internal static void ControlHighlightGUI(GUIView self) { if (!(Highlighter.s_View == null) && !(self.window != Highlighter.s_View.window)) { if (Highlighter.activeVisible && !Highlighter.searching) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight") { if (self.screenPosition.Overlaps(Highlighter.s_RepaintRegion)) { self.Repaint(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Rect rect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(Highlighter.activeRect); rect = Highlighter.highlightStyle.padding.Add(rect); float num = (Mathf.Cos(Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime * 3.14159274f * 2f * 0.45f) + 1f) * 0.5f; float num2 = Mathf.Min(1f, 0.01f + Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime / 0.33f); num2 += Mathf.Sin(num2 * 3.14159274f) * 0.5f; Vector2 b = new Vector2((rect.width + 5f) / rect.width - 1f, (rect.height + 5f) / rect.height - 1f) * num; Vector2 scale = ( + b) * num2; Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, Mathf.Clamp01(0.8f * num2 - 0.3f * num)); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; Highlighter.highlightStyle.Draw(rect, false, false, false, false); GUI.color = color; GUI.matrix = matrix; } } } }
internal static void ControlHighlightGUI(GUIView self) { if (((s_View != null) && (self.window == s_View.window)) && (activeVisible && !searching)) { if ((Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand) && (Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight")) { if (self.screenPosition.Overlaps(s_RepaintRegion)) { self.Repaint(); } } else if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Rect rect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(activeRect); rect = highlightStyle.padding.Add(rect); float num = (Mathf.Cos(((s_HighlightElapsedTime * 3.141593f) * 2f) * 0.45f) + 1f) * 0.5f; float num2 = Mathf.Min((float)1f, (float)(0.01f + (s_HighlightElapsedTime / 0.33f))); num2 += Mathf.Sin(num2 * 3.141593f) * 0.5f; Vector2 vector = (Vector2)(new Vector2(((rect.width + 5f) / rect.width) - 1f, ((rect.height + 5f) / rect.height) - 1f) * num); Vector2 scale = (Vector2)(( + vector) * num2); Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.8f - (0.3f * num)); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; highlightStyle.Draw(rect, false, false, false, false); GUI.color = color; GUI.matrix = matrix; } } }
internal static void ControlHighlightGUI(GUIView self) { if ((Object)Highlighter.s_View == (Object)null || (Object)self.window != (Object)Highlighter.s_View.window || (!Highlighter.activeVisible || Highlighter.searching)) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight") { if (!self.screenPosition.Overlaps(Highlighter.s_RepaintRegion)) { return; } self.Repaint(); } else { if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return; } Rect position = Highlighter.highlightStyle.padding.Add(GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(Highlighter.activeRect)); float num1 = (float)(((double)Mathf.Cos((float)((double)Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime * 3.14159274101257 * 2.0 * 0.449999988079071)) + 1.0) * 0.5); float num2 = Mathf.Min(1f, (float)(0.00999999977648258 + (double)Highlighter.s_HighlightElapsedTime / 0.330000013113022)); float num3 = num2 + Mathf.Sin(num2 * 3.141593f) * 0.5f; Vector2 scale = ( + new Vector2((float)(((double)position.width + 5.0) / (double)position.width - 1.0), (float)(((double)position.height + 5.0) / (double)position.height - 1.0)) * num1) * num3; Matrix4x4 matrix = GUI.matrix; Color color = GUI.color; GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, (float)(0.800000011920929 - 0.300000011920929 * (double)num1)); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; Highlighter.highlightStyle.Draw(position, false, false, false, false); GUI.color = color; GUI.matrix = matrix; } }
public static void Open(GameObject[] targets, Rect activatorPosition, GenericMenu.MenuFunction rename = null) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.allowDuplicateNames = true; Fill(targets, menu, activatorPosition, rename); menu.DropDown(GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(activatorPosition)); }
