public EmbedBuilder CreatePlayerEmbed(Player player) { var stats = player.Statistics; var flag = _emojiService.GetEmojiString(player.Nationality); var builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle($"{player.Name} {flag}") .WithColor(Color.Purple) .WithDescription( $"Position: {player.Position.ToString()}, Age: {player.Age}, Height: {player.Height}, Weight: {player.Weight}" ) .WithFooter($"Stats last updated at {player.UpdatedAt:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm} UTC") .AddField("Games played", stats.Games.Appearances) .AddField("Goals", stats.Goals.Total) .AddField("Assists", stats.Goals.Assists) .AddField("Rating", stats.Rating is null ? "0" : $"{stats.Rating:0.##}"); var converter = new ToPer90Converter(stats.Games.MinutesPlayed); switch (player.Position) { case Position.Attacker: AddShots(); AddPasses(); AddDribbles(); break; case Position.Midfielder: AddPasses(); AddDribbles(); AddTackles(); break; case Position.Defender: AddGoalsConceded(); AddTackles(); AddPasses(); break; case Position.Goalkeeper: AddGoalsConceded(); AddPasses(); break; case Position.None: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return(builder); void AddShots() { var shotsTotal = converter.ToPer90(stats.Shots.Total); var shotsOnTarget = converter.ToPer90(stats.Shots.OnTarget); var percentageShotsOnTarget = shotsOnTarget / shotsTotal; builder.AddField("Shots per 90 minutes", $"Total: {shotsTotal:0.##}, On Target: {shotsOnTarget:0.##} ({percentageShotsOnTarget:0.##%})"); } void AddPasses() { builder.AddField("Passes per 90 minutes", $"Total: {converter.ToPer90(stats.Passes.Total):0.##}, Key passes: {converter.ToPer90(stats.Passes.Key):0.##}, Accuracy: {stats.Passes.Accuracy:0.##}%" ); } void AddDribbles() { var dribblesAttempted = converter.ToPer90(stats.Dribbles.Attempts); var dribblesSuccessful = converter.ToPer90(stats.Dribbles.Success); var percentageDribblesSuccessful = dribblesSuccessful / dribblesAttempted; builder.AddField("Dribbles per 90 minutes", $"Attempted: {dribblesAttempted:0.##}, Successful: {converter.ToPer90(stats.Dribbles.Success):0.##} ({percentageDribblesSuccessful:0.##%})" ); } void AddTackles() { builder.AddField("Tackles per 90 minutes", $"Tackles: {converter.ToPer90(stats.Tackles.Total):0.##}, Interceptions: {converter.ToPer90(stats.Tackles.Interceptions):0.##}, Blocks: {converter.ToPer90(stats.Tackles.Blocks):0.##}" ); } void AddGoalsConceded() { builder.AddField("Goals conceded:", stats.Goals.Conceded); } }
public async Task WasagotchiUser([Remainder] string arg = "") { SocketUser user = null; var mentionedUser = Context.Message.MentionedUsers.FirstOrDefault(); user = mentionedUser ?? Context.User; var config = GlobalWasagotchiUserAccounts.GetWasagotchiAccount(user); var configg = GlobalUserAccounts.GetUserAccount(user); DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; var timeSpanString = string.Format("{0:%s} seconds", config.LastStats.AddSeconds(8) - now); if (now < config.LastStats.AddSeconds(8)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"**{Context.User.Username}, please cooldown! You may use this command in {timeSpanString}.**"); return; } config.LastStats = now; if (config.Have == false) //if they own a Wasagotchi or not { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($":no: | **{Context.User.Username}**, you don't own a <:wasagotchi:454535808079364106> Wasagotchi! \n\nPurchase one with w!wasagotchi buy!"); return; } else //show their Wasagotchi status { var thumbnailurl = Context.User.GetAvatarUrl(); var auth = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = $"{user.Username}'s Wasagotchi", IconUrl = thumbnailurl, }; var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Author = auth }; if (config.pfp == null) { embed.WithThumbnailUrl(""); } else { embed.WithThumbnailUrl(config.pfp); } embed.WithColor(37, 152, 255); embed.AddField("Owner", user, true); if (config.Name == null) { embed.AddField("Name", "*(Name your wasagotchi!)*", true); } else { embed.AddField("Name", config.Name, true); } if (config.Breed == null) { embed.AddField("Breed", "Breedless (You can get a wasagotchi with a breed from a wasagotchi capsule)", true); } else { embed.AddField("Breed", config.Breed, true); } embed.AddField("Exp", config.XP, true); embed.AddField("Level", config.LevelNumber, true); embed.AddField("Room", GetRooms(config.rLvl), true); embed.AddField("Waste", config.Waste, true); embed.AddField("Attention", config.Attention, true); embed.AddField("Hunger", config.Hunger, true); embed.AddField("Sick", config.Sick, true); embed.AddField("Ran Away", config.RanAway, true); if (config.pfp == null) { embed.AddField("Picture", "*Default*", true); } else { embed.AddField("Picture", "*Custom*", true); } await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed.Build()); } }
public async Task LeaderBoard(string arg = null) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); var server = Servers.ServerList.First(x => x.ServerId == Context.Guild.Id); var desc = ""; try { if (arg != null && arg.Contains("win")) { var orderlist = server.UserList.OrderBy(x => x.Wins).Reverse().ToList(); var i = 0; foreach (var user in orderlist) { i++; if (i <= 20) { desc += $"{i}. {user.Username} - {user.Wins}\n"; } } embed.WithFooter(x => { x.Text = $"Usercount = {i}"; x.IconUrl = Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl(); }); embed.AddField("LeaderBoard Wins", desc); embed.Color = Color.Blue; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } else if (arg != null && arg.Contains("los")) { var orderlist = server.UserList.OrderBy(x => x.Losses).Reverse().ToList(); var i = 0; foreach (var user in orderlist) { i++; if (i <= 20) { desc += $"{i}. {user.Username} - {user.Losses}\n"; } } embed.WithFooter(x => { x.Text = $"Usercount = {i}"; x.IconUrl = Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl(); }); embed.AddField("LeaderBoard Losses", desc); embed.Color = Color.Blue; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } else { var orderlist = server.UserList.OrderBy(x => x.Points).Reverse().ToList(); var i = 0; foreach (var user in orderlist) { i++; if (i <= 20) { desc += $"{i}. {user.Username} - {user.Points}\n"; } } embed.WithFooter(x => { x.Text = $"Usercount = {i}"; x.IconUrl = Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl(); }); embed.AddField("LeaderBoard Points", desc); embed.Color = Color.Blue; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } } catch { var orderlist = server.UserList.OrderBy(x => x.Points).Reverse().ToList(); var i = 0; foreach (var user in orderlist) { i++; if (i <= 20) { desc += $"{i}. {user.Username} - {user.Points}\n"; } } embed.WithFooter(x => { x.Text = $"Usercount = {i}"; x.IconUrl = Context.Client.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl(); }); embed.AddField("LeaderBoard Points", desc); embed.Color = Color.Blue; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } }
public async Task PollCreate([Remainder] string parameters) { string[] parameterArray = parameters.Split('|'); if (parameterArray.Length >= 4 && parameterArray.Length <= 7) { string question = parameterArray[0]; parameterArray[0] = ""; string timecode = parameterArray[1]; parameterArray[1] = ""; ulong timeSpan = 0; timecode = timecode.ToLower(); if (Regex.Match(timecode, @"\d+[dhm]").Success || timecode == "test") { if (timecode == "test") { timeSpan = 10; } else { int i = timecode.Contains('d') ? timecode.IndexOf('d') : (timecode.Contains('h') ? timecode.IndexOf('h') : timecode.IndexOf('m')); ulong multiplier = 1; switch (timecode.Substring(i, 1)) { case "d": multiplier = 24 * 60 * 60; break; case "m": multiplier = 60; break; default: multiplier = 60 * 60; break; } timeSpan = ulong.Parse(timecode.Substring(0, i)) * multiplier; } if (timeSpan > (7 * 24 * 60 * 60)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Timespan too large, max amount of time: 7 days *({7 * 24} hours)*"); return; } } List <string> pollOptions = new List <string>(); foreach (string s in parameterArray) { if (s != "") { pollOptions.Add(s); } } var m = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Poll creating..."); Poll p = new Poll(m, question, Context.User, pollOptions.ToArray()); EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithAuthor($"Poll by {Context.User.Username}#{Context.User.DiscriminatorValue}", Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()); eb.WithDescription($"**{question}**"); eb.WithFooter($"PollID: {p.PollId}"); eb.WithColor(0, 255, 0); foreach (PollOption s in p.PollOptions) { float amt = p.PollReactions.Count(x => x.PollVote == s.Option); eb.AddField($"{s.React} {s.Option}", $"{Poll.GetPercentageBar(p, s.Option)} - 0/{p.PollReactions.Count} (0,00%)"); } await m.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Content = ""; x.Embed = eb.Build(); }); await p.AddAllReactions(); GlobalVars.AddPoll(p, timeSpan); } else { var m = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Too many parameters"); GlobalVars.AddRandomTracker(m); } }
public async Task Apply() { if (Config.ModAppsActive == false) { await ReplyAsync(":x: Thank you, but we closed moderator applications for now."); return; } if (Context.User.IsBot) { return; } if (!(Context.Channel is IDMChannel)) { await ReplyAsync(":x: To apply for the moderator position, please use this command in a DM channel with the bot."); return; } if (Context.Message.Timestamp.AddHours(2).Day == 17) { return; } SocketGuild guild = Context.Client.Guilds.First(); SocketTextChannel moderationchannel = (SocketTextChannel)guild.Channels.First(x => x.Id == Methods.Data.GetChnlId("moderation-log")); EmbedBuilder moderationembed = new EmbedBuilder(); moderationembed.WithAuthor(Context.User); moderationembed.WithColor(114, 137, 218); moderationembed.WithTitle("Moderation Application"); moderationembed.WithFooter($"Started at {DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm")}"); RestUserMessage moderationmsg = await moderationchannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, moderationembed.Build()); await ReplyAsync("Thank you for applying to moderate the r/Jordan Discord! We are going to ask you a few questions to make sure you are fit for the job. You can reply with `cancel` at any time to cancel the application. Waiting for more than 5 minutes to answer a question will cancel the application. Troll applications are not tolerated."); IUserMessage response; // Questions { await ReplyAsync("First of all, how old are you?"); response = (IUserMessage) await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); if (response == null || response.Content.ToLower() == "cancel") { goto cancel; } moderationembed.AddField("First of all, how old are you?", response.Content); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); await ReplyAsync("What is the timezone of your current place of residence?"); response = (IUserMessage) await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); if (response == null || response.Content.ToLower() == "cancel") { goto cancel; } moderationembed.AddField("What is the timezone of your current place of residence?", response.Content); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); await ReplyAsync("Tell us a little about yourself."); response = (IUserMessage) await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); if (response == null || response.Content.ToLower() == "cancel") { goto cancel; } moderationembed.AddField("Tell us a little about yourself.", response.Content); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); await ReplyAsync("How many hours a day do you average on Discord?"); response = (IUserMessage) await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); if (response == null || response.Content.ToLower() == "cancel") { goto cancel; } moderationembed.AddField("How many hours a day do you average on Discord?", response.Content); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); await ReplyAsync("What do you think you could bring to the server as a moderator?"); response = (IUserMessage) await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); if (response == null || response.Content.ToLower() == "cancel") { goto cancel; } moderationembed.AddField("What do you think you could bring to the server as a moderator?", response.Content); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); await ReplyAsync("Do you have any previous moderation experiences on or off Discord?"); response = (IUserMessage) await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); if (response == null || response.Content.ToLower() == "cancel") { goto cancel; } moderationembed.AddField("Do you have any previous moderation experiences on or off Discord?", response.Content); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); } await ReplyAsync("Your application has been recorded. Thank you for your time."); moderationembed.WithFooter(moderationembed.Footer.Text + $" | Finished at {DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm")}"); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); return; cancel: IEmote x = new Emoji("❌"); if (response != null) { await response.AddReactionAsync(x); } else { await ReplyAndDeleteAsync("Moderation application canceled.", false, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); } moderationembed.WithFooter(moderationembed.Footer.Text + $" | Canceled at {DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm")}"); await moderationmsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = moderationembed.Build()); return; }
public async Task CovidStats(string date = null) { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Today; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(date, "d-M-yyyy", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime outDateTime)) { dateTime = outDateTime; } else if (DateTime.TryParseExact(date, "d/M/yyyy", null, System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime outDateTime2)) { dateTime = outDateTime2; } if (dateTime < new DateTime(2020, 10, 1)) { await ReplyAsync(":x: The API only contains COVID data from 1/10/2020 and after."); return; } COVID stats = await Data.APIHttpRequest <COVID>($"{dateTime.Year}/{dateTime.Month}/{dateTime.Day}", "GET"); dateTime =; DateTime yesterday = dateTime.AddDays(-1); COVID yesterdayStats = await Data.APIHttpRequest <COVID>($"{yesterday.Year}/{yesterday.Month}/{yesterday.Day}", "GET"); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle($"COVID-19 stats for {dateTime:dd/MM/yyyy}"); embed.WithColor(Constants.IColors.Blurple); embed.WithDescription($"{stats.localCases} new local cases, {stats.deaths} casualties and {stats.recoveries} recoveries."); if (stats.cities.Total() != 0) { embed.AddField("Amman", stats.cities.amman, true); embed.AddField("Irbid", stats.cities.irbid, true); embed.AddField("Zarqa", stats.cities.zarqa, true); embed.AddField("Mafraq", stats.cities.mafraq, true); embed.AddField("Ajloun", stats.cities.ajloun, true); embed.AddField("Jerash", stats.cities.jerash, true); embed.AddField("Madaba", stats.cities.madaba, true); embed.AddField("Balqa", stats.cities.balqa, true); embed.AddField("Karak", stats.cities.karak, true); embed.AddField("Tafileh", stats.cities.tafileh, true); embed.AddField("Ma'an", stats.cities.maan, true); embed.AddField("Aqaba", stats.cities.aqaba, true); } decimal percentage = (decimal)stats.cases / (decimal)stats.tests * 100m; string moreStats = $"Total cases: {stats.totalCases}\n" + $"Total casualties: {stats.totalDeaths}\n" + $"Total recoveries: {stats.totalRecoveries}\n" + $"Foreign cases: {stats.cases - stats.localCases}\n" + $"Hospitalized cases today: {stats.hospitalized}, total: {stats.totalHospitalized}\n" + $"Recovery distribution: {stats.homeRecoveries} at home, {stats.hospitalRecoveries} from hospitals\n" + $"Tests today: {stats.tests}, total: {stats.totalTests}\n" + $"Positive test percentage: {Math.Round(percentage, 2)}%\n" + $"Active cases: {}"; if (yesterdayStats.critical != 0) { moreStats += $"\nYesterday's critical cases: {yesterdayStats.critical}"; } if (stats.vaxRegistered != 0) { moreStats += $"\ registrants: {stats.vaxRegistered}\n" + $"Vaccinated - First dose: {stats.vaxFirstDose}\n" + $"Vaccinated - Second dose: {stats.vaxSecondDose}"; } embed.AddField("More stats", moreStats); IUserMessage statmsg; if (Context.Channel.Name == "covid-19-stats") { bool statsReady = == DateTime.Today; if (!statsReady) { await ReplyAsync(":x: Today's stats aren't ready yet."); return; } statmsg = await ReplyAsync(MentionUtils.MentionRole(773576613605933087), false, embed.Build()); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await statmsg.CrosspostAsync(); } else { statmsg = await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } }
public async Task Call(string target, string requestedCard) { target = target.Replace("@", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("!", ""); requestedCard = requestedCard.ToUpperInvariant(); if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore + variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore == 9) { await ReplyAsync( ":checkered_flag: The game has ended! Use the `.reset` command to play again! :checkered_flag:"); return; } if (!variables[Context.Guild].GameInProgress) { await ReplyAsync($":x: Game is not in progress yet! :x:"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } // make sure the game is in progress if (variables[Context.Guild].AuthorUsers[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] != Context.Message.Author) { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } // make sure only the person's whose turn it is can call if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[target] == variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn]) { await ReplyAsync($":x: Cannot call cards from someone on your team! :x:"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } // make sure they call someone on the opposite team if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[target].Count == 0) { await ReplyAsync($":x: Cannot call a player with no cards! :x:"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } // delete previous call info var rawMessages = Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync().FlattenAsync(); foreach (var msg in rawMessages.Result) { if (msg.Author.Id == Context.Client.CurrentUser.Id && msg.Content.Contains("*TEMPORARY*")) // everything marked with *TEMPORARY* { await msg.DeleteAsync(); } } var req = CardDealer.GetCardByName(requestedCard.ToUpperInvariant()); if (!variables[Context.Guild].Players.Contains(target)) // make sure the target is a valid player { await ReplyAsync($":x: `{target}` is not a player! :x:"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } if (!CardDealer.CardNames.Contains(requestedCard)) // make sure requestedCard is a valid card { await ReplyAsync($":x: `{requestedCard}` is not a valid card! :x:"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } var builder = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Call Result", ImageUrl = "" + req.CardName + ".png" }; int cardIndex = CardDealer.CardNames.IndexOf(requestedCard); int hsIndex = cardIndex / 6; // get index of halfsuit var hasHalfSuit = false; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) // loop through halfsuit and see if they have something in the same hs { if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] .Contains(CardDealer.GetCardByName(CardDealer.CardNames[6 * hsIndex + i]))) { hasHalfSuit = true; } } // handing illegal moves if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn].Contains(req) || !hasHalfSuit) // player already has the card or they don't have something in the halfsuit { await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; //variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"call {target} {requestedCard} illegal;"; //builder.Color = Color.Magenta; //builder.Description = ":oncoming_police_car: ILLEGAL CALL! :oncoming_police_car:"; //builder.AddField("Info", // $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> called the `{requestedCard}` from <@{target}> but it was **illegal**!\n It is now <@{target}>'s turn."); //variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn = target; //await ReplyAsync("*TEMPORARY*", false, builder.Build()); //await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); //return; } if (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[target].Contains(req)) { // hit variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"call {target} {requestedCard} hit;"; builder.Color = Color.Green; builder.Description = ":boom: Call was a hit! :boom:"; builder.ThumbnailUrl = ""; builder.AddField("Info", $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> called the `{requestedCard}` from <@{target}> and it was a **hit**!\n It is now <@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}>'s turn."); variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[target].Remove(req); variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn].Add(req); } else { // miss variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"call {target} {requestedCard} miss;"; builder.Color = Color.DarkRed; builder.Description = ":thinking: Call was a miss! :thinking:"; builder.ThumbnailUrl = ""; builder.AddField("Info", $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> called the `{requestedCard}` from <@{target}> and it was a **miss**!\n It is now <@{target}>'s turn."); variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn = target; } await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await ReplyAsync("*TEMPORARY*", false, builder.Build()); await CardDealer.SendCards(Context.Guild); if (CheckPlayerTurnHandEmpty()) { await ReplyAsync( "not sure how this can ever get called but ill leave this here for a few games and see if this text ever shows up and if it doesn't i guess ill delete it xd"); await ReplyAsync( $"<@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> is out of cards! Use the `.designate` command to select the next player!"); variables[Context.Guild].NeedsDesignatedPlayer = true; } }
public async Task CheckUser(IGuildUser user) { try { var comander = UserAccounts.GetAccount(Context.User, Context.Guild.Id); if (comander.OctoPass >= 4 || ((IGuildUser)Context.User).GuildPermissions.ManageMessages) { var account = UserAccounts.GetAccount((SocketUser)user, Context.Guild.Id); // var avatar = ("" + user.Id + "/" + user.AvatarId + ".png"); var usedNicks = ""; var usedNicks2 = ""; var usedNicks3 = ""; var usedNicks4 = ""; if (account.ExtraUserName != null) { var extra = account.ExtraUserName.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (var i = 0; i < extra.Length; i++) { if (i == extra.Length - 1) { usedNicks += extra[i]; } else if (usedNicks.Length <= 970) { usedNicks += extra[i] + ", "; } else if (usedNicks2.Length <= 970) { usedNicks2 += extra[i] + ", "; } else if (usedNicks3.Length <= 970) { usedNicks3 += extra[i] + ", "; } else if (usedNicks4.Length <= 970) { usedNicks4 += extra[i] + ", "; } } } else { usedNicks = "None"; } var octopuses = ""; if (account.Octopuses != null) { var octo = account.Octopuses.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); for (var i = 0; i < octo.Length; i++) { if (i == octo.Length - 1) { octopuses += octo[i]; } else { octopuses += octo[i] + ", "; } } } else { octopuses = "None"; } var warnings = "None"; if (account.Warnings != null) { var warns = account.Warnings.