public virtual ActionResult InboundShipmentDetail(ShipmentSkuFilterModel filters, bool exportExcel = false) { int nMaxRowsToShow = 2000; var shipmentLists = GetInboundShipmentDetailModels(filters, nMaxRowsToShow); var model = new IntransitShipmentSkuListViewModel { Filters = filters }; model.ShipmentLists = shipmentLists; //model.TotalShipmentRows = shipmentLists.Select(m => m.Shipments[0].TotalShipmentCount).FirstOrDefault(); model.MaxRowsToShow = shipmentLists.Select(m => m.Shipments).Distinct().Count(); model.SewingPlantList = (from item in _service.GetSewingPlantList() select new SelectListItem { Text = string.Format("{0}:{1}", item.SewingPlantCode, item.PlantName), Value = item.SewingPlantCode }).ToArray(); if (exportExcel) { var result = new ExcelResult("Shipment_SKU_Detail"); result.AddWorkSheet(model.TransferShipmentList, "Transfers", "List of Building Transfer Shipment"); result.AddWorkSheet(model.UnknownShipmentList, "Unknown", "List of Unknown Shipment"); result.AddWorkSheet(model.VendorShipmentList, "Vendors", "List of Vendor Shipment"); return(result); } return(View(Views.IntransitShipmentSkuList, model)); }
public virtual ActionResult SkuLocationExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var loc = _repos.Value.GetSkuLocation2(id); if (loc == null) { throw new NotImplementedException("What should we do here?"); } var allSku = loc.SkusAtLocation.Select(p => new SkuLocationSkuModel { //Upc = p.Upc, Style = p.Style, Color = p.Color, Dimension = p.Dimension, SkuSize = p.SkuSize, Pieces = p.Pieces, //IsAssigned = loc.AssignedSkuId == p.SkuId }).ToList(); var allPallets = _repos.Value.GetPalletsOfSkuLocation(id).Select(p => new SkuLocationPalletModel(p)).ToArray(); var assignUnassignAudit = _repos.Value.GetLocAssignUnassignAudit(id).Select(p => new LocationAuditModel(p)).ToArray(); var inventoryAudit = _repos.Value.GetLocationsInventoryAudit(id).Select(p => new LocationAuditModel(p)).ToArray(); var result = new ExcelResult("SkuLocation_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(allSku, "Inventory", "List on content on location " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(allPallets, "Pallets", "List of Pallets on location " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(assignUnassignAudit, "Assignment Audit", "SKU assignment audot of location " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(inventoryAudit, "Inventory Audit", "Inventory Audit of location" + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult PickslipExcel(long id) { var result = new ExcelResult("Pickslip_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetBoxes(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new BoxHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Boxes", "List of boxes of Pickslip " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetPickslipSku(id).Select(p => new PickslipSkuModel(p)).ToArray(), "SKUs", "List of SKUs in Pickslip " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult SkuExcel(int id) { var result = new ExcelResult("SKU_" + id); var items = _repos.Value.GetSkuInventoryByArea(id); var query = from row in items select new SkuInventoryModel(row); result.AddWorkSheet(query.ToArray(), "Inventory", "Inventory of SKU " + id + " per Area/Vwh"); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetRecentOrders(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new RecentPoModel(p)).ToArray(), "Recent PO", "Active POs of SKU " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult BoxExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var result = new ExcelResult("Box_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetBoxSku(id, null).Select(p => new BoxSkuModel(p)).ToArray(), "SKU", "List of SKU in Box " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetBoxProcesssHistory(id).Select(p => new BoxAuditModel(p)).ToArray(), "Audit", "Audit of Box " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult CartonLocationExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } //var palletCartons = _repos.Value.GetCartonsOfLocationOnPallet(id).Select(p => new CartonLocationPalletModel //{ // CartonCount = p.CartonCount, // DistinctSKUs = p.DistinctSKUs, // PalletId = p.PalletId, // SKUQuantity = p.SKUQuantity //}).ToArray(); var nonPalletCartons = _repos.Value.GetCartonsAtLocation(id).Take(GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new CartonAtLocationModel { CartonId = p.CartonId, //DistinctSKUs = p.DistinctSKUs, SKUQuantity = p.SKUQuantity }).ToArray(); var result = new ExcelResult("CartonLocation_" + id); //result.AddWorkSheet(palletCartons, "Pallets on Location", "List on Pallets on Location " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(nonPalletCartons, "Cartons on Location", "List of Non Pallet Cartons on location " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult IntransitShipmentListExcel(ShipmentListFilterModel filters) { string heading; switch (filters.Source) { case null: heading = "All Shipments"; break; case ShipmentSourceType.Vendor: heading = "Vendor Shipments"; break; case ShipmentSourceType.Transfer: heading = "Transfer Shipments"; break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } var list = GetShipmentModels(filters, Helpers.GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS); var result = new ExcelResult("Inbound Shipment Summary"); //TODO: include filters in heading result.AddWorkSheet(list, "Shipments", heading); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult PoImportedExcel(string id, string pk1) { var result = new ExcelResult("PO_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetInOrderBucketPickslipsOfPo(id, pk1).Select(p => new PickslipHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Pickslips", "List of Pickslips in PO " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult IntransitShipmentExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var