public void Bake() { //Group.Blueprint = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(Group.Blueprint.Replace("\\", "/")); BlueprintPath = Group.Blueprint.Replace("\\", "/"); if (!BlueprintPath.StartsWith("/")) { BlueprintPath = "/" + BlueprintPath; } BlueprintPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(BlueprintPath); Position = ScmapEditor.WorldPosToScmap(Obj.Tr.position); RotationX =; RotationY =; RotationZ =; MassMath.QuaternionToRotationMatrix(Obj.Tr.localRotation, ref RotationX, ref RotationY, ref RotationZ); Scale = Obj.Tr.localScale; if (Group.PropObject.BP != null) { Scale.x /= Group.PropObject.BP.LocalScale.x; Scale.y /= Group.PropObject.BP.LocalScale.y; Scale.z /= Group.PropObject.BP.LocalScale.z; } }
public void Load(Decal Source) { Type = Source.Type; Tex1Path = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(Source.TexPathes[0]); Tex2Path = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(Source.TexPathes[1]); UpdateMaterial(); }
public void Bake() { _Dec.Type = _Dec.Shared.Type; _Dec.Position = ScmapEditor.WorldPosToScmap(GetPivotPoint()); _Dec.Scale = tr.localScale * 10f; _Dec.Rotation = tr.localEulerAngles * Mathf.Deg2Rad; _Dec.CutOffLOD = CutOffLOD; _Dec.NearCutOffLOD = NearCutOffLOD; _Dec.TexPathes = new string[2]; _Dec.Shared.FixPaths(); _Dec.Shared.Tex1Path = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(_Dec.Shared.Tex1Path); _Dec.Shared.Tex2Path = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(_Dec.Shared.Tex2Path); _Dec.TexPathes[0] = _Dec.Shared.Tex1Path; _Dec.TexPathes[1] = _Dec.Shared.Tex2Path; _Dec.Obj = this; }
public void SaveScmapFile() { float LowestElevation = ScmapEditor.MaxElevation; float HighestElevation = 0; if (Teren) { heights = Teren.terrainData.GetHeights(0, 0, Teren.terrainData.heightmapWidth, Teren.terrainData.heightmapHeight); heightsLength = heights.GetLength(0); int y = 0; int x = 0; for (y = 0; y < map.Width + 1; y++) { for (x = 0; x < map.Height + 1; x++) { float Height = heights[x, y]; LowestElevation = Mathf.Min(LowestElevation, Height); HighestElevation = Mathf.Max(HighestElevation, Height); //double HeightValue = ((double)Height) * HeightResize; //map.SetHeight(y, map.Height - x, (short)(HeightValue + RoundingError)); map.SetHeight(y, map.Height - x, (ushort)(Height * HeightResize)); } } } LowestElevation = (LowestElevation * TerrainHeight) / 0.1f; HighestElevation = (HighestElevation * TerrainHeight) / 0.1f; if (HighestElevation - LowestElevation > 49.9) { Debug.Log("Lowest point: " + LowestElevation); Debug.Log("Highest point: " + HighestElevation); Debug.LogWarning("Height difference is too high! it might couse rendering issues! Height difference is: " + (HighestElevation - LowestElevation)); GenericInfoPopup.ShowInfo("Height difference " + (HighestElevation - LowestElevation) + " is too high!\nIt might couse rendering issues!"); } if (MapLuaParser.Current.EditMenu.MapInfoMenu.SaveAsFa.isOn) { if (map.AdditionalSkyboxData == null || map.AdditionalSkyboxData.Data == null || map.AdditionalSkyboxData.Data.Position.x == 0) { // Convert to v60 LoadDefaultSkybox(); } map.VersionMinor = 60; map.AdditionalSkyboxData.Data.UpdateSize(); } else if (map.VersionMinor >= 60) // Convert to v56 { LoadDefaultSkybox(); map.AdditionalSkyboxData.Data.UpdateSize(); map.VersionMinor = 56; } //Debug.Log("Set Heightmap to map " + map.Width + ", " + map.Height); //string MapPath = EnvPaths.GetMapsPath(); string path = MapLuaParser.MapRelativePath(; //TODO force values if needed //map.TerrainShader = Shader; map.TerrainShader = MapLuaParser.Current.EditMenu.TexturesMenu.TTerrainXP.isOn ? ("TTerrainXP") : ("TTerrain"); map.MinimapContourColor = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255); map.MinimapDeepWaterColor = new Color32(71, 140, 181, 255); map.MinimapShoreColor = new Color32(141, 200, 225, 255); map.MinimapLandStartColor = new Color32(119, 101, 108, 255); map.MinimapLandEndColor = new Color32(206, 206, 176, 255); //map.MinimapLandEndColor = new Color32 (255, 255, 215, 255); map.MinimapContourInterval = 10; map.WatermapTex = new Texture2D(map.UncompressedWatermapTex.width, map.UncompressedWatermapTex.height, map.UncompressedWatermapTex.format, false); map.WatermapTex.SetPixels(map.UncompressedWatermapTex.GetPixels()); map.WatermapTex.Apply(); map.WatermapTex.Compress(true); map.WatermapTex.Apply(); map.NormalmapTex = new Texture2D(map.UncompressedNormalmapTex.width, map.UncompressedNormalmapTex.height, map.UncompressedNormalmapTex.format, false); map.NormalmapTex.SetPixels(map.UncompressedNormalmapTex.GetPixels()); map.NormalmapTex.Apply(); map.NormalmapTex.Compress(true); map.NormalmapTex.Apply(); map.PreviewTex = PreviewRenderer.RenderPreview(((LowestElevation + HighestElevation) / 2) * 0.1f); for (int i = 0; i < map.Layers.Count; i++) { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(Textures[i].AlbedoPath); Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(Textures[i].NormalPath); map.Layers[i].PathTexture = Textures[i].AlbedoPath; map.Layers[i].PathNormalmap = Textures[i].NormalPath; map.Layers[i].ScaleTexture = Textures[i].AlbedoScale; map.Layers[i].ScaleNormalmap = Textures[i].NormalScale; } List <Prop> AllProps = new List <Prop>(); if (EditMap.PropsInfo.AllPropsTypes != null) { int Count = EditMap.PropsInfo.AllPropsTypes.Count; for (int i = 0; i < EditMap.PropsInfo.AllPropsTypes.Count; i++) { AllProps.AddRange(EditMap.PropsInfo.AllPropsTypes[i].GenerateSupComProps()); } } map.Props = AllProps; if (map.VersionMinor < 56) { map.ConvertToV56(); } map.Save(path, map.VersionMinor); }