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); warnings = ""; foreach (var t in warns) { warnings += t + "\n"; } } var statList = account.UserStatistics.ToList(); ulong allMessages = 0; ulong editMesages = 0; ulong deletedMessages = 0; var mostActiveChannel = "N/A"; foreach (var t in statList) { if (t.Key == "all") { allMessages = t.Value; } if (t.Key == "updated") { editMesages = t.Value; } if (t.Key == "deleted") { deletedMessages = t.Value; } } var ordered = statList.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value).ToList(); mostActiveChannel = $"<#{Convert.ToUInt64(ordered[1].Key)}> - {ordered[1].Value} messages"; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithColor(Color.Purple); embed.WithAuthor(user); embed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); embed.AddField("ID", "" + user.Id, true); embed.AddField("UserName", "" + user, true); embed.AddField("Registered", "" + user.CreatedAt, true); embed.AddField("Joined", "" + user.JoinedAt, true); embed.AddField("NickName", "" + user.Mention, true); embed.AddField("Octo Points", "" + account.Points, true); embed.AddField("Octo Reputation", "" + account.Rep, true); embed.AddField("Access LVL", "" + account.OctoPass, true); embed.AddField("User LVL", "" + Math.Round(account.Lvl, 2), true); embed.AddField("Pull Points", "" + account.DailyPullPoints, true); embed.AddField("Best 2048 Game Score", $"{account.Best2048Score}", true); embed.AddField("All Messages", $"{allMessages}", true); embed.AddField("All Edited Messages", $"{editMesages}", true); embed.AddField("All Deleted Messages", $"{deletedMessages}", true); embed.AddField("Channel Most Active In", $"{mostActiveChannel}", true); embed.AddField("Warnings", "" + warnings); embed.AddField("OctoCollection ", "" + octopuses); embed.AddField("Used Nicknames", "" + usedNicks); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, embed); if (usedNicks2.Length >= 2) { var usedEmbed = new EmbedBuilder(); usedEmbed.AddField("Used Nicknames Co-nt:", $"{usedNicks2}"); if (usedNicks3.Length >= 2) { usedEmbed.AddField("boole?!", $"{usedNicks3}"); } if (usedNicks4.Length >= 2) { usedEmbed.AddField("It's time to stop.", $"{usedNicks4}"); } usedEmbed.WithColor(Color.Blue); usedEmbed.WithAuthor(user); usedEmbed.WithFooter("lil octo notebook"); await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, usedEmbed); } } else { await CommandHandeling.ReplyAsync(Context, "Boole! You do not have a tolerance of this level!"); } } catch { // await ReplyAsync("boo... An error just appear >_< \nTry to use this command properly: **Stats [user_ping(or user ID)]**"); } }
public async Task BM(string url) { try { //int t = 0; //string code = ""; //foreach (char x in url) //{ // if (x == '/') // { // t = t + 1; // } // else if (t == 4) // { // code += x.ToString(); // } //} //string img = ""; //foreach (char x in url) //{ // if (x == '/') // { // t = t + 1; // } // else if (t == 4) // { // code += x.ToString(); // } //} var request3 = WebRequest.Create( $"{url}") as HttpWebRequest; if (request3 == null) { return; } EmbedBuilder xdd = new EmbedBuilder { Description = "---" }; request3.Method = "GET"; request3.ContentType = "application/json"; var myWebResponse3 = (HttpWebResponse)request3.GetResponse(); var encoding3 = Encoding.ASCII; using (var reader3 = new StreamReader( myWebResponse3.GetResponseStream() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), encoding3)) { var result3 = reader3.ReadToEnd(); var haitai = (JArray)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result3); var kekistan = haitai.Count; for (int i = 0; i < haitai.Count; i++) { var title = haitai[i]["title"].ToString(); var bpm = haitai[i]["bpm"].ToString(); var version = haitai[i]["version"].ToString(); var creator = haitai[i]["creator"].ToString(); var max_combo = haitai[i]["max_combo"].ToString(); double difficultyrating = Convert.ToDouble(haitai[i]["difficultyrating"]); var approved_date = haitai[i]["approved_date"].ToString(); var diff_approach = haitai[i]["diff_approach"].ToString(); var approved = haitai[i]["approved"].ToString(); var mlg = haitai[i]["beatmapset_id"].ToString(); var mlg2 = haitai[i]["beatmap_id"].ToString(); var shee = Math.Round(difficultyrating, 2); if (approved.Contains("0")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]({url})"; x.Value = $"**Type:** Pending **Creator:** {creator} **BPM** {bpm} **Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach} **Approve date:** {approved_date}"; }); } else if (approved.Contains("-1")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]({url})"; x.Value = $"**Type:** WIP **Creator:** {creator}**BPM** {bpm}**Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach}"; }); } else if (approved.Contains("-2")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]({url})"; x.Value = $"**Type:** In the graveyard ;( **Creator:** {creator} **BPM** {bpm} **Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach}"; }); } else if (approved.Contains("1")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]"; x.Value = $"**Type:** Ranked **Creator:** {creator} **BPM** {bpm} **Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach} **Approve date:** {approved_date}[:arrow_down:]({url}) [:information_source:]({url})"; }); } else if (approved.Contains("2")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]"; x.Value = $"**Type:** Approved **Creator:** {creator} **BPM** {bpm} **Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach} **Approve date:** {approved_date}"; }); } else if (approved.Contains("3")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]({url})"; x.Value = $"**Type:** qualified **Creator:** {creator} **BPM** {bpm} **Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach} **Approve date:** {approved_date}"; }); } else if (approved.Contains("4")) { xdd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"[{title}({version})]({url})"; x.Value = $"**Type:** LOVED ❤ **Creator:** {creator} **BPM** {bpm} **Max combo:** {max_combo}\n**Difficulty:** {shee} **AR:** {diff_approach} **Approve date:** {approved_date}"; }); } else { var auth = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = $"Error", }; var rnd = new Random(); int g1 = rnd.Next(1, 255); int g2 = rnd.Next(1, 255); int g3 = rnd.Next(1, 255); var builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = new Discord.Color(g1, g2, g3), Author = auth, }; builder.Description = $"No data yet....\nosu ples"; builder.ThumbnailUrl = $""; await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); } xdd.Title = title; } await ReplyAsync("", false, xdd.Build()); } } catch (Exception e) { var auth = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { Name = $"Error", }; var rnd = new Random(); int g1 = rnd.Next(1, 255); int g2 = rnd.Next(1, 255); int g3 = rnd.Next(1, 255); var builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = new Discord.Color(g1, g2, g3), Author = auth, }; builder.Description = $"No data yet....\nosu ples"; builder.ThumbnailUrl = $""; await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } }
public async Task UpdateAccount() { try{ //getting id of sender and selecting lol id string UserID = Context.User.Id.ToString(); ulong resultid = Context.User.Id; ulong xxx = Convert.ToUInt64(resultid); var GottenName = Context.Guild.GetUser(xxx); var guildUser = GottenName as SocketGuildUser; string DiscordName = null; if (guildUser.ToString().Contains("'")) { DiscordName = guildUser.ToString().Replace("'", "''"); } string getID = "SELECT League_id FROM users_testing WHERE Discord_Id like '%" + UserID + "%'; "; string getIcon = "SELECT Icon_id FROM users_testing WHERE Discord_Id like '%" + UserID + "%';"; string getstatus = "SELECT verified FROM users_testing WHERE Discord_ID like '%" + UserID + "%';"; string InsertDiscordName = "UPDATE users_testing SET `Discord_Name` = '" + DiscordName + "' WHERE Discord_Id like '%" + UserID + "%';"; string getToken = "SELECT TOKEN FROM users_testing WHERE Discord_Id like '%" + UserID + "%';"; string id = null; string token = null; string status = null; string data; //getting the lol id from the sender of the update command MySqlConnection myconn = new MySqlConnection(Global.connect); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(getID, myconn); MySqlCommand geticon = new MySqlCommand(getIcon, myconn); MySqlCommand GetToken = new MySqlCommand(getToken, myconn); MySqlCommand GetStatus = new MySqlCommand(getstatus, myconn); MySqlCommand InsertDiscordname = new MySqlCommand(InsertDiscordName, myconn); MySqlDataReader myreader; MySqlDataReader iconreader; //getting the League ID from the DB myconn.Open(); myreader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (myreader.Read()) { data = myreader.GetString(0); id = data; } myconn.Close(); //get verification status myconn.Open(); myreader = GetStatus.ExecuteReader(); while (myreader.Read()) { data = myreader.GetString(0); status = data; } myconn.Close(); if (id == "") { var embed2 = new EmbedBuilder(); embed2.AddField("updating your account...", "No account was found!") .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName("Birdie Bot") .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithThumbnailUrl(Global.Birdiethumbnail) .WithColor(new Color(255, 83, 13)) .WithTitle("Birdie Bot notification") .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText(Global.Botcreatorname) .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithCurrentTimestamp() .Build(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed2); await Task.Delay(5000); var messages2 = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(2).Flatten(); await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(messages2); return; } if (status == "false") { var embed2 = new EmbedBuilder(); embed2.AddField("updating your account...", "Your account is not verified!") .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName("Birdie Bot") .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithThumbnailUrl(Global.Birdiethumbnail) .WithColor(new Color(255, 83, 13)) .WithTitle("Birdie Bot notification") .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText(Global.Botcreatorname) .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithCurrentTimestamp() .Build(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed2); await Task.Delay(5000); var messages2 = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(2).Flatten(); await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(messages2); return; } myconn.Open(); myreader = GetToken.ExecuteReader(); while (myreader.Read()) { data = myreader.GetString(0); token = data; } myconn.Close(); if (token == "") { var embed2 = new EmbedBuilder(); embed2.AddField("updating your account...", "Your account is not verified!") .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName("Birdie Bot") .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithThumbnailUrl(Global.Birdiethumbnail) .WithColor(new Color(255, 83, 13)) .WithTitle("Birdie Bot notification") .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText(Global.Botcreatorname) .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithCurrentTimestamp() .Build(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed2); await Task.Delay(5000); var messages3 = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(2).Flatten(); await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(messages3); return; } //getting the icon ID from the DB myconn.Open(); string iconid = null; iconreader = geticon.ExecuteReader(); while (iconreader.Read()) { data = iconreader.GetString(0); iconid = data; } myconn.Close(); //using c for webclient connections WebClient c = new WebClient(); //getting league rank from ID //using "r" for rank string responserank = c.DownloadString("" + id + "?api_key=" + Global.apikey + ""); JArray r = JArray.Parse(responserank); string rank = null; string usedtiersolo = null; string rankflex5 = null; //getting icon for thumbnail string findlatestlolversion = c.DownloadString(""); JArray latestlolversion = JArray.Parse(findlatestlolversion); var version = latestlolversion[0]; string thumbnailURL = "" + version + "/img/profileicon/" + iconid + ".png"; var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.AddField("updating your account...", "Hang on while i update your rank!") .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName("Birdie Bot") .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithThumbnailUrl(thumbnailURL) .WithColor(new Color(255, 0, 0)) .WithTitle("Birdie Bot notification") .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText(Global.Botcreatorname) .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithCurrentTimestamp() .Build(); var message = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); if (responserank == "[]") { Console.WriteLine("Unranked given"); rank = "Unranked"; rankflex5 = "Unranked"; } //using a for loop to check all the bodies of the json //since each queue type is in another body for (int x = 0; x < r.Count; x++) { if ((string)r[x]["queueType"] == "RANKED_SOLO_5x5") { var tiersolo = (string)r[x]["tier"]; var division = (string)r[x]["rank"]; string soloq = tiersolo + " " + division; rank = soloq; usedtiersolo = tiersolo.ToLower(); } if (((string)r[x]["queueType"] == "RANKED_FLEX_SR")) { var tierflex5v5 = (string)r[x]["tier"]; var divisionflex5v5 = (string)r[x]["rank"]; string flex5v5 = tierflex5v5 + " " + divisionflex5v5; rankflex5 = flex5v5; } else { rankflex5 = "Unranked"; } } if (usedtiersolo == "" || usedtiersolo == null) { usedtiersolo = "Unranked"; } myconn.Open(); myreader = InsertDiscordname.ExecuteReader(); myconn.Close(); //updating the rank of the user string updaterank = "UPDATE users_testing SET `SOLO_QUEUE` = '" + rank + "', `Discord_Name` = '" + DiscordName + "', `FLEX_5V5` = '" + rankflex5 + "' WHERE Discord_Id like '%" + UserID + "%';"; MySqlCommand updatecommand = new MySqlCommand(updaterank, myconn); myconn.Open(); myreader = updatecommand.ExecuteReader(); myconn.Close(); var allRanks = new[] { "challenger", "grandMaster", "master", "diamond", "platinum", "gold", "silver", "bronze", "iron", "unranked", "new ones :)" }; var username = Context.User as SocketGuildUser; //running through all the different roles for (int x = 0; x < allRanks.GetLength(0); x++) { var roles = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Name.ToLower() == allRanks[x]); if (username.Roles.Contains(roles)) { await(username as IGuildUser).RemoveRoleAsync(roles); } } var role = Context.Guild.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLower() == usedtiersolo.ToLower()); await(username as IGuildUser).AddRoleAsync(role); Console.WriteLine(Context.User.Username + " Was assigned the role " + usedtiersolo + " on the server " + Context.Guild.Name); await Task.Delay(2000); await message.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Embed = new EmbedBuilder() .AddField("Your rank has now been updated!", "if it didnt update, try waiting up to an hour before trying again!") .WithAuthor(author => { author .WithName("Birdie Bot") .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithThumbnailUrl(thumbnailURL) .WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0)) .WithTitle("Birdie Bot notification") .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText(Global.Botcreatorname) .WithIconUrl(Global.Birdieicon); }) .WithCurrentTimestamp() .Build(); }); await Task.Delay(4000); var messages = await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(2).Flatten(); await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync(messages); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
