null; GridView14.ShowHeader = false; GridView14.DataSourceID = null; GridView14.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView14.DataSource = dt01; GridView14.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error(tenPlik + " generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych 1001 " + ex.Message); } try { DataTable dt01 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 1003, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, tenPlik); GridView16.DataSource = null; GridView16.ShowHeader = false; GridView16.DataSourceID = null; GridView16.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView16.DataSource = dt01; GridView16.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { cm.log.Error(tenPlik + " generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych 1003 " + ex.Message); } DataTable dt1 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy_przestawnych1(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, yyx, 2000, 1, tenPlik); GridView17.DataSource = null; GridView17.ShowHeader = false; GridView17.DataSourceID = null; GridView17.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView17.DataSource = dt1; GridView17.DataBind(); DataTable dt2 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 2001, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, tenPlik); GridView18.DataSource = null; GridView18.ShowHeader = false; GridView18.DataSourceID = null; GridView18.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView18.DataSource = dt2; GridView18.DataBind(); DataTable dt3 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_wierszy_przestawnych1(Date1.Date, Date2.Date, yyx, 2002, 1, tenPlik); GridView19.DataSource = null; GridView19.ShowHeader = false; GridView19.DataSourceID = null; GridView19.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView19.DataSource = dt3; GridView19.DataBind(); DataTable dt4 = cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_przestawnych(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 2003, Date1.Date, Date2.Date, tenPlik); GridView20.DataSource = null; GridView20.ShowHeader = false; GridView20.DataSourceID = null; GridView20.AutoGenerateColumns = false; GridView20.DataSource = dt4; GridView20.DataBind(); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 2, Date1.Date, Date2.Date); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 3, Date1.Date, Date2.Date); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 4, Date1.Date, Date2.Date); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 5, Date1.Date, Date2.Date); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 6, Date1.Date, Date2.Date); txt = txt + cl.generuj_dane_do_tabeli_(int.Parse((string)Session["id_dzialu"]), 8, Date1.Date, Date2.Date); txt = txt + cl.uzupelnij_statusy(); } catch { } // dopasowanie opisów makeLabels(); GridView1.DataBind(); GridView2.DataBind(); GridView3.DataBind(); GridView4.DataBind(); GridView6.DataBind(); GridView7.DataBind(); GridView8.DataBind(); try { Label11.Visible = cl.debug(int.Parse(yyx)); } catch { Label11.Visible = false; } Label11.Text = txt; Label3.Text = cl.nazwaSadu((string)Session["id_dzialu"]); makeHeader(); }
protected void grdvw_List_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e) { strSelectedId = grdvw_List.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[1].Text; txt_ItemName.Text = grdvw_List.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[2].Text; if (grdvw_List.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[2].Text.Trim() != " ") { txt_AccessTime.Text = grdvw_List.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[4].Text; } else { txt_AccessTime.Text = ""; } txt_person0.Text = grdvw_List.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[3].Text; txt_ItemName.ReadOnly = true; txt_person0.ReadOnly = true; //备注绑定 //项目接收备注显示 string remarkstr = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='1' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark1 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr).CreateDataSet(); string strtemp = "select Name,UserID from t_R_UserInfo"; DataSet ds_User = new MyDataOp(strtemp).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark1.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView1.DataSource = ds_Remark1; GridView1.DataBind(); string remarkstr2 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='2' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark2 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr2).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark2.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView2.DataSource = ds_Remark2; GridView2.DataBind(); string remarkstr3 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='3' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark3 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr3).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark3.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView3.DataSource = ds_Remark3; GridView3.DataBind(); string remarkstr4 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='4' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark4 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr4).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark4.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView4.DataSource = ds_Remark4; GridView4.DataBind(); string remarkstr5 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='5' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark5 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr5).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark5.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView5.DataSource = ds_Remark5; GridView5.DataBind(); string remarkstr6 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='6' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark6 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr6).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark6.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView6.DataSource = ds_Remark6; GridView6.DataBind(); string remarkstr7 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='7' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark7 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr7).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark7.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView7.DataSource = ds_Remark7; GridView7.DataBind(); string remarkstr8 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='8' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark8 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr8).