void Update()
        if (manager && manager.IsTracking())
            // set head position & rotation
            if (Head != null)
                Vector3 newPosition = HeadInitialPosition + manager.GetHeadPosition();
                Head.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(Head.localPosition, newPosition, 3 * Time.deltaTime);

                Quaternion newRotation = HeadInitialRotation * manager.GetHeadRotation();
                Head.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(Head.localRotation, newRotation, 3 * Time.deltaTime);

            // get animation units
            int iAUCount = manager.GetAnimUnitsCount();

            if (iAUCount >= 6)
                // AU0 - Upper Lip Raiser
                // 0=neutral, covering teeth; 1=showing teeth fully; -1=maximal possible pushed down lip
                float fAU0 = manager.GetAnimUnit(0);
                SetJointRotation(UpperLipLeft, UpperLipLeftAxis, fAU0, UpperLipLeftNeutral, UpperLipLeftUp);
                SetJointRotation(UpperLipRight, UpperLipRightAxis, fAU0, UpperLipRightNeutral, UpperLipRightUp);

                // AU1 - Jaw Lowerer
                // 0=closed; 1=fully open; -1= closed, like 0
                float fAU1 = manager.GetAnimUnit(1);
                SetJointRotation(Jaw, JawAxis, fAU1, JawNeutral, JawDown);

                // AU2 – Lip Stretcher
                // 0=neutral; 1=fully stretched (joker’s smile); -1=fully rounded (kissing mouth)
                float fAU2 = manager.GetAnimUnit(2);
                SetJointRotation(LipLeft, LipLeftAxis, fAU2, LipLeftNeutral, LipLeftStretched);
                SetJointRotation(LipRight, LipRightAxis, fAU2, LipRightNeutral, LipRightStretched);

                // AU3 – Brow Lowerer
                // 0=neutral; -1=raised almost all the way; +1=fully lowered (to the limit of the eyes)
                float fAU3 = manager.GetAnimUnit(3);
                SetJointRotation(EyebrowLeft, EyebrowLeftAxis, fAU3, EyebrowLeftNeutral, EyebrowLeftLowered);
                SetJointRotation(EyebrowRight, EyebrowRightAxis, fAU3, EyebrowRightNeutral, EyebrowRightLowered);

                // AU4 – Lip Corner Depressor
                // 0=neutral; -1=very happy smile; +1=very sad frown
                float fAU4 = manager.GetAnimUnit(4);
                SetJointRotation(LipCornerLeft, LipCornerLeftAxis, fAU4, LipCornerLeftNeutral, LipCornerLeftDepressed);
                SetJointRotation(LipCornerRight, LipCornerRightAxis, fAU4, LipCornerRightNeutral, LipCornerRightDepressed);

                // AU5 – Outer Brow Raiser
                // 0=neutral; -1=fully lowered as a very sad face; +1=raised as in an expression of deep surprise
                float fAU5 = manager.GetAnimUnit(5);
                SetJointRotation(OuterBrowLeft, OuterBrowLeftAxis, fAU5, OuterBrowLeftNeutral, OuterBrowLeftRaised);
                SetJointRotation(OuterBrowRight, OuterBrowRightAxis, fAU5, OuterBrowRightNeutral, OuterBrowRightRaised);
    void Update()
        // get the face-tracking manager instance
        if (manager == null)
            manager = FacetrackingManager.Instance;

        if (manager && manager.IsTrackingFace())
            // set head position & rotation
            if (HeadTransform != null)
                // head position
                Vector3 newPosition = HeadInitialPosition + manager.GetHeadPosition(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    HeadTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(HeadTransform.localPosition, newPosition, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    HeadTransform.localPosition = newPosition;

                // head rotation
                Quaternion newRotation = HeadInitialRotation * manager.GetHeadRotation(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    HeadTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(HeadTransform.localRotation, newRotation, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    HeadTransform.localRotation = newRotation;