public async Task Osssu([Remainder] string name) { //" try { var request = WebRequest.Create( $"{name}") as HttpWebRequest; if (request == null) { return; } request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; var myWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var encoding = Encoding.ASCII; using (var reader = new StreamReader(myWebResponse.GetResponseStream() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), encoding)) { var result = reader.ReadToEnd(); var container = (JContainer)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result); var userid = container[0]["user_id"].ToString(); var username = container[0]["username"].ToString(); EmbedBuilder xd = new EmbedBuilder { Title = username, Description = "Top 10 plays.\n----", ThumbnailUrl = $"{userid}" }; for (int xdd = 0; xdd < 10; xdd++) { var request2 = WebRequest.Create( $"{userid}") as HttpWebRequest; if (request2 == null) { return; } request2.Method = "GET"; request2.ContentType = "application/json"; var myWebResponse2 = (HttpWebResponse)request2.GetResponse(); var encoding2 = Encoding.ASCII; using (var reader2 = new StreamReader( myWebResponse2.GetResponseStream() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), encoding2)) { var result2 = reader2.ReadToEnd(); var container2 = (JContainer)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result2); double ppr2 = Convert.ToDouble(container2[xdd]["pp"]); var date = container2[xdd]["maxcombo"].ToString(); var bmap = container2[xdd]["beatmap_id"].ToString(); var rank = container2[xdd]["rank"].ToString(); var mod = container2[xdd]["enabled_mods"].ToString(); var c50 = Convert.ToDouble(container2[xdd]["count50"]); var c100 = Convert.ToDouble(container2[xdd]["count100"]); var c300 = Convert.ToDouble(container2[xdd]["count300"]); var cmiss = Convert.ToDouble(container2[xdd]["countmiss"]); var acc2 = 100.0 * (6 * c300 + 2 * c100 + c50) / (6 * (c50 + c100 + c300 + cmiss)); var acc = Math.Round(acc2, 2); var quickmaffs = Math.Round(ppr2, 0); //------------------------------------------------ var request3 = WebRequest.Create( $"{bmap}") as HttpWebRequest; if (request3 == null) { return; } if (rank.Contains("A")) { rank = "<:rankingAsmall:400920344593956867>"; } if (rank.Contains("B")) { rank = "<:rankingBsmall:400920320925761538>"; } if (rank.Contains("C")) { rank = "<:rankingCsmall:400920375053254656>"; } if (rank.Contains("D")) { rank = "<:rankingDsmall:400920408884510721>"; } if (rank.Contains("S")) { rank = "<:rankingSsmall:400920431344746517>"; } if (rank.Contains("F")) { rank = "<:sectionfail:400920942408368128>"; } if (rank.Contains("X")) { rank = "<:rankingXsmall:400920039479574532>"; } if (mod.Contains("64")) { mods.AppendLine("DT"); } if (mod.Contains("1024")) { mods.AppendLine("FL"); } if (mod.Contains("576")) { mods.AppendLine("NC"); } if (mod.Contains("16")) { mods.AppendLine("HR"); } if (mod.Contains("8")) { mods.AppendLine("RL Pleb"); } if (mod.Contains("8")) { mods.AppendLine("HD"); } if (mod.Contains("72")) { mods.AppendLine("HDDT"); } request3.Method = "GET"; request3.ContentType = "application/json"; var myWebResponse3 = (HttpWebResponse)request3.GetResponse(); var encoding3 = Encoding.ASCII; using (var reader3 = new StreamReader( myWebResponse3.GetResponseStream() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException(), encoding3)) { var result3 = reader3.ReadToEnd(); var container3 = (JContainer)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(result3); var title = container3[0]["title"].ToString(); var diff = container3[0]["version"].ToString(); var url = container3[0]["beatmapset_id"].ToString(); var mc = container3[0]["max_combo"].ToString(); var ar = container3[0]["artist"].ToString(); if (mod == "0") { xd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"{ar} - {title} ({diff})"; x.Value = $"**PP**: {quickmaffs} **Rank:** {rank} **Combo**: {date}({mc})**Accuracy:** {acc}[:arrow_down:]({url}) [:information_source:]({url})"; }); } else if (mod == "592") { xd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"{ar} - {title} ({diff})"; x.Value = $"**PP**: {quickmaffs} **Rank:** {rank} **Combo**: {date}({mc})**Accuracy:** {acc}[:arrow_down:]({url}) [:information_source:]({url})"; }); } else { xd.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"{ar} - {title} ({diff}) +{mods}"; x.Value = $"**PP**: {quickmaffs} **Rank:** {rank} **Combo**: {date}({mc})**Accuracy:** {acc}[:arrow_down:]({url}) [:information_source:]({url})"; }); mods.Clear(); } } } } await ReplyAsync("", false, xd.Build()); } } catch (Exception e) { await Erroruser(); } }
public async Task Help([Remainder] string postcommand = null) { List <CommandInfo> commands = _commandService.Commands.ToList(); if (postcommand == null) { string url = Context.User.GetAvatarUrl(); if (url == null) { url = Context.User.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(); } //начинаем создание embed _embed.WithTitle("Доступные команды:"); foreach (CommandInfo command in commands) { string embedField = command.Summary ?? "Описание недоступно. \n"; _embed.AddField($"`{command.Name}`", embedField); } _embed.WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithIconUrl(url) .WithText($"Вызвано {Context.User.Username}"); }); _embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); Embed embed = _embed.Build(); //отправка ответа await ReplyAsync(embed : embed); } else { var result = _commandService.Search(Context, postcommand); string url = Context.User.GetAvatarUrl(); if (url == null) { url = Context.User.GetDefaultAvatarUrl(); } _embed.WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithIconUrl(url) .WithText($"Вызвано {Context.User.Username}"); }); _embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); if (!result.IsSuccess) { _embed.WithTitle($"Команда `{postcommand}`"); _embed.WithDescription($"*Такой команды не существует.*"); _embed.WithColor(255, 000, 000); Embed embed = _embed.Build(); //отправка ответа await ReplyAsync(embed : embed); return; } _embed.WithColor(000, 255, 000); _embed.WithTitle($"Команды, похожие на `{postcommand}` "); foreach (var match in result.Commands) { var cmd = match.Command; List <string> listCommands = new List <string>(); listCommands = cmd.Aliases.ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < listCommands.Count(); i++) { listCommands[i] = $"`{listCommands[i]}`"; } _embed.AddField(field => { field.Name = string.Join(", ", listCommands); field.Value = $"**Описание**: {cmd.Summary} \n" + $"**Параметры**: {string.Join(", ", cmd.Parameters.Select(p => p.Name))}\n" + $"**Ремарки**: dev {cmd.Remarks}"; field.IsInline = false; }); } Embed embedSuccess = _embed.Build(); await ReplyAsync(embed : embedSuccess); } }