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark8.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView8.DataSource = ds_Remark8; GridView8.DataBind(); string remarkstr9 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='9' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark9 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr9).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark9.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView9.DataSource = ds_Remark9; GridView9.DataBind(); string remarkstr10 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='10' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark10 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr10).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark10.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView10.DataSource = ds_Remark10; GridView10.DataBind(); string remarkstr11 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='11' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark11 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr11).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark11.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView11.DataSource = ds_Remark11; GridView11.DataBind(); string remarkstr12 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='12' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark12 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr12).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark12.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView12.DataSource = ds_Remark12; GridView12.DataBind(); string remarkstr13 = "select CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='13' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark13 = new MyDataOp(remarkstr13).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark13.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView13.DataSource = ds_Remark13; GridView13.DataBind(); //备注绑定 //有回退的,则显示回退备注,非回退,不显示 string backremarkstr = "select createdate 备注时间,t_Y_BackInfo.remark 备注及意见,userid 用户名 from t_Y_BackInfo inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_BackInfo.functionid where t_Y_BackInfo.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_BackInfo.functionid='15' order by"; // string backremarkstr = "select * from t_Y_BackInfo where itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and functionid='2'"; DataSet ds_Remark_back = new MyDataOp(backremarkstr).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark_back.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView_back.DataSource = ds_Remark_back; GridView_back.DataBind(); //回退的数据编辑,显示前面的备注信息,只读 string remarkstr_now = "select ItemName 项目类型, name 阶段,CreateDate 备注时间,bz 备注及意见,userid 用户名,flag, from t_Y_Detail inner join t_Y_FlowInfo on inner join t_Y_FlowDetail on t_Y_Detail.statusid where t_Y_Detail.itemid='" + strSelectedId + "' and t_Y_Detail.statusid='14' order by"; DataSet ds_Remark_now = new MyDataOp(remarkstr_now).CreateDataSet(); foreach (DataRow dr in ds_Remark_now.Tables[0].Rows) { foreach (DataRow drr in ds_User.Tables[0].Rows) { if (dr["用户名"].ToString() == drr["UserID"].ToString()) { dr["用户名"] = drr["Name"].ToString(); } } } GridView_now.DataSource = ds_Remark_now; GridView_now.DataBind(); DataRow[] dr_remark = ds_Remark_now.Tables[0].Select("flag=0"); if (dr_remark.Length > 0) { txt_Remark_now.Text = dr_remark[0][3].ToString(); SelectedId = dr_remark[0][6].ToString(); } if (ds_Remark_back.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Panel_back.Visible = true; } else { Panel_back.Visible = false; } ds_Remark1.Dispose(); ds_Remark2.Dispose(); ds_Remark3.Dispose(); ds_Remark4.Dispose(); ds_Remark5.Dispose(); ds_Remark6.Dispose(); ds_Remark7.Dispose(); ds_Remark8.Dispose(); ds_Remark9.Dispose(); ds_Remark10.Dispose(); ds_Remark11.Dispose(); ds_Remark12.Dispose(); ds_Remark13.Dispose(); ds_Remark_back.Dispose(); ds_Remark_now.Dispose(); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "", "showAddEdit();", true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CS); con.Open(); Label1.Text = "All info about the employee with ID 8"; SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("select * from employees where EmployeeID=8", con); GridView1.DataSource = cmd1.ExecuteReader(); GridView1.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label2.Text = "The list of first and last names of the employees from London"; SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("select FirstName,LastName from employees where City='London'", con); GridView2.DataSource = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); GridView2.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label3.Text = "The list of first and last names of the employees whose first name begins with letter A"; SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("select FirstName,LastName from employees where FirstName like 'A%' ", con); GridView3.DataSource = cmd3.ExecuteReader(); GridView3.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label4.Text = "The list of first, last names and ages of the employees whose age is greater than 55. The result should be sorted by last name"; SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("select FirstName,LastName ,(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-BirthDate)as ages from employees where (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP-BirthDate) > 55 order by LastName", con); GridView4.DataSource = cmd4.ExecuteReader(); GridView4.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label5.Text = "The count of employees from London"; SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("select count(*) from employees where city='London'", con); GridView5.DataSource = cmd5.ExecuteReader(); GridView5.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label6.Text = "The greatest, the smallest and the average age among the employees from London"; SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand(" SELECT city,CONVERT(datetime,avg(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as AVG,CONVERT(datetime,max(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as MAX,CONVERT(datetime,min(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as MIN from employees where city='London' group by city", con); GridView6.DataSource = cmd6.ExecuteReader(); GridView6.