public FxOne RequestFx(string name, int priority) //值越大,优先级越低 { if (m_fxs.Count > m_maxFxones) { int maxPriorityMax = -1; //正在播放的最低的优先级 int realCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_fxs.Count; ++i) { FxOne fx1 = m_fxs[i]; if (fx1.Stable == true) continue; if (fx1.priority > maxPriorityMax) maxPriorityMax = fx1.priority; ++realCount; } if(realCount > m_maxFxones) { if (priority > maxPriorityMax) { string str = string.Format("can't play fx:{0} due to too lower priority", name); Debug.Log(str); return null; } for(int i=0;i<m_fxs.Count;++i) { FxOne fx1 = m_fxs[i]; if (fx1 == null) { m_fxs.Remove(fx1); break; } if (fx1.Stable == false && fx1.priority >= priority) { m_fxs.Remove(fx1); if(fx1 != null) fx1.Stop(); break; } } } } FxCache fxcache = null; if (m_fxCaches.TryGetValue(name, out fxcache) == false) { fxcache = new GameObject(name).AddComponent<FxCache>(); fxcache.transform.parent = m_fxAssets; m_fxCaches[name] = fxcache; fxcache.transform.position =; fxcache.transform.localScale =; fxcache.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; fxcache.InitWithPrefab(name); fxcache.gameObject.SetActive(false); } FxOne fxone = GetFxOneFromCache(); fxone.priority = priority; if (fxcache.Touch(fxone) == false) { GiveBack(fxone); return null; } return fxone; }
public SoundOne RequestSound(string name,string soundType,int priority) //值越大,优先级越低 { SoundType st = GetSoundType(soundType); //得到总共的active的数量 Transform soundTypeTrans = st.transform; int childcount = soundTypeTrans.childCount; List<SoundOne> activeList = new List<SoundOne>(); int maxPriorityMax = -1; SoundOne lowerestSoundOne = null; for (int i = 0; i < childcount; ++i) { Transform ctrans = soundTypeTrans.GetChild(i); SoundOne one = ctrans.GetComponent<SoundOne>(); if (one.IsPlaying) { activeList.Add(one); if ( > maxPriorityMax) { maxPriorityMax =; lowerestSoundOne = one; } } } if (activeList.Count >= st.m_maxCount) //will remove ... { if (priority >= maxPriorityMax) //要播放的优先级不高于现有的最低优先级 { //string str = string.Format("can't play sound:{0} due to too lower priority",name); //Debug.Log(str); return null; } lowerestSoundOne.Stop(1); } SoundClip soundcache = null; if (m_SoundClips.TryGetValue(name, out soundcache) == false) { //float v = st.m_volume; soundcache = new GameObject(name).AddComponent<SoundClip>(); soundcache.transform.parent = m_clips; m_SoundClips[name] = soundcache; soundcache.InitWithPrefab(name); soundcache.gameObject.SetActive(false); } SoundOne soundone = GetAudioSourceFromCache(); soundone.mute = st.m_mute; = priority; soundone.m_type = soundType; soundone.transform.parent = st.transform; if (soundcache.Touch(soundone) == false) { GiveBack(soundone); return null; } return soundone; }
public FxOne RequestFx(string name, int priority) { if (m_fxs.Count > m_maxFxones) { int realCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_fxs.Count; ++i) { FxOne fx1 = m_fxs[i]; if (fx1.Stable == true) continue; ++realCount; } if(realCount > m_maxFxones) { for(int i=0;i<m_fxs.Count;++i) { FxOne fx1 = m_fxs[i]; if (fx1.Stable == false && fx1.priority <= priority) { m_fxs.Remove(fx1); fx1.Stop(); break; } } } } FxCache fxcache = null; if (m_fxCaches.TryGetValue(name, out fxcache) == false) { fxcache = new GameObject(name).AddComponent<FxCache>(); fxcache.transform.parent = m_fxAssets; m_fxCaches[name] = fxcache; fxcache.transform.position =; fxcache.transform.localScale =; fxcache.transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; fxcache.InitWithPrefab(name); fxcache.gameObject.SetActive(false); } FxOne fxone = GetFxOneFromCache(); fxone.priority = priority; if (fxcache.Touch(fxone) == false) { GiveBack(fxone); return null; } return fxone; }