Exemple #1
        async Task ProcessMessages(IMessage[] messages, EndpointExecutorFsm fsm)
            SendMessage command = Commands.SendMessage(messages);
            await fsm.RunAsync(command);

            await command.Completion;
Exemple #2
        public async Task UpdatePriorities(IList <uint> priorities, Option <Endpoint> newEndpoint)
            Preconditions.CheckArgument(priorities.Count > 0);
            Events.UpdatePriorities(this, priorities);

            if (this.closed)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Endpoint executor for endpoint {this.Endpoint} is closed.");

            // Update priorities by merging the new ones with the existing.
            // We don't ever remove stale priorities, otherwise stored messages
            // pending for a removed priority will never get sent.
            ImmutableDictionary <uint, EndpointExecutorFsm> snapshot        = this.prioritiesToFsms;
            Dictionary <uint, EndpointExecutorFsm>          updatedSnapshot = new Dictionary <uint, EndpointExecutorFsm>(snapshot);

            foreach (uint priority in priorities)
                if (!updatedSnapshot.ContainsKey(priority))
                    string id = GetMessageQueueId(this.Endpoint.Id, priority);

                    // Create a message queue in the store for every priority we have
                    await this.messageStore.AddEndpoint(id);

                    // Create a checkpointer and a FSM for every message queue
                    ICheckpointer checkpointer = await this.checkpointerFactory.CreateAsync(id, this.Endpoint.Id, priority);

                    EndpointExecutorFsm fsm = new EndpointExecutorFsm(this.Endpoint, checkpointer, this.config);

                    // Add it to our dictionary
                    updatedSnapshot.Add(priority, fsm);
                    // Update the existing FSM with the new endpoint
                    EndpointExecutorFsm fsm = updatedSnapshot[priority];
                    await newEndpoint.ForEachAsync(e => fsm.RunAsync(Commands.UpdateEndpoint(e)));

            if (this.prioritiesToFsms.CompareAndSet(snapshot, updatedSnapshot.ToImmutableDictionary()))
                Events.UpdatePrioritiesSuccess(this, updatedSnapshot.Keys.ToList());

                // Update the lastUsedFsm to be the initial one, we always
                // have at least one priority->FSM pair at this point.
                this.lastUsedFsm = updatedSnapshot[priorities[0]];
                Events.UpdatePrioritiesFailure(this, updatedSnapshot.Keys.ToList());
        public SyncEndpointExecutor(Endpoint endpoint, ICheckpointer checkpointer, EndpointExecutorConfig config)

            this.checkpointer = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(checkpointer);
            this.machine      = new EndpointExecutorFsm(endpoint, checkpointer, config);
            this.cts          = new CancellationTokenSource();
            this.closed       = new AtomicBoolean();
            this.sync         = new AsyncLock();
 public StoringAsyncEndpointExecutor(Endpoint endpoint,
                                     ICheckpointer checkpointer,
                                     EndpointExecutorConfig config,
                                     AsyncEndpointExecutorOptions options,
                                     IMessageStore messageStore)
     this.checkpointer    = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(checkpointer);
     this.options         = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(options);
     this.machine         = new EndpointExecutorFsm(endpoint, checkpointer, config);
     this.messageStore    = messageStore;
     this.sendMessageTask = Task.Run(this.SendMessagesPump);
        public StoringAsyncEndpointExecutor(
            Endpoint endpoint,
            IList <uint> priorities,
            ICheckpointer checkpointer,
            EndpointExecutorConfig config,
            AsyncEndpointExecutorOptions options,
            IMessageStore messageStore)
            Preconditions.CheckArgument(priorities.Count != 0);
            this.checkpointer    = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(checkpointer);
            this.options         = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(options);
            this.machine         = new EndpointExecutorFsm(endpoint, checkpointer, config);
            this.messageStore    = messageStore;
            this.sendMessageTask = Task.Run(this.SendMessagesPump);

Exemple #6
        public AsyncEndpointExecutor(Endpoint endpoint, ICheckpointer checkpointer, EndpointExecutorConfig config, AsyncEndpointExecutorOptions options)
            this.checkpointer = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(checkpointer);
            this.cts          = new CancellationTokenSource();
            this.options      = Preconditions.CheckNotNull(options);
            this.machine      = new EndpointExecutorFsm(endpoint, checkpointer, config);
            this.closed       = new AtomicBoolean();

