// Adds a sprite to the manager at the location and rotation of the client
    // GameObject and with its transform.  Returns a reference to the new sprite
    // Width and height are in world space units
    // leftPixelX and bottomPixelY- the bottom-left position of the desired portion of the texture, in pixels
    // pixelWidth and pixelHeight - the dimensions of the desired portion of the texture, in pixels
    public GUISprite AddSprite(GameObject client, int width, int height, float depth, Vector2 LLUV)
        int     spriteIndex;
        Vector2 lowerLeftUV  = PixelCoordToUVCoord((int)LLUV.x, (int)LLUV.y);
        Vector2 UVDimensions = PixelSpaceToUVSpace(width, height);

        // Get an available sprite:
        if (availableBlocks.Count < 1)
            // If we're out of available sprites, allocate some more.

        // Use a sprite from the list of available blocks:
        spriteIndex = ((GUISprite)availableBlocks[0]).index;
        availableBlocks.RemoveAt(0);    // Now that we're using this one, remove it from the available list

        // Assign the new sprite:
        GUISprite newSprite = sprites[spriteIndex];

        newSprite.client       = client;
        newSprite.depth        = depth;
        newSprite.lowerLeftUV  = LLUV;
        newSprite.uvDimensions = UVDimensions;

        switch (plane)
        case SPRITE_PLANE.XY:
            newSprite.SetSizeXY(width, height);

        case SPRITE_PLANE.XZ:
            newSprite.SetSizeXZ(width, height);

        case SPRITE_PLANE.YZ:
            newSprite.SetSizeYZ(width, height);

            newSprite.SetSizeXY(width, height);

        // Save this to an active list now that it is in-use:

        // Setup the UVs:
        UVs[newSprite.uv1] = lowerLeftUV + Vector2.up * UVDimensions.y;                 // Upper-left
        UVs[newSprite.uv2] = lowerLeftUV;                                               // Lower-left
        UVs[newSprite.uv3] = lowerLeftUV + Vector2.right * UVDimensions.x;              // Lower-right
        UVs[newSprite.uv4] = lowerLeftUV + UVDimensions;                                // Upper-right

        // Set our flags:
        vertsChanged = true;
        uvsChanged   = true;

        protected override void OnInitialize()
            this.buttonMeshRenderer = base.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            BoxCollider component  = base.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();
            GUISprite   component2 = base.GetComponent <GUISprite>();

            component2.SetBoardSize(component.size.x, component.size.y);
    // Informs the SpriteManager that some vertices have changed position
    // and the mesh needs to be reconstructed accordingly
    public void UpdatePositions(GUISprite sprite)
        vertices[sprite.mv1] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v1);
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v2);
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v3);
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v4);

        vertsChanged = true;
    // Updates the UVs of the specified sprite and copies the new values
    // into the mesh object.
    public void UpdateUV(GUISprite sprite)
        UVs[sprite.uv1] = sprite.lowerLeftUV + Vector2.up * sprite.uvDimensions.y;      // Upper-left
        UVs[sprite.uv2] = sprite.lowerLeftUV;                                           // Lower-left
        UVs[sprite.uv3] = sprite.lowerLeftUV + Vector2.right * sprite.uvDimensions.x;   // Lower-right
        UVs[sprite.uv4] = sprite.lowerLeftUV + sprite.uvDimensions;                     // Upper-right

        uvsChanged = true;
    // Updates the color values of the specified sprite and copies the
    // new values into the mesh object.
    public void UpdateColors(GUISprite sprite)
        colors[sprite.cv1] = sprite.color;
        colors[sprite.cv2] = sprite.color;
        colors[sprite.cv3] = sprite.color;
        colors[sprite.cv4] = sprite.color;

        colorsChanged = true;
    // Resorts the active sprite list and rebuids the triangles array
    public void SortActiveList(GUISprite sprite)
        //Get current sprite location
        int CurLoc = activeBlocks.IndexOf(sprite);

        //Sort active list
        int       Index    = 0;
        int       TmpIndex = 0;
        int       NumItems = activeBlocks.Count;
        GUISprite tmpSprite;

        for (Index = 1; Index < NumItems; Index++)
            tmpSprite = (GUISprite)activeBlocks[Index];
            TmpIndex  = Index;

            while ((TmpIndex > 0) && (((GUISprite)activeBlocks[TmpIndex - 1]).depth < tmpSprite.depth))
                activeBlocks[TmpIndex] = activeBlocks[TmpIndex - 1];
                TmpIndex = TmpIndex - 1;

            activeBlocks[TmpIndex] = tmpSprite;

