Exemple #1
        public virtual ActionResult OutboundShipmentExcel(string id)
            var result = new ExcelResult("OutboundShipment_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetDetailsOfOutboundShipment(id, null).Select(p => new ParentShipmentContentModel(p)).ToArray(), "Shipment Details", "Details of Shipment " + id);
Exemple #2
        public virtual ActionResult PoImportedExcel(string id, string pk1)
            var result = new ExcelResult("PO_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetInOrderBucketPickslipsOfPo(id, pk1).Select(p => new PickslipHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Pickslips", "List of Pickslips in PO " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult CartonLocationExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            //var palletCartons = _repos.Value.GetCartonsOfLocationOnPallet(id).Select(p => new CartonLocationPalletModel
            //    CartonCount = p.CartonCount,
            //    DistinctSKUs = p.DistinctSKUs,
            //    PalletId = p.PalletId,
            //    SKUQuantity = p.SKUQuantity

            var nonPalletCartons = _repos.Value.GetCartonsAtLocation(id).Take(GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new CartonAtLocationModel
                CartonId = p.CartonId,
                //DistinctSKUs = p.DistinctSKUs,
                SKUQuantity = p.SKUQuantity
            var result = new ExcelResult("CartonLocation_" + id);

            //result.AddWorkSheet(palletCartons, "Pallets on Location", "List on Pallets on Location " + id);
            result.AddWorkSheet(nonPalletCartons, "Cartons on Location", "List of Non Pallet Cartons on location " + id);
Exemple #4
        public virtual ActionResult SkuLocationExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var loc = _repos.Value.GetSkuLocation2(id);

            if (loc == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("What should we do here?");
            var allSku = loc.SkusAtLocation.Select(p => new SkuLocationSkuModel
                //Upc = p.Upc,
                Style     = p.Style,
                Color     = p.Color,
                Dimension = p.Dimension,
                SkuSize   = p.SkuSize,
                Pieces    = p.Pieces,
                //IsAssigned = loc.AssignedSkuId == p.SkuId
            var allPallets          = _repos.Value.GetPalletsOfSkuLocation(id).Select(p => new SkuLocationPalletModel(p)).ToArray();
            var assignUnassignAudit = _repos.Value.GetLocAssignUnassignAudit(id).Select(p => new LocationAuditModel(p)).ToArray();
            var inventoryAudit      = _repos.Value.GetLocationsInventoryAudit(id).Select(p => new LocationAuditModel(p)).ToArray();

            var result = new ExcelResult("SkuLocation_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(allSku, "Inventory", "List on content on location " + id);
            result.AddWorkSheet(allPallets, "Pallets", "List of Pallets on location " + id);
            result.AddWorkSheet(assignUnassignAudit, "Assignment Audit", "SKU assignment audot of location " + id);
            result.AddWorkSheet(inventoryAudit, "Inventory Audit", "Inventory Audit of location" + id);
        public virtual ActionResult InboundShipmentDetail(ShipmentSkuFilterModel filters, bool exportExcel = false)
            int nMaxRowsToShow = 2000;
            var shipmentLists  = GetInboundShipmentDetailModels(filters, nMaxRowsToShow);
            var model          = new IntransitShipmentSkuListViewModel
                Filters = filters

            model.ShipmentLists = shipmentLists;
            //model.TotalShipmentRows = shipmentLists.Select(m => m.Shipments[0].TotalShipmentCount).FirstOrDefault();

            model.MaxRowsToShow = shipmentLists.Select(m => m.Shipments).Distinct().Count();

            model.SewingPlantList = (from item in _service.GetSewingPlantList()
                                     select new SelectListItem
                Text = string.Format("{0}:{1}", item.SewingPlantCode, item.PlantName),
                Value = item.SewingPlantCode