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label7.Text = "The greatest, the smallest and the average age of the employees for each city"; SqlCommand cmd7 = new SqlCommand(" SELECT CONVERT(datetime,avg(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as AVG,CONVERT(datetime,max(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as MAX,CONVERT(datetime,min(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as MIN from employees", con); GridView7.DataSource = cmd7.ExecuteReader(); GridView7.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label8.Text = "The greatest, the smallest and the average age of the employees for each city"; SqlCommand cmd8 = new SqlCommand(" SELECT CONVERT(datetime,avg(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as AVG,CONVERT(datetime,max(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as MAX,CONVERT(datetime,min(CONVERT(INT, BirthDate)))as MIN from employees", con); GridView8.DataSource = cmd8.ExecuteReader(); GridView8.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label9.Text = "First, last names and dates of birth of the employees who celebrate their birthdays this month"; SqlCommand cmd9 = new SqlCommand("select FirstName,LastName,BirthDate from employees where MONTH(BirthDate)=MONTH(GETDATE())", con); GridView9.DataSource = cmd9.ExecuteReader(); GridView9.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label10.Text = "First and last names of the employees who used to serve orders shipped to Madrid"; SqlCommand cmd10 = new SqlCommand("select distinct FirstName,LastName,shipcity from employees inner join orders on employees.EmployeeID=orders.EmployeeID where shipcity='Madrid'", con); GridView10.DataSource = cmd10.ExecuteReader(); GridView10.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label11.Text = "First and last names of the employees who used to serve orders shipped to Madrid"; SqlCommand cmd11 = new SqlCommand("select distinct FirstName,LastName,shipcity from employees inner join orders on employees.EmployeeID=orders.EmployeeID where shipcity='Madrid'", con); GridView11.DataSource = cmd11.ExecuteReader(); GridView11.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label12.Text = "The count of orders made by each customer from France"; SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("select count(*) from orders inner join customers on orders.shipcountry = where'France'", con); GridView12.DataSource = cmd12.ExecuteReader(); GridView12.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label13.Text = "The list of french customers’ names who used to order non-french products"; SqlCommand cmd13 = new SqlCommand("select distinct ContactName from Customers left join Orders on <> Orders.ShipCountry where country='France'", con); GridView13.DataSource = cmd13.ExecuteReader(); GridView13.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label14.Text = "The total ordering sum calculated for each country of customer"; SqlCommand cmd14 = new SqlCommand("select count(orders.shipcountry), from orders inner join customers on group by", con); GridView14.DataSource = cmd14.ExecuteReader(); GridView14.DataBind(); con.Close(); con.Open(); Label15.Text = "The list of cities where employees and customers are from and where orders have been made to. Duplicates should be eliminated."; SqlCommand cmd15 = new SqlCommand("SELECT distinct Orders.shipcity FROM((Orders INNER JOIN Customers ON Orders.shipcity = INNER JOIN employees ON Orders.shipcity =", con); GridView15.DataSource = cmd15.ExecuteReader(); GridView15.DataBind(); con.Close(); }
protected void btnEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { strEmail = txtEmail.Text; DataSourceSelectArguments srUserID_IDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserID_IDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource5.Select(srUserID_IDStr); if (dvUserID_IDStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_ID = dvUserID_IDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserID_SSOStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserID_SSOStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource14.Select(srUserID_SSOStr); if (dvUserID_SSOStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_SSO = dvUserID_SSOStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srTokenUser = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvTokenUser = (DataView)SqlDataSource4.Select(srTokenUser); if (dvTokenUser.Count != 0) { strTokenUser = dvTokenUser[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srTokenPassStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvTokenPassStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource12.Select(srTokenPassStr); if (dvTokenPassStr.Count != 0) { strTokenPass = dvTokenPassStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgTempStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgTempStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource110.Select(srOrgTempStr); if (dvOrgTempStr.Count != 0) { strOrgTemp = dvOrgTempStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgTempIDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgTempIDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource118.Select(srOrgTempIDStr); if (dvOrgTempIDStr.Count != 0) { strOrgTempID = dvOrgTempIDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgTempNameStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgTempNameStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource124.Select(srOrgTempNameStr); if (dvOrgTempNameStr.Count != 0) { strOrgTempName = dvOrgTempNameStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgIDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgIDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource111.Select(srOrgIDStr); if (dvOrgIDStr.Count != 0) { strOrgID = dvOrgIDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgAccessRequestedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgAccessRequestedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource112.Select(srOrgAccessRequestedStr); if (dvOrgAccessRequestedStr.Count != 0) { strOrgAccessRequested = dvOrgAccessRequestedStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgModAccessRequestedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgModAccessRequestedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource113.Select(srOrgModAccessRequestedStr); if (dvOrgModAccessRequestedStr.Count != 0) { strOrgModAccessRequested = dvOrgModAccessRequestedStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgLicAccessRequestedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgLicAccessRequestedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource114.Select(srOrgLicAccessRequestedStr); if (dvOrgLicAccessRequestedStr.Count != 0) { strOrgLicAccessRequested = dvOrgLicAccessRequestedStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrgMembershipUserIDStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrgMembershipUserIDStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource115.Select(srOrgMembershipUserIDStr); if (dvOrgMembershipUserIDStr.Count != 0) { strOrgMembershipUserID = dvOrgMembershipUserIDStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserPasswordExpiryDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserPasswordExpiryDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource116.Select(srUserPasswordExpiryDt); if (dvUserPasswordExpiryDt.Count != 0) { strDateUserPasswordExpiry = dvUserPasswordExpiryDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserPasswordChangedDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserPasswordChangedDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource126.Select(srUserPasswordChangedDt); if (dvUserPasswordChangedDt.Count != 0) { strDateUserPasswordChanged = dvUserPasswordChangedDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserPasswordResetTokenDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserPasswordResetTokenDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource122.Select(srUserPasswordResetTokenDt); if (dvUserPasswordResetTokenDt.Count != 0) { strDatePasswordResetToken = dvUserPasswordResetTokenDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srDateRegisteredDt = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvDateRegisteredDt = (DataView)SqlDataSource121.Select(srDateRegisteredDt); if (dvDateRegisteredDt.Count != 0) { strDateRegistered = dvDateRegisteredDt[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserTempDetailsStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserTempDetailsStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource117.Select(srUserTempDetailsStr); if (dvUserTempDetailsStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_TempID = dvUserTempDetailsStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srOrganisationRequestStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvOrganisationRequestStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource119.Select(srOrganisationRequestStr); if (dvOrganisationRequestStr.Count != 0) { strOrganisationRequest = dvOrganisationRequestStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srUserID_UPMStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvUserID_UPMStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource120.Select(srUserID_UPMStr); if (dvUserID_UPMStr.Count != 0) { strUserID_UPM = dvUserID_UPMStr[0][0].ToString(); } DataSourceSelectArguments srEventTypeRejectedStr = new DataSourceSelectArguments(); DataView dvEventTypeRejectedStr = (DataView)SqlDataSource123.Select(srEventTypeRejectedStr); if (dvEventTypeRejectedStr.Count != 0) { strEventTypeRejected = dvEventTypeRejectedStr[0][0].ToString(); } dtDateToday = DateTime.Now; /* * Password expiry notification and countdown * */ dtDateUserPasswordExpiry = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDateUserPasswordExpiry)) { dtDateUserPasswordExpiry = DateTime.ParseExact(strDateUserPasswordExpiry, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dtDateUserPasswordExpiryForSubtraction = DateTime.ParseExact(strDateUserPasswordExpiry, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (dtDateUserPasswordExpiry != null && dtDateToday > dtDateUserPasswordExpiry && strOrgID != "7c310be0-c20f-de11-b526-0022642a33b2") { divPasswordExpiry.Visible = true; lblPasswordExpiry.Text = "EDEN password has expired"; lblPasswordExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divPasswordExpiry.Visible = false; } /* * Registration expiry * */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDateRegistered)) { dtDateRegistered = DateTime.ParseExact(strDateRegistered, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tsDateRegistrationValidTimeRemaining = dtDateRegistered.AddHours(+24).Subtract(DateTime.Now); } if (strUserID_SSO == null && dtDateRegistered != null && strDateRegistered != null && dtDateRegistered < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = true; lblRegistrationExpiry.Text = "<i>Registration token has expired.</i> <br />- User's registration must be deleted to allow re-registration"; lblRegistrationExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO == null && dtDateRegistered != null && strDateRegistered != null && dtDateRegistered > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = true; lblRegistrationExpiry.Text = "Registration token is valid.<br />- The account verification link can be copied and emailed to the user if the notification has been blocked or re-routed. <br/>- This link is valid until " + dtDateRegistered.AddHours(+24) + ". Remaining time: <b>" + tsDateRegistrationValidTimeRemaining.ToString(@"hh\:mm") + "</b> hours"; lblRegistrationExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } if (dtDateRegistered == null) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null) { divRegistrationExpiry.Visible = false; } /* * Password reset token expiry * */ //dtDatePasswordResetToken=''; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strDatePasswordResetToken)) { dtDatePasswordResetToken = DateTime.ParseExact(strDatePasswordResetToken, "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tsDatePasswordResetTokenTimeRemaining = dtDatePasswordResetToken.AddHours(+24).Subtract(DateTime.Now); } if (strUserID_SSO != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken != null && strDatePasswordResetToken != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = true; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Text = "<br /><i>Password reset token has expired.</i> <br />- The user will need to be begin the password reset process again and generate a new token."; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken != null && dtDatePasswordResetToken > DateTime.Now.AddHours(-24)) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = true; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Text = "<br />Password reset token is valid.<br />- The password reset token can be copied and emailed to the user.