public void LoadStratumScdTextures(bool Loading = true) { // Load Stratum Textures Paths for (int i = 0; i < Textures.Length; i++) { if (Loading) { MapLuaParser.Current.InfoPopup.Show(true, "Loading map...\n( Stratum textures " + (i + 1) + " )"); if (i >= map.Layers.Count) { map.Layers.Add(new Layer()); } Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(map.Layers[i].PathTexture); Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(map.Layers[i].PathNormalmap); if (Textures[i].AlbedoPath.StartsWith("/")) { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = Textures[i].AlbedoPath.Remove(0, 1); } if (Textures[i].NormalPath.StartsWith("/")) { Textures[i].NormalPath = Textures[i].NormalPath.Remove(0, 1); } Textures[i].AlbedoScale = map.Layers[i].ScaleTexture; Textures[i].NormalScale = map.Layers[i].ScaleNormalmap; } string Env = GetGamedataFile.EnvScd; if (Textures[i].AlbedoPath.ToLower().StartsWith("maps")) { Env = GetGamedataFile.MapScd; } try { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FindFile(Env, Textures[i].AlbedoPath); //Debug.Log("Found: " + Textures[i].AlbedoPath); GetGamedataFile.LoadTextureFromGamedata(GetGamedataFile.EnvScd, Textures[i].AlbedoPath, i, false); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(i + ", Albedo tex: " + Textures[i].AlbedoPath); Debug.LogError(e); } Env = GetGamedataFile.EnvScd; if (Textures[i].NormalPath.ToLower().StartsWith("maps")) { Env = GetGamedataFile.MapScd; } try { Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FindFile(Env, Textures[i].NormalPath); //Debug.Log("Found: " + Textures[i].NormalPath); GetGamedataFile.LoadTextureFromGamedata(GetGamedataFile.EnvScd, Textures[i].NormalPath, i, true); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(i + ", Normal tex: " + Textures[i].NormalPath); Debug.LogError(e); } } }
public void LoadStratumScdTextures(bool Loading = true) { // Load Stratum Textures Paths bool NormalMapFix = false; for (int i = 0; i < Textures.Length; i++) { if (Loading) { MapLuaParser.Current.InfoPopup.Show(true, "Loading map...\n( Stratum textures " + (i + 1) + " )"); if (i >= map.Layers.Count) { map.Layers.Add(new Layer()); } Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(map.Layers[i].PathTexture); if (Textures[i].AlbedoPath.StartsWith("/")) { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = Textures[i].AlbedoPath.Remove(0, 1); } Textures[i].AlbedoScale = map.Layers[i].ScaleTexture; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.Layers[i].PathNormalmap)) { if (i == 9) { // Upper stratum normal should be empty! Textures[i].NormalPath = ""; Debug.Log("Clear Upper stratum normal map"); } else { Textures[i].NormalPath = "env/tundra/layers/"; Debug.Log("Add missing normalmap on stratum " + i); NormalMapFix = true; } } else { if (i == 9) { // Upper stratum normal should be empty! Textures[i].NormalPath = ""; NormalMapFix = true; } else { Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FixMapsPath(map.Layers[i].PathNormalmap); if (Textures[i].NormalPath.StartsWith("/")) { Textures[i].NormalPath = Textures[i].NormalPath.Remove(0, 1); } } } Textures[i].NormalScale = map.Layers[i].ScaleNormalmap; } /*string Env = GetGamedataFile.EnvScd; * if (GetGamedataFile.IsMapPath(Textures[i].AlbedoPath)) * Env = GetGamedataFile.MapScd;*/ try { Textures[i].AlbedoPath = GetGamedataFile.FindFile(Textures[i].AlbedoPath); //Debug.Log("Found: " + Textures[i].AlbedoPath); GetGamedataFile.LoadTextureFromGamedata(Textures[i].AlbedoPath, i, false); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(i + ", Albedo tex: " + Textures[i].AlbedoPath); Debug.LogError(e); } /*Env = GetGamedataFile.EnvScd; * if (GetGamedataFile.IsMapPath(Textures[i].NormalPath)) * Env = GetGamedataFile.MapScd;*/ try { Textures[i].NormalPath = GetGamedataFile.FindFile(Textures[i].NormalPath); //Debug.Log("Found: " + Textures[i].NormalPath); GetGamedataFile.LoadTextureFromGamedata(Textures[i].NormalPath, i, true); } catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError(i + ", Normal tex: " + Textures[i].NormalPath); Debug.LogError(e); } } if (NormalMapFix) { GenericInfoPopup.ShowInfo("Fixed wrong or missing normalmap textures on stratum layers"); } }