public static List <KeyValuePair <ItemDrop, int> > GetDisenchantProducts(ItemDrop.ItemData item) { var productsDef = EnchantCostsHelper.GetDisenchantProducts(item); if (productsDef == null) { return(null); } var products = new List <KeyValuePair <ItemDrop, int> >(); foreach (var itemAmountConfig in productsDef) { var prefab = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab(itemAmountConfig.Item); if (prefab == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Tried to add unknown item ({itemAmountConfig.Item}) to disenchant product for item ({item.m_shared.m_name})"); continue; } var itemDrop = prefab.GetComponent <ItemDrop>(); if (itemDrop == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Tried to add object with no ItemDrop ({itemAmountConfig.Item}) to disenchant product for item ({item.m_shared.m_name})"); continue; } products.Add(new KeyValuePair <ItemDrop, int>(itemDrop, itemAmountConfig.Amount)); } return(products); }
public void Load() { if (_player.m_knownTexts.TryGetValue(SaveDataKey, out var data)) { try { SaveData = JSON.ToObject <AdventureSaveDataList>(data, _saveLoadParams); // Clean up old bounties var removed = 0; foreach (var saveData in SaveData.AllSaveData) { removed += saveData.Bounties.RemoveAll(x => x.State == BountyState.InProgress && x.PlayerID == 0); } if (removed > 0) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Removed {removed} invalid bounties"); Save(); } } catch (Exception) { SaveData = new AdventureSaveDataList(); } } else { SaveData = new AdventureSaveDataList(); } }
public static List <KeyValuePair <ItemDrop, int> > GetAugmentCosts(ItemDrop.ItemData item) { var rarity = item.GetRarity(); var augmentCostDef = EnchantCostsHelper.GetAugmentCost(item, rarity); if (augmentCostDef == null) { return(null); } var costList = new List <KeyValuePair <ItemDrop, int> >(); foreach (var itemAmountConfig in augmentCostDef) { var prefab = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab(itemAmountConfig.Item); if (prefab == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Tried to add unknown item ({itemAmountConfig.Item}) to augment cost for item ({item.m_shared.m_name})"); continue; } var itemDrop = prefab.GetComponent <ItemDrop>(); if (itemDrop == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Tried to add item without ItemDrop ({itemAmountConfig.Item}) to augment cost for item ({item.m_shared.m_name})"); continue; } costList.Add(new KeyValuePair <ItemDrop, int>(itemDrop, itemAmountConfig.Amount)); } return(costList); }
protected static List <SecretStashItemInfo> CollectItems( List <SecretStashItemConfig> itemList, Func <SecretStashItemConfig, string> itemIdPredicate, Func <ItemDrop.ItemData, bool> itemOkayToAddPredicate) { var results = new List <SecretStashItemInfo>(); foreach (var itemConfig in itemList) { var itemId = itemIdPredicate(itemConfig); var itemDrop = CreateItemDrop(itemId); if (itemDrop == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"[AdventureData] Could not find item type (gated={itemId} orig={itemConfig}) in ObjectDB!"); continue; } var itemData = itemDrop.m_itemData; if (itemOkayToAddPredicate(itemData)) { results.Add(new SecretStashItemInfo(itemId, itemData, itemConfig.GetCost())); } Object.Destroy(itemDrop.gameObject); } return(results); }
public void RPC_SlayBountyTarget(long sender, ZPackage pkg, string monsterID, bool isAdd) { var isServer = Common.Utils.IsServer(); if (isServer) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"SERVER: RPC_SlayBountyTarget: {monsterID} ({(isAdd ? "minion" : "target")})"); ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, "SlayBountyTargetFromServer", pkg, monsterID, isAdd); } else { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"CLIENT: RPC_SlayBountyTarget: {monsterID} ({(isAdd ? "minion" : "target")})"); } var bounty = BountyInfo.FromPackage(pkg); if (isServer) { AddSlainBountyTargetToLedger(bounty, monsterID, isAdd); } if (Player.m_localPlayer == null || bounty.PlayerID != Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerID()) { // Not my bounty return; } OnBountyTargetSlain(bounty.ID, monsterID, isAdd); }