<br/>- This token is valid until " + dtDatePasswordResetToken.AddHours(+24) + ". Remaining time: <b>" + tsDatePasswordResetTokenTimeRemaining.ToString(@"hh\:mm") + "</b> hours (after which the user will need to be begin the password reset process again and generate a new token)."; lblPasswordResetTokenExpiry.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } if (dtDatePasswordResetToken == null) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO == null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser == null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divEmailNotFound.Visible = true; lblEmailNotFound.Text = "Email address not found"; lblEmailNotFound.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divEmailNotFound.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO == null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserNoConfirmationClicked.Visible = true; lblUserNoConfirmationClicked.Text = "Status: User has not clicked confirmation email and signed in"; lblUserNoConfirmationClicked.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserNoConfirmationClicked.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 1: User has clicked confirmation email, but has not selected an organisation"; lblUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID != null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserConfirmSignedStep2.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedStep2.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 2: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet added their personal and contact details"; lblUserConfirmSignedStep2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedStep2.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strTokenUser != null ) { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 2: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet added their personal and contact details"; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep2.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strEventTypeRejected != "Organisation Membership Request Rejected" ) { divUserConfirmSignedStep3.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedStep3.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 3: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet selected a module and submitted the access request"; lblUserConfirmSignedStep3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedStep3.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } //if (strUserID_SSO != null && strOrgID == null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null) if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest == null && strEventTypeRejected == null ) { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 3: User has selected an organisation, but has not yet selected a module and submitted the access request"; lblUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserConfirmSignedLAStep3.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest != null ) { divUserNewOrgCreate.Visible = true; lblUserNewOrgCreate.Text = "Status: User has selected a module and requested to register a <i>new</i> organisation on EDEN. The request is now with the EPA for approval"; lblUserNewOrgCreate.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserNewOrgCreate.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserRegCompleteNoApproval.Visible = true; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = true; lblUserRegCompleteNoApproval.Text = "Status: User has selected an organisation, selected a module and submitted the access request. The org admin(s) can now process this request"; lblUserRegCompleteNoApproval.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserRegCompleteNoApproval.Visible = false; divUserConfirmTempOrgDetails.Visible = false; } //if (strUserID_SSO != null && strOrgID == null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null) if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null && strTokenUser != null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.Visible = true; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.Text = "Status: User has selected an organisation, selected a module and submitted the access request. The org admin(s) can now process this request"; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalLA.Visible = false; } if (strOrgModAccessRequested != null && strOrgID != null) { divModuleAccessPending.Visible = true; lblModuleAccessPending.Text = "Status: One or more module access requests by this user currently Pending Approval"; lblModuleAccessPending.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divModuleAccessPending.Visible = false; } if (strOrgID != null) { divUserConfirmSignedNoStep1.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_TempID != null) { divPasswordExpiry.Visible = false; } if (strOrgModAccessRequested != null && strOrgLicAccessRequested != null) { GridView16.Visible = true; GridView17.Visible = false; } if (strOrgModAccessRequested == strOrgLicAccessRequested) { GridView16.Visible = true; GridView17.Visible = true; } if (strOrgMembershipUserID == null) { GridView23.Visible = true; } else { GridView23.Visible = false; } if (strOrgMembershipUserID == null) { GridView22.Visible = true; } else { GridView22.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO == null & strTokenUser != null) { divVerificationLink.Visible = true; } else { divVerificationLink.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null) { divVerificationLink.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_SSO != null) { divUserExternalLinks.Visible = true; } else { divUserExternalLinks.Visible = false; } if (strTokenPass == null) { divPasswordReset.Visible = false; } else { divPasswordReset.Visible = true; } /* * EPA Users */ if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser == null && strTokenPass == null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgModAccessRequested == null && strOrgLicAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest == null && strEventTypeRejected == null ) { divUserEPAStep1.Visible = true; lblUserEPAStep1.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 1: EPA user has signed up, but has not selected an organisation"; lblUserEPAStep1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserEPAStep1.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserEPAStep2.Visible = true; lblUserEPAStep2.