public override bool SeekExact(BytesRef target)
                    if (OuterInstance.Index == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("terms index was not loaded");

                    if (Term_Renamed.Bytes.Length <= target.Length)
                        Term_Renamed.Bytes = ArrayUtil.Grow(Term_Renamed.Bytes, 1 + target.Length);


                    FST<BytesRef>.Arc<BytesRef> arc;
                    int targetUpto;
                    BytesRef output;

                    TargetBeforeCurrentLength = CurrentFrame.Ord;

                    if (CurrentFrame != StaticFrame)
                        // We are already seek'd; find the common
                        // prefix of new seek term vs current term and
                        // re-use the corresponding seek state.  For
                        // example, if app first seeks to foobar, then
                        // seeks to foobaz, we can re-use the seek state
                        // for the first 5 bytes.

                        // if (DEBUG) {
                        //   System.out.println("  re-use current seek state validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
                        // }

                        arc = Arcs[0];
                        output = arc.Output;
                        targetUpto = 0;

                        Frame lastFrame = Stack[0];
                        Debug.Assert(ValidIndexPrefix <= Term_Renamed.Length);

                        int targetLimit = Math.Min(target.Length, ValidIndexPrefix);

                        int cmp = 0;

                        // TODO: reverse vLong byte order for better FST
                        // prefix output sharing

                        // First compare up to valid seek frames:
                        while (targetUpto < targetLimit)
                            cmp = (Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] & 0xFF) - (target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF);
                            // if (DEBUG) {
                            //   System.out.println("    cycle targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.bytes[targetUpto]) + ")"   + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " output=" + output);
                            // }
                            if (cmp != 0)
                            arc = Arcs[1 + targetUpto];
                            //if (arc.label != (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF)) {
                            //System.out.println("FAIL: arc.label=" + (char) arc.label + " targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF));
                            Debug.Assert(arc.Label == (target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF), "arc.label=" + (char)arc.Label + " targetLabel=" + (char)(target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF));
                            if (arc.Output != OuterInstance.OuterInstance.NO_OUTPUT)
                                output = OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.Output);
                            if (arc.Final)
                                lastFrame = Stack[1 + lastFrame.Ord];

                        if (cmp == 0)
                            int targetUptoMid = targetUpto;

                            // Second compare the rest of the term, but
                            // don't save arc/output/frame; we only do this
                            // to find out if the target term is before,
                            // equal or after the current term
                            int targetLimit2 = Math.Min(target.Length, Term_Renamed.Length);
                            while (targetUpto < targetLimit2)
                                cmp = (Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] & 0xFF) - (target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF);
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("    cycle2 targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.bytes[targetUpto]) + ")");
                                // }
                                if (cmp != 0)

                            if (cmp == 0)
                                cmp = Term_Renamed.Length - target.Length;
                            targetUpto = targetUptoMid;

                        if (cmp < 0)
                            // Common case: target term is after current
                            // term, ie, app is seeking multiple terms
                            // in sorted order
                            // if (DEBUG) {
                            //   System.out.println("  target is after current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); frame.ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
                            // }
                            CurrentFrame = lastFrame;
                        else if (cmp > 0)
                            // Uncommon case: target term
                            // is before current term; this means we can
                            // keep the currentFrame but we must rewind it
                            // (so we scan from the start)
                            TargetBeforeCurrentLength = 0;
                            // if (DEBUG) {
                            //   System.out.println("  target is before current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); rewind frame ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
                            // }
                            CurrentFrame = lastFrame;
                            // Target is exactly the same as current term
                            Debug.Assert(Term_Renamed.Length == target.Length);
                            if (TermExists)
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("  target is same as current; return true");
                                // }
                                return true;
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("  target is same as current but term doesn't exist");
                                // }
                            //validIndexPrefix = currentFrame.depth;
                            //term.length = target.length;
                            //return termExists;
                        TargetBeforeCurrentLength = -1;
                        arc = OuterInstance.Index.GetFirstArc(Arcs[0]);

                        // Empty string prefix must have an output (block) in the index!
                        Debug.Assert(arc.Output != null);

                        // if (DEBUG) {
                        //   System.out.println("    no seek state; push root frame");
                        // }

                        output = arc.Output;

                        CurrentFrame = StaticFrame;

                        //term.length = 0;
                        targetUpto = 0;
                        CurrentFrame = PushFrame(arc, OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.NextFinalOutput), 0);