            if (exportExcel)
                var result = new ExcelResult("Shipment_SKU_Detail");
                result.AddWorkSheet(model.TransferShipmentList, "Transfers", "List of Building Transfer Shipment");
                result.AddWorkSheet(model.UnknownShipmentList, "Unknown", "List of Unknown Shipment");
                result.AddWorkSheet(model.VendorShipmentList, "Vendors", "List of Vendor Shipment");
            return(View(Views.IntransitShipmentSkuList, model));
        public virtual ActionResult IntransitShipmentExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var shipmentSku = _service.GetInboundShipmentInfo(id).Select(p => new ShipmentSkuModel
                Style                       = p.Style,
                Color                       = p.Color,
                Dimension                   = p.Dimension,
                SkuSize                     = p.SkuSize,
                ReceivedPieces              = p.ReceivedPieces,
                ExpectedPieces              = p.ExpectedPieces,
                UnderReceviedPieces         = p.UnderReceviedPieces,
                OverReceviedPieces          = p.OverReceviedPieces,
                ExpectedCartonCount         = p.ExpectedCartonCount,
                ReceivedCartonCount         = p.ReceivedCartonCount,
                UnderReceviedCartonCount    = p.UnderReceviedCartonCount,
                OverReceviedCartonCount     = p.OverReceviedCartonCount,
                MinMergedToBuddyShipment    = p.MinMergedToBuddyShipment,
                MaxMergedToBuddyShipment    = p.MaxMergedToBuddyShipment,
                MinMergedInBuddyShipment    = p.MinMergedInBuddyShipment,
                MaxMergedInBuddyShipment    = p.MaxMergedInBuddyShipment,
                CountMergedToBuddyShipment  = p.CountMergedToBuddyShipment,
                CountMergedInBuddyShipment  = p.CountMergedInBuddyShipment,
                CtnsReceivedInOtherShipment = p.CtnsReceivedInOtherShipment,
                PcsReceivedInOtherShipment  = p.PcsReceivedInOtherShipment
            }).OrderByDescending(m => m.ExpectedPieces - m.ReceivedPieces).ToList();

            var result = new ExcelResult("IntransitShipment_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(shipmentSku, "SKU", "List of SKU in shipment " + id);
Exemple #7
        public virtual ActionResult PoExcel(string id, string pk1, int?pk2)
            var result = new ExcelResult("PO_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetPickslips(id, pk1, pk2, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new PickslipHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Pickslips", "List of Pickslips in PO " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult IntransitShipmentListExcel(ShipmentListFilterModel filters)
            string heading;

            switch (filters.Source)
            case null:
                heading = "All Shipments";

            case ShipmentSourceType.Vendor:
                heading = "Vendor Shipments";

            case ShipmentSourceType.Transfer:
                heading = "Transfer Shipments";

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            var list = GetShipmentModels(filters, Helpers.GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS);

            var result = new ExcelResult("Inbound Shipment Summary");

            //TODO: include filters in heading
            result.AddWorkSheet(list, "Shipments", heading);
Exemple #9
        public virtual ActionResult PickslipImportedExcel(long id)
            var result = new ExcelResult("Pickslip_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetSkuOfImportedPickslip(id).Select(p => new PickslipSkuModel(p)).ToArray(), "SKUs", "List od SKUs in Pickslip " + id);
Exemple #10
        public MethodResult Compare(List <ExcelTest_CoordinateInfo> info, ExcelResult expected, ExcelResult actual, string testName, string testOutputDirectory, string errorFileName)
            var expectedWS = expected.ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
            var actualWS   = actual.ExcelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
            var mainDataComparisonResults = new List <ExcelComparison>();

            foreach (var i in info)
                var xs = this.Compare(i, expectedWS, actualWS);
            var isOk = mainDataComparisonResults.All(a => a.ExpectedAndActual_AreEqual);

            if (isOk)
                return(MethodResult.Ok(Status.Success, "Files are the same."));
            var message       = new StringBuilder();
            var errorCount    = mainDataComparisonResults.Where(a => !a.ExpectedAndActual_AreEqual).Count();
            var fullCount     = mainDataComparisonResults.Count();
            var percentFailed = Math.Round(((double)errorCount / fullCount) * 100);

            message.AppendLine($"All numeric cells are expected to be identical. { percentFailed }% ({ errorCount } of { fullCount }) error rate.");
            foreach (var excelComparisonResult in mainDataComparisonResults.Where(a => !a.ExpectedAndActual_AreEqual))
                excelComparisonResult.Message = $"{ this.ExcelService.ColumnLetter_FromColumnNumber(excelComparisonResult.Column) }{ excelComparisonResult.Row } Expected: { excelComparisonResult.Expected } Actual: { excelComparisonResult.Actual }";
            var _message = message.ToString();

