private void OnCitationContinueClick(Gwen.Control.Base sender, Gwen.Control.ClickedEventArgs e) { Check(); Game.LogTrivial("Citation page 1 submission begin..."); using (StreamWriter Information = new StreamWriter("Plugins/LSPDFR/ComputerPlus/citations/completedcitations.txt", true)) { Information.WriteLine(" "); Information.WriteLine(" "); Information.WriteLine("---INFORMATION---"); Information.WriteLine("Citation Number: " + CitationNumberBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Related Report Number: " + CitationRelatedBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Date of incident: " + CitationDateBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Time of incident: " + CitationTimeBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Offender Full Name: " + SuspectFirstBox.Text + " " + SuspectLastBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Offender DOB: " + CitationPerpDOBBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Offender Residence: " + CitationPerpStreetBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Issuing Officer #: " + CitationIssuedOfficerBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Issuing Officer Name: " + CitationIssuedOfficerNameBox.Text); } Game.LogTrivial("Citation page 1 submission success!"); Game.DisplayNotification("Citation page 1 of 2 complete..."); this.Window.Close(); form_citationviolation = new GameFiber(OpenCitationViolationForm); form_citationviolation.Start(); }
internal void OnFIContinueButtonClick(Gwen.Control.Base sender, Gwen.Control.ClickedEventArgs e) { GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { Check(); Game.LogTrivial("FI personal info saving for: " + SuspectLastBox.Text.ToString() + " " + SuspectFirstBox.Text.ToString()); Game.DisplayNotification("Page 2 of 3 saved. Continuing Field Interaction form..."); using (StreamWriter Information = new StreamWriter("Plugins/LSPDFR/ComputerPlus/field interviews/" + SuspectLastBox.Text.ToLower() + SuspectFirstBox.Text.ToLower() + ".txt", true)) { // 13 lines Information.WriteLine("---PERSONAL INFORMATION---"); Information.WriteLine("DOB: " + SuspectDOBBox.Text); Information.WriteLine(SuspectSSNBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Occupation: " + SuspectOccupationBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Address: " + SuspectAddressBox.Text + " " + SuspectCityBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Sex: " + SuspectSexBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Race: " + SuspectRaceBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Hair: " + SuspectHairBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Eyes: " + SuspectEyesBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Scars/Tattoos: " + SuspectMarkBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("License Status: " + SuspectLicenseBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Vehicle Make, Model, Color: " + SuspectVehicleBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Vehicle Plate: " + SuspectPlateBox.Text); } Game.LogTrivial("Successfully written to .txt"); }); state = SubmitCheck.submitted; FIComplete(); this.Window.Close(); form_firemarks = new GameFiber(OpenFIRemarksForm); form_firemarks.Start(); }
internal static void StartChecker() { _fiber = new GameFiber(CheckFiber); _fiber.Start(); InitialStartup(); Game.AddConsoleCommands(); }