        //Get new sprite location
        int NewLoc = activeBlocks.IndexOf(sprite);

        //Do nothing if sort order didn't change
        if (NewLoc == CurLoc)

        int StartIdx = 0;
        int EndIdx   = 0;

        //Set start and end index
        if (NewLoc > CurLoc)
            StartIdx = CurLoc;
            EndIdx   = NewLoc;
            StartIdx = NewLoc;
            EndIdx   = CurLoc;

        //Rebuild tris from current to new location
        RebuildTris(StartIdx, EndIdx);

        trisChanged = true;
    public void HideSprite(GUISprite sprite)
        vertices[sprite.mv1] = Vector3.zero;
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = Vector3.zero;
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = Vector3.zero;
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = Vector3.zero;

        sprite.hidden = true;

        vertsChanged = true;
    // Updates the vertices of a sprite such that it is oriented
    // more or less toward the camera
    public void TransformBillboarded(GUISprite sprite)
        Vector3   pos = sprite.clientTransform.position;
        Transform t   = Camera.main.transform;

        vertices[sprite.mv1] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v1);
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v2);
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v3);
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v4);

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #9
    //Initialize Quad object
    public void InitQuad(GUIQuadMgr pManager)
        //Set refernce to parent quad manager
        pGUIQuadMgr = pManager;

        //Get pointer to GUI manager
        ptrGUIMgr = (GUIManager)GameObject.Find("GUI").GetComponent(typeof(GUIManager));

        //Copy position variables to transform
        //Copy rotation variables to transform
        transform.localEulerAngles = mRotation;
        //Copy scale variables to transform
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(mScale.x, mScale.y, 1f);

        //Set layer
        gameObject.layer = pGUIQuadMgr.gameObject.layer;

        //Add sprite to manager if enabled
        mpGUISprite = pGUIQuadMgr.AddSprite(gameObject, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, mUV);

        //Set color
        this.Tint = mColor;

        //Use default collider size if none is set.  We don't want zero sized colliders.
        if (mColliderSize.x == 0)
            //User width as default size
            mColliderSize.x = mWidth;
        if (mColliderSize.y == 0)
            //User height as default size
            mColliderSize.y = mHeight;
        //Create hit area if needed
        switch (mCollider)
        case ColliderType.Square:

        case ColliderType.Circle:

        case ColliderType.None:

        //Set hidden
        this.Visible = mVisible;
    public void ShowSprite(GUISprite sprite)
        // Only show the sprite if it has a client:
        if (sprite.client == null)

        sprite.hidden = false;

        // Update the vertices:

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #11
    private void UpdateChildren()
        List <GUISprite> sprites = new List <GUISprite>();

        foreach (Transform child in this.transform)
            GUISprite sprite = child.GetComponent <GUISprite>();
            if (sprite != null)
        childSprite = sprites.ToArray();

        //childSprite = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<GUISprite>();
Exemple #12
        public GUIButton(GUISprite sprite)
            : base(sprite)
            pText=	"BUTTON";
            pHoverTexture=	pTexture;
            pPressedTexture=	pTexture;
            pDisabledTexture=	pTexture;
            pHoverColor=	new Color(255, 128, 0);
            pPressedColor=	new Color(0, 128, 255);
            if(pSprite!= null)
                pTexBounds=	pSprite.textureBounds;
                pHoverTexBounds=	pSprite.textureBounds;
                pPressedTexBounds=	pSprite.textureBounds;
                pDisabledTexBounds=	pSprite.textureBounds;
                pTexBounds=	new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
                pHoverTexBounds=	new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
                pPressedTexBounds=	new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);
                pDisabledTexBounds=	new Rectangle(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);

            bEText=	false;
            bETexHover=	false;
            bETexPressed=	false;
            bETexDisabled=	false;
            bEFgColor=	false;
            bEHoverColor=	false;
            bEPressedColor=	false;
            bEHoverTexBounds=	false;
            bEPressedTexBounds=	false;
            bEDisabledTexBounds=	false;

            e_text=	null;
            e_texHover=	null;
            e_texPressed=	null;
            e_texDisabled=	null;
            e_fgColor=	null;
            e_hoverColor=	null;
            e_pressedColor=	null;
            e_hoverTexBounds=	null;
            e_pressedTexBounds=	null;
            e_disabledTexBounds=	null;
    // Add a reference to the sprite into the active blocks array list
    // This list is sorted and the tris array rebuilt
    protected void AddToActiveList(GUISprite sprite)
        //Calculate pointer to tris array
        int TrisIdx = activeBlocks.Count * 6;

