/// <summary>
        /// Tells if a particular value is strictly dominated by another value,
        /// that is, if control cannot flow to the value unless it first flowed
        /// through the dominator value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">
        /// An value that might be dominated by <paramref name="dominator"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dominator">
        /// An value that might dominate <paramref name="value"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="graph">
        /// A graph that defines both values.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <c>true</c> if <paramref name="value"/> is strictly dominated by
        /// <paramref name="dominator"/>; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
        /// </returns>
        public bool IsStrictlyDominatedBy(ValueTag value, ValueTag dominator, FlowGraph graph)
            var valueBlock     = graph.GetValueParent(value);
            var dominatorBlock = graph.GetValueParent(dominator);

            if (valueBlock.Tag == dominatorBlock.Tag)
                if (graph.ContainsBlockParameter(dominator))
                else if (graph.ContainsBlockParameter(value))
                    var valueInsn = graph.GetInstruction(value);
                    var domInsn   = graph.GetInstruction(dominator);
                    return(valueInsn.InstructionIndex > domInsn.InstructionIndex);
                return(IsStrictlyDominatedBy(valueBlock, dominatorBlock));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a flow graph and translates it to an instruction stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">
        /// The flow graph to translate.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A linear sequence of target-specific instructions.
        /// </returns>
        public IReadOnlyList <TInstruction> ToInstructionStream(FlowGraph graph)
            // One thing to keep in mind when selecting instructions is that
            // not all IR instructions must be translated to target-specific instructions.
            // For example, suppose that the target has a specialized add-constant-integer
            // instruction---let's call it `addi`. Then the following sequence of instructions
            //     one = const(1, System::Int32)();
            //     addition = intrinsic(@arith.add, System::Int32, #(System::Int32, System::Int32))(arg, one);
            // should get translated to
            //     <addition> = addi <arg>, 1
            // Note how the `one` instruction doesn't get emitted despite the fact that
            // is it *not* dead from an IR point of view. That's definitely a good thing
            // and it's not something we'll get if we naively create a linear stream of
            // instructions by simply selecting instructions for each IR instruction.
            // To ensure that we select only the instructions we actually need, we will
            // start at
            //   1. "root" instructions: reachable instructions that may have side-effects
            //       and hence *must* be selected, and
            //   2. block flows.
            // Furthermore, we also want to make sure that we emit only reachable basic blocks.
            // All other basic blocks are dead code and we shouldn't bother selecting instructions
            // for them.
            // To figure out which instructions are effectful instructions and which blocks are
            // reachable, we will rely on a couple of analyses.

            var reachability = graph.GetAnalysisResult <BlockReachability>();
            var effectful    = graph.GetAnalysisResult <EffectfulInstructions>();

            // Find the exact set of root instructions. Add them all
            // to a queue of instructions to select.
            var selectionWorklist = new Queue <ValueTag>();

            foreach (var block in graph.BasicBlocks)
                if (!reachability.IsReachableFrom(graph.EntryPointTag, block))

                foreach (var tag in block.InstructionTags.Reverse())
                    if (effectful.Instructions.Contains(tag))

            // Select target-specific instructions for reachable block flows.
            // Also order the basic blocks.
            var flowLayout    = new List <BasicBlockTag>();
            var flowSelection = new Dictionary <BasicBlockTag, SelectedFlowInstructions <TInstruction> >();
            var flowWorklist  = new Stack <BasicBlockTag>();

            while (flowWorklist.Count > 0)
                var tag = flowWorklist.Pop();
                if (flowSelection.ContainsKey(tag))
                    // Never select blocks twice.

                // Assign a dummy value (null) to the block tag so we don't fool
                // ourselves into thinking that the block isn't being processed
                // yet.
                flowSelection[tag] = default(SelectedFlowInstructions <TInstruction>);

                // Add the block to the flow layout.

                // Fetch the block's flow from the graph.
                var block = graph.GetBasicBlock(tag);
                var flow  = block.Flow;

                // Select instructions for the flow.
                BasicBlockTag fallthrough;
                var           selection = InstructionSelector.SelectInstructions(
                    flow.BranchTargets.FirstOrDefault(target => !flowSelection.ContainsKey(target)),
                    out fallthrough);

                // Emit all branch targets.
                foreach (var target in flow.BranchTargets)

                if (fallthrough != null)
                    if (flowSelection.ContainsKey(fallthrough))
                        // We found a fallthrough block that has already been selected.
                        // This is quite unfortunate; we'll have to introduce a branch.
                        selection = selection.Append(InstructionSelector.CreateJumpTo(fallthrough));
                        // We found a fallthrough block that has not been selected yet.
                        // Add it to the flow worklist last (because the "worklist" is
                        // actually a stack) to see it get emitted right after this block.

                flowSelection[tag] = selection;
                foreach (var item in selection.Dependencies)

            // Select target-specific instructions.
            var instructionSelection = new Dictionary <ValueTag, SelectedInstructions <TInstruction> >();

            while (selectionWorklist.Count > 0)
                var tag = selectionWorklist.Dequeue();
                if (instructionSelection.ContainsKey(tag) ||
                    // Never select instructions twice. Also, don't try
                    // to "select" block parameters.

                var instruction = graph.GetInstruction(tag);
                var selection   = InstructionSelector.SelectInstructions(instruction);

                instructionSelection[tag] = selection;
                foreach (var item in selection.Dependencies)

            // We have selected target-specific instructions for reachable IR block
            // flows and required IR instructions. All we need to do now is patch them
            // together into a linear sequence of target-specific instructions.