            this.CreateOutputWorksheet(mainDataComparisonResults, actual, testName, testOutputDirectory, errorFileName, _message);
            return(MethodResult.Fail($"Files are not the same. Failure: { percentFailed }%.\r\nDetails here: { testOutputDirectory }/{ errorFileName }"));
Exemple #11
        public virtual ActionResult PickslipExcel(long id)
            var result = new ExcelResult("Pickslip_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetBoxes(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new BoxHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Boxes", "List of boxes of Pickslip " + id);
            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetPickslipSku(id).Select(p => new PickslipSkuModel(p)).ToArray(), "SKUs", "List of SKUs in Pickslip " + id);
        // GET: GetExcel
        public ExcelResult Index()
            var result = new ExcelResult();

            result.Path = "~/Download/Book1.xlsx";

        public void Save(ExcelResult excelResult)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(excelResult.Directory))
                throw new Exception("excelResult.Directory cannot be null or empty.");
            var filename = cleanseFilename(excelResult.Filename);

            FileUtility.WriteFile <ExcelService>(filename, excelResult.Directory, excelResult.ExcelPackage.GetAsByteArray());
        public static ExcelDocument LoadMainProfileDB(MainProfile mainProfile)
            List <ExcelResult>  answerListContent   = new List <ExcelResult>();
            List <ExcelProfile> profilesListContent = new List <ExcelProfile>();

            using (profileContext db = new profileContext())
                mainProfile = db.MainProfile.SingleOrDefault(p => p == mainProfile);
                db.Entry(mainProfile).Collection(t => t.Profile).Load();
                db.Entry(mainProfile).Collection(t => t.Questioned).Load();
                foreach (var profileItem in mainProfile.Profile)
                    db.Entry(profileItem).Collection(t => t.Question).Load();
                    db.Entry(profileItem).Collection(t => t.Result).Load();
                    db.Entry(profileItem).Reference(t => t.Type).Load();
                    List <ExcelQuestion> questions = new List <ExcelQuestion>();
                    foreach (var questionItem in profileItem.Question)
                        if (questionItem.LeftLimit == null && questionItem.RightLimit == null)
                            questions.Add(new ExcelQuestion {
                                Id = questionItem.SerialNumber, Content = questionItem.Content, LeftLimit = "", RightLimit = ""
                            questions.Add(new ExcelQuestion {
                                Id = questionItem.SerialNumber, Content = questionItem.Content, LeftLimit = questionItem.LeftLimit, RightLimit = questionItem.RightLimit
                    ExcelProfile excelProfile = new ExcelProfile {
                        Id = profileItem.SerialNumber, Answers = profileItem.Answer, Name = profileItem.Name, Type = profileItem.Type.Type, Questions = questions

                    foreach (var resultItem in profileItem.Result)
                        string      questionedId = mainProfile.Questioned.SingleOrDefault(q => q.Id == resultItem.QuestionedId).Number;
                        ExcelResult excelResult  = new ExcelResult
                            Id          = questionedId,
                            ProfileNum  = resultItem.Profile.SerialNumber,
                            QuestionNum = resultItem.Question.SerialNumber,
                            Answer      = resultItem.Answer
                return(new ExcelDocument {
                    DocumentName = mainProfile.Name, AnswerListContent = answerListContent, ProfilesListContent = profilesListContent
        public virtual ActionResult CustomerExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var orders = _repos.Value.GetRecentOrders(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new RecentPoModel(p)).ToArray();
            var result = new ExcelResult("Customer_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(orders, "Recent PO", "Active POs of Customer " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult CartonPalletExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var allCartons = _repos.Value.GetCartonsOfPallet(id).Select(p => new CartonHeadlineModel(p)).ToList();
            var result     = new ExcelResult("CartonPallet_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(allCartons, "Cartons", "List of Cartons on Pallet " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult CartonExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var result      = new ExcelResult("Carton_" + id);
            var processList = _repos.Value.GetCartonHistory(id).Select(p => new CartonProcessModel(p)).ToArray();

            result.AddWorkSheet(processList, "Carton History", "History of Carton " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult CartonAreaExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var areaInventory = _repos.Value.GetCartonAreaInventory(id).Select(p => new CartonAreaInventoryModel(p)).ToArray();
            var result        = new ExcelResult("CartonArea_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(areaInventory, "Inventory", "Inventory in Area " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult ReturnExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var returnRecipts = _repos.Value.GetReturnInfo(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new ReturnReceiptModel(p)).ToArray();
            var result        = new ExcelResult("Return_Receipts " + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(returnRecipts, "Return Receipt", "List of Return Receipt " + id);
Exemple #20
        public virtual ActionResult MasterBolExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var ShipmentList = _repos.Value.GetMasterBolShipments(id).Select(p => new MasterBolShipmentModel(p)).ToList();
            var result       = new ExcelResult("MasterBOL_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(ShipmentList, "Master BOL Shipment List", "Shipment in Master BOL " + id);
Exemple #21
        public virtual ActionResult SkuExcel(int id)
            var result = new ExcelResult("SKU_" + id);