            // The three size variables below adjust the following parameters:
            //    1. MaxMessagesPerTask - the maximum number of messages the batch block will process before yielding
            //    2. BoundedCapacity - the size of the batch blocks input buffer
            //    3. BatchBlock ctor - the maximum size of each batch emitted by the block (can be smaller because of the timer)
            var batchOptions = new GroupingDataflowBlockOptions
                MaxMessagesPerTask = MaxMessagesPerTask,
                BoundedCapacity    = options.BatchSize
            var batchBlock = new BatchBlock <IMessage>(options.BatchSize, batchOptions);

            this.batchTimer = new Timer(Trigger, batchBlock, options.BatchTimeout, options.BatchTimeout);

            var processOptions = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
                BoundedCapacity = 1
            var process = new ActionBlock <IMessage[]>(this.MessagesAction, processOptions);

            var linkOptions = new DataflowLinkOptions {
                PropagateCompletion = true

            batchBlock.LinkTo(process, linkOptions);

            this.head = batchBlock;
            this.tail = process;
Exemple #7
        async Task SendMessagesPump()
                int batchSize = this.options.BatchSize * this.Endpoint.FanOutFactor;

                // Keep the stores and prefetchers for each priority loaded
                // for the duration of the pump
                var messageProviderPairs = new Dictionary <uint, (IMessageIterator, StoreMessagesProvider)>();

                // Outer loop to maintain the message pump until the executor shuts down
                while (!this.cts.IsCancellationRequested)
                        await this.hasMessagesInQueue.WaitAsync(this.options.BatchTimeout);

                        ImmutableDictionary <uint, EndpointExecutorFsm> snapshot = this.prioritiesToFsms;
                        bool haveMessagesRemaining = false;

                        uint[] orderedPriorities = snapshot.Keys.OrderBy(k => k).ToArray();
                        // Iterate through all the message queues in priority order
                        foreach (uint priority in orderedPriorities)
                            // Also check for cancellation in every inner loop,
                            // since it could take time to send a batch of messages
                            if (this.cts.IsCancellationRequested)

                            EndpointExecutorFsm fsm = snapshot[priority];

                            // Update the lastUsedFsm to be the current FSM
                            this.lastUsedFsm = fsm;

                            (IMessageIterator, StoreMessagesProvider)pair;
                            if (!messageProviderPairs.TryGetValue(priority, out pair))
                                // Create and cache a new pair for the message provider
                                // so we can reuse it every loop
                                pair.Item1 = this.messageStore.GetMessageIterator(GetMessageQueueId(this.Endpoint.Id, priority), fsm.Checkpointer.Offset + 1);
                                pair.Item2 = new StoreMessagesProvider(pair.Item1, batchSize);
                                messageProviderPairs.Add(priority, pair);

                            StoreMessagesProvider storeMessagesProvider = pair.Item2;
                            IMessage[]            messages = await storeMessagesProvider.GetMessages();

                            if (messages.Length > 0)
                                // Tag the message with the priority that we're currently
                                // processing, so it can be used by metrics later
                                foreach (IMessage msg in messages)
                                    msg.ProcessedPriority = priority;

                                Events.ProcessingMessages(this, messages, priority);
                                await this.ProcessMessages(messages, fsm);

                                Events.SendMessagesSuccess(this, messages, priority);
                                MetricsV0.DrainedCountIncrement(this.Endpoint.Id, messages.Length, priority);

                                // Only move on to the next priority if the queue for the current
                                // priority is empty. If we processed any messages, break out of
                                // the inner loop to restart at the beginning of the priorities list
                                // again. This is so we can catch and process any higher priority
                                // messages that came in while we were sending the current batch
                                haveMessagesRemaining = true;

                        if (!haveMessagesRemaining)
                            // All the message queues have been drained, reset the hasMessagesInQueue flag.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Events.SendMessagesError(this, ex);
                        // Swallow exception and keep trying.
            catch (Exception ex)
                Events.SendMessagesPumpFailure(this, ex);