private List <SecretStashItemInfo> GetAvailableGambles() { var availableGambles = new List <SecretStashItemInfo>(); foreach (var itemConfig in AdventureDataManager.Config.Gamble.Gambles) { var gatingMode = EpicLoot.GetGatedItemTypeMode(); if (gatingMode == GatedItemTypeMode.Unlimited) { gatingMode = GatedItemTypeMode.MustKnowRecipe; } var itemId = GatedItemTypeHelper.GetGatedItemID(itemConfig, gatingMode); var itemDrop = CreateItemDrop(itemId); if (itemDrop == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"[AdventureData] Could not find item type (gated={itemId} orig={itemConfig}) in ObjectDB!"); continue; } var itemData = itemDrop.m_itemData; var cost = GetGambleCost(itemId); availableGambles.Add(new SecretStashItemInfo(itemId, itemData, cost, true)); Object.Destroy(itemDrop.gameObject); } return(availableGambles); }
private void OnDeath() { EpicLoot.LogWarning("BountyTarget.OnDeath"); var pkg = new ZPackage(); _bountyInfo.ToPackage(pkg); EpicLoot.LogWarning($"SENDING -> RPC_SlayBountyTarget: {_monsterID} ({(_isAdd ? "minion" : "target")})"); ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC("SlayBountyTarget", pkg, _monsterID, _isAdd); }
public static void RPC_AddKnownRecipe(long sender, string recipe) { if (!PlayerKnownRecipes.TryGetValue(sender, out var knownRecipes)) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"PlayerKnownManager.RPC_AddKnownRecipe: hashset is null for peer {sender}"); return; } knownRecipes.Add(recipe); EpicLoot.Log($"Received add known recipe from peer {sender}: {recipe}"); }
public static void RPC_AddKnownMaterial(long sender, string material) { if (!PlayerKnownMaterial.TryGetValue(sender, out var knownMaterial)) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"PlayerKnownManager.RPC_AddKnownMaterial: hashset is null for peer {sender}"); return; } knownMaterial.Add(material); EpicLoot.Log($"Received add known material from peer {sender}: {material}"); }
public void BuyItem(Player player, BuyListElement listItem) { ItemDrop.ItemData item; if (listItem.ItemInfo.IsGamble) { item = AdventureDataManager.Gamble.GenerateGambleItem(listItem.ItemInfo); } else { var itemDrop = AdventureFeature.CreateItemDrop(listItem.ItemInfo.ItemID); item = itemDrop.m_itemData; Destroy(itemDrop.gameObject); } var inventory = player.GetInventory(); if (item == null || !inventory.AddItem(item)) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Could not buy item {listItem.ItemInfo.Item.m_shared.m_name}"); return; } if (listItem.ItemInfo.IsGamble) { GambleSuccessDialog.Show(item); } if (listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.Coins > 0) { inventory.RemoveItem(GetCoinsName(), listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.Coins); } if (listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.ForestTokens > 0) { inventory.RemoveItem(GetForestTokenName(), listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.ForestTokens); } if (listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.IronBountyTokens > 0) { inventory.RemoveItem(GetIronBountyTokenName(), listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.IronBountyTokens); } if (listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.GoldBountyTokens > 0) { inventory.RemoveItem(GetGoldBountyTokenName(), listItem.ItemInfo.Cost.GoldBountyTokens); } StoreGui.instance.m_trader.OnBought(null); StoreGui.instance.m_buyEffects.Create(player.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Player.m_localPlayer.ShowPickupMessage(listItem.ItemInfo.Item, listItem.ItemInfo.Item.m_stack); //Gogan.LogEvent("Game", "BoughtItem", selectedStashItem.Item, 0L); }
public void RPC_SlayBountyTargetFromBountyId(long sender, string monsterID, bool isAdd, string bountyID) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"CLIENT: RPC_SlayBountyTargetFromBountyId: {monsterID} ({(isAdd ? "minion" : "target")})"); var bounty = BountyInfo.FromBountyID(bountyID); if (Player.m_localPlayer == null || bounty.PlayerID != Player.m_localPlayer.GetPlayerID()) { // Not my bounty return; } OnBountyTargetSlain(bounty.ID, monsterID, isAdd); }
public static void ClientSendKnownRecipes() { var player = Player.m_localPlayer; if (player == null) { EpicLoot.LogWarning("PlayerKnownManager.ClientSendKnown: m_localPlayer == null"); return; } var pkg = new ZPackage(); WriteKnownRecipes(player.m_knownRecipes, pkg); EpicLoot.Log($"Sending known: {player.m_knownRecipes.Count} recipes"); ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, Name_RPC_ClientKnownRecipes, pkg); }