public static void Main() { MenusProcessFiber = new GameFiber(ProcessLoop); Logger.DebugLog("ProcessFiber created"); menuPool = new MenuPool(); Logger.DebugLog("MenuPool created"); mainMenu = new UIMenu("BVF", "~b~Basic Vehicle Functions"); mainMenu.MouseControlsEnabled = false; mainMenu.AllowCameraMovement = true; Logger.DebugLog("Main Menu created"); menuPool.Add(mainMenu); Logger.DebugLog("Main Menu added to pool"); DoorMainMenu = new UIMenu("BVF", "~b~Basic Vehicle Functions"); DoorMainMenu.MouseControlsEnabled = false; DoorMainMenu.AllowCameraMovement = true; Logger.DebugLog("Door Menu created"); menuPool.Add(DoorMainMenu); Logger.DebugLog("Door Menu added to pool"); //add items here toggleBoot = new UIMenuItem("Boot"); toggleBonnet = new UIMenuItem("Bonnet"); togglelf = new UIMenuItem("Rear Driver"); togglerf = new UIMenuItem("Rear Passenger"); togglefd = new UIMenuItem("Front Driver"); togglefp = new UIMenuItem("Front Passenger"); toggleEngine = new UIMenuItem("Toggle Engine"); mainMenu.AddItem(StartCalloutItem = new UIMenuItem("Open/Close Doors", " Open and close specific doors")); mainMenu.AddItem(toggleEngine); mainMenu.BindMenuToItem(DoorMainMenu, StartCalloutItem); DoorMainMenu.AddItem(togglefd); DoorMainMenu.AddItem(togglefp); DoorMainMenu.AddItem(togglelf); DoorMainMenu.AddItem(togglerf); DoorMainMenu.AddItem(toggleBoot); DoorMainMenu.AddItem(toggleBonnet); DoorMainMenu.RefreshIndex(); DoorMainMenu.OnItemSelect += BootOnItemSelect; DoorMainMenu.OnIndexChange += OnItemChange; Logger.DebugLog("Configured Door Menu"); mainMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.OnItemSelect += OnItemSelect; mainMenu.OnIndexChange += OnItemChange; Logger.DebugLog("Configured Main Menu"); MenusProcessFiber.Start(); Logger.DebugLog("ProcessFiber started"); GameFiber.Hibernate(); }
public Transport(Ped ped, Vector3 pickupPos, SpawnPoint dispatchFrom) { this.ped = ped; policeCarSpawn = dispatchFrom; this.pickupPos = pickupPos; process = new GameFiber(Process); process.Start(); }
internal static void StartAmbientEvents() { "Starting to load ambient events...".AddLog(true); _ambientList = LoadAmbientEvents(); _ambientController = new GameFiber(AmbientController); _ambientController.Start(); $"{_ambientList.Count} ambient events loaded".AddLog(true); }
public void Functions_OnOnDutyStateChanged(bool onDuty) { if (!onDuty) { return; } "Loading...".AddLog(); var fiber = new GameFiber(StartDuty.StartDutyMethods); fiber.Start(); }
public static void CreateScene(Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 mePosition) { "Starting Scene Creation -- Stopwatch Started".AddLog(); Sw.Start(); int id = 60418; NativeFunction.Natives.SET_INTERIOR_ACTIVE(id, true); NativeFunction.Natives.x2CA429C029CCF247(id); LoadXml(); "XML Loaded".AddLog(); AmbientFiber.Start(); }
private static void WaitForSuspect(Vehicle vehicle, Vector3 point) { "WaitForSuspect".AddLog(); Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); _cameraMovementFiber = new GameFiber(CameraMove); _cameraMovementFiber.Start(); while (vehicle.Position.DistanceTo(point) > 4f) { if (sw.Elapsed.Seconds >= 15) { "Stopwatch elapsed, breaking loop".AddLog(true); break; } GameFiber.Yield(); } "Vehicle at position".AddLog(true); _sus.Tasks.PerformDrivingManeuver(vehicle, VehicleManeuver.Wait); _play = false; _secCam.Face(_veh); _pauseTime = World.TimeOfDay; var speedZone = World.AddSpeedZone(_targetPos, 60f, 0f); for (var i = _secCam.FOV; i >= GetFOVValue(Vector3.Distance(Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Position, _veh)); i += -0.2f) { _secCam.FOV = i; GameFiber.Sleep(0100); } GameFiber.Sleep(3000); FadeScreen(true); World.RemoveSpeedZone(speedZone); "Ending".AddLog(true); _cameraMovementFiber.Abort(); Game.RawFrameRender -= OnRawFrameRender; EndCamera(); }