            // apply animation units

            // AU0 - Upper Lip Raiser
            // 0=neutral, covering teeth; 1=showing teeth fully; -1=maximal possible pushed down lip
            float fAU0 = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipPucker);
            SetJointRotation(UpperLipLeft, UpperLipLeftAxis, fAU0, UpperLipLeftNeutral, UpperLipLeftUp);
            SetJointRotation(UpperLipRight, UpperLipRightAxis, fAU0, UpperLipRightNeutral, UpperLipRightUp);

            // AU1 - Jaw Lowerer
            // 0=closed; 1=fully open; -1= closed, like 0
            float fAU1 = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.JawOpen);
            SetJointRotation(Jaw, JawAxis, fAU1, JawNeutral, JawDown);

            // AU2 – Lip Stretcher
            // 0=neutral; 1=fully stretched (joker’s smile); -1=fully rounded (kissing mouth)
            float fAU2_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipStretcherLeft);
            fAU2_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU2_left * 2 - 1) : fAU2_left;
            SetJointRotation(LipLeft, LipLeftAxis, fAU2_left, LipLeftNeutral, LipLeftStretched);

            float fAU2_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipStretcherRight);
            fAU2_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU2_right * 2 - 1) : fAU2_right;
            SetJointRotation(LipRight, LipRightAxis, fAU2_right, LipRightNeutral, LipRightStretched);

            // AU3 – Brow Lowerer
            // 0=neutral; -1=raised almost all the way; +1=fully lowered (to the limit of the eyes)
            float fAU3_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyebrowLowerer);
            fAU3_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU3_left * 2 - 1) : fAU3_left;
            SetJointRotation(EyebrowLeft, EyebrowLeftAxis, fAU3_left, EyebrowLeftNeutral, EyebrowLeftLowered);

            float fAU3_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyebrowLowerer);
            fAU3_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU3_right * 2 - 1) : fAU3_right;
            SetJointRotation(EyebrowRight, EyebrowRightAxis, fAU3_right, EyebrowRightNeutral, EyebrowRightLowered);

            // AU4 – Lip Corner Depressor
            // 0=neutral; -1=very happy smile; +1=very sad frown
            float fAU4_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipCornerDepressorLeft);
            fAU4_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU4_left * 2) : fAU4_left;
            SetJointRotation(LipCornerLeft, LipCornerLeftAxis, fAU4_left, LipCornerLeftNeutral, LipCornerLeftDepressed);

            float fAU4_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipCornerDepressorRight);
            fAU4_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU4_right * 2) : fAU4_right;
            SetJointRotation(LipCornerRight, LipCornerRightAxis, fAU4_right, LipCornerRightNeutral, LipCornerRightDepressed);

            // AU6, AU7 – Eyelid closed
            // 0=neutral; -1=raised; +1=fully lowered
            float fAU6_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyeClosed);
            fAU6_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU6_left * 2 - 1) : fAU6_left;
            SetJointRotation(UpperEyelidLeft, UpperEyelidLeftAxis, fAU6_left, UpperEyelidLeftNeutral, UpperEyelidLeftLowered);
            SetJointRotation(LowerEyelidLeft, LowerEyelidLeftAxis, fAU6_left, LowerEyelidLeftNeutral, LowerEyelidLeftRaised);

            float fAU6_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyeClosed);
            fAU6_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU6_right * 2 - 1) : fAU6_right;
            SetJointRotation(UpperEyelidRight, UpperEyelidRightAxis, fAU6_right, UpperEyelidRightNeutral, UpperEyelidRightLowered);
            SetJointRotation(LowerEyelidRight, LowerEyelidRightAxis, fAU6_right, UpperEyelidRightNeutral, LowerEyelidRightRaised);
    void Update()
        // get the face-tracking manager instance
        if (manager == null)
            manager = FacetrackingManager.Instance;

        if (manager && manager.GetFaceTrackingID() != 0)
            // set head position & rotation
            if (HeadTransform != null)
                // head position
                Vector3 newPosition = manager.GetHeadPosition(mirroredHeadMovement);

                // head rotation
                Quaternion newRotation = HeadInitialRotation * manager.GetHeadRotation(mirroredHeadMovement);