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 2: EPA user has selected organisation, but has not yet added their personal and contact details"; lblUserEPAStep2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserEPAStep2.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null ) { divUserEPAStep3.Visible = true; lblUserEPAStep3.Text = "Status: EDEN Portal Access Request - Step 3: EPA user has added their personal and contact details, but has not yet selected a module"; lblUserEPAStep3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserEPAStep3.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgTemp != null && strOrgAccessRequested != null ) { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.Visible = true; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.Text = "EPA user has selected an organisation, selected a module and submitted the access request. The EPA org admin(s) can now process this request"; lblUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#4d9900"); } else { divUserRegCompleteNoApprovalEPA.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID == null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID == null && strUserID_UPM != null && strOrgID == null && strOrgTemp == null && strOrgTempID == null && strTokenUser == null && strTokenPass == null && strOrgAccessRequested == null && strOrgModAccessRequested == null && strOrgLicAccessRequested == null && strOrgMembershipUserID == null && strOrganisationRequest == null && strEventTypeRejected == "Organisation Rejected" ) { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = true; lblUserRejectedLA.Text = "Status: User has signed up, but the organisation has been <b>rejected</b><br /> - This email address must be manually deleted from the SSO to be used again to register."; lblUserRejectedLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = false; } if (strUserID_ID != null && strUserID_SSO != null && strUserID_TempID != null && strEventTypeRejected == "Organisation Rejected" ) { divOrgRejected.Visible = true; lblOrgRejected.Text = "Status: User has signed up, but the <b>organisation creation request</b> has been <b>rejected</b><br /> - This email address must be manually deleted from the SSO to be used again to register."; lblOrgRejected.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divOrgRejected.Visible = false; } if ( strEventTypeRejected == "Organisation Membership Request Rejected" ) { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = true; lblUserRejectedLA.Text = "Status: User has signed up, but the <b>organisation membership request</b> has been <b>rejected</b><br /> - This email address must be manually deleted from the SSO to be used again to register."; lblUserRejectedLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = false; } if ( strEventTypeRejected == "Module Authorisation Rejected" ) { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = true; lblUserRejectedLA.Text = "Status: User's organisation access has been approved, but a module authorisation request has been rejected. (This may have been rectified - please check the notifications below).<br />"; lblUserRejectedLA.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#E60000"); } else { divUserRejectedLA.Visible = false; } tsDatePasswordExpiryLessDatePasswordReset = dtDateUserPasswordExpiryForSubtraction - dtDatePasswordResetToken; int passwordReset_Expiry_DifferenceInDays = tsDatePasswordExpiryLessDatePasswordReset.Days; if (tsDatePasswordExpiryLessDatePasswordReset.Days == 90) { divPasswordResetTokenExpiry.Visible = false; } divTokens.Visible = true; divSeperatorCurrent.Visible = true; divSeperatorPending.Visible = true; divSeperatorLicences.Visible = true; divSeperatorTokens.Visible = true; txtCopyVerificationLink.Text = "" + strUserID_ID + "&token=" + strTokenUser; txtCopyPasswordResetLink.Text = "" + strUserID_SSO + "&token=" + strTokenPass; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView2.DataBind(); GridView3.DataBind(); GridView4.DataBind(); GridView5.DataBind(); GridView6.DataBind(); GridView7.DataBind(); GridView8.DataBind(); GridView9.DataBind(); GridView10.DataBind(); GridView11.DataBind(); GridView12.DataBind(); GridView13.DataBind(); GridView14.DataBind(); GridView15.DataBind(); GridView16.DataBind(); GridView17.DataBind(); GridView18.DataBind(); GridView19.DataBind(); GridView20.DataBind(); GridView21.DataBind(); GridView22.DataBind(); GridView23.DataBind(); GridView24.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { c.Open(); String month = DateTime.Now.ToString("MMMMMMMMMMMMM"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,ZeroPeriod from Arrangement where ZPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,FirstPeriod from Arrangement where FPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,SecondPeriod from Arrangement where SPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,ThirdPeriod from Arrangement where TPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,FourthPeriod from Arrangement where FOPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,FifthPeriod from Arrangement where FIPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd6 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,SixthPeriod from Arrangement where SIPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd7 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,SeventhPeriod from Arrangement where SEPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd8 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,EighthPeriod from Arrangement where EPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd9 = new SqlCommand("Select AbsentTeacherId,NinethPeriod from Arrangement where NPDTArrName = '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' and Daay='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dddddddddd") + "'", c); SqlCommand cmd10 = new SqlCommand("Select Day from No_Of_Arrangement as Today where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlCommand cmd11 = new SqlCommand("Select Week from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlCommand cmd13 = new SqlCommand("Select Year from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (da.Fill(dt) > 0) { GridView1.DataSource = dt; GridView1.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd1); DataTable dt1 = new DataTable(); if (da1.Fill(dt1) > 0) { GridView2.DataSource = dt1; GridView2.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd2); DataTable dt2 = new DataTable(); if (da2.Fill(dt2) > 0) { GridView3.DataSource = dt2; GridView3.