public static void Init() { Log.Info("SHVDN", "Loading SHVDN support..."); Support.Instance.KeyboardManager.RegisterHandler(SendKeyboardMessage); initMethods.Clear(); tickMethods.Clear(); keyboardMethods.Clear(); foreach (string filename in Directory.EnumerateFiles(Support.Instance.WorkingDirectory, "ScriptHookVDotNet-univ*.dll")) { Log.Info("File: " + filename); Assembly assembly; try { // Unblock file if it was downloaded from a network location if (File.Exists(filename + ":Zone.Identifier")) { File.Delete(filename + ":Zone.Identifier"); } assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(filename); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("SHVDN", "FATAL: Unable to load '" + filename + "' due to the following exception:\n\n" + ex); continue; } Type main = assembly.GetType("ScriptHookVDotNet"); if (main != null && main.IsAbstract) { Func <bool> initMethod = (Func <bool>)main.GetMethod("Init", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <bool>)); initMethods.Add(initMethod); Action tickMethod = (Action)(main.GetMethod("Tick", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).CreateDelegate(typeof(Action))); tickMethods.Add(tickMethod); KeyboardMethodDelegate keyboardMessageMethod = (KeyboardMethodDelegate)(main.GetMethod("KeyboardMessage", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).CreateDelegate(typeof(KeyboardMethodDelegate))); keyboardMethods.Add(keyboardMessageMethod); } } foreach (Func <bool> Init in initMethods) { Init(); } fiber = new GameFiber(RunFiber); fiber.Start(); }
public void StartDialog() { IsRunning = true; AnimationAdd(); ("Total lines: " + Lines.Length).AddLog(); PedsFacePlayer(); _lineFiber = new GameFiber(ShowLine); _lineFiber.Start(); }
private void ShowPoliceComputer() { Globals.CloseRequested = false; Globals.OpenRequested = true; if (RunComputerPlusFiber.IsHibernating) { RunComputerPlusFiber.Wake(); } else if (!RunComputerPlusFiber.IsAlive) { RunComputerPlusFiber.Start(); } }
internal static void Resume(this GameFiber fiber) { if (fiber != null && !fiber.IsAlive) { if (fiber.IsHibernating) { fiber.Wake(); } else { fiber.Start(); } } }
private void Login() { if (this.input_user.Text == Configs.Username && this.pass.Text == Configs.Password) { this.Window.Close(); next_form = new GameFiber(OpenMainForm); next_form.Start(); } else { this.label_invalid.Show(); } }
public void StartWeaponFireCheck(List <Ped> pedList) { if (pedList.Count < 1) { return; } StartedWeaponFireCheck = true; var fiber = new GameFiber(() => WeaponFireCheck(pedList.ToList())); fiber.Start(); _activeFibers.Add(fiber); }
public void CalloutFinished() { "CalloutFinished()".AddLog(); if (_computerPlus) { ComputerPlusAPI.ConcludeCallout(_callId); } DisplayEndInformation(); var fiber = new GameFiber(DetectiveFiber); fiber.Start(); _activeFibers.Add(fiber); }
internal void CheckCheckboxes() { if (cbPlayerInvincible.Checked == true) { Game.LocalPlayer.IsInvincible = true; } if (!cbPlayerInvincible.Checked) { Game.LocalPlayer.IsInvincible = false; } if (cbNeverWanted.Checked == true) { Game.LocalPlayer.WantedLevel = 0; } if (cbUnlimitedAmmo.Checked == true) { if (Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Inventory.EquippedWeapon != null) { WeaponDescriptor equipWeapon = Game.LocalPlayer.Character.Inventory.EquippedWeapon; equipWeapon.Ammo = 9999; } } if (cbNoRagdoll.Checked == true) { Game.LocalPlayer.Character.CanRagdoll = false; } else { Game.LocalPlayer.Character.CanRagdoll = true; } if (cbFreezeWeather.Checked && !cbFreezeWeatherChecked) { GameFiber freezeWeatherThread = new GameFiber(new ThreadStart(FreezeWeather), "LSPDE Thread"); freezeWeatherThread.Start(); cbFreezeWeatherChecked = true; GameFiber.Sleep(50); } if (!cbFreezeWeather.Checked && cbFreezeWeatherChecked) { FreezeWeatherEnabled = false; cbFreezeWeatherChecked = false; GameFiber.Sleep(50); } }