private void OnDeath() { EpicLoot.LogWarning("BountyTarget.OnDeath"); if (ZNet.instance.IsServer() || !ZNet.instance.IsServer() && !ZNet.instance.IsDedicated()) { var pkg = new ZPackage(); _bountyInfo.ToPackage(pkg); EpicLoot.LogWarning($"SENDING -> RPC_SlayBountyTarget: {_monsterID} ({(_isAdd ? "minion" : "target")})"); ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, "SlayBountyTarget", pkg, _monsterID, _isAdd); } else { var bountyID = _zdo.GetString(BountyIDKey); EpicLoot.LogWarning($"SENDING -> RPC_SlayBountyTargetFromBountyId: (bountyID={bountyID}) {_monsterID} ({(_isAdd ? "minion" : "target")})"); ZRoutedRpc.instance.InvokeRoutedRPC(ZRoutedRpc.Everybody, "SlayBountyIDTarget", _monsterID, _isAdd, bountyID); } }
public static void Postfix(Character __instance) { var zdo = __instance.m_nview?.GetZDO(); if (zdo != null && zdo.IsValid()) { var old = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(zdo.GetString("BountyTarget")); if (old) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Destroying old bounty target: {}"); zdo.Set("BountyTarget", ""); __instance.m_nview.Destroy(); return; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(zdo.GetString(BountyTarget.BountyIDKey))) { var bountyTarget = __instance.gameObject.AddComponent <BountyTarget>(); bountyTarget.Reinitialize(); } } }
protected static IEnumerator GetRandomPointInBiome(Heightmap.Biome biome, AdventureSaveData saveData, Action <bool, Vector3, Vector3> onComplete) { const int maxRangeIncreases = 10; const int maxPointsInRange = 15; MerchantPanel.ShowInputBlocker(true); var rangeTries = 0; var radiusRange = GetTreasureMapSpawnRadiusRange(biome, saveData); while (rangeTries < maxRangeIncreases) { rangeTries++; var tries = 0; while (tries < maxPointsInRange) { tries++; var randomPoint = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitCircle; var mag = randomPoint.magnitude; var normalized = randomPoint.normalized; var actualMag = Mathf.Lerp(radiusRange.Item1, radiusRange.Item2, mag); randomPoint = normalized * actualMag; var spawnPoint = new Vector3(randomPoint.x, 0, randomPoint.y); var zoneId = ZoneSystem.instance.GetZone(spawnPoint); while (!ZoneSystem.instance.SpawnZone(zoneId, ZoneSystem.SpawnMode.Client, out _)) { EpicLoot.LogWarning($"Spawning Zone ({zoneId})..."); yield return(null); } ZoneSystem.instance.GetGroundData(ref spawnPoint, out var normal, out var foundBiome, out _, out _); var groundHeight = spawnPoint.y; EpicLoot.Log($"Checking biome at ({randomPoint}): {foundBiome} (try {tries})"); if (foundBiome != biome) { // Wrong biome continue; } var solidHeight = ZoneSystem.instance.GetSolidHeight(spawnPoint); var offsetFromGround = Math.Abs(solidHeight - groundHeight); if (offsetFromGround > 5) { // Don't place too high off the ground (on top of tree or something? EpicLoot.Log($"Spawn Point rejected: too high off of ground (groundHeight:{groundHeight}, solidHeight:{solidHeight})"); continue; } // But also don't place inside rocks spawnPoint.y = solidHeight; var placedNearPlayerBase = EffectArea.IsPointInsideArea(spawnPoint, EffectArea.Type.PlayerBase, AdventureDataManager.Config.TreasureMap.MinimapAreaRadius); if (placedNearPlayerBase) { // Don't place near player base EpicLoot.Log("Spawn Point rejected: too close to player base"); continue; } EpicLoot.Log($"Wards: {PrivateArea.m_allAreas.Count}"); var tooCloseToWard = PrivateArea.m_allAreas.Any(x => x.IsInside(spawnPoint, AdventureDataManager.Config.TreasureMap.MinimapAreaRadius)); if (tooCloseToWard) { EpicLoot.Log("Spawn Point rejected: too close to player ward"); continue; } var waterLevel = ZoneSystem.instance.m_waterLevel; if (waterLevel > groundHeight + 1.0f) { // Too deep, try again EpicLoot.Log($"Spawn Point rejected: too deep underwater (waterLevel:{waterLevel}, groundHeight:{groundHeight})"); continue; } EpicLoot.Log($"Success! (ground={groundHeight} water={waterLevel} placed={spawnPoint.y})"); onComplete?.Invoke(true, spawnPoint, normal); MerchantPanel.ShowInputBlocker(false); yield break; } radiusRange = new Tuple <float, float>(radiusRange.Item1 + 500, radiusRange.Item2 + 500); } onComplete?.Invoke(false, new Vector3(), new Vector3()); MerchantPanel.ShowInputBlocker(false); }