Exemple #1
        public async Task GuildInfo()
            DateTime     startTime    = DateTime.Now;
            var          orderedRoles = Context.Guild.Roles.Where(x => x.IsMentionable).ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Permissions.ToString());
            EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder();

            embedBuilder.Title       = $"{Context.Guild.Name.ToString()} Info";
            embedBuilder.Description = $"{Context.Guild.DefaultChannel.Topic.SpliceText(50)}\n\n{"Roles:".Bold()} ";

            foreach (IRole role in orderedRoles)
                embedBuilder.AppendEmbedDescription($"{role.Mention} ({Context.Guild.Users.Where(x => x.Roles.Contains(role)).Count().ToString().Bold()}), ");
            using (BotDBContext DBContext = DBFactory.Create <BotDBContext>())
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":desktop: Default Channel"; x.Value = Context.Guild.DefaultChannel.Name; x.IsInline = true; });
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":man: Users"; x.Value = Context.Guild.MemberCount; x.IsInline = true; });
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":abc: Text Channels"; x.Value = Context.Guild.TextChannels.Count(); x.IsInline = true; });
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":speaking_head: Voice Channels"; x.Value = Context.Guild.VoiceChannels.Count(); x.IsInline = true; });
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":love_letter: Stored Messages"; x.Value = DBContext.Messages.FromSql("SELECT Messages.Id, Messages.ChannelId, TextChannels.GuildId FROM Messages INNER JOIN TextChannels ON TextChannels.Id = Messages.ChannelId WHERE TextChannels.GuildId = {0}", Context.Guild.Id.ToString()).AsNoTracking().Count().ToString(); x.IsInline = true; });
                //embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":love_letter: Stored Messages"; x.Value = DBContext.Messages.Where(y => Context.Guild.Channels.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Id.ToString() == y.ChannelId) != null).Count().ToString(); x.IsInline = true; });
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":camera_with_flash:  Multifactor Authentication Level"; x.Value = Enum.GetName(typeof(MfaLevel), Context.Guild.MfaLevel); x.IsInline = true; });
                embedBuilder.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":tools: Commands Executed"; x.Value = DBContext.CommandLogs.Where(y => y.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id.ToString()).Count().ToString().Number().Bold(); x.IsInline = true; });
            embedBuilder.WithFooter(x =>
                x.Text = $"⏰ Generated in:  {Math.Round((DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds)).ToString()}ms";
            await ReplyAsync("", embed : embedBuilder.Build());
Exemple #2
        public async Task Help()
            EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder();

            embedBuilder.WithColor(new Color(100, 175, 45));
            embedBuilder.WithTitle(":computer: Modules & Commands");
            embedBuilder.Description = "Here's a list of the modules and their commands.\nFor more detailed help, **visit**: http://jeezy.click\nThis message will expire in a minute.\n\n";
            var modules  = Commands.Modules;
            int cmdCount = 0;

            foreach (var module in modules)
                string moduleStr = $"{module.Name.Replace("Module", " Module").Bold()}: ";
                foreach (var cmd in module.Commands.GroupBy(x => x.Aliases[0]).Select(x => x.First()))
                    moduleStr += $"{cmd.Name}, ";
                moduleStr  = moduleStr.Substring(0, moduleStr.Length - 2);
                moduleStr += "\n";
                if (module.Name != "MisakaModuleBase")

            embedBuilder.WithFooter(x =>
                x.Text = $"{Commands.Modules.Where(y => y.Name != "MisakaModuleBase").Count()} Modules, {cmdCount} Commands.";

            await ReplyAsync("", embed : embedBuilder.Build(), lifeTime : MathService.TimeUnitToMilli(TimeUnit.Minutes, 1));
Exemple #3
        private async Task TriggerBadArgEmbed(string commandExecuted, SocketCommandContext context, string finalPrefix)
            EmbedService embedService = Provider.GetService <EmbedService>();
            CommandInfo  cmd          = Commands.FindInfoByName(commandExecuted);

            if (cmd.Parameters.Count == 0)
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Provider.GetService <EmbedService>().MakeFailFeedbackEmbed("That command takes no arguments."), lifeTime : Config.FeedbackMessageLifeTime);

            EmbedBuilder badArgEmbed = new EmbedBuilder();
            string       errorString = $"You used the wrong amount of arguments.\nCheck below for the correct syntax.\n\n{finalPrefix}{cmd.Name.Bold()}\n";

            foreach (var arg in cmd.Parameters)
                badArgEmbed.AddField(x =>
                    x.Name  = $"{arg.Name} - {arg.Type.ToString().Bold()}{(arg.IsOptional ? " - Optional" : "")}";
                    x.Value = arg.Summary;
            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : badArgEmbed, lifeTime : Config.FeedbackMessageLifeTime);