private static void ControlHighlightGUI() { if (!activeVisible || searching) { return; } if (Event.current.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && Event.current.commandName == "HandleControlHighlight") { if (s_View.screenPosition.Overlaps(s_RepaintRegion)) { s_View.Repaint(); } return; } if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint) { return; } Rect localRect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(activeRect); localRect = highlightStyle.padding.Add(localRect); // Animation calculations // Value pulses between 0 and 1 float pulseValue = (Mathf.Cos(s_HighlightElapsedTime * Mathf.PI * 2 * kPulseSpeed) + 1) * 0.5f; // Value expands from 0.01 to 1 and stays at 1 float popupScale = Mathf.Min(1, 0.01f + s_HighlightElapsedTime / kPopupDuration); // Value goes from 0.01 towards 1, overshoots a bit, and ends at 1. popupScale = popupScale + Mathf.Sin(popupScale * Mathf.PI) * 0.5f; // Scale calculations Vector2 pulseScaleAddition = new Vector2( (localRect.width + kExpansionMovementSize) / localRect.width - 1.0f, (localRect.height + kExpansionMovementSize) / localRect.height - 1.0f ) * pulseValue; Vector2 scale = ( + pulseScaleAddition) * popupScale; // Cache old values Matrix4x4 oldMatrix = GUI.matrix; Color oldColor = GUI.color; // Set pulsing values GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, Mathf.Clamp01(0.8f * popupScale - 0.3f * pulseValue)); GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(scale,; // Draw highlight highlightStyle.Draw(localRect, false, false, false, false); // Reset to old values GUI.color = oldColor; GUI.matrix = oldMatrix; }
private void OnGUI() { if (!_mouseOver) { return; } = HighLogic.Skin; Orbit orbit = _hitOrbit; Vector3d deltaPos = orbit.getPositionAtUT(_hitUT) - orbit.referenceBody.position; double altitude = deltaPos.magnitude - orbit.referenceBody.Radius; double speed = orbit.getOrbitalSpeedAt(orbit.getObtAtUT(_hitUT)); string labelText = ""; if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <ABCORSSettings>().showTime) { labelText += "T: " + KSPUtil.PrintTime((int)(Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - _hitUT), 5, true) + "\n"; } if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <ABCORSSettings>().showAltitude) { labelText += "Alt: " + altitude.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "m\n"; } if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <ABCORSSettings>().showSpeed) { labelText += "Vel: " + speed.ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "m/s\n"; } if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.CustomParams <ABCORSSettings>().showAngleToPrograde&& orbit.referenceBody.orbit != null) { Vector3d bodyVel = orbit.referenceBody.orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(_hitUT); Vector3d shipPos = orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(_hitUT); double angle = Vector3d.Angle(shipPos, bodyVel); Vector3d rotatedBodyVel = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(90.0, Vector3d.forward) * bodyVel; if (Vector3d.Dot(rotatedBodyVel, shipPos) > 0) { angle = 360 - angle; } labelText += "\u03B1P: " + angle.ToString("N1", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "\u00B0\n"; } GUILayout.BeginArea(GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(_popup)); GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle("Label")); if (_isTarget) { labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.cyan; } GUILayout.Label(labelText, labelStyle); GUILayout.EndArea(); }