                // rotational fix, provided by Richard Borys:
                // The added rotation fixes rotational error that occurs when person is not centered in the middle of the kinect
                Vector3 addedRotation = newPosition.z != 0f ? new Vector3(Mathf.Rad2Deg * (Mathf.Tan(newPosition.y) / newPosition.z),
                                                                          Mathf.Rad2Deg * (Mathf.Tan(newPosition.x) / newPosition.z), 0) : Vector3.zero;

                addedRotation.x = newRotation.eulerAngles.x + addedRotation.x;
                addedRotation.y = newRotation.eulerAngles.y + addedRotation.y;
                addedRotation.z = newRotation.eulerAngles.z + addedRotation.z;

                newRotation = Quaternion.Euler(addedRotation.x, addedRotation.y, addedRotation.z);
                // end of rotational fix

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    HeadTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(HeadTransform.rotation, newRotation, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    HeadTransform.rotation = newRotation;

                // check for head pos overlay
                if (foregroundCamera)
                    // get the background rectangle (use the portrait background, if available)
                    Rect backgroundRect             = foregroundCamera.pixelRect;
                    PortraitBackground portraitBack = PortraitBackground.Instance;

                    if (portraitBack && portraitBack.enabled)
                        backgroundRect = portraitBack.GetBackgroundRect();

                    KinectManager kinectManager = KinectManager.Instance;

                    if (kinectManager)
                        long    userId          = kinectManager.GetUserIdByIndex(manager.playerIndex);
                        Vector3 posColorOverlay = kinectManager.GetJointPosColorOverlay(userId, (int)KinectInterop.JointType.Head, foregroundCamera, backgroundRect);

                        if (posColorOverlay != Vector3.zero)
                            newPosition = posColorOverlay;

//							if(overlayObj)
//							{
//								overlayObj.position = newPosition;
//							}
                    // move around the initial position
                    newPosition += HeadInitialPosition;

                // vertical offet
                if (verticalOffset != 0f)
                    // add the vertical offset
                    Vector3 dirHead = new Vector3(0, verticalOffset, 0);
                    dirHead      = HeadTransform.InverseTransformDirection(dirHead);
                    newPosition += dirHead;

                // set the position
                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    HeadTransform.position = Vector3.Lerp(HeadTransform.position, newPosition, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    HeadTransform.position = newPosition;

                // scale factor
                if (HeadTransform.localScale.x != modelScaleFactor)
                    HeadTransform.localScale = new Vector3(modelScaleFactor, modelScaleFactor, modelScaleFactor);

            // apply animation units

            // AU0 - Upper Lip Raiser
            // 0=neutral, covering teeth; 1=showing teeth fully; -1=maximal possible pushed down lip
            float fAU0 = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipPucker);
            SetJointRotation(UpperLipLeft, UpperLipLeftAxis, fAU0, UpperLipLeftNeutral, UpperLipLeftUp);
            SetJointRotation(UpperLipRight, UpperLipRightAxis, fAU0, UpperLipRightNeutral, UpperLipRightUp);

            // AU1 - Jaw Lowerer
            // 0=closed; 1=fully open; -1= closed, like 0
            float fAU1 = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.JawOpen);
            SetJointRotation(Jaw, JawAxis, fAU1, JawNeutral, JawDown);

            // AU2 – Lip Stretcher
            // 0=neutral; 1=fully stretched (joker’s smile); -1=fully rounded (kissing mouth)
            float fAU2_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipStretcherLeft);
            fAU2_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU2_left * 2 - 1) : fAU2_left;
            SetJointRotation(LipLeft, LipLeftAxis, fAU2_left, LipLeftNeutral, LipLeftStretched);

            float fAU2_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipStretcherRight);
            fAU2_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU2_right * 2 - 1) : fAU2_right;
            SetJointRotation(LipRight, LipRightAxis, fAU2_right, LipRightNeutral, LipRightStretched);