            var items = _repos.Value.GetSkuInventoryByArea(id);
            var query = from row in items
                        select new SkuInventoryModel(row);

            result.AddWorkSheet(query.ToArray(), "Inventory", "Inventory of SKU " + id + " per Area/Vwh");
            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetRecentOrders(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS).Select(p => new RecentPoModel(p)).ToArray(),
                                "Recent PO", "Active POs of SKU " + id);
 public ExcelResult CopyExcelFile(ExcelResult fileToCopy, string newFileName)
     //gotta read it again, because the stream will be closed
     using (var file = this.ReadFile(fileToCopy.Filename, fileToCopy.Directory)) {
         var result = new ExcelResult
             Filename     = newFileName,
             Directory    = fileToCopy.Directory,
             ExcelPackage = file.ExcelPackage
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller"></param>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        /// <param name="fileName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ActionResult Excel(this Controller controller, object model, String fileName)
            controller.ViewData.Model = model;
            var result = new ExcelResult(fileName)
                ViewName             = null,
                MasterName           = null,
                ViewData             = controller.ViewData,
                TempData             = controller.TempData,
                ViewEngineCollection = controller.ViewEngineCollection

Exemple #24
        public virtual ActionResult BoxExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var result = new ExcelResult("Box_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetBoxSku(id, null).Select(p => new BoxSkuModel(p)).ToArray(),
                                "SKU", "List of SKU in Box " + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(_repos.Value.GetBoxProcesssHistory(id).Select(p => new BoxAuditModel(p)).ToArray(),
                                "Audit", "Audit of Box " + id);
        public virtual ActionResult ReturnReceiptExcel(string id)
            var returnSku = _repos.Value.GetReturnReceiptInfo(id).Where(p => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Upc)).Select(p => new ReturnSkuModel
                Upc         = p.Upc,
                Style       = p.Style,
                Color       = p.Color,
                Dimension   = p.Dimension,
                SkuSize     = p.SkuSize,
                RetailPrice = (p.RetailPrice * p.Quantity),
                Pieces      = p.Quantity
            var result = new ExcelResult("ReturnReceipt_" + id);

            result.AddWorkSheet(returnSku, "SKU", "List of KU in Return Receipt " + id);
Exemple #26
        public static List <ExcelResult> GetResultsEP(string pathToExcelFile, string sheetName)
            List <ExcelResult> excelAnswer = new List <ExcelResult>();

            var ids          = GetColumn(2, 1, pathToExcelFile, sheetName);
            var profileNums  = GetColumn(2, 2, pathToExcelFile, sheetName);
            var questionNums = GetColumn(2, 3, pathToExcelFile, sheetName);
            var answers      = GetColumn(2, 4, pathToExcelFile, sheetName);

            if (ids.Count == profileNums.Count && profileNums.Count == questionNums.Count && questionNums.Count == answers.Count())
                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Count(); i++)
                    int profileNum;
                    int questionNum;
                        profileNum  = Convert.ToInt32(profileNums[i]);
                        questionNum = Convert.ToInt32(questionNums[i]);
                    catch (Exception)
                        throw new Exception("Первый столбец в листе \"" + sheetName + "\" должен содержать только цифры.");

                    ExcelResult answer = new ExcelResult()
                        Id          = ids[i].ToString(),
                        ProfileNum  = profileNum,
                        QuestionNum = questionNum,
                        Answer      = answers[i].ToString().ToLower()
                throw new Exception("Лист \"" + sheetName + "\" не соответствует формату.");