public static void CalculateFrameTransform(Rect rectToFit, Rect clientRect, int border, out Vector3 frameTranslation, out Vector3 frameScaling) { // bring slightly smaller screen rect into GUI space var screenRect = new Rect { xMin = border, xMax = clientRect.width - border, yMin = border, yMax = clientRect.height - border }; Matrix4x4 m = GUI.matrix; GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity,; Rect identity = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(screenRect); // measure zoom level necessary to fit the canvas rect into the screen rect float zoomLevel = Math.Min(identity.width / rectToFit.width, identity.height / rectToFit.height); // clamp zoomLevel = Mathf.Clamp(zoomLevel, ContentZoomer.DefaultMinScale, 1.0f); var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(zoomLevel, zoomLevel, 1.0f)); var edge = new Vector2(clientRect.width, clientRect.height); var origin = new Vector2(0, 0); var r = new Rect { min = origin, max = edge }; var parentScale = new Vector3(transform.GetColumn(0).magnitude, transform.GetColumn(1).magnitude, transform.GetColumn(2).magnitude); Vector2 offset = - ( * parentScale.x); // Update output values before leaving frameTranslation = new Vector3(offset.x, offset.y, 0.0f); frameScaling = parentScale; GUI.matrix = m; }
public void End(SceneView sceneView) { duringSceneGUI?.Invoke(sceneView); windows.Sort(); if (windows.Count > 0 && Event.current.type != EventType.Used) { Handles.BeginGUI(); Rect windowRect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(sceneView.position); windowRect.y += 19; GUILayout.BeginArea(windowRect); WindowTrampoline(sceneView); GUILayout.EndArea(); Handles.EndGUI(); } }
/* * public static void HandleAreaOffset() * { * HandleAreaOffset(; * } * * public static void HandleAreaOffset(Vector2 scrollPos) * { * if (currentState == null) * return; * * if (currentState.currentToolTip == null) * return; * * var rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); * * currentState.rectOffset.x += rect.x - scrollPos.x; * currentState.rectOffset.y += rect.y - scrollPos.y; * }*/ static void UpdateToolTip(bool getLastRect = false, bool goUp = false) { if (currentState == null) { return; } if (currentState.prevToolTip != currentState.currentToolTip) { currentState.prevToolTip = currentState.currentToolTip; currentState.tooltipTimer = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; currentState.currentToolTipTitle = null; currentState.currentToolTipContents = null; currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes = null; } if (currentState.currentToolTip == null) { return; } //if ((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - currentState.tooltipTimer) < TooltipWaitTime) // return; var titleStyle = GUIStyleUtility.toolTipTitleStyle; var contentsStyle = GUIStyleUtility.toolTipContentsStyle; var keycodesStyle = GUIStyleUtility.toolTipKeycodesStyle; if (currentState.currentToolTipTitle == null) { var currentToolTipTitleString = currentState.currentToolTip.TitleString(); var currentToolTipContentsString = currentState.currentToolTip.ContentsString(); var currentToolTipKeyCodesString = currentState.currentToolTip.KeyString(); currentState.currentToolTipTitle = new GUIContent(currentToolTipTitleString); currentState.currentToolTipContents = new GUIContent(currentToolTipContentsString); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentToolTipKeyCodesString)) { currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes = null; } else { currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes = new GUIContent(currentToolTipKeyCodesString); } var currentToolTipTitleSize = titleStyle.CalcSize(currentState.currentToolTipTitle); var currentToolTipContentsSize = contentsStyle.CalcSize(currentState.currentToolTipContents); var currentToolTipKeyCodesSize = currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes != null?keycodesStyle.CalcSize(currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes) :; var currentArea = getLastRect ? GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect() : currentState.maxArea; //currentArea.y += 100; Vector2 size = currentToolTipTitleSize; size.x = Mathf.Max(currentToolTipTitleSize.x, currentToolTipContentsSize.x, currentToolTipKeyCodesSize.x); size.y = currentToolTipTitleSize.y + currentToolTipContentsSize.y + currentToolTipKeyCodesSize.y; currentState.currentToolTipArea = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(currentState.tooltipArea); //currentState.currentToolTipArea.x += currentState.rectOffset.x; //currentState.currentToolTipArea.y += currentState.rectOffset.y; //currentToolTipArea.x = (currentToolTipArea.x + currentToolTipArea.width) - size.x; currentState.currentToolTipArea.width = size.x; if (currentState.currentToolTipArea.xMax > currentArea.xMax) { currentState.currentToolTipArea.xMin -= currentState.currentToolTipArea.xMax - currentArea.xMax; } if (currentState.currentToolTipArea.xMin < 0) { currentState.currentToolTipArea.xMin = 0; currentState.currentToolTipArea.width = currentArea.xMax; } var currentToolTipTitleHeight = titleStyle.CalcHeight(currentState.currentToolTipTitle, currentState.currentToolTipArea.width); var currentToolTipContentsHeight = contentsStyle.CalcHeight(currentState.currentToolTipContents, currentState.currentToolTipArea.width); var currentToolTipKeyCodesHeight = (currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes != null ? keycodesStyle.CalcHeight(currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes, currentState.currentToolTipArea.width) : 0); currentState.currentToolTipArea.height = currentToolTipTitleHeight + currentToolTipContentsHeight + currentToolTipKeyCodesHeight + 4; if (goUp) { if (currentState.currentToolTipArea.y - currentState.tooltipArea.height < 0) { currentState.currentToolTipArea.y += currentState.tooltipArea.height; } else { currentState.currentToolTipArea.y -= currentState.currentToolTipArea.height; } } else { if (currentState.currentToolTipArea.yMax + currentState.tooltipArea.height < currentArea.yMax) { currentState.currentToolTipArea.y += currentState.tooltipArea.height; } else { currentState.currentToolTipArea.y -= currentState.currentToolTipArea.height; } } if (currentState.currentToolTipArea.y < 0) { currentState.currentToolTipArea.y = 0; } currentState.currentToolTipTitleArea.x = currentState.currentToolTipArea.x; currentState.currentToolTipTitleArea.width = currentState.currentToolTipArea.width; currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.x = currentState.currentToolTipArea.x; currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.width = currentState.currentToolTipArea.width; currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodesArea.x = currentState.currentToolTipArea.x; currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodesArea.width = currentState.currentToolTipArea.width; currentState.currentToolTipTitleArea.height = currentToolTipTitleHeight; currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.height = currentToolTipContentsHeight; currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodesArea.height = currentToolTipKeyCodesHeight; currentState.currentToolTipTitleArea.y = currentState.currentToolTipArea.y; currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.y = currentState.currentToolTipTitleArea.y + currentState.currentToolTipTitleArea.height; currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodesArea.y = currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.y + currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.height; if (currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodes != null) { currentState.currentToolTipKeyCodesArea.height += 4; } else { currentState.currentToolTipContentsArea.height += 4; } } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Mouse0)) { if ((IsCraftArbre | IsCraftFleur | IsCraftRoche) && (rect.Contains(new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, -Input.mousePosition.y + 530))) == true) // si un des menus est ouvert et qu'on clique dedans, on ne crée pas de raycast //( pour éviter que le personnage ne selectionne un objet derriere le menu) { } else { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = camera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) // on verifie si le raycast a touché un gameobject { mP = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, -Input.mousePosition.y + 530); // on prend les coordonnées du clic pour créer le menu où on clic rect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(new Rect(mP.x, mP.y, 150, 250)); // on crée le rectangle du menus pour vérifier avec le contains if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Arbre")) // si on touche un arbre : { if (IsCraftArbre == false) // si un autre menu est ouvert alors qu'on a cliqué sur l'arbre, on le ferme { cible = hit; R = ray; IsCraftFleur = false; IsCraftRoche = false; IsCraftArbre = true; } else { IsCraftArbre = false; IsCraftArbre = true; } } if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Untagged") || (hit.collider.CompareTag("Arbre") == false && hit.collider.CompareTag("Roche1") == false && hit.collider.CompareTag("Roche2") == false && hit.collider.CompareTag("Roche3") == false && hit.collider.CompareTag("Fleurs") == false)) { IsCraftArbre = false; IsCraftFleur = false; IsCraftRoche = false; } if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Bois")) // si on clic sur une buche et qu'on a assez de place dans l'inventaire, on la récupère { if (NbrPlace(bois) > 0) // a changer lorsque l'inventaire sera fonctionnelle { Destroy(hit.transform.gameObject); AjouterInventaire(bois, 1); // à changer lorsque l'inventaire sera terminé } } if ((hit.collider.CompareTag("Roche1")) || (hit.collider.CompareTag("Roche2")) || (hit.collider.CompareTag("Roche3"))) //pareil avec les roches { if (IsCraftRoche == false) { cible = hit; R = ray; IsCraftArbre = false; IsCraftFleur = false; IsCraftRoche = true; } else { IsCraftRoche = false; IsCraftRoche = true; } } if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Pierre")) // pareil que les buches { if (NbrPlace(pierre) > 0) { Destroy(hit.transform.gameObject); AjouterInventaire(pierre, 1); // a changer plus tard selon le fonctionnement de l'inventaire } } if (hit.collider.CompareTag("Fleurs")) //same { if (IsCraftFleur == false) { cible = hit; R = ray; IsCraftArbre = false; IsCraftRoche = false; IsCraftFleur = true; } else { IsCraftFleur = false; IsCraftFleur = true; } } if (hit.collider.CompareTag("FleursDrop"))//same { if (NbrPlace(fleursdrop) > 0) { Destroy(hit.transform.gameObject); AjouterInventaire(fleursdrop, 3); // à changer plus tard selon le fonctionnement de l'inventaire } } } } } }
internal bool OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label, bool includeChildren, Rect visibleArea) { TestInvalidateCache(); float oldLabelWidth, oldFieldWidth; float propHeight = position.height; position.height = 0; if (m_DecoratorDrawers != null && !isCurrentlyNested) { foreach (DecoratorDrawer decorator in m_DecoratorDrawers) { position.height = decorator.GetHeight(); oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; oldFieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; decorator.OnGUI(position); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = oldFieldWidth; position.y += position.height; propHeight -= position.height; } } position.height = propHeight; if (propertyDrawer != null) { // Remember widths oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth; oldFieldWidth = EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth; // Draw with custom drawer - retrieve it BEFORE increasing nesting. PropertyDrawer drawer = propertyDrawer; using (var nestingContext = IncrementNestingContext()) { drawer.OnGUISafe(position, property.Copy(), label ?? EditorGUIUtility.TempContent(property.localizedDisplayName, tooltip)); } // Restore widths EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth; EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = oldFieldWidth; return(false); } else { if (!includeChildren) { return(EditorGUI.DefaultPropertyField(position, property, label)); } if (UseReorderabelListControl(property)) { ReorderableListWrapper reorderableList; string key = ReorderableListWrapper.GetPropertyIdentifier(property); if (!s_reorderableLists.TryGetValue(key, out reorderableList)) { // Manual