        //Update triangle pointers in sprite
        sprite.tv1 = TrisIdx + 0;
        sprite.tv2 = TrisIdx + 1;
        sprite.tv3 = TrisIdx + 2;
        sprite.tv4 = TrisIdx + 3;
        sprite.tv5 = TrisIdx + 4;
        sprite.tv6 = TrisIdx + 5;
        //Copy vertices to triangle list
        if (winding == WINDING_ORDER.CCW)
            // Counter-clockwise winding
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 0] = sprite.mv1;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 1] = sprite.mv2;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 2] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 3] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 4] = sprite.mv2;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 5] = sprite.mv3;
            // Clockwise winding
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 0] = sprite.mv1;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 1] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 2] = sprite.mv2;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 3] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 4] = sprite.mv3;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 5] = sprite.mv2;

        //Insert sprite at the end of the list

        //Sort array list

        trisChanged = true;
    // Remove a reference to the sprite from the active blocks array list
    // This tris array is rebuilt
    protected void RemoveFromActiveList(GUISprite sprite)
        //Get start point in arraylist
        int StartIdx = activeBlocks.IndexOf(sprite);

        //Remove sprite

        //Rebuild tris array
        RebuildTris(StartIdx, (activeBlocks.Count - 1));

        //Clear the rest of the triangle array
        int TrisIdx = 0;

        for (TrisIdx = (activeBlocks.Count * 6); TrisIdx < triIndices.Length; TrisIdx++)
            triIndices[TrisIdx] = 0;

        trisChanged = true;
    public void RemoveSprite(GUISprite sprite)
        sprite.SetSizeXY(0, 0);
        sprite.v1 = Vector3.zero;
        sprite.v2 = Vector3.zero;
        sprite.v3 = Vector3.zero;
        sprite.v4 = Vector3.zero;

        vertices[sprite.mv1] = sprite.v1;
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = sprite.v2;
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = sprite.v3;
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = sprite.v4;

        sprite.client = null;


        // Remove the sprite from the active list

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #16
    public void RemoveSprite(GUISprite sprite)
        sprite.v1 = Vector3.zero;
        sprite.v2 = Vector3.zero;
        sprite.v3 = Vector3.zero;
        sprite.v4 = Vector3.zero;

        vertices[sprite.mv1] = sprite.v1;
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = sprite.v2;
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = sprite.v3;
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = sprite.v4;

        sprite.client = null;


        // Remove the sprite from the active list

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #17
    public void ShowSprite(GUISprite sprite)
        // Only show the sprite if it has a client:
        if(sprite.client == null)

        sprite.hidden = false;

        // Update the vertices:

        vertsChanged = true;
    // Updates the vertices of a sprite based on the transform
    // of its client GameObject
    public void Transform(GUISprite sprite)

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #19
    // Resorts the active sprite list and rebuids the triangles array
    public void SortActiveList(GUISprite sprite)
        //Get current sprite location
        int CurLoc = activeBlocks.IndexOf(sprite);

        //Sort active list
        int Index = 0;
        int TmpIndex = 0;
        int NumItems = activeBlocks.Count;
        GUISprite tmpSprite;
            tmpSprite = (GUISprite) activeBlocks[Index];
            TmpIndex = Index;

            while( (TmpIndex > 0) && (((GUISprite)activeBlocks[TmpIndex-1]).depth < tmpSprite.depth) )
                activeBlocks[TmpIndex] = activeBlocks[TmpIndex-1];
                TmpIndex = TmpIndex - 1;

            activeBlocks[TmpIndex] = tmpSprite;

        //Get new sprite location
        int NewLoc = activeBlocks.IndexOf(sprite);

        //Do nothing if sort order didn't change
        if (NewLoc == CurLoc)

        int StartIdx = 0;
        int EndIdx = 0;
        //Set start and end index
        if (NewLoc > CurLoc)
            StartIdx = CurLoc;
            EndIdx = NewLoc;
            StartIdx = NewLoc;
            EndIdx = CurLoc;

        //Rebuild tris from current to new location
        RebuildTris(StartIdx, EndIdx);

        trisChanged = true;
Exemple #20
    // Updates the vertices of a sprite based on the transform
    // of its client GameObject
    public void Transform(GUISprite sprite)