                    // if (DEBUG) {
                    //   System.out.println("  start index loop targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " output=" + output + " currentFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord + " targetBeforeCurrentLength=" + targetBeforeCurrentLength);
                    // }

                    while (targetUpto < target.Length)
                        int targetLabel = target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF;

                        FST<BytesRef>.Arc<BytesRef> nextArc = OuterInstance.Index.FindTargetArc(targetLabel, arc, GetArc(1 + targetUpto), FstReader);

                        if (nextArc == null)
                            // Index is exhausted
                            // if (DEBUG) {
                            //   System.out.println("    index: index exhausted label=" + ((char) targetLabel) + " " + toHex(targetLabel));
                            // }

                            ValidIndexPrefix = CurrentFrame.Prefix;
                            //validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;


                            if (!CurrentFrame.HasTerms)
                                TermExists = false;
                                Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] = (byte)targetLabel;
                                Term_Renamed.Length = 1 + targetUpto;
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("  FAST NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
                                // }
                                return false;


                            SeekStatus result = CurrentFrame.ScanToTerm(target, true);
                            if (result == SeekStatus.FOUND)
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("  return FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString() + " " + term);
                                // }
                                return true;
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("  got " + result + "; return NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
                                // }
                                return false;
                            // Follow this arc
                            arc = nextArc;
                            Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] = (byte)targetLabel;
                            // Aggregate output as we go:
                            Debug.Assert(arc.Output != null);
                            if (arc.Output != OuterInstance.OuterInstance.NO_OUTPUT)
                                output = OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.Output);

                            // if (DEBUG) {
                            //   System.out.println("    index: follow label=" + toHex(target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xff) + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " arc.nfo=" + arc.nextFinalOutput);
                            // }

                            if (arc.Final)
                                //if (DEBUG) System.out.println("    arc is final!");
                                CurrentFrame = PushFrame(arc, OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.NextFinalOutput), targetUpto);
                                //if (DEBUG) System.out.println("    curFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord + " hasTerms=" + currentFrame.hasTerms);

                    //validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;
                    ValidIndexPrefix = CurrentFrame.Prefix;


                    // Target term is entirely contained in the index:
                    if (!CurrentFrame.HasTerms)
                        TermExists = false;
                        Term_Renamed.Length = targetUpto;
                        // if (DEBUG) {
                        //   System.out.println("  FAST NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term));
                        // }
                        return false;


                    SeekStatus result_ = CurrentFrame.ScanToTerm(target, true);
                    if (result_ == SeekStatus.FOUND)
                        // if (DEBUG) {
                        //   System.out.println("  return FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString() + " " + term);
                        // }
                        return true;
                        // if (DEBUG) {
                        //   System.out.println("  got result " + result + "; return NOT_FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString());
                        // }

                        return false;
                public override SeekStatus SeekCeil(BytesRef target)
                    if (OuterInstance.Index == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("terms index was not loaded");

                    if (Term_Renamed.Bytes.Length <= target.Length)
                        Term_Renamed.Bytes = ArrayUtil.Grow(Term_Renamed.Bytes, 1 + target.Length);


                    //if (DEBUG) {
                    //System.out.println("\nBTTR.seekCeil seg=" + segment + " target=" + + ":" + target.utf8ToString() + " " + target + " current=" + brToString(term) + " (exists?=" + termExists + ") validIndexPrefix=  " + validIndexPrefix);

                    FST<BytesRef>.Arc<BytesRef> arc;
                    int targetUpto;
                    BytesRef output;

                    TargetBeforeCurrentLength = CurrentFrame.Ord;

                    if (CurrentFrame != StaticFrame)
                        // We are already seek'd; find the common
                        // prefix of new seek term vs current term and
                        // re-use the corresponding seek state.  For
                        // example, if app first seeks to foobar, then
                        // seeks to foobaz, we can re-use the seek state
                        // for the first 5 bytes.

                        //if (DEBUG) {
                        //System.out.println("  re-use current seek state validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);

                        arc = Arcs[0];
                        output = arc.Output;
                        targetUpto = 0;

                        Frame lastFrame = Stack[0];
                        Debug.Assert(ValidIndexPrefix <= Term_Renamed.Length);

                        int targetLimit = Math.Min(target.Length, ValidIndexPrefix);

                        int cmp = 0;

                        // TOOD: we should write our vLong backwards (MSB
                        // first) to get better sharing from the FST