Exemple #27
        public virtual ActionResult BoxPalletExcel(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
            var result = new ExcelResult("BoxPallet_" + id);
            var boxes  = _repos.Value.GetBoxesOfPallet(id, GlobalConstants.MAX_EXCEL_ROWS);

            result.AddWorkSheet(boxes.Select(p => new BoxHeadlineModel(p)).ToList(), "Boxes", "List of Boxes on Pallet " + id);
            var allSku = _repos.Value.GetBoxSku(null, id).Select(p => new BoxSkuModel(p))
                         .OrderBy(p => p.Style)
                         .ThenBy(p => p.Color)
                         .ThenBy(p => p.Dimension)
                         .ThenBy(p => p.SkuSize)

            result.AddWorkSheet(allSku, "SKU", "List of SKUs on Pallet " + id);
            var history = _repos.Value.GetBoxPalletHistory(id).Select(p => new BoxPalletHistoryModel(p)).ToArray();

            result.AddWorkSheet(history, "History", "Audit Entries for Pallet " + id);
        public void TestActionResult_FormatFromFile()
            ExcelResult<PersonMoney> result = new ExcelResult<PersonMoney>(
                new ExportModel<PersonMoney>()
                    Renderer = new STExcel2003Renderer<PersonMoney>("Templates")
                        dataSource = DataSourcePersons,
                        StringTemplateFileName = "PersonMoneyExcel2003"


            MemoryStream ms = _controllerContext.HttpContext.Response.OutputStream as MemoryStream;
            ms.Position = 0;
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
            Assert.AreEqual(verificationData, sr.ReadToEnd());
Exemple #29
 public ExcelResult ExcelResultCreate(string ExcelData, string ExcelName)
     ExcelResult Result = new ExcelResult() { ExecelData = ExcelData, ExecelName = ExcelName };
     return Result;
 public ActionResult ScoreToExcel(int testid, List<int> userids)
     ActionResult action = View("ErrorDetail", (object)Constants.DefaultCannotExportFile);
     var common = new CommonService();
     var package = common.ScoreToExcel(testid, userids);
     if (package != null)
         var result = new ExcelResult();
         result.Package = package;
         result.FileName = "OATS_StudentScore_Test_" + testid + ".xlsx";
         action = result;
     return action;
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// 批量更新或插入。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        /// <param name="excelRow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool AcceptChanges(MDataTable dt, MDataRow excelRow, string objName = null)
            if (excelRow == null)
                MDataTable dtImportUnique = GridConfig.GetList(objName, GridConfig.SelectType.ImportUnique);
                string[]   names          = null;
                if (dtImportUnique != null && dtImportUnique.Rows.Count > 0)
                    names = new String[dtImportUnique.Rows.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtImportUnique.Rows.Count; i++)
                        names[i] = dtImportUnique.Rows[i].Get <string>("Field");
                return(dt.AcceptChanges(AcceptOp.Auto, null, names));
            bool result = true;

            string[]   tables      = excelRow.Get <string>(Config_Excel.TableNames).Split(',');
            MDataTable configTable = GetExcelInfo(excelRow.Get <string>(Config_Excel.ExcelID));

            Dictionary <string, string> rowPrimaryValue   = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //存档每个表每行的主键值。
            Dictionary <string, string> wherePrimaryValue = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //存档where条件对应的主键值。

            using (MAction action = new MAction(tables[0]))
                AppConfig.Debug.OpenDebugInfo = false;
                IExcelConfig excelConfigExtend = ExcelConfigFactory.GetExcelConfigExtend();
                foreach (var table in tables)
                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        var row = dt.Rows[i];
                        foreach (var cell in row)               //遍历所有数据行
                            if (cell.Struct.TableName == table) //过滤出属于本表的字段。
                                string[] items      = cell.ColumnName.Split('.');
                                string   columnName = items[items.Length - 1];
                                action.Set(columnName, cell.Value);

                        #region 检测是否需要插入外键。
                        MDataTable foreignTable = configTable.FindAll("TableName='" + table + "' and IsForeignkey=1");
                        if (foreignTable != null)
                            foreach (var foreignRow in foreignTable.Rows)
                                string formatter  = foreignRow.Get <string>("Formatter");
                                string fTableName = foreignRow.Get <string>("ForeignTable");
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formatter))
                                    string key = fTableName + i;
                                    if (rowPrimaryValue.ContainsKey(key))
                                        string value = rowPrimaryValue[key];
                                        action.Set(foreignRow.Get <string>("Field"), value);
                                else // 从其它自定义列取值。
                                    MDataCell cell = row[formatter];
                                    cell = cell ?? row[fTableName + "." + formatter];
                                    if (cell != null)
                                        action.Set(foreignRow.Get <string>("Field"), cell.Value);
                            foreignTable = null;