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #21
    // Add a reference to the sprite into the active blocks array list
    // This list is sorted and the tris array rebuilt
    protected void AddToActiveList(GUISprite sprite)
        //Calculate pointer to tris array
        int TrisIdx = activeBlocks.Count * 6;
        //Update triangle pointers in sprite
        sprite.tv1 = TrisIdx + 0;
        sprite.tv2 = TrisIdx + 1;
        sprite.tv3 = TrisIdx + 2;
        sprite.tv4 = TrisIdx + 3;
        sprite.tv5 = TrisIdx + 4;
        sprite.tv6 = TrisIdx + 5;
        //Copy vertices to triangle list
        if(winding == WINDING_ORDER.CCW)
            // Counter-clockwise winding
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 0] = sprite.mv1;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 1] = sprite.mv2;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 2] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 3] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 4] = sprite.mv2;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 5] = sprite.mv3;
            // Clockwise winding
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 0] = sprite.mv1;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 1] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 2] = sprite.mv2;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 3] = sprite.mv4;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 4] = sprite.mv3;
            triIndices[TrisIdx + 5] = sprite.mv2;

        //Insert sprite at the end of the list

        //Sort array list

        trisChanged = true;
Exemple #22
    //Initialize Quad object
    public void InitQuad(GUIQuadMgr pManager)
        //Set refernce to parent quad manager
        pGUIQuadMgr = pManager;

        //Get pointer to GUI manager
        ptrGUIMgr = (GUIManager) GameObject.Find("GUI").GetComponent(typeof(GUIManager));

        //Copy position variables to transform
        //Copy rotation variables to transform
        transform.localEulerAngles = mRotation;
        //Copy scale variables to transform
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(mScale.x, mScale.y, 1f);

        //Add sprite to manager if enabled
        mpGUISprite = pGUIQuadMgr.AddSprite(gameObject, mWidth, mHeight, mDepth, mUV);

        //Set color
        this.Tint = mColor;

        //Use default collider size if none is set.  We don't want zero sized colliders.
        if (mColliderSize.x == 0)
            //User width as default size
            mColliderSize.x = mWidth;
        if (mColliderSize.y == 0)
            //User height as default size
            mColliderSize.y = mHeight;
        //Create hit area if needed
        switch (mCollider)
            case ColliderType.Square:
            case ColliderType.Circle:
            case ColliderType.None:

        //Set hidden
        this.Visible = mVisible;
Exemple #23
    // Updates the color values of the specified sprite and copies the
    // new values into the mesh object.
    public void UpdateColors(GUISprite sprite)
        colors[sprite.cv1] = sprite.color;
        colors[sprite.cv2] = sprite.color;
        colors[sprite.cv3] = sprite.color;
        colors[sprite.cv4] = sprite.color;

        colorsChanged = true;
    // Enlarges the sprite array by the specified count and also resizes
    // the UV and vertex arrays by the necessary corresponding amount.
    // Returns the index of the first newly allocated element
    // (ex: if the sprite array was already 10 elements long and is
    // enlarged by 10 elements resulting in a total length of 20,
    // EnlargeArrays() will return 10, indicating that element 10 is the
    // first of the newly allocated elements.)
    protected int EnlargeArrays(int count)
        int firstNewElement;

        if (sprites == null)
            firstNewElement = 0;
            count           = count - 1; // Allocate one less since InitArrays already allocated one sprite for us
            firstNewElement = sprites.Length;

        // Resize sprite array:
        GUISprite[] tempSprites = sprites;
        sprites = new GUISprite[sprites.Length + count];
        tempSprites.CopyTo(sprites, 0);

        // Vertices:
        Vector3[] tempVerts = vertices;
        vertices = new Vector3[vertices.Length + count * 4];
        tempVerts.CopyTo(vertices, 0);

        // UVs:
        Vector2[] tempUVs = UVs;
        UVs = new Vector2[UVs.Length + count * 4];
        tempUVs.CopyTo(UVs, 0);

        // Colors:
        Color[] tempColors = colors;
        colors = new Color[colors.Length + count * 4];
        tempColors.CopyTo(colors, 0);

        // Triangle indices:
        int[] tempTris = triIndices;
        triIndices = new int[triIndices.Length + count * 6];
        tempTris.CopyTo(triIndices, 0);

        // Setup the newly-added sprites and Add them to the list of available
        // sprite blocks. Also initialize the triangle indices while we're at it:
        for (int i = firstNewElement; i < sprites.Length; ++i)
            // Create and setup sprite:
            sprites[i]         = new GUISprite();
            sprites[i].index   = i;
            sprites[i].manager = this;