                        // First compare up to valid seek frames:
                        while (targetUpto < targetLimit)
                            cmp = (Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] & 0xFF) - (target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF);
                            //if (DEBUG) {
                            //System.out.println("    cycle targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.bytes[targetUpto]) + ")"   + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " output=" + output);
                            if (cmp != 0)
                            arc = Arcs[1 + targetUpto];
                            Debug.Assert(arc.Label == (target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF), "arc.label=" + (char)arc.Label + " targetLabel=" + (char)(target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF));
                            // TOOD: we could save the outputs in local
                            // byte[][] instead of making new objs ever
                            // seek; but, often the FST doesn't have any
                            // shared bytes (but this could change if we
                            // reverse vLong byte order)
                            if (arc.Output != OuterInstance.OuterInstance.NO_OUTPUT)
                                output = OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.Output);
                            if (arc.Final)
                                lastFrame = Stack[1 + lastFrame.Ord];

                        if (cmp == 0)
                            int targetUptoMid = targetUpto;
                            // Second compare the rest of the term, but
                            // don't save arc/output/frame:
                            int targetLimit2 = Math.Min(target.Length, Term_Renamed.Length);
                            while (targetUpto < targetLimit2)
                                cmp = (Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] & 0xFF) - (target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF);
                                //if (DEBUG) {
                                //System.out.println("    cycle2 targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " (vs limit=" + targetLimit + ") cmp=" + cmp + " (targetLabel=" + (char) (target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]) + " vs termLabel=" + (char) (term.bytes[targetUpto]) + ")");
                                if (cmp != 0)

                            if (cmp == 0)
                                cmp = Term_Renamed.Length - target.Length;
                            targetUpto = targetUptoMid;

                        if (cmp < 0)
                            // Common case: target term is after current
                            // term, ie, app is seeking multiple terms
                            // in sorted order
                            //if (DEBUG) {
                            //System.out.println("  target is after current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); clear frame.scanned ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
                            CurrentFrame = lastFrame;
                        else if (cmp > 0)
                            // Uncommon case: target term
                            // is before current term; this means we can
                            // keep the currentFrame but we must rewind it
                            // (so we scan from the start)
                            TargetBeforeCurrentLength = 0;
                            //if (DEBUG) {
                            //System.out.println("  target is before current (shares prefixLen=" + targetUpto + "); rewind frame ord=" + lastFrame.ord);
                            CurrentFrame = lastFrame;
                            // Target is exactly the same as current term
                            Debug.Assert(Term_Renamed.Length == target.Length);
                            if (TermExists)
                                //if (DEBUG) {
                                //System.out.println("  target is same as current; return FOUND");
                                return SeekStatus.FOUND;
                                //if (DEBUG) {
                                //System.out.println("  target is same as current but term doesn't exist");
                        TargetBeforeCurrentLength = -1;
                        arc = OuterInstance.Index.GetFirstArc(Arcs[0]);

                        // Empty string prefix must have an output (block) in the index!
                        Debug.Assert(arc.Output != null);

                        //if (DEBUG) {
                        //System.out.println("    no seek state; push root frame");

                        output = arc.Output;

                        CurrentFrame = StaticFrame;

                        //term.length = 0;
                        targetUpto = 0;
                        CurrentFrame = PushFrame(arc, OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.NextFinalOutput), 0);

                    //if (DEBUG) {
                    //System.out.println("  start index loop targetUpto=" + targetUpto + " output=" + output + " currentFrame.ord+1=" + currentFrame.ord + " targetBeforeCurrentLength=" + targetBeforeCurrentLength);

                    while (targetUpto < target.Length)
                        int targetLabel = target.Bytes[target.Offset + targetUpto] & 0xFF;

                        FST<BytesRef>.Arc<BytesRef> nextArc = OuterInstance.Index.FindTargetArc(targetLabel, arc, GetArc(1 + targetUpto), FstReader);

                        if (nextArc == null)
                            // Index is exhausted
                            // if (DEBUG) {
                            //   System.out.println("    index: index exhausted label=" + ((char) targetLabel) + " " + toHex(targetLabel));
                            // }

                            ValidIndexPrefix = CurrentFrame.Prefix;
                            //validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;



                            SeekStatus result = CurrentFrame.ScanToTerm(target, false);
                            if (result == SeekStatus.END)
                                TermExists = false;

                                if (Next() != null)
                                    //if (DEBUG) {
                                    //System.out.println("  return NOT_FOUND term=" + brToString(term) + " " + term);
                                    return SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND;
                                    //if (DEBUG) {
                                    //System.out.println("  return END");
                                    return SeekStatus.END;
                                //if (DEBUG) {
                                //System.out.println("  return " + result + " term=" + brToString(term) + " " + term);
                                return result;
                            // Follow this arc
                            Term_Renamed.Bytes[targetUpto] = (byte)targetLabel;
                            arc = nextArc;
                            // Aggregate output as we go:
                            Debug.Assert(arc.Output != null);
                            if (arc.Output != OuterInstance.OuterInstance.NO_OUTPUT)
                                output = OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.Output);