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da3 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd3); DataTable dt3 = new DataTable(); if (da3.Fill(dt3) > 0) { GridView4.DataSource = dt3; GridView4.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da4 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd4); DataTable dt4 = new DataTable(); if (da4.Fill(dt4) > 0) { GridView5.DataSource = dt4; GridView5.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da5 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd5); DataTable dt5 = new DataTable(); if (da5.Fill(dt5) > 0) { GridView6.DataSource = dt5; GridView6.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da6 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd6); DataTable dt6 = new DataTable(); if (da6.Fill(dt6) > 0) { GridView7.DataSource = dt6; GridView7.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da7 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd7); DataTable dt7 = new DataTable(); if (da7.Fill(dt7) > 0) { GridView8.DataSource = dt7; GridView8.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da8 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd8); DataTable dt8 = new DataTable(); if (da8.Fill(dt8) > 0) { GridView9.DataSource = dt8; GridView9.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da9 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd9); DataTable dt9 = new DataTable(); if (da9.Fill(dt9) > 0) { GridView10.DataSource = dt9; GridView10.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da10 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd10); DataTable dt10 = new DataTable(); if (da10.Fill(dt10) > 0) { GridView11.DataSource = dt10; GridView11.DataBind(); } SqlDataAdapter da11 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd11); DataTable dt11 = new DataTable(); if (da11.Fill(dt11) > 0) { GridView12.DataSource = dt11; GridView12.DataBind(); } if (month == "January") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select January from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "February") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select February from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "March") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select March from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "April") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select April from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "May") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select May from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "June") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select June from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "July") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select July from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "August") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select August from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "September") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select September from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "October") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select October from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "November") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select November from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } if (month == "December") { SqlCommand cmd12 = new SqlCommand("Select December from No_Of_Arrangement where TeacherId= '" + Session["user"].ToString() + "' ", c); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd12); DataTable dt12 = new DataTable(); if (da12.Fill(dt12) > 0) { GridView13.DataSource = dt12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } SqlDataAdapter da13 = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd13); DataTable dt13 = new DataTable(); if (da13.Fill(dt13) > 0) { GridView14.DataSource = dt13; GridView14.DataBind(); } c.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Label1.Text = ex.Message; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Session["U_name"] == null) { Response.Redirect("AdminLogin.aspx"); } else { GetcountofComments(); SqlDataAdapter da1 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='1'", con); DataSet ds1 = new DataSet(); da1.Fill(ds1, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView2.DataSource = ds1; GridView2.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da2 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='2'", con); DataSet ds2 = new DataSet(); da2.Fill(ds2, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView3.DataSource = ds2; GridView3.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da3 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='3'", con); DataSet ds3 = new DataSet(); da3.Fill(ds3, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView4.DataSource = ds3; GridView4.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da4 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='4'", con); DataSet ds4 = new DataSet(); da4.Fill(ds4, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView5.DataSource = ds4; GridView5.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da5 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='5'", con); DataSet ds5 = new DataSet(); da5.Fill(ds5, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView6.DataSource = ds5; GridView6.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da6 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='6'", con); DataSet ds6 = new DataSet(); da6.Fill(ds6, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView7.DataSource = ds6; GridView7.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da7 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='7'", con); DataSet ds7 = new DataSet(); da7.Fill(ds7, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView8.DataSource = ds7; GridView8.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da8 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='8'", con); DataSet ds8 = new DataSet(); da8.Fill(ds8, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView9.DataSource = ds8; GridView9.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da9 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='9'", con); DataSet ds9 = new DataSet(); da9.Fill(ds9, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView10.DataSource = ds9; GridView10.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da10 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='10'", con); DataSet ds10 = new DataSet(); da10.Fill(ds10, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView11.DataSource = ds10; GridView11.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da11 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='11'", con); DataSet ds11 = new DataSet(); da11.Fill(ds11, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView12.DataSource = ds11; GridView12.DataBind(); SqlDataAdapter da12 = new SqlDataAdapter("select CityName as[City],GoodCnt as [Good Cmnt],BadCnt as [Bad Cmnt],CantSayCnt as [Cant Say Cmnt],TotalCnt as [Total],TotalNoTcmnt as [Not Cmnt],TotalVisitors as [Total Visitors] from tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount where Pro_id='12'", con); DataSet ds12 = new DataSet(); da12.Fill(ds12, "tbl_CompltChangeCommentCount"); GridView13.DataSource = ds12; GridView13.DataBind(); } } catch (Exception) { } }