            // Setup indices of the sprite's vertices in the vertex buffer:
            sprites[i].mv1 = i * 4 + 0;
            sprites[i].mv2 = i * 4 + 1;
            sprites[i].mv3 = i * 4 + 2;
            sprites[i].mv4 = i * 4 + 3;

            // Setup the indices of the sprite's UV entries in the UV buffer:
            sprites[i].uv1 = i * 4 + 0;
            sprites[i].uv2 = i * 4 + 1;
            sprites[i].uv3 = i * 4 + 2;
            sprites[i].uv4 = i * 4 + 3;

            // Setup the indices to the color values:
            sprites[i].cv1 = i * 4 + 0;
            sprites[i].cv2 = i * 4 + 1;
            sprites[i].cv3 = i * 4 + 2;
            sprites[i].cv4 = i * 4 + 3;

            // Setup the default color:
            sprites[i].color = Color.white;

            // Add as an available sprite:

            /* Setup the triangle indices:
             * sprites[i].tv1 = i * 6 + 0;
             * sprites[i].tv2 = i * 6 + 1;
             * sprites[i].tv3 = i * 6 + 2;
             * sprites[i].tv4 = i * 6 + 3;
             * sprites[i].tv5 = i * 6 + 4;
             * sprites[i].tv6 = i * 6 + 5;
             * if(winding == WINDING_ORDER.CCW)
             * {   // Counter-clockwise winding
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 0] = i * 4 + 0;  //  0_ 2            0 ___ 3
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 1;  //  | /      Verts:  |   /|
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 3;  // 1|/              1|/__|2
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4 + 3;  //     3
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 1;  //   /|
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 2;  // 4/_|5
             * }
             * else
             * {   // Clockwise winding
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 0] = i * 4 + 0;  //  0_ 1            0 ___ 3
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 3;  //  | /      Verts:  |   /|
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 1;  // 2|/              1|/__|2
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4 + 3;  //     3
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 2;  //   /|
             *  triIndices[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 1;  // 5/_|4
             * }*/

        //Flip flags to copy new data to mesh
        meshChanged = true;

Exemple #25
    // Informs the SpriteManager that some vertices have changed position
    // and the mesh needs to be reconstructed accordingly
    public void UpdatePositions(GUISprite sprite)
        vertices[sprite.mv1] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v1);
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v2);
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v3);
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = sprite.clientTransform.TransformPoint(sprite.v4);

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #26
    // Enlarges the sprite array by the specified count and also resizes
    // the UV and vertex arrays by the necessary corresponding amount.
    // Returns the index of the first newly allocated element
    // (ex: if the sprite array was already 10 elements long and is
    // enlarged by 10 elements resulting in a total length of 20,
    // EnlargeArrays() will return 10, indicating that element 10 is the
    // first of the newly allocated elements.)
    protected int EnlargeArrays(int count)
        int firstNewElement;

        if (sprites == null)
            firstNewElement = 0;
            count = count - 1;  // Allocate one less since InitArrays already allocated one sprite for us
            firstNewElement = sprites.Length;

        // Resize sprite array:
        GUISprite[] tempSprites = sprites;
        sprites = new GUISprite[sprites.Length + count];
        tempSprites.CopyTo(sprites, 0);

        // Vertices:
        Vector3[] tempVerts = vertices;
        vertices = new Vector3[vertices.Length + count*4];
        tempVerts.CopyTo(vertices, 0);

        // UVs:
        Vector2[] tempUVs = UVs;
        UVs = new Vector2[UVs.Length + count*4];
        tempUVs.CopyTo(UVs, 0);

        // Colors:
        Color[] tempColors = colors;
        colors = new Color[colors.Length + count * 4];
        tempColors.CopyTo(colors, 0);

        // Triangle indices:
        int[] tempTris = triIndices;
        triIndices = new int[triIndices.Length + count*6];
        tempTris.CopyTo(triIndices, 0);

        // Setup the newly-added sprites and Add them to the list of available
        // sprite blocks. Also initialize the triangle indices while we're at it:
        for (int i = firstNewElement; i < sprites.Length; ++i)
            // Create and setup sprite:
            sprites[i] = new GUISprite();
            sprites[i].index = i;
            sprites[i].manager = this;