shipmentSku = _service.GetInboundShipmentInfo(id).Select(p => new ShipmentSkuModel { Style = p.Style, Color = p.Color, Dimension = p.Dimension, SkuSize = p.SkuSize, ReceivedPieces = p.ReceivedPieces, ExpectedPieces = p.ExpectedPieces, UnderReceviedPieces = p.UnderReceviedPieces, OverReceviedPieces = p.OverReceviedPieces, ExpectedCartonCount = p.ExpectedCartonCount, ReceivedCartonCount = p.ReceivedCartonCount, UnderReceviedCartonCount = p.UnderReceviedCartonCount, OverReceviedCartonCount = p.OverReceviedCartonCount, MinMergedToBuddyShipment = p.MinMergedToBuddyShipment, MaxMergedToBuddyShipment = p.MaxMergedToBuddyShipment, MinMergedInBuddyShipment = p.MinMergedInBuddyShipment, MaxMergedInBuddyShipment = p.MaxMergedInBuddyShipment, CountMergedToBuddyShipment = p.CountMergedToBuddyShipment, CountMergedInBuddyShipment = p.CountMergedInBuddyShipment, CtnsReceivedInOtherShipment = p.CtnsReceivedInOtherShipment, PcsReceivedInOtherShipment = p.PcsReceivedInOtherShipment }).OrderByDescending(m => m.ExpectedPieces - m.ReceivedPieces).ToList(); var result = new ExcelResult("IntransitShipment_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(shipmentSku, "SKU", "List of SKU in shipment " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult PickslipImportedExcel(long id) { var result = new ExcelResult("Pickslip_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetSkuOfImportedPickslip(id).Select(p => new PickslipSkuModel(p)).ToArray(), "SKUs", "List od SKUs in Pickslip " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult OutboundShipmentExcel(string id) { var result = new ExcelResult("OutboundShipment_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetDetailsOfOutboundShipment(id, null).Select(p => new ParentShipmentContentModel(p)).ToArray(), "Shipment Details", "Details of Shipment " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult PoExcel(string id, string pk1, int?pk2) { var result = new ExcelResult("PO_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetPickslips(id, pk1, pk2, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new PickslipHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Pickslips", "List of Pickslips in PO " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult CartonAreaExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var areaInventory = _repos.Value.GetCartonAreaInventory(id).Select(p => new CartonAreaInventoryModel(p)).ToArray(); var result = new ExcelResult("CartonArea_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(areaInventory, "Inventory", "Inventory in Area " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult ReturnExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var returnRecipts = _repos.Value.GetReturnInfo(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new ReturnReceiptModel(p)).ToArray(); var result = new ExcelResult("Return_Receipts " + id); result.AddWorkSheet(returnRecipts, "Return Receipt", "List of Return Receipt " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult CustomerExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var orders = _repos.Value.GetRecentOrders(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new RecentPoModel(p)).ToArray(); var result = new ExcelResult("Customer_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(orders, "Recent PO", "Active POs of Customer " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult CartonPalletExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var allCartons = _repos.Value.GetCartonsOfPallet(id).Select(p => new CartonHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(); var result = new ExcelResult("CartonPallet_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(allCartons, "Cartons", "List of Cartons on Pallet " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult CartonExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var result = new ExcelResult("Carton_" + id); var processList = _repos.Value.GetCartonHistory(id).Select(p => new CartonProcessModel(p)).ToArray(); result.AddWorkSheet(processList, "Carton History", "History of Carton " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult MasterBolExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var ShipmentList = _repos.Value.GetMasterBolShipments(id).Select(p => new MasterBolShipmentModel(p)).ToList(); var result = new ExcelResult("MasterBOL_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(ShipmentList, "Master BOL Shipment List", "Shipment in Master BOL " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult BoxPalletExcel(string id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("id"); } var result = new ExcelResult("BoxPallet_" + id); var boxes = _repos.Value.GetBoxesOfPallet(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS); result.AddWorkSheet(boxes.Select(p => new BoxHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Boxes", "List of Boxes on Pallet " + id); var allSku = _repos.Value.GetBoxSku(null, id).Select(p => new BoxSkuModel(p)) .OrderBy(p => p.Style) .ThenBy(p => p.Color) .ThenBy(p => p.Dimension) .ThenBy(p => p.SkuSize) .ToArray(); result.AddWorkSheet(allSku, "SKU", "List of SKUs on Pallet " + id); var history = _repos.Value.GetBoxPalletHistory(id).Select(p => new BoxPalletHistoryModel(p)).ToArray(); result.AddWorkSheet(history, "History", "Audit Entries for Pallet " + id); return(result); }
public virtual ActionResult ReturnReceiptExcel(string id) { var returnSku = _repos.Value.GetReturnReceiptInfo(id).Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Upc)).Select(p => new ReturnSkuModel { Upc = p.Upc, Style = p.Style, Color = p.Color, Dimension = p.Dimension, SkuSize = p.SkuSize, RetailPrice = (p.RetailPrice * p.Quantity), Pieces = p.Quantity }).ToList(); var result = new ExcelResult("ReturnReceipt_" + id); result.AddWorkSheet(returnSku, "SKU", "List of KU in Return Receipt " + id); return(result); }