public static void Main() { // Create a fiber to process our menus menusProcessFiber = new GameFiber(ProcessLoop); // Create the MenuPool to easily process our menus menuPool = new MenuPool(); // Create our menus menu1 = CreateMenu("First"); menu2 = CreateMenu("Second"); menu3 = CreateMenu("Third"); menu4 = CreateMenu("Fourth"); // Create the menu switcher menuSwitcher = new UIMenuSwitchMenusItem("Menu", "", new DisplayItem(menu1, "The First"), new DisplayItem(menu2, "The Second"), new DisplayItem(menu3, "The Third"), new DisplayItem(menu4, "The Fourth")); // We use the DisplayItem class to specify the custom text that will appear in the menu switcher; // we can pass the menus directly too and it will use the menu title text instead: // // menuSwitcher = new UIMenuSwitchMenusItem("Menu", "", menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4); // // Add the menu switcher to the menus menu1.AddItem(menuSwitcher, 0); menu2.AddItem(menuSwitcher, 0); menu3.AddItem(menuSwitcher, 0); menu4.AddItem(menuSwitcher, 0); menu1.RefreshIndex(); menu2.RefreshIndex(); menu3.RefreshIndex(); menu4.RefreshIndex(); // Temporal fix to prevent some flickering that happens occasionally when switching menus menuSwitcher.OnListChanged += (s, i) => { menuSwitcher.CurrentMenu.Draw(); }; // Start our process fiber menusProcessFiber.Start(); // Continue with our plugin... in this example, hibernate to prevent it from being unloaded GameFiber.Hibernate(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the main class, same as the class, do not rename. /// </summary> public Main() { Game.LogTrivial(plug_ver + " : Plugin loaded !"); if (!CheckVersionsofAssemblies()) { return; } if (option_dev_mode == 35) { Game.LogTrivial(plug_ver + " : Developer mode activated !"); } ThreadStart dev_thread = new ThreadStart(YetAnotherPartnerModClass.PartnerThread); dthread = new GameFiber(YetAnotherPartnerModClass.PartnerThread, "yapm_dev_checks_thread"); dthread.Start(); }
private static void DutyStateChangedHandler(bool on_duty) { Globals.IsPlayerOnDuty = on_duty; if (on_duty) { Game.FrameRender += Process; Game.LogTrivial("Successfully loaded LSPDFR Computer+."); Function.MonitorAICalls(); fCheckIfCalloutActive = new GameFiber(CheckIfCalloutActive); fCheckIfCalloutActive.Start(); Function.CheckForUpdates(); } }
/* * Animations: * _firstOfficer.Ped.Tasks.PlayAnimation("amb@code_human_police_crowd_control@idle_b", "idle_d", 4, AnimationFlags.Loop); */ /// <summary> /// Call this to begin scene creation using SceneData.xml /// </summary> /// <param name="playerPosition"></param> public static void CreateScene(Vector3 playerPosition) { "Starting Scene Creation -- Stopwatch Started".AddLog(); Sw.Start(); ObjectList.Clear(); LoadXml(); "XML Loaded".AddLog(); var playerdist = Vector3.Distance(playerPosition, Victim.Position); ("Distance from Scene: " + playerdist).AddLog(); SetAnimations(); AmbientFiber = new GameFiber(AmbientRun); AmbientFiber.Start(); CopFiber = new GameFiber(CopRun); CopFiber.Start(); Completed = true; }