            // Setup indices of the sprite's vertices in the vertex buffer:
            sprites[i].mv1 = i * 4 + 0;
            sprites[i].mv2 = i * 4 + 1;
            sprites[i].mv3 = i * 4 + 2;
            sprites[i].mv4 = i * 4 + 3;

            // Setup the indices of the sprite's UV entries in the UV buffer:
            sprites[i].uv1 = i * 4 + 0;
            sprites[i].uv2 = i * 4 + 1;
            sprites[i].uv3 = i * 4 + 2;
            sprites[i].uv4 = i * 4 + 3;

            // Setup the indices to the color values:
            sprites[i].cv1 = i * 4 + 0;
            sprites[i].cv2 = i * 4 + 1;
            sprites[i].cv3 = i * 4 + 2;
            sprites[i].cv4 = i * 4 + 3;

            // Setup the default color:
            sprites[i].color = Color.white;

            // Add as an available sprite:

            /* Setup the triangle indices:
            sprites[i].tv1 = i * 6 + 0;
            sprites[i].tv2 = i * 6 + 1;
            sprites[i].tv3 = i * 6 + 2;
            sprites[i].tv4 = i * 6 + 3;
            sprites[i].tv5 = i * 6 + 4;
            sprites[i].tv6 = i * 6 + 5;
            if(winding == WINDING_ORDER.CCW)
            {   // Counter-clockwise winding
                triIndices[i * 6 + 0] = i * 4 + 0;  //  0_ 2            0 ___ 3
                triIndices[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 1;  //  | /      Verts:  |   /|
                triIndices[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 3;  // 1|/              1|/__|2

                triIndices[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4 + 3;  //     3
                triIndices[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 1;  //   /|
                triIndices[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 2;  // 4/_|5
            {   // Clockwise winding
                triIndices[i * 6 + 0] = i * 4 + 0;  //  0_ 1            0 ___ 3
                triIndices[i * 6 + 1] = i * 4 + 3;  //  | /      Verts:  |   /|
                triIndices[i * 6 + 2] = i * 4 + 1;  // 2|/              1|/__|2

                triIndices[i * 6 + 3] = i * 4 + 3;  //     3
                triIndices[i * 6 + 4] = i * 4 + 2;  //   /|
                triIndices[i * 6 + 5] = i * 4 + 1;  // 5/_|4

        //Flip flags to copy new data to mesh
        meshChanged = true;

        return firstNewElement;
Exemple #27
    public void HideSprite(GUISprite sprite)
        vertices[sprite.mv1] = Vector3.zero;
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = Vector3.zero;
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = Vector3.zero;
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = Vector3.zero;

        sprite.hidden = true;

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #28
 public GUIPanel()
     : base()
     pSprite=	new GUISprite();
Exemple #29
    // Updates the vertices of a sprite such that it is oriented
    // more or less toward the camera
    public void TransformBillboarded(GUISprite sprite)
        Vector3 pos = sprite.clientTransform.position;
        Transform t = Camera.main.transform;

        vertices[sprite.mv1] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v1);
        vertices[sprite.mv2] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v2);
        vertices[sprite.mv3] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v3);
        vertices[sprite.mv4] = pos + t.TransformDirection(sprite.v4);

        vertsChanged = true;
Exemple #30
    // Remove a reference to the sprite from the active blocks array list
    // This tris array is rebuilt
    protected void RemoveFromActiveList(GUISprite sprite)
        //Get start point in arraylist
        int StartIdx = activeBlocks.IndexOf(sprite);
        //Remove sprite

        //Rebuild tris array
        RebuildTris(StartIdx, (activeBlocks.Count - 1));

        //Clear the rest of the triangle array
        int TrisIdx = 0;
        for (TrisIdx = (activeBlocks.Count * 6);TrisIdx<triIndices.Length;TrisIdx++)
            triIndices[TrisIdx] = 0;

        trisChanged = true;
Exemple #31
    // Updates the UVs of the specified sprite and copies the new values
    // into the mesh object.
    public void UpdateUV(GUISprite sprite)
        UVs[sprite.uv1] = sprite.lowerLeftUV + Vector2.up * sprite.uvDimensions.y;		// Upper-left
        UVs[sprite.uv2] = sprite.lowerLeftUV;											// Lower-left
        UVs[sprite.uv3] = sprite.lowerLeftUV + Vector2.right * sprite.uvDimensions.x;	// Lower-right
        UVs[sprite.uv4] = sprite.lowerLeftUV + sprite.uvDimensions;						// Upper-right

        uvsChanged = true;