layout controls don't call GetHeight() method so we need to have a way to initialized list as we prepare to render it here reorderableList = new ReorderableListWrapper(property, label, true); s_reorderableLists[key] = reorderableList; } // Calculate visibility rect specifically for reorderable list as when applied for the whole serialized object, // it causes collapsed out of sight array elements appear thus messing up scroll-bar experience var screenPos = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(position.position); screenPos.y = Mathf.Clamp(screenPos.y, GUIView.current?.screenPosition.yMin ?? 0, GUIView.current?.screenPosition.yMax ?? Screen.height); Rect listVisibility = new Rect(screenPos.x, screenPos.y, GUIView.current?.screenPosition.width ?? Screen.width, GUIView.current?.screenPosition.height ?? Screen.height); listVisibility = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(listVisibility); reorderableList.Property = property; reorderableList.Draw(label, position, listVisibility, tooltip, includeChildren); return(!includeChildren && property.isExpanded); } // Remember state Vector2 oldIconSize = EditorGUIUtility.GetIconSize(); bool wasEnabled = GUI.enabled; int origIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; int relIndent = origIndent - property.depth; SerializedProperty prop = property.Copy(); position.height = EditorGUI.GetSinglePropertyHeight(prop, label); // First property with custom label EditorGUI.indentLevel = prop.depth + relIndent; bool childrenAreExpanded = EditorGUI.DefaultPropertyField(position, prop, label) && EditorGUI.HasVisibleChildFields(prop); position.y += position.height + EditorGUI.kControlVerticalSpacing; // Loop through all child properties if (childrenAreExpanded) { SerializedProperty endProperty = prop.GetEndProperty(); while (prop.NextVisible(childrenAreExpanded) && !SerializedProperty.EqualContents(prop, endProperty)) { var handler = ScriptAttributeUtility.GetHandler(prop); EditorGUI.indentLevel = prop.depth + relIndent; position.height = handler.GetHeight(prop, null, UseReorderabelListControl(prop) && includeChildren); if (position.Overlaps(visibleArea)) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); childrenAreExpanded = handler.OnGUI(position, prop, null, UseReorderabelListControl(prop)) && EditorGUI.HasVisibleChildFields(prop); // Changing child properties (like array size) may invalidate the iterator, // so stop now, or we may get errors. if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { break; } } position.y += position.height + EditorGUI.kControlVerticalSpacing; } } // Restore state GUI.enabled = wasEnabled; EditorGUIUtility.SetIconSize(oldIconSize); EditorGUI.indentLevel = origIndent; return(false); } }
public static Rect ScreenToGUIRect(Rect screenRect) { return(GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(screenRect)); }
public void Show(Action <int> onItemSelected) { if (forceToUnShow) { forceToUnShow = false; isClickedComboButton = false; } var done = false; var controlID = GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive); Vector2 currentMousePosition =; if (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(controlID) == EventType.mouseUp) { if (isClickedComboButton) { done = true; currentMousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition; } } if (GUI.Button(Rect, ButtonContent, buttonStyle)) { if (useControlID == -1) { useControlID = controlID; isClickedComboButton = false; } if (useControlID != controlID) { forceToUnShow = true; useControlID = controlID; } isClickedComboButton = true; } if (isClickedComboButton) { GUI.enabled = false; GUI.