                            //if (DEBUG) {
                            //System.out.println("    index: follow label=" + toHex(target.bytes[target.offset + targetUpto]&0xff) + " arc.output=" + arc.output + " arc.nfo=" + arc.nextFinalOutput);

                            if (arc.Final)
                                //if (DEBUG) System.out.println("    arc is final!");
                                CurrentFrame = PushFrame(arc, OuterInstance.OuterInstance.FstOutputs.Add(output, arc.NextFinalOutput), targetUpto);
                                //if (DEBUG) System.out.println("    curFrame.ord=" + currentFrame.ord + " hasTerms=" + currentFrame.hasTerms);

                    //validIndexPrefix = targetUpto;
                    ValidIndexPrefix = CurrentFrame.Prefix;



                    SeekStatus result_ = CurrentFrame.ScanToTerm(target, false);

                    if (result_ == SeekStatus.END)
                        TermExists = false;
                        if (Next() != null)
                            //if (DEBUG) {
                            //System.out.println("  return NOT_FOUND term=" + term.utf8ToString() + " " + term);
                            return SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND;
                            //if (DEBUG) {
                            //System.out.println("  return END");
                            return SeekStatus.END;
                        return result_;
                /// <summary>
                /// Runs next() through the entire terms dict,
                ///  computing aggregate statistics.
                /// </summary>
                public Stats ComputeBlockStats()
                    Stats stats = new Stats(OuterInstance.OuterInstance.Segment, OuterInstance.fieldInfo.Name);
                    if (OuterInstance.Index != null)
                        stats.IndexNodeCount = OuterInstance.Index.NodeCount;
                        stats.IndexArcCount = OuterInstance.Index.ArcCount;
                        stats.IndexNumBytes = OuterInstance.Index.SizeInBytes();

                    CurrentFrame = StaticFrame;
                    FST<BytesRef>.Arc<BytesRef> arc;
                    if (OuterInstance.Index != null)
                        arc = OuterInstance.Index.GetFirstArc(Arcs[0]);
                        // Empty string prefix must have an output in the index!
                        arc = null;

                    // Empty string prefix must have an output in the
                    // index!
                    CurrentFrame = PushFrame(arc, OuterInstance.RootCode, 0);
                    CurrentFrame.FpOrig = CurrentFrame.Fp;
                    ValidIndexPrefix = 0;

                    stats.StartBlock(CurrentFrame, !(CurrentFrame.IsLastInFloor));

                    while (true)
                        // Pop finished blocks
                        while (CurrentFrame.NextEnt == CurrentFrame.EntCount)
                            if (!CurrentFrame.IsLastInFloor)
                                stats.StartBlock(CurrentFrame, true);
                                if (CurrentFrame.Ord == 0)
                                    goto allTermsBreak;
                                long lastFP = CurrentFrame.FpOrig;
                                CurrentFrame = Stack[CurrentFrame.Ord - 1];
                                Debug.Assert(lastFP == CurrentFrame.LastSubFP);
                                // if (DEBUG) {
                                //   System.out.println("  reset validIndexPrefix=" + validIndexPrefix);
                                // }

                        while (true)
                            if (CurrentFrame.Next())
                                // Push to new block:
                                CurrentFrame = PushFrame(null, CurrentFrame.LastSubFP, Term_Renamed.Length);
                                CurrentFrame.FpOrig = CurrentFrame.Fp;
                                // this is a "next" frame -- even if it's
                                // floor'd we must pretend it isn't so we don't
                                // try to scan to the right floor frame:
                                CurrentFrame.IsFloor = false;
                                //currentFrame.hasTerms = true;
                                stats.StartBlock(CurrentFrame, !CurrentFrame.IsLastInFloor);


                    // Put root frame back:
                    CurrentFrame = StaticFrame;
                    if (OuterInstance.Index != null)
                        arc = OuterInstance.Index.GetFirstArc(Arcs[0]);
                        // Empty string prefix must have an output in the index!
                        arc = null;
                    CurrentFrame = PushFrame(arc, OuterInstance.RootCode, 0);
                    ValidIndexPrefix = 0;
                    Term_Renamed.Length = 0;

                    return stats;