public void StartEventMonitoring() { if (FiberCanRun) { if (KeyListenerFiber.IsHibernating) { KeyListenerFiber.Wake(); } else { KeyListenerFiber.Start(); } } else if (KeyListenerFiber != null) { StopEventMonitoring(); } }
internal static void Main() { GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { _menusProcessFiber = new GameFiber(ProcessLoop); _menuPool = new MenuPool(); _mainMenu = new UIMenu("Detective/Supervisor Interaction", ""); _menuPool.Add(_mainMenu); _mainMenu.RefreshIndex(); _menusProcessFiber.Start(); GameFiber.Hibernate(); }); }
private static void Main() { while (Game.IsLoading) { GameFiber.Yield(); } Game.LogTrivial("Enabling Player Loop..."); var PlayerProcessFiber = new GameFiber(BackWeapon.PlayerLoop); PlayerProcessFiber.Start(); if (enableAI) { Game.LogTrivial("Enabling AI Loop..."); var AIProcessFiber = new GameFiber(BackWeapon.AIPedsLoop); AIProcessFiber.Start(); } Game.LogTrivial("Stow That Weapon (BackWeapon.dll) by willpv23 has been loaded!"); GameFiber.Hibernate(); }
public static void RunVanillaAlpr() { Function.LogDebug("RunVanillaAlpr"); if (VanillaAlprGameFiber.IsHibernating) { Function.LogDebug("Wake RunVanillaAlpr"); EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)OnStopAlprVanilla; if (handler != null) { handler(null, null); } VanillaAlprGameFiber.Wake(); } else if (!VanillaAlprGameFiber.IsAlive && !VanillaAlprGameFiber.IsSleeping) { Function.LogDebug("Start RunVanillaAlpr"); VanillaAlprGameFiber.Start(); } }
public static void initMainMenu() { current_item = "Bolingbroke"; // The current item of the list of police stations is updated to Bolingbroke, this fixes a bug where upon first loading the plugin, a user // Would have to switch to a different location before being able to teleport back to Bolingbroke. GoMenu = new UIMenu("GoThere", "~b~LET'S MOVE!"); StationList = new UIMenuListItem("~g~List of Stations: ", "", "Bolingbroke", "Davis", "Downtown Vinewood", "La Mesa", "LSIA", "Mission Row", "Paleto Bay", "Rockford Hills", "Sandy Shores", "Vespucci", "Vinewood Hills"); menu_pool = new MenuPool(); MenuProcessFiber = new GameFiber(ProcessLoop); menu_pool.Add(GoMenu); // Add our menu to the menu pool GoMenu.AddItem(StationList); // Add a list of destinations -- maybe we want to hold destination OBJECTS. We shall see. GoMenu.OnItemSelect += OnItemSelect; GoMenu.OnListChange += OnListChange; if (customLocationsEnabled) // If custom locations are enabled { navigateToLocMenu = new UIMenuItem("Custom Locations"); LocMenu = new UIMenu("Custom Locations", "Teleport to custom locations."); // Initialize the locations menu menu_pool.Add(LocMenu); // Add the locations menu to the menu pool GoMenu.AddItem(navigateToLocMenu); // Add the ui item to the main menu GoMenu.BindMenuToItem(LocMenu, navigateToLocMenu); // Bind the locations menu to the ui item LocMenu.ParentMenu = GoMenu; // Set the parent menu of the locations menu to be the main menu InstructionalButton removeButtonKeyButton = new InstructionalButton(removeKey.ToString(), "Remove Destination"); // Add instructional button showing users how to remove a dest. LocMenu.AddInstructionalButton(removeButtonKeyButton); RefreshCustomLocationsMenu(); } GoMenu.RefreshIndex(); // Set the index at 0 by using the RefreshIndex method MenuProcessFiber.Start(); // Start process fiber Game.DisplayNotification("~r~[GoThere] \nGoThere v1.0 ~w~by ~b~Cavasi ~w~has loaded successfully!"); // Display a notification above the radar that the plugin loaded successfully GameFiber.Hibernate(); // Continue with our plugin. Prevent it from being unloaded }