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 2); var location = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(Rect.x, Rect.y + listStyle.CalcHeight(listContent[0], 1.0f))); var size = new Vector2(Rect.width, listStyle.CalcHeight(listContent[0], 1.0f) * listContent.Length); var innerRect = new Rect(0, 0, size.x, size.y); var outerRectScreen = new Rect(location.x, location.y, size.x, size.y); if (outerRectScreen.yMax > _windowYmax) { outerRectScreen.height = _windowYmax - outerRectScreen.y; outerRectScreen.width += 20; } if (currentMousePosition != && outerRectScreen.Contains(GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(currentMousePosition))) { done = false; } CurrentDropdownDrawer = () => { GUI.enabled = true; var outerRectLocal = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(outerRectScreen); GUI.Box(outerRectLocal, GUIContent.none,; _scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(outerRectLocal, _scrollPosition, innerRect, false, false); { const int initialSelectedItem = -1; var newSelectedItemIndex = GUI.SelectionGrid(innerRect, initialSelectedItem, listContent, 1, listStyle); if (newSelectedItemIndex != initialSelectedItem) { onItemSelected(newSelectedItemIndex); isClickedComboButton = false; } } GUI.EndScrollView(true); }; } if (done) { isClickedComboButton = false; } }
public static void RenderGameUsingDrawTexture(VGDLGame game, RenderTexture renderTarget, bool OnGUI = false) { var drawOrder = game.getSpriteOrder(); RenderTexture prevRT = null; if (renderTarget != null) { prevRT =; Graphics.SetRenderTarget(renderTarget); } GL.PushMatrix(); //Saves both projection and modelview matrices to the matrix stack. GL.LoadPixelMatrix(0, game.screenSize.x, game.screenSize.y, 0); //Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering. //Clear the background before we render a new round of sprites. GL.Clear(true, true,; foreach (var stype in drawOrder) { foreach (var vgdlSprite in game.getSprites(stype)) { //NOTE: hidden should just be handled when making observations. if (vgdlSprite.invisible.CompareAndIgnoreCase("True")) { continue; } //|| vgdlSprite.hidden.CompareAndIgnoreCase("True")) continue; var show = false; var invis = vgdlSprite.invisible.Split(','); //NOTE: this is similar to the boolean.parseBoolean() logic in JAVA. bool invis0 = bool.TryParse(invis[0], out invis0) && invis0; if (game.no_players == 2) { bool invis1 = invis.Length > 1 ? bool.TryParse(invis[1], out invis1) && invis1 : invis0; //NOTE: Actually it seems game.humanPlayers is always false for all elements, in GVGAI //and humanID is never used, so the code has been refactored. /* * boolean displayP1 = game.humanPlayer[0] && !invis0; * boolean displayP2 = game.humanPlayer[1] && !invis1; * * if (game.humanPlayer[0] && game.humanPlayer[1] || !game.humanPlayer[0] && !game.humanPlayer[1]) { * if (invis0 == invis1) show = !invis0; * else if (color == Types.DARKGRAY) show = false; * else show = !invis0 || !invis1; * } else * show = displayP1 || displayP2; */ if (invis0 == invis1) { show = !invis0; } else { //NOTE: this seems odd, an implicit invisibility feature. show = vgdlSprite.color != VGDLColors.DarkGray; } } else { show = !invis0; } if (!show || vgdlSprite.is_disabled()) { continue; } //var screenRect = ConvertToScreenRect(game, vgdlSprite.rect); var screenRect = new Rect(vgdlSprite.rect); if (vgdlSprite.shrinkfactor != 1f && vgdlSprite.shrinkfactor > 0f) { screenRect.width *= vgdlSprite.shrinkfactor; screenRect.height *= vgdlSprite.shrinkfactor; screenRect.x += (vgdlSprite.rect.width - screenRect.width) / 2; screenRect.y += (vgdlSprite.rect.height - screenRect.height) / 2; } if (vgdlSprite.is_avatar && vgdlSprite.is_oriented) { //TODO: Draw arrow, look at _drawOriented() GL.PushMatrix(); GL.LoadPixelMatrix(0, game.screenSize.x, game.screenSize.y, 0); //Setup a matrix for pixel-correct rendering. //backup GUI matrix, before modifying. var matrixBackup = GUI.matrix; if (OnGUI) { //Convert it to a Screen rect, then convert it to a GUI rect. screenRect = ConvertToScreenRect(game, screenRect); screenRect = GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(screenRect); //GUIUtility.ScaleAroundPivot(,; GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(vgdlSprite.rotation * Mathf.Rad2Deg,; //NOTE: Don't think this is needed, but maybe adjust this if the sprite shows up behind other