Exemple #1
        public void Initialize(PhysicsSimulator physicsSimulator)
            //The wave controller controls how the waves move.. how big, how fast, etc..
            //The wave controller is represented as set of points equally
            //spaced horizontally along the width of the wave.
            WaveController                    = new WaveController();
            WaveController.Position           = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(0, 300);
            WaveController.Width              = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(700);
            WaveController.Height             = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(200);
            WaveController.NodeCount          = 20;   //how many vertices make up the surface of the wave
            WaveController.DampingCoefficient = .95f; //determines how quickly the wave will disipate
            WaveController.Frequency          = .16f; //determines how fast the wave algorithm runs (seconds)

            //The wave generator parameters simply move an end-point of the wave up and down.
            //Think of a string attached to a wall on one end and held by a person on the other.
            //If the person moves the string up and down to make "waves" then the arm is acting
            //similar to the wave generator. The WaveGeneratorStep property controls how fast the "arm"
            WaveController.WaveGeneratorMax  = WaveGeneratorMax;
            WaveController.WaveGeneratorMin  = WaveGeneratorMin;
            WaveController.WaveGeneratorStep = WaveGeneratorStep;


            //fluid drag controller controls how things move once IN the water.
            FluidDragController = new FluidDragController();
            FluidDragController.Initialize(WaveController, 5f, 4f, 2f, physicsSimulator.Gravity); //init with default values.
Exemple #2
        private BuoyancyTest()
            //Make a box
            Body         ground = BodyFactory.CreateBody(World);
            Vertices     edge   = PolygonTools.CreateEdge(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(40.0f, 0.0f));
            PolygonShape shape  = new PolygonShape(edge);


            //Left side
            shape.Set(PolygonTools.CreateEdge(new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(00.0f, 15.0f)));

            //Right side
            shape.Set(PolygonTools.CreateEdge(new Vector2(40.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(40.0f, 15.0f)));

            //Buoyancy controller
            _aabbContainer = new AABBFluidContainer(new Vector2(0, 0), 40, 10);
            _waveContainer = new WaveContainer(new Vector2(0, 0), 40, 10);
            _waveContainer.WaveGeneratorStep = 0;

            FluidDragController buoyancyController = new FluidDragController(_waveContainer, 4f, 0.98f, 0.2f,

            buoyancyController.Entry += EntryEventHandler;

            Vector2 offset = new Vector2(5, 0);

            //Bunch of balls
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Fixture fixture = FixtureFactory.CreateCircle(World, 1, 1, new Vector2(15, 1) + offset * i);
                fixture.Body.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;

        public void AddFluidContainer(FluidContainerMain fluidContainerMain)
            double x      = Convert.ToDouble(fluidContainerMain.VisualElement.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty));
            double y      = Convert.ToDouble(fluidContainerMain.VisualElement.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty));
            float  width  = (float)fluidContainerMain.VisualElement.ActualWidth;
            float  height = (float)fluidContainerMain.VisualElement.ActualHeight;

            WaveController waveController = fluidContainerMain.WaveControllerObject;

            waveController.Position           = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y);
            waveController.Width              = width;
            waveController.Height             = height;
            waveController.NodeCount          = fluidContainerMain.NodeCount;
            waveController.DampingCoefficient = (float)fluidContainerMain.DampingCoefficient;
            waveController.Frequency          = (float)fluidContainerMain.Frequency;

            waveController.WaveGeneratorMax  = (float)fluidContainerMain.WaveGeneratorMax;
            waveController.WaveGeneratorMin  = (float)fluidContainerMain.WaveGeneratorMin;
            waveController.WaveGeneratorStep = (float)fluidContainerMain.WaveGeneratorStep;


            Vector2 vecTopLeft     = new Vector2((float)x, (float)y);
            Vector2 vecBottomRight = new Vector2((float)x + width, (float)y + height);

            AABB waterAABB = new AABB(vecTopLeft, vecBottomRight);
            AABBFluidContainer  waterContainer      = new AABBFluidContainer(waterAABB);
            FluidDragController fluidDragController = new FluidDragController();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, PhysicsSprite> item in PhysicsObjects)
                PhysicsSprite sprite = item.Value;

            fluidDragController.Initialize(waterContainer, (float)fluidContainerMain.FluidDensity, (float)fluidContainerMain.LinearDragCoefficient, (float)fluidContainerMain.RotationalDragCoefficient, new Vector2((float)fluidContainerMain.GravityHorizontal, (float)fluidContainerMain.GravityVertical));
Exemple #4
 public void Reset()