                        #region //获取唯一联合主键,检测是否重复

                        string where = string.Empty;
                        List <MDataRow> rowList = configTable.FindAll("TableName='" + table + "' and IsUnique=1");
                        if (rowList != null && rowList.Count > 0)
                            bool             IsUniqueOr = excelRow.Get <bool>("IsUniqueOr");
                            List <MDataCell> cells      = new List <MDataCell>();
                            string           errText    = string.Empty;
                            int errorCount = 0;
                            foreach (var item in rowList)
                                var cell = action.Data[item.Get <string>(Config_ExcelInfo.Field)];
                                if (cell != null)
                                    if (cell.IsNullOrEmpty) // 唯一主键是必填写字段
                                        errText += "[第" + (i + 1) + "行数据]:" + cell.Struct.ColumnName + "[" + cell.Struct.Description + "]不允许为空!\r\n";
                            if (errorCount > 0)
                                if (!IsUniqueOr || errorCount == rowList.Count)
                                    result         = false;
                                    dt.DynamicData = new Exception(errText);
                                    goto err;

                            MDataCell[] item2s = cells.ToArray();
                            where   = action.GetWhere(!IsUniqueOr, item2s);
                            item2s  = null;
                            rowList = null;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                            if (action.Fill(where))//根据条件查出主键ID
                                string key = table + where;
                                if (wherePrimaryValue.ContainsKey(key))
                                    rowPrimaryValue.Add(table + i, wherePrimaryValue[key]);//记录上一个主键值。
                                    rowPrimaryValue.Add(table + i, action.Get <string>(action.Data.PrimaryCell.ColumnName));//记录上一个主键值。
                                if (action.Data.GetState() == 2)
                                    ExcelResult eResult = excelConfigExtend.BeforeUpdate(action.Data, row);
                                    if (eResult == ExcelResult.Ignore || (eResult == ExcelResult.Default && action.Update(where)))
                                        result         = false;
                                        dt.DynamicData = new Exception("[第" + (i + 1) + "行数据]:" + action.DebugInfo);
                                        goto err;
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.DebugInfo))//产生错误信息,发生异常
                                result         = false;
                                dt.DynamicData = new Exception("[第" + (i + 1) + "行数据]:" + action.DebugInfo);
                                goto err;

                        if (action.Data.GetState() == 0)

                        string      errMsg;
                        ExcelResult excelResult = excelConfigExtend.BeforeInsert(action.Data, row, out errMsg);
                        if (excelResult == ExcelResult.Ignore)

                        if (excelResult == ExcelResult.Error || !action.Insert(InsertOp.ID))
                            result = false;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMsg))
                                errMsg = "[第" + (i + 1) + "行数据]:" + action.DebugInfo;
                            dt.DynamicData = new Exception(errMsg);
                            excelConfigExtend.OnInsertError(errMsg, dt);
                            goto err;
                        excelConfigExtend.AfterInsert(action.Data, row, i == dt.Rows.Count - 1);
                        string primaryKey = action.Get <string>(action.Data.PrimaryCell.ColumnName);
                        rowPrimaryValue.Add(table + i, primaryKey);//记录上一个主键值。
                        if (!wherePrimaryValue.ContainsKey(table + where))
                            wherePrimaryValue.Add(table + where, primaryKey);
Exemple #32
        public ExcelResult Post(ExportToExcelInput input)
                string startDate      = input.StartDate;
                string endDate        = input.EndDate;
                string customerNumber = input.CustomerNumber;
                int    size           = input.Size == 0 ? 100 : input.Size;
                int    page           = input.Page;
                string threadID       = !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.ThreadId)) ? input.ThreadId : "";
                string poNumber       = !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.PONumber)) ? input.PONumber : "";

                serviceCaller.size = size;
                serviceCaller.from = page;

                ExcelResult result    = new ExcelResult();
                var         lstResult = new List <GetExcelResult>();

                var pos             = serviceCaller.GetPOS(input);
                var poNumbersSource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PurchaseOrderResult>(pos.Result);
                var poNumbers       = poNumbersSource.hits.hits.Where(x => x._source.ThreadID != null).Select(x => x._source.ThreadID).ToList();
                result.Total = poNumbersSource.hits.total;
                var response  = serviceCaller.SearchForGivenInput(startDate, endDate, customerNumber, poNumbers, threadID: threadID);
                var objResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PurchaseOrderResult>(response.Result);
                if (objResult != null && objResult.hits != null & objResult.hits.hits != null)
                    //int total = objResult.hits.total;
                    //response = serviceCaller.SearchForGivenInput(startDate, endDate, customerNumber, poNumbers, total);
                    //objResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PurchaseOrderResult>(response.Result);
                    if (objResult != null && objResult.hits != null & objResult.hits.hits != null)
                        var group = (from p in objResult.hits.hits.ToList()