things. //GUI.depth=149; } else { GL.MultMatrix(Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.AngleAxis(vgdlSprite.rotation * Mathf.Rad2Deg, Vector3.forward), screenRect.size)); } if (!OnGUI) { //NOTE: Translation already applied by MatrixMult, but we need an offset of half the width/height. screenRect.x = -0.5f; screenRect.y = -0.5f; screenRect.width = 1; screenRect.height = 1; } if (vgdlSprite.image != null) { //TODO: rescale location based on renderTarget? Graphics.DrawTexture(screenRect, vgdlSprite.image.texture); } else { Graphics.DrawTexture(screenRect, Texture2D.whiteTexture, Rect.MinMaxRect(0, 0, 1, 1), 0, 0, 0, 0, vgdlSprite.color); } if (OnGUI) { GUI.matrix = matrixBackup; } GL.PopMatrix(); //TODO: Draw Arrow if vgdlSprite.draw_arrow } else { if (vgdlSprite.image != null) { //TODO: rescale location based on renderTarget? Graphics.DrawTexture(screenRect, vgdlSprite.image.texture); } else { Graphics.DrawTexture(screenRect, Texture2D.whiteTexture, Rect.MinMaxRect(0, 0, 1, 1), 0, 0, 0, 0, vgdlSprite.color); } } //TODO:Draw Health and Resources /* * if(resources.size() > 0) * { * _drawResources(gphx, game, r); * } * * if(healthPoints > 0) * { * _drawHealthBar(gphx, game, r); * } */ } } GL.PopMatrix(); //Restores both projection and modelview matrices off the top of the matrix stack. if (prevRT != null) { = prevRT; } }
private static void OnSceneGUIDelegate(SceneView sceneView) { if (!Prefs.SceneViewHighlighter) { return; } var evt = Event.current; if (evt.type == EventType.Repaint) { var go = s_HoveredGameObject; if (go == null) { go = s_HoveredGameObjectSV; } if (go == null || !s_DrawIndicator) { return; } Color hc = Handles.color; if (go.transform is RectTransform && Prefs.svRectTransform) { var rect = go.transform as RectTransform; var v = new Vector3[4]; rect.GetWorldCorners(v); var outline = Prefs.svRectTransformOverlayColor; outline.a = 1; Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(v, Prefs.svRectTransformOverlayColor, outline); } else if (Prefs.svIndicator) { var s = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(go.transform.position) / 2.5f; Quaternion q = Quaternion.Euler(45, -45, 0); Handles.color = Prefs.svIndicatorColor; Handles.ConeHandleCap(0, go.transform.position + new Vector3(s / 2, s / 2, -s / 2), q, s, EventType.Repaint); } if (go == s_HoveredGameObjectSV) { if (GUIUtility.ScreenToGUIRect(sceneView.position).Contains(evt.mousePosition)) { var style = (GUIStyle)"sv_label_1"; var rect = new Rect(); rect.size = style.CalcSize(Utils.TempContent(; = evt.mousePosition; if (Prefs.svOutlineSceneViewName) { rect.y += 30; } var pos = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(; if (Prefs.svOutlineSceneViewLine) { Handles.DrawDottedLine(go.transform.position, pos, 5); } Handles.BeginGUI(); if (Prefs.svOutlineSceneViewName) { GUI.Label(rect,, style); } Handles.EndGUI(); } } Handles.color = hc; } if (evt.type == EventType.ExecuteCommand && evt.commandName == "ModifierKeyChanged") { evt.Use(); if (s_LastModifierKey != Utils.CheckModifierKey((ModifierKey)Prefs.svOutlineSceneViewModifier)) { s_LastModifierKey = Utils.CheckModifierKey((ModifierKey)Prefs.svOutlineSceneViewModifier); if (s_LastModifierKey) { CheckSceneViewHover(); } else { RemoveHighlightObjectSV(); } } } if (evt.type == EventType.MouseMove) { s_LastMousePosition = evt.mousePosition; if (s_LastModifierKey) { CheckSceneViewHover(); } } if (s_LastModifierKey && s_HoveredGameObjectSV != null) { if (evt.type == EventType.ScrollWheel) { evt.Use(); int delta = 0; if ( > 1) { delta = 1; } if ( < 1) { delta = -1; } if (delta != 0) { SwitchSceneViewHover(delta); } } int cid = GUIUtility.GetControlID("HoveredGameObjectSV".GetHashCode(), FocusType.Passive); switch (Event.current.GetTypeForControl(cid)) { case EventType.MouseDown: GUIUtility.hotControl = cid; Event.current.Use(); break; case EventType.MouseUp: if (GUIUtility.hotControl == cid) { GUIUtility.hotControl = 0; Event.current.Use(); Selection.activeGameObject = s_HoveredGameObjectSV; } break; } } }