            // AU3 – Brow Lowerer
            // 0=neutral; -1=raised almost all the way; +1=fully lowered (to the limit of the eyes)
            float fAU3_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyebrowLowerer);
            fAU3_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU3_left * 2 - 1) : fAU3_left;
            SetJointRotation(EyebrowLeft, EyebrowLeftAxis, fAU3_left, EyebrowLeftNeutral, EyebrowLeftLowered);

            float fAU3_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyebrowLowerer);
            fAU3_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU3_right * 2 - 1) : fAU3_right;
            SetJointRotation(EyebrowRight, EyebrowRightAxis, fAU3_right, EyebrowRightNeutral, EyebrowRightLowered);

            // AU4 – Lip Corner Depressor
            // 0=neutral; -1=very happy smile; +1=very sad frown
            float fAU4_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipCornerDepressorLeft);
            fAU4_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU4_left * 2) : fAU4_left;
            SetJointRotation(LipCornerLeft, LipCornerLeftAxis, fAU4_left, LipCornerLeftNeutral, LipCornerLeftDepressed);

            float fAU4_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipCornerDepressorRight);
            fAU4_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU4_right * 2) : fAU4_right;
            SetJointRotation(LipCornerRight, LipCornerRightAxis, fAU4_right, LipCornerRightNeutral, LipCornerRightDepressed);

            // AU6, AU7 – Eyelid closed
            // 0=neutral; -1=raised; +1=fully lowered
            float fAU6_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyeClosed);
            fAU6_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU6_left * 2 - 1) : fAU6_left;
            SetJointRotation(UpperEyelidLeft, UpperEyelidLeftAxis, fAU6_left, UpperEyelidLeftNeutral, UpperEyelidLeftLowered);
            SetJointRotation(LowerEyelidLeft, LowerEyelidLeftAxis, fAU6_left, LowerEyelidLeftNeutral, LowerEyelidLeftRaised);

            float fAU6_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyeClosed);
            fAU6_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU6_right * 2 - 1) : fAU6_right;
            SetJointRotation(UpperEyelidRight, UpperEyelidRightAxis, fAU6_right, UpperEyelidRightNeutral, UpperEyelidRightLowered);
            SetJointRotation(LowerEyelidRight, LowerEyelidRightAxis, fAU6_right, LowerEyelidRightNeutral, LowerEyelidRightRaised);
            // hide the model behind the camera
            if (HeadTransform && HeadTransform.position.z >= 0f)
                HeadTransform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -10f);
    void FixedUpdate()
    {      // float translation = Time.deltaTime * 10;
        // get the face-tracking manager instance
        if (manager == null)
            manager = FacetrackingManager.Instance;

        if (manager && manager.IsTrackingFace())
            // set head position & rotation
            if (HeadTransform != null)
                // head position
                Vector3 newPosition = HeadInitialPosition + manager.GetHeadPosition(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    HeadTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(HeadTransform.localPosition, newPosition, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    HeadTransform.localPosition = newPosition;

                // head rotation
                Quaternion newRotation = HeadInitialRotation * manager.GetHeadRotation(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    HeadTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(HeadTransform.localRotation, newRotation, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    HeadTransform.localRotation = newRotation;
            if (LeftEyeTransform != null)
                // head position
                Vector3 newPosition = LeftEyeInitialPosition + manager.GetHeadPosition(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    LeftEyeTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(HeadTransform.localPosition, newPosition, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    LeftEyeTransform.localPosition = newPosition;

                // head rotation
                Quaternion newRotation = LeftEyeInitialRotation * manager.GetHeadRotation(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    LeftEyeTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(LeftEyeTransform.localRotation, newRotation, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    LeftEyeTransform.localRotation = newRotation;
            if (RightEyeTransform != null)
                // head position
                Vector3 newPosition = RightEyeInitialPosition + manager.GetHeadPosition(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    RightEyeTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(HeadTransform.localPosition, newPosition, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    RightEyeTransform.localPosition = newPosition;

                // head rotation
                Quaternion newRotation = RightEyeInitialRotation * manager.GetHeadRotation(mirroredHeadMovement);

                if (smoothFactor != 0f)
                    RightEyeTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(RightEyeTransform.localRotation, newRotation, smoothFactor * Time.deltaTime);
                    RightEyeTransform.localRotation = newRotation;
            }            // apply animation units