                                     //where string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) || p._source.Identity.Contains(id)
                                     group p by new { p._source.ThreadID, p._source.PONumber } into g
                                     select new { ThreadId = g.Key.ThreadID, PONumber = g.Key.PONumber, POResult = g.ToList() }).ToList();

                        foreach (var item in group)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.PONumber))
                                if (!item.PONumber.Equals(input.PONumber, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                            var selectedSendPurchaseOrder = item.POResult.Where(x => x._type == CONSTANTS.sendPurchaseOrderstatus).ToList();
                            var date = item.POResult.Max(x => x._source.Date);

                            if (selectedSendPurchaseOrder != null && selectedSendPurchaseOrder.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var sendPO in selectedSendPurchaseOrder)
                                    var lstOfSteps = purchaseOrderStatusRetriever.GetStepsForExcel(item.POResult.ToList(), sendPO);

                                    lstResult.Add(new GetExcelResult
                                        lstOfSteps = lstOfSteps,
                                        PONumber   = item.PONumber,
                                        ThreadID   = item.ThreadId,
                                        Date       = date
                                var lstOfSteps = purchaseOrderStatusRetriever.GetStepsForExcel(item.POResult.ToList(), null);

                                lstResult.Add(new GetExcelResult
                                    lstOfSteps = lstOfSteps,
                                    PONumber   = item.PONumber,
                                    ThreadID   = item.ThreadId,
                                    Date       = date
                        //result.Total = objResult.hits.total;
                        result.lst = lstResult;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ExcelResult {
                    Message = ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace
                //System.IO.File.AppendAllText(@"E:\inetpub\wwwroot\b2bdiceapiprod\bin\\ErrorText.txt", ex.Message + DateTime.Now + Environment.NewLine);
                // throw;
        public void TestActionResult_FormatFromCode()
            ExcelResult<PersonMoney> result = new ExcelResult<PersonMoney>(
                new ExportModel<PersonMoney>()
                    Renderer = new STExcel2003Renderer<PersonMoney>("Templates")
                        dataSource = DataSourcePersons
                .AddColumns(x =>
                    x.For(val => val.DepositDate).named("dt").Format("{0:yyyyMMdd}");
                    x.For(val => val.Name).Visible(false);

            MemoryStream ms = _controllerContext.HttpContext.Response.OutputStream as MemoryStream;
            ms.Position = 0;
            StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
            Assert.AreEqual(verificationData, sr.ReadToEnd());
        public async Task <APIResult> GetTaskListByDisIdForExcel(string disCode, string startTime, string endTime, string status, string pid)
                if (startTime == null)
                    startTime = "";
                if (endTime == null)
                    endTime = "";
                if (status == null)
                    status = "";
                string spName = @"up_RMMT_TOU_TaskListByDisIdForExcel_R";

                DynamicParameters dp = new DynamicParameters();
                dp.Add("@DisCode", disCode, DbType.Int64);
                dp.Add("@StartTime", startTime, DbType.String);
                dp.Add("@EndTime", endTime, DbType.String);
                dp.Add("@Status", status, DbType.String);
                dp.Add("@Pid", pid, DbType.Int64);

                using (var conn = new SqlConnection(DapperContext.Current.SqlConnection))
                    var list = await conn.QueryMultipleAsync(spName, dp, null, null, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

                    var r1 = list.ReadAsync().Result;
                    var r2 = list.ReadAsync().Result;

                    List <ResultExcelDto> lst  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <ResultExcelDto> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r1));
                    List <LosePic>        lst2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <LosePic> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r2));

                    ExcelResult er = new ExcelResult();
                    er.ResultList = new List <ResultExcelDto>();
                    er.LPicList   = new List <LosePic>();
                    foreach (var item in lst)
                    foreach (var item in lst2)
                    string message = "";
                    if (lst.Count() == 0)
                        message = "没有数据";
                    APIResult result = new APIResult {
                        Body = CommonHelper.EncodeDto <ExcelResult>(er), ResultCode = ResultType.Success, Msg = message
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new APIResult {
                    Body = "", ResultCode = ResultType.Failure, Msg = ex.Message