public override bool OnCalloutAccepted() { "Callout has been accepted".AddLog(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AcceptScannerAudio)) { var fiber = new GameFiber(StartSecondaryAudio); fiber.Start(); _activeFibers.Add(fiber); } if (_computerPlus) { ComputerPlusAPI.SetCalloutStatusToUnitResponding(_callId); } // if (FalseCall && Fiskey111Common.Rand.RandomNumber(1, 15) == 1) // { // "False Call".AddLog(); // _isFalseCall = true; // FalseCallHandler.callState = FalseCallHandler.CallState.Start; // } //CalloutName.DisplayNotification(ResponseInfo); var position = SpawnPoint.Around2D(5f, 20f); if (SpawnBlip) { AreaBlip = CalloutStandardization.CreateStandardizedBlip(position, BlipType, BlipScale); AreaBlip.Alpha = BlipAlpha; AreaBlip.EnableRoute(AreaBlip.Color); } "Returning OnCalloutAccepted".AddLog(); return(base.OnCalloutAccepted()); }
internal void OnFIContinueButtonClick(Gwen.Control.Base sender, Gwen.Control.ClickedEventArgs e) { GameFiber.StartNew(delegate { Game.DisplayNotification("Page 1 of 3 saved. Continuing Field Interaction form..."); using (StreamWriter Information = new StreamWriter("Plugins/LSPDFR/ComputerPlus/field interviews/" + SuspectLastBox.Text.ToLower() + SuspectFirstBox.Text.ToLower() + ".txt", true)) { // 8 Lines Information.WriteLine(" "); Information.WriteLine(" "); Information.WriteLine("---ENVIRONMENT---"); Information.WriteLine("Date: " + FIDateBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Time: " + FITimeBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Location: " + FILocation.Text); Information.WriteLine("Officer Name and Number: " + FIOfficerNameBox.Text + " " + FIOfficerNumberBox.Text); Information.WriteLine("Individual Full Name: " + SuspectFirstBox.Text + " " + SuspectLastBox.Text); } Game.LogTrivial("Successfully written to .txt"); }); this.Window.Close(); form_fipersonal = new GameFiber(OpenFIPersonalForm); form_fipersonal.Start(); }
public void StartDialog() { _lineFiber = new GameFiber(ShowLine); _lineFiber.Start(); }
public static void Main() { // Create a fiber to process our menus MenusProcessFiber = new GameFiber(ProcessLoop); // Create the MenuPool to easily process our menus _menuPool = new MenuPool(); // Create our main menu mainMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENative UI", "~b~RAGENATIVEUI SHOWCASE"); // Add our main menu to the MenuPool _menuPool.Add(mainMenu); // create our items and add them to our main menu mainMenu.AddItem(ketchupCheckbox = new UIMenuCheckboxItem("Add ketchup?", false, "Do you wish to add ketchup?")); var foods = new List<dynamic> { "Banana", "Apple", "Pizza", "Quartilicious", 0xF00D, // Dynamic! }; mainMenu.AddItem(dishesListItem = new UIMenuListItem("Food", foods, 0)); mainMenu.AddItem(cookItem = new UIMenuItem("Cook!", "Cook the dish with the appropiate ingredients and ketchup.")); var menuItem = new UIMenuItem("Go to another menu."); mainMenu.AddItem(menuItem); cookItem.SetLeftBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Star); cookItem.SetRightBadge(UIMenuItem.BadgeStyle.Tick); var carsModel = new List<dynamic> { "Adder", "Bullet", "Police", "Police2", "Asea", "FBI", "FBI2", "Firetruk", "Ambulance", "Rhino", }; carsList = new UIMenuListItem("Cars Models", carsModel, 0); mainMenu.AddItem(carsList); spawnCar = new UIMenuItem("Spawn Car"); mainMenu.AddItem(spawnCar); coloredItem = new UIMenuColoredItem("Color!", System.Drawing.Color.Red, System.Drawing.Color.Blue); mainMenu.AddItem(coloredItem); mainMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.OnItemSelect += OnItemSelect; mainMenu.OnListChange += OnListChange; mainMenu.OnCheckboxChange += OnCheckboxChange; mainMenu.OnIndexChange += OnItemChange; // Create another menu newMenu = new UIMenu("RAGENative UI", "~b~RAGENATIVEUI SHOWCASE"); newMenu.CounterOverride = "Counter Override"; _menuPool.Add(newMenu); // add it to the menu pool for (int i = 0; i < 35; i++) // add items { newMenu.AddItem(new UIMenuItem("PageFiller " + i.ToString(), "Sample description that takes more than one line. More so, it takes way more than two lines since it's so long. Wow, check out this length!")); } newMenu.RefreshIndex(); mainMenu.BindMenuToItem(newMenu, menuItem); // and bind it to an item in our main menu // Start our process fiber MenusProcessFiber.Start(); // Continue with our plugin... in this example, hibernate to prevent it from being unloaded GameFiber.Hibernate(); }
public void Display() { if (!cleanGameFibersRunning) { cleanGameFibers(); } hasDisplayed = false; IndexOfGivenAnswer = -1; popupQueue.Add(this); if (fiber != null && popupFibersToDelete.Contains(fiber)) { popupFibersToDelete.Remove(fiber); } Game.LogTrivial("Adding " + PopupTitle + " popup to queue."); fiber = new GameFiber(delegate { while (!ForceDisplay) { GameFiber.Yield(); if (!CommonVariables.DisplayTime && !Game.IsPaused) { if (popupQueue.Count > 0 && popupQueue[0] == this) { break; } else if (popupQueue.Count == 0) { break; } } } CommonVariables.DisplayTime = true; if (PauseGame) { Game.IsPaused = true; } if (showEnterConfirmation) { popupLines.AddRange(("Press Enter to close.").WrapText(720, "Arial Bold", 15.0f, out PopupTextLineHeight)); } isDisplaying = true; GameFiber.Sleep(Delay); popupQueue.Remove(this); Game.RawFrameRender += DrawPopup; Game.LogTrivial("Drawing " + PopupTitle + " popup message"); timer.Restart(); if (showEnterConfirmation) { while (isDisplaying) { if (PauseGame) { Game.IsPaused = true; } GameFiber.Yield(); if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { Game.LogTrivial("ClosePopup is pressed"); Hide(); break; } } } else if (Answers != null && Answers.Count > 0) { while (isDisplaying) { if (PauseGame) { Game.IsPaused = true; } GameFiber.Yield(); if (timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 25000) { Game.DisplayNotification("A textbox is currently being shown in the centre of your screen. If you can't see it, RPH had an issue initializing with DirectX and your RPH console won't work either - ask for support on the RPH Discord (link at"); timer.Restart(); } if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.D1)) { if (answersAsDisplayed.Count >= 1) { IndexOfGivenAnswer = Answers.IndexOf(answersAsDisplayed[0]); Hide(); } } if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.D2)) { if (answersAsDisplayed.Count >= 2) { IndexOfGivenAnswer = Answers.IndexOf(answersAsDisplayed[1]); Hide(); } } if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.D3)) { if (answersAsDisplayed.Count >= 3) { IndexOfGivenAnswer = Answers.IndexOf(answersAsDisplayed[2]); Hide(); } } if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.D4)) { if (answersAsDisplayed.Count >= 4) { IndexOfGivenAnswer = Answers.IndexOf(answersAsDisplayed[3]); Hide(); } } if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.D5)) { if (answersAsDisplayed.Count >= 5) { IndexOfGivenAnswer = Answers.IndexOf(answersAsDisplayed[4]); Hide(); } } if (Game.IsKeyDown(Keys.D6)) { if (answersAsDisplayed.Count >= 6) { IndexOfGivenAnswer = Answers.IndexOf(answersAsDisplayed[5]); Hide(); } } } } timer.Stop(); }); fiber.Start(); }