            // AU0 - Upper Lip Raiser
            // 0=neutral, covering teeth; 1=showing teeth fully; -1=maximal possible pushed down lip
            float fAU0 = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipPucker);
            if (fAU0 > Value_Lippucker && isSadMouth == false && isSmillingMouth == false && isOpenMouth == false)
                setBlendShape(100, 4);
                isKissingMouth = true;
                setBlendShape(0, 4);
                isKissingMouth = false;

            //	Debug.Log (fAU0 .ToString ());
            //	setBlendShape1 (fAU0, 5);
            // AU1 - Jaw Lowerer
            // 0=closed; 1=fully open; -1= closed, like 0
            float fAU1 = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.JawOpen);
            if (fAU1 > Value_JawOpen && isSadMouth == false && isSmillingMouth == false && isKissingMouth == false)
                setBlendShape(100, 8);
                isOpenMouth = true;
                setBlendShape(0, 8);
                isOpenMouth = false;
            //	Debug.Log (fAU1 .ToString ());
            // AU2 – Lip Stretcher
            // 0=neutral; 1=fully stretched (joker’s smile); -1=fully rounded (kissing mouth)
            float fAU2_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipStretcherLeft);
            //fAU2_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU2_left * 2 - 1) : fAU2_left;

            float fAU2_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipStretcherRight);
            //	fAU2_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU2_right * 2 - 1) : fAU2_right;

            if (fAU2_left > Value_Lipstretcher && isSadMouth == false && isKissingMouth == false && isOpenMouth == false)
                setBlendShape(100, 1);
                isSmillingMouth = true;
                //setBlendShape (0, 4);
                setBlendShape(0, 1);
                isSmillingMouth = false;

            //	Debug.Log (fAU2_left .ToString ());
            // AU3 – Brow Lowerer
            // 0=neutral; -1=raised almost all the way; +1=fully lowered (to the limit of the eyes)
            float fAU3_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyebrowLowerer);
            //fAU3_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU3_left * 2 - 1) : fAU3_left;

            float fAU3_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyebrowLowerer);
            //fAU3_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU3_right * 2 - 1) : fAU3_right;

            if (fAU3_left < -0.1)
                setBlendShape(100f, 3);
            else if (fAU3_left > 0.1)
                setBlendShape(100f, 7);
                setBlendShape(0, 7);
                setBlendShape(0, 3);

            // AU4 – Lip Corner Depressor
            // 0=neutral; -1=very happy smile; +1=very sad frown
            float fAU4_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipCornerDepressorLeft);
            //	fAU4_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU4_left * 2-1) : fAU4_left;

            float fAU4_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LipCornerDepressorRight);
            //	Debug.Log (fAU4_left.ToString ());

            if (fAU1 < 0.6 && fAU4_left > Value_LipCornerDepressor && isSmillingMouth == false && isKissingMouth == false)
                setBlendShape(100f, 2);
                isSadMouth = true;
                setBlendShape(0f, 2);
                isSadMouth = false;

            // AU6, AU7 – Eyelid closed
            // 0=neutral; -1=raised; +1=fully lowered
            float fAU6_left = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.LefteyeClosed);
            fAU6_left = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU6_left * 2 - 1) : fAU6_left;

            float fAU6_right = manager.GetAnimUnit(KinectInterop.FaceShapeAnimations.RighteyeClosed);
            fAU6_right = (platform == KinectInterop.DepthSensorPlatform.KinectSDKv2) ? (fAU6_right * 2 - 1) : fAU6_right;

            /*if (blendShapeCount > 2) {
             * if (blendOne<<100f &&fAU2_left>0f) {
             *      blendOne=1000*fAU2_left;
             *      skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (1, blendOne);
             *      //blendOne += blendSpeed;
             * } else {
             *      //blendOneFinished = true;
             * }
             * if (  blendTwo < 100f) {
             *      skinnedMeshRenderer.SetBlendShapeWeight (2, blendTwo);
             *      blendTwo += blendSpeed;
             * }
             * }*/