public static string FixMapsPath(string BlueprintPath) { if (GetGamedataFile.IsMapPath(BlueprintPath)) { //Debug.Log(MapLuaParser.Current.FolderName); if (!BlueprintPath.StartsWith("/maps/" + MapLuaParser.Current.FolderName) && !BlueprintPath.StartsWith("maps/" + MapLuaParser.Current.FolderName)) { //if (!System.IO.File.Exists(GetGamedataFile.MapAssetSystemPath(BlueprintPath))) //{ string NewBlueprintPath = GetGamedataFile.TryRecoverMapAsset(BlueprintPath); Debug.Log("Before: " + BlueprintPath + ", after: " + NewBlueprintPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewBlueprintPath)) { return(NewBlueprintPath); } else { Debug.LogError("Unable to recover wrong map path: " + BlueprintPath); } } } return(BlueprintPath); }
public void LoadStratumScdTextures(bool Loading = true) { // Load Stratum Textures Paths bool NormalMapFix = false; for (int i = 0; i < Textures.Length; i++) { if (Loading) { MapLuaParser.Current.InfoPopup.Show(true, "Loading map...\n( Stratum textures " + (i + 1) + " )"); if (i >= map.Layers.Count) { map.Layers.Add(new Layer()); } Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(map.Layers[i].PathTexture); if (Textures[i].AlbedoPath.StartsWith("/")) { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = Textures[i].AlbedoPath.Remove(0, 1); } Textures[i].AlbedoScale = map.Layers[i].ScaleTexture; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Layers[i].PathNormalmap)) { if (i == 9) { // Upper stratum normal should be empty! Textures[i].NormalPath = ""; } else { Textures[i].NormalPath = "env/tundra/layers/"; NormalMapFix = true; } } else { if (i == 9) { // Upper stratum normal should be empty! Textures[i].NormalPath = ""; NormalMapFix = true; } else { Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(map.Layers[i].PathNormalmap); if (Textures[i].NormalPath.StartsWith("/")) { Textures[i].NormalPath = Textures[i].NormalPath.Remove(0, 1); } } } Textures[i].NormalScale = map.Layers[i].ScaleNormalmap; } string Env = GetGamedataFile.EnvScd; if (GetGamedataFile.IsMapPath(Textures[i].AlbedoPath)) { Env = GetGamedataFile.MapScd; } try { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FindFile(Env, Textures[i].AlbedoPath); //Debug.Log("Found: " + Textures[i].AlbedoPath); GetGamedataFile.LoadTextureFromGamedata(GetGamedataFile.EnvScd, Textures[i].AlbedoPath, i, false); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(i + ", Albedo tex: " + Textures[i].AlbedoPath); Debug.LogError(e); } Env = GetGamedataFile.EnvScd; if (GetGamedataFile.IsMapPath(Textures[i].NormalPath)) { Env = GetGamedataFile.MapScd; } try { Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FindFile(Env, Textures[i].NormalPath); //Debug.Log("Found: " + Textures[i].NormalPath); GetGamedataFile.LoadTextureFromGamedata(GetGamedataFile.EnvScd, Textures[i].NormalPath, i, true); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(i + ", Normal tex: " + Textures[i].NormalPath); Debug.LogError(e); } } if (NormalMapFix) { GenericInfoPopup.ShowInfo("Fixed wrong or missing normalmap textures on stratum layers"); } }