public void fetchdata() { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["mycon"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionString); con.Open(); SqlCommand c = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='General science' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr = c.ExecuteReader(); GridView1.DataSource = rdr; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView1.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c2 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Neuroscience & Psychology' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr2 = c2.ExecuteReader(); GridView2.DataSource = rdr2; GridView2.DataBind(); GridView2.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr2.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c3 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Genetics & Molicular Biology' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr3 = c3.ExecuteReader(); GridView3.DataSource = rdr3; GridView3.DataBind(); GridView3.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr3.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c4 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Biochemistry' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr4 = c4.ExecuteReader(); GridView4.DataSource = rdr4; GridView4.DataBind(); GridView4.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr4.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c5 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Engineering' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr5 = c5.ExecuteReader(); GridView5.DataSource = rdr5; GridView5.DataBind(); GridView5.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr5.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c6 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Chemistry' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr6 = c6.ExecuteReader(); GridView6.DataSource = rdr6; GridView6.DataBind(); GridView6.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr6.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c7 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Physics' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr7 = c7.ExecuteReader(); GridView7.DataSource = rdr7; GridView7.DataBind(); GridView7.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr7.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c8 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Material Sciences' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr8 = c8.ExecuteReader(); GridView8.DataSource = rdr8; GridView8.DataBind(); GridView8.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr8.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c9 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Social & Political Science' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr9 = c9.ExecuteReader(); GridView9.DataSource = rdr9; GridView9.DataBind(); GridView9.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr9.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c10 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Earth & Environmental Science' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr10 = c10.ExecuteReader(); GridView10.DataSource = rdr10; GridView10.DataBind(); GridView10.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr10.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c11 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Chemical Engineering' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr11 = c11.ExecuteReader(); GridView11.DataSource = rdr11; GridView11.DataBind(); GridView11.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr11.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c12 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Medical' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr12 = c12.ExecuteReader(); GridView12.DataSource = rdr12; GridView12.DataBind(); GridView12.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr12.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c13 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Agri Food & Aqua' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr13 = c13.ExecuteReader(); GridView13.DataSource = rdr13; GridView13.DataBind(); GridView13.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr13.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c14 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Immunology & Microbiology' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr14 = c14.ExecuteReader(); GridView14.DataSource = rdr14; GridView14.DataBind(); GridView14.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr14.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c15 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Pharmaceutical Sciences' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr15 = c15.ExecuteReader(); GridView15.DataSource = rdr15; GridView15.DataBind(); GridView15.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr15.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c16 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Informatics' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr16 = c16.ExecuteReader(); GridView16.DataSource = rdr16; GridView16.DataBind(); GridView16.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr16.Close(); con.Close(); con.Open(); SqlCommand c17 = new SqlCommand("select papername from Publication where btype='Business and Management' and published='Yes'", con); SqlDataReader rdr17 = c17.ExecuteReader(); GridView17.DataSource = rdr17; GridView17.DataBind(); GridView17.GridLines = GridLines.None; rdr17.Close(); con.Close(); }