public void Update()
            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime >= 1))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
                foreach (var state in drillStates)
                    state.enabled        = true;
                    state.normalizedTime = 0;
                    state.speed          = 1;
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime <= 0))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;

            foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                var time = Mathf.Clamp01(deployState.normalizedTime);
                deployState.normalizedTime = time;
                var speed = HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor ? 1 - 10 * (time - 1) * time : 1;
                deployState.speed = (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying || CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed) ? speed : -speed;
        public void Update()
            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime >= 1))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
                foreach (var state in drillStates)
                    state.enabled = true;
                    state.normalizedTime = 0;
                    state.speed = 1;
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime <= 0))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;

            foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                var time = Mathf.Clamp01(deployState.normalizedTime);
                deployState.normalizedTime = time;
                var speed = HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor ? 1 - 10 * (time - 1) * time : 1;
                deployState.speed = (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying || CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed) ? speed : -speed;
 public void Deploy()
     if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Retracted)
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deploying;
 public void Deploy()
     if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Retracted) { return; }
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deploying;
     foreach (var state in deployStates)
         state.speed = 1;
 public void Retract()
     if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Deployed) { return; }
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracting;
     foreach (var state in drillStates)
         state.enabled = false;
         state.normalizedTime = 0;
         state.speed = 0;
 public void Deploy()
     if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Retracted)
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deploying;
     foreach (var state in deployStates)
         state.speed = 1;
 public void Retract()
     if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Deployed)
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracting;
     foreach (var state in drillStates)
         state.enabled        = false;
         state.normalizedTime = 0;
         state.speed          = 0;
        public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state)
            deployStates = Misc.SetUpAnimation(DeployAnimation, this.part);
            drillStates = Misc.SetUpAnimation(DrillAnimation, this.part);

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying) { CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted; }
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting) { CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed; }

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed)
                foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                    deployState.normalizedTime = 1;

            foreach (var drillState in drillStates)
                drillState.enabled = false;
                drillState.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;
        public override void OnUpdate()
            foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                deployState.normalizedTime = Mathf.Clamp01(deployState.normalizedTime);

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime == 1))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
                foreach (var state in drillStates)
                    state.enabled        = true;
                    state.normalizedTime = 0;
                    state.speed          = 1;
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime == 0))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;
        public override void OnStart(PartModule.StartState state)
            deployStates = Misc.SetUpAnimation(DeployAnimation, this.part);
            drillStates = Misc.SetUpAnimation(DrillAnimation, this.part);

            headTransform = this.part.FindModelTransform(HeadTransform);
            tailTransform = this.part.FindModelTransform(TailTransform);

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying) { CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted; }
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting) { CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed; }

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed)
                foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                    deployState.normalizedTime = 1;

            foreach (var drillState in drillStates)
                drillState.enabled = false;
                drillState.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

            if (state == StartState.Editor) { return; }
            if (FlightGlobals.fetch == null) { return; }

            emitters = part.Modules.OfType<KethaneParticleEmitter>().ToArray();

            foreach (var emitter in emitters) {
                emitter.EmitterTransform.parent = headTransform;
                emitter.EmitterTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
Exemple #11
 public DefaultExtractorAnimator()
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;
Exemple #12
 public void Retract()
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;
Exemple #13
 public void Deploy()
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
Exemple #14
        private void processBytes()
            while (this.currentBytePointer < this.bytes.Count)
                switch (this.state)
                case ExtractorState.WaitingForStart:
                    // 1. Create a new message
                    this.packet = new BusPacket
                        From = (BusDevice)bytes[currentBytePointer++]

                    // 2. change state to WaitForLen
                    this.state = ExtractorState.WaitingForLength;

                    // 3. Advance current byte pointer

                case ExtractorState.WaitingForLength:
                    var lenValue = bytes[currentBytePointer++];
                    // 1. If the byte is < 3 (?), change state to LostSync, advance msgstart by 1 and reset bytePointer t osame
                    if (lenValue < 3)
                        this.state = ExtractorState.LostSync;
                        // 2. set message len to the byte val
                        // 3. advance byte pointer by 1
                        this.packet.Len = lenValue;
                        this.state      = ExtractorState.WaitingForDestination;


                case ExtractorState.WaitingForDestination:
                    this.packet.Dest = (BusDevice)this.bytes[this.currentBytePointer];
                    this.state = ExtractorState.BuildingPacket;


                case ExtractorState.BuildingPacket:

                    // If we have read number of bytes specified by the packet's Len field,
                    // we should expect the XOR
                    if (this.currentBytePointer - this.messageStartPointer == packet.Len)
                        this.state = ExtractorState.WaitingForXor;



                case ExtractorState.WaitingForXor:
                    // 1. add byte to packet

                    // Perform xor validation
                    if (this.packet.CheckXor())
                        // If checksum was ok, add finished packet to output and
                        // start waiting for the next packet
                        this.messageStartPointer = this.currentBytePointer;
                        this.state = ExtractorState.WaitingForStart;
                        this.state = ExtractorState.LostSync;


                case ExtractorState.LostSync:
                    Console.WriteLine($"State: {this.state}");

                    this.currentBytePointer = this.messageStartPointer;
                    this.state = ExtractorState.WaitingForStart;
                    // TODO:
                    // 1. try to parse two messages.
                    //  if success, set state to waitingforstart
                    //  if failure, advance both by 1
Exemple #15
 public BmwBusPacketExtractor()
     this.bytes         = new List <byte>();
     this.state         = ExtractorState.WaitingForStart;
     this.OutputPackets = new Queue <BusPacket>();
        public override void OnUpdate()
            foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                deployState.normalizedTime = Mathf.Clamp01(deployState.normalizedTime);

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime == 1))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
                foreach (var state in drillStates)
                    state.enabled = true;
                    state.normalizedTime = 0;
                    state.speed = 1;
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime == 0))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;
        public override void OnUpdate()
            foreach (var deployState in deployStates)
                deployState.normalizedTime = Mathf.Clamp01(deployState.normalizedTime);

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime == 1))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
                foreach (var state in drillStates)
                    state.enabled = true;
                    state.normalizedTime = 0;
                    state.speed = 1;
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting && deployStates.All(s => s.normalizedTime == 0))
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;

            if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Retracted)
                RaycastHit hitInfo;
                var hit = raycastGround(out hitInfo);

                foreach (var emitter in emitters.Where(e => e.Label != "gas"))
                    emitter.Emit = hit;
                if (hit)
                    foreach (var emitter in emitters)
                        emitter.EmitterPosition = headTransform.InverseTransformPoint(hitInfo.point);

                foreach (var emitter in emitters.Where(e => e.Label == "gas"))
                    if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed)
                        emitter.Emit = hit && KethaneController.GetInstance(this.vessel).GetDepositUnder("Kethane") != null;
                        emitter.Emit = false;
                foreach (var emitter in emitters)
                    emitter.Emit = false;
Exemple #18
 public void Retract()
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;
Exemple #19
 public void Deploy()
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
Exemple #20
 public DefaultExtractorAnimator()
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;
        public override void OnUpdate()
            var deployState = deployStates.First();
            deployState.normalizedTime = Mathf.Clamp01(deployState.normalizedTime);

            if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deploying && deployState.normalizedTime == 1)
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deployed;
                foreach (var state in drillStates)
                    state.enabled = true;
                    state.normalizedTime = 0;
                    state.speed = 1;
            else if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Retracting && deployState.normalizedTime == 0)
                CurrentState = ExtractorState.Retracted;

            var gasEmitter = gasParticles.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>();

            if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Retracted)
                RaycastHit hitInfo;
                var hit = raycastGround(out hitInfo);

                sparkParticles.renderer.enabled = sparkParticles.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>().emit = hit;
                if (hit)
                    sparkParticles.GetComponent<ParticleAnimator>().force = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up) * gasParticles.transform.InverseTransformDirection(FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(headTransform.position));
                    gasParticles.transform.position = hitInfo.point;

                if (CurrentState == ExtractorState.Deployed)
                    gasEmitter.emit = hit && KethaneController.GetInstance(this.vessel).GetDepositUnder() != null;
                    if (gasEmitter.emit)
                        var gasAnimator = gasParticles.GetComponent<ParticleAnimator>();
                        var pressure = FlightGlobals.getStaticPressure(headTransform.position);
                        gasAnimator.force = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, Vector3.up) * gasParticles.transform.InverseTransformDirection(FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition(headTransform.position)) * (float)pressure * -0.4f;
                        gasEmitter.maxEnergy = 10f + 10f * (float)pressure;
                        gasAnimator.sizeGrow = 0.25f + (float)Math.Exp(-2.7f * pressure);
                        gasAnimator.rndForce = * 8 * (float)pressure;
                        gasAnimator.damping = (float)Math.Exp(-2.3f * pressure);
                    gasEmitter.emit = false;
                sparkParticles.renderer.enabled = sparkParticles.GetComponent<ParticleEmitter>().emit = gasEmitter.emit = false;
 public void Deploy()
     if (CurrentState != ExtractorState.Retracted) { return; }
     CurrentState = ExtractorState.Deploying;