public async Task <IActionResult> AssignRacCompanyToUser(RaCAssignmentModel racAssignmentModel)
            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                var owner = _dbContext.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == racAssignmentModel.OwnerEmail);
                if (owner == null)
                    return(Ok(new { message = "User with given email does not exist!" }));

                if (owner.RaCCompany != null)
                    return(Ok(new { message = "User already owns another company!" }));

                RentACarCompany rac = new RentACarCompany();
                rac.CompanyName  = racAssignmentModel.CompanyName;
                rac.Offices      = new Collection <Office>();
                owner.RaCCompany = rac;

                owner.Role = UserRole.CarAdmin;


                return(Ok(new { message = "New rent a car administrator is successfully registered!" }));
        public async Task <ActionResult <RentACarCompany> > PostRentACarCompany(RentACarCompany rentACarCompany)
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(CreatedAtAction("GetRentACarCompany", new { id = rentACarCompany.Id }, rentACarCompany));
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetRacCompanyCars(IdModel racModel) //Koristimo samo da smjestimo id
            RentACarCompany rac = new RentACarCompany();

            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                rac = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Include(x => x.Offices).ThenInclude(x => x.Cars).Where(x => x.Id == Int32.Parse(racModel.Id)).SingleOrDefault();

            if (rac == null)
                return(Ok(new { message = "Rac company does not exist!" }));

            List <Car> retCars = new List <Car>();

            if (rac != null)
                foreach (var office in rac.Offices)
                    foreach (var car in office.Cars)
                return(Ok(new { retCars }));
                return(Ok(new { retCars = "Rent a Car Company with this id does not exist!" }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetRacProfileInfo(UserIdModel userIdModel)
            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                User user = _dbContext.Users.Include(c => c.RaCCompany).SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == userIdModel.OwnerId); //nece da radi bez include

                if (user == null)
                    return(Ok("User with given id is not registered!"));

                if (user.Role.ToString() != UserRole.CarAdmin.ToString())
                    return(Unauthorized("User does not have permission to use this method!"));

                RentACarCompany racCompany = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Where(x => x.Id == user.RaCCompany.Id).SingleOrDefault();

                if (racCompany == null)
                    return(Ok("Rent a car company does not exist!"));

                return(Ok(new { racCompany }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetUserOffices(UserIdModel userIdModel)
            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                User user = _dbContext.Users.Include(c => c.RaCCompany).SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == userIdModel.OwnerId);

                if (user == null)
                    return(Ok("User with given id is not registered!"));

                if (user.Role.ToString() != UserRole.CarAdmin.ToString())
                    return(Unauthorized("User does not have permission to use this method!"));

                RentACarCompany racCompany = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Include(x => x.Offices).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == user.RaCCompany.Id);
                if (racCompany == null)
                    return(Ok("Rent a car company does not exist!"));

                //List<Office> allOffices = _dbContext.Offices.Where(x => x)
                List <Office> allOffices = racCompany.Offices.ToList();

                return(Ok(new { allOffices }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> RegisterNewOffice(RegisterNewOfficeModel registerNewOfficeModel)
            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                User user = _dbContext.Users.Include(c => c.RaCCompany).SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == registerNewOfficeModel.OwnerId);
                if (user == null)
                    return(Ok(new { message = "User with given id is not registered!" }));

                if (user.Role.ToString() != UserRole.CarAdmin.ToString())
                    return(Unauthorized(new { message = "User does not have permission to use this method!" }));

                RentACarCompany racCompany = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Include(x => x.Offices).SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == user.RaCCompany.Id);

                if (racCompany == null)
                    return(Ok(new { message = "Rent a car company does not exist!" }));

                Office newOffice = new Office();
                newOffice.Address = registerNewOfficeModel.Address;
                newOffice.City    = registerNewOfficeModel.City;
                newOffice.Cars    = new Collection <Car>();


                return(Ok(new { message = "New office is successfully registered!" }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> SaveRacProfileChanges(RacProfileEditModel racProfileEditModel)
            User user = new User();

            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                user = _dbContext.Users.Include(c => c.RaCCompany).SingleOrDefault(c => c.Id == racProfileEditModel.OwnerId); //nece da radi bez include
                if (user == null)
                    return(Ok(new { message = "User with given id is not registered!" }));

                if (user.Role.ToString() != UserRole.CarAdmin.ToString())
                    return(Unauthorized(new { message = "User does not have permission to use this method!" }));
                RentACarCompany comp = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Where(x => x.Id == user.RaCCompany.Id).SingleOrDefault();

                if (comp == null)
                    return(Ok(new { message = "Rent a car company does not exist!" }));

                if (racProfileEditModel.CompanyName != "")
                    comp.CompanyName = racProfileEditModel.CompanyName;

                if (racProfileEditModel.Adress != "")
                    comp.Adress = racProfileEditModel.Adress;

                if (racProfileEditModel.Description != "")
                    comp.Description = racProfileEditModel.Description;

                if (racProfileEditModel.PhoneNumber != "")
                    comp.PhoneNumber = racProfileEditModel.PhoneNumber;


            return(Ok(new { message = "Rac profile is successfully updated!" }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetRacCompanyOffices(IdModel racModel) //Koristimo samo da smjestimo id
            RentACarCompany rac = new RentACarCompany();

            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                rac = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Include(x => x.Offices).Where(x => x.Id == Int32.Parse(racModel.Id)).SingleOrDefault();
            if (rac != null)
                List <Office> retOffices = rac.Offices.ToList();
                return(Ok(new { retOffices }));
                return(Ok(new { retOffices = "Rent a Car Company with this id does not exist!" }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetRacCompanyRating(IdModel racModel) //Koristimo samo da smjestimo id
            int             retVal = 0;
            RentACarCompany rac    = new RentACarCompany();

            using (var transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
                rac = _dbContext.RentACarCompanies.Include(x => x.Offices).ThenInclude(x => x.Cars).ThenInclude(x => x.CarReservations).Where(x => x.Id == Int32.Parse(racModel.Id)).SingleOrDefault();

            if (rac != null)
                int rating          = 0;
                int numberOfRatings = 0;
                foreach (var office in rac.Offices)
                    foreach (var car in office.Cars)
                        rating          += car.CarRating;
                        numberOfRatings += car.NumberOfRatings;

                if (numberOfRatings != 0)
                    retVal = rating / numberOfRatings;

                return(Ok(new { retVal }));
                return(Ok(new { retVal = "Rent a Car Company with this id does not exist!" }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutRentACarCompany(int id, RentACarCompany rentACarCompany)
            if (id != rentACarCompany.Id)

            var racCompany = await _context.RentACarCompanies
                             .Include(company => company.Branches)
                             .Include(company => company.Services)
                             .Include(company => company.Vehicles)
                             .ThenInclude(vehicle => vehicle.FreeDates)
                             .FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);

            // update properties on the parent

            #region Branches
            // remove or update child collection items
            var branches = racCompany.Branches.ToList();
            foreach (var branch in branches)
                var b = rentACarCompany.Branches.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == branch.Id);
                if (b != null)
            // add the new items
            foreach (var branch in rentACarCompany.Branches)
                if (branches.All(i => i.Id != branch.Id))

            #region Services
            // remove or update child collection items
            var services = racCompany.Services.ToList();
            foreach (var service in services)
                var s = rentACarCompany.Services.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == service.Id);
                if (s != null)
            // add the new items
            foreach (var service in rentACarCompany.Services)
                if (services.All(i => i.Id != service.Id))

            // Kada se vrsi azuriranje RentACarCompany-je, Vehicle se samo dodaje
            #region Vehicles
            var vehicles = racCompany.Vehicles.ToList();
            // add the new items
            foreach (var vehicle in rentACarCompany.Vehicles)
                if (vehicles.All(i => i.Id != vehicle.Id))

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!RentACarCompanyExists(id))