public static async Task UserJoined(SocketGuildUser user) { #region Database var guildDb = new DBGuild(user.Guild.Id); bool alreadyJoined = false; if (guildDb.Users.Any(u => u.ID.Equals(user.Id))) // if already exists { guildDb.Users.Find(u => u.ID.Equals(user.Id)).AddUsername(user.Username); alreadyJoined = true; } else { guildDb.Users.Add(new DBUser(user)); } lock ("db") { guildDb.Save(); } #endregion Databasae #region Logging var guildConfig = GenericBot.GuildConfigs[user.Guild.Id]; if (!(guildConfig.VerifiedRole == 0 || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guildConfig.VerifiedMessage) || guildConfig.VerifiedMessage.Split().Length < 32 || !user.Guild.Roles.Any(r => r.Id == guildConfig.VerifiedRole)))) { string vMessage = $"Hey {user.Username}! To get verified on **{user.Guild.Name}** reply to this message with the hidden code in the message below\n\n" + GenericBot.GuildConfigs[user.Guild.Id].VerifiedMessage; string verificationMessage = VerificationEngine.InsertCodeInMessage(vMessage, VerificationEngine.GetVerificationCode(user.Id, user.Guild.Id)); try { await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync().Result.SendMessageAsync(verificationMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (guildConfig.ProbablyMutedUsers.Contains(user.Id)) { try { user.AddRoleAsync(user.Guild.GetRole(guildConfig.MutedRoleId)); } catch { } } if (guildConfig.AutoRoleIds != null && guildConfig.AutoRoleIds.Any()) { foreach (var role in guildConfig.AutoRoleIds) { try { await user.AddRoleAsync(user.Guild.GetRole(role)); } catch { // Supress } } } if (guildConfig.UserLogChannelId == 0) { return; } EmbedBuilder log = new EmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor(new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName("User Joined") .WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()).WithUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl())) .WithColor(114, 137, 218) .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Username").WithValue(user.ToString().Escape()).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("UserId").WithValue(user.Id).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Mention").WithValue(user.Mention).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("User Number").WithValue(user.Guild.MemberCount + (!alreadyJoined ? " (New Member)" : "")).WithIsInline(true)) .AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Database Number").WithValue(guildDb.Users.Count + (alreadyJoined ? " (Previous Member)" : "")).WithIsInline(true)) .WithFooter($"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm tt")} GMT"); if ((DateTimeOffset.Now - user.CreatedAt).TotalDays < 7) { log.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("New User") .WithValue($"Account made {(DateTimeOffset.Now - user.CreatedAt).Nice()} ago").WithIsInline(true)); } try { DBUser usr = guildDb.Users.First(u => u.ID.Equals(user.Id)); if (!usr.Warnings.Empty()) { string warns = ""; for (int i = 0; i < usr.Warnings.Count; i++) { warns += $"{i + 1}: {usr.Warnings.ElementAt(i)}\n"; } log.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName($"{usr.Warnings.Count} Warnings") .WithValue(warns)); } } catch { } await user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guildConfig.UserLogChannelId).SendMessageAsync("", embed: log.Build()); #endregion Logging }
public static async Task Resolution_Scaling_P1_PSP_Output_Resolution(SocketGuildUser user, RestUserMessage message) { // Get the account information of the command's user. var account = UserInfoClasses.GetAccount(user); // Find the menu session associated with the current user. var menuSession = Global.MenuIdList.SingleOrDefault(x => x.User.Id == user.Id); var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); var author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder { Name = "Output Resolution", IconUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl() }; embed.WithAuthor(author); var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder { Text = "↩️ Persona (Remake) Resolution & Scaling Menu" }; embed.WithFooter(footer); // Assign a color and thumbnail to the embeded message based on the title being edited. embed.WithColor(EmbedSettings.Get_Game_Color("P1-PSP", null)); embed.WithThumbnailUrl(EmbedSettings.Get_Game_Logo("P1-PSP")); embed.WithDescription("" + "**Choose a resolution to output your scenes in.**\n" + "\n" + $"⚙️ **Current setting:** **`{account.P1_PSP_Resolution}`**\n" + "\n" + "** **"); embed.AddField(":one: 480 × 272", "" + "Original PlayStation® Portable output resolution."); embed.AddField(":two: 1920 × 1088", "" + "Scaled HD resolution."); // Attempt editing the message if it hasn't been deleted by the user yet. // If it has, catch the exception, remove the menu entry from the global list, and return. try { // Remove all reactions from the current message. await message.RemoveAllReactionsAsync(); // Edit the current active message by replacing it with the recently created embed. await message.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Embed = embed.Build(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); // Remove the menu entry from the global list. Global.MenuIdList.Remove(menuSession); return; } // Edit the menu session according to the current message. menuSession.CurrentMenu = "Resolution_Scaling_P1_PSP_Output_Resolution"; menuSession.MenuTimer = new Timer() { // Create a timer that expires as a "time out" duration for the user. Interval =, AutoReset = false, Enabled = true }; // If the menu timer runs out, activate a function. menuSession.MenuTimer.Elapsed += (sender, e) => MenuTimer_Elapsed(sender, e, menuSession); // Create an empty list for reactions. List <IEmote> reaction_list = new List <IEmote> { }; // Add needed emote reactions for the menu. reaction_list.Add(new Emoji("↩️")); reaction_list.Add(new Emoji("\u0031\ufe0f\u20e3")); reaction_list.Add(new Emoji("\u0032\ufe0f\u20e3")); // Add the reactions to the message. _ = ReactionHandling.AddReactionsToMenu(message, reaction_list); }
public async Task CallHalfSuit(string halfsuit, string callstring) { callstring = callstring.Trim(); halfsuit = halfsuit.ToUpperInvariant(); if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore + variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore == 9) { await ReplyAsync( ":checkered_flag: The game has ended! Use the `.reset` command to play again! :checkered_flag:"); return; } if (!variables[Context.Guild].GameInProgress) { await ReplyAsync($":x: Game is not in progress yet! :x:"); return; } // make sure game is in progress if (!CardDealer.HalfSuitNames.Contains(halfsuit)) { await ReplyAsync($":x: `{halfsuit}` is not a valid halfsuit! :x:"); return; } // make sure that the halfsuit called is valid if (variables[Context.Guild].CalledHalfSuits.Contains(halfsuit)) { await ReplyAsync($":x: `{halfsuit}` was already called! :x:"); return; } // make sure that the halfsuit has not already been called var seperatedCallString = callstring.Split(" "); var claimedCards = new List <string>(); var allClaimed = new List <string>(); var cuser = ""; var authorName = ""; foreach (var authorUserPair in variables[Context.Guild].AuthorUsers) { if (authorUserPair.Value == Context.Message.Author) { authorName = authorUserPair.Key; } } var works = true; foreach (string strSeg in seperatedCallString) { string editedSeg = strSeg.Replace("@", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("!", ""); if (editedSeg == "") { continue; } if (!CardDealer.CardNames.Contains(editedSeg) && !variables[Context.Guild].Players.Contains(editedSeg)) { await ReplyAsync( $":x: `{editedSeg}` not recognized as a card or a player! :x:"); // if a strSeg in the callString is not a player nor a card then it's invalid return; } if (variables[Context.Guild].Players.Contains(editedSeg)) // if this part of the segStr is a player { foreach (string card in claimedCards) { if (!variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[cuser].Contains(CardDealer.GetCardByName(card.ToUpperInvariant()))) { works = false; } } cuser = editedSeg; if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[cuser] != variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[authorName]) { await ReplyAsync($":x: callString included players not on your team! :x:"); return; } claimedCards = new List <string>(); } else { if (CardDealer.CardNames.Contains(editedSeg)) { claimedCards.Add(editedSeg); allClaimed.Add(editedSeg); } } } foreach (string card in claimedCards) { if (!variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[cuser].Contains(CardDealer.GetCardByName(card))) { works = false; } } int hsindex = CardDealer.HalfSuitNames.IndexOf(halfsuit); foreach (string _ in allClaimed) { for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!allClaimed.Contains(CardDealer.CardNames[hsindex * 6 + i])) { await ReplyAsync(":x: Cards do not match up with the halfsuit :x:"); return; } } } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) // cards { foreach (string t in variables[Context.Guild].Players) { variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[t] .Remove(CardDealer.GetCardByName(CardDealer.CardNames[hsindex * 6 + i])); } } var username = ""; foreach (var player in variables[Context.Guild].AuthorUsers) { if (player.Value == Context.User) { username = player.Key; } } await CardDealer.SendCards(Context.Guild); string team = variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[username]; var builder = new EmbedBuilder { Title = ":telephone_receiver: HalfSuit Call :telephone_receiver:" }; if (works) { variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"callhs {username} {halfsuit} {callstring} hit;"; builder.Color = Color.Green; builder.Description = $":boom: <@{username}> **hit** the `{halfsuit}`! :boom:"; if (team == "red") { variables[Context.Guild].RedScore++; } else { variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore++; } } else { variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation += $"callhs {username} {halfsuit} {callstring} miss;"; builder.Color = Color.DarkRed; builder.Description = $":thinking: <@{username}> **missed** the `{halfsuit}`! :thinking:"; if (team == "red") { variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore++; } else { variables[Context.Guild].RedScore++; } } variables[Context.Guild].CalledHalfSuits.Add(halfsuit); builder.AddField("Score Update", $"Blue Team: {variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore}\n Red Team: {variables[Context.Guild].RedScore}"); await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore + variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore >= 9) { // maybe refactor this and combine with the one in gamemodule var builder2 = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Game Result!" }; if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore > variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore) { builder2.Color = Color.Red; builder2.Description = ":red_circle: Red team wins! :red_circle:"; } else { builder2.Color = Color.Blue; builder2.Description = ":large_blue_circle: Blue team wins! :large_blue_circle:"; } builder2.AddField("Final Scores", $"Blue Team: {variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore}\n Red Team: {variables[Context.Guild].RedScore}"); await ReplyAsync("", false, builder2.Build()); await ReplyAsync(":checkered_flag: The game has ended! Use the `.reset` command to play again! :checkered_flag:"); File.WriteAllText("afn.txt", variables[Context.Guild].AlgebraicNotation); // end of that upper comment thing } else { if (variables[Context.Guild].RedScore >= 5) { await ReplyAsync("Red Team has clinched the game!! Use `.reset` to stop the game now, or continue playing!"); variables[Context.Guild].GameClinch = true; } else if (variables[Context.Guild].BlueScore >= 5) { await ReplyAsync("Blue Team has clinched the game!! Use `.reset` to stop the game now, or continue playing!"); variables[Context.Guild].GameClinch = true; } } if (CheckPlayerTurnHandEmpty() && variables[Context.Guild].GameInProgress) { string newPlayerID = variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn; if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] == "red") { // red team int loopCount = 0; int playerIndex = variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam.FindIndex(a => a == newPlayerID); do { if (loopCount++ > variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.Count) { break; } playerIndex = variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam.FindIndex(a => a == newPlayerID); newPlayerID = variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam[(playerIndex + 1) % variables[Context.Guild].RedTeam.Count]; } while (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[newPlayerID].Count == 0); } else if (variables[Context.Guild].TeamDict[variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn] == "blue") { // blue team int loopCount = 0; int playerIndex = variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.FindIndex(a => a == newPlayerID); do { if (loopCount++ > variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.Count) { break; } playerIndex = variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.FindIndex(a => a == newPlayerID); newPlayerID = variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam[(playerIndex + 1) % variables[Context.Guild].BlueTeam.Count]; } while (variables[Context.Guild].PlayerCards[newPlayerID].Count == 0); } await ReplyAsync($":open_mouth: <@{variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn}> is out of cards! Turn will move to <@{newPlayerID}> :open_mouth:"); variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn = newPlayerID; //await ReplyAsync($":open_mouth: {variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn} is out of cards! Use the `.designate` command to select the next player! :open_mouth:"); //variables[Context.Guild].NeedsDesignatedPlayer = true; //variables[Context.Guild].Designator = variables[Context.Guild].PlayerTurn.Replace("@", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("!", ""); } }
public async Task SendEmbedFromCli(CommandArguments cmdArgs, IUser pmInstead = null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdArgs.TrimmedMessage) || cmdArgs.TrimmedMessage == "-h" || cmdArgs.TrimmedMessage == "--help") { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe("```md\nCreate an embed using the following parameters:\n" + "[ --channel ] Channel where to send the embed.\n" + "[ --edit <msgId>] Replace a MessageId with a new embed (use after --channel)\n" + "[ --text ] Regular content text\n" + "[ --title ] Title\n" + "[ --description ] Description\n" + "[ --footer ] Footer\n" + "[ --color ] #rrggbb hex color used for the embed stripe.\n" + "[ --image ] URL of a Hjuge image in the bottom.\n" + "[ --thumbnail ] URL of a smol image on the side.\n" + "[ --fieldName ] Create a new field with specified name.\n" + "[ --fieldValue ] Text value of a field - has to follow a name.\n" + "[ --fieldInline ] Use to set the field as inline.\n" + "Where you can repeat the field* options multiple times.\n```" ); return; } SocketTextChannel channel = null; bool debug = false; string text = null; IMessage msg = null; EmbedFieldBuilder currentField = null; EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder(); foreach (Match match in this.RegexCliParam.Matches(cmdArgs.TrimmedMessage)) { string optionString = this.RegexCliOption.Match(match.Value).Value; if (optionString == "--debug") { if (IsGlobalAdmin(cmdArgs.Message.Author.Id) || IsSupportTeam(cmdArgs.Message.Author.Id)) { debug = true; } continue; } if (optionString == "--fieldInline") { if (currentField == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`fieldInline` can not precede `fieldName`."); return; } currentField.WithIsInline(true); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Setting inline for field `{currentField.Name}`"); } continue; } string value; if (match.Value.Length <= optionString.Length || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value = match.Value.Substring(optionString.Length + 1).Trim())) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"Invalid value for `{optionString}`"); return; } if (value.Length >= UserProfileOption.ValueCharacterLimit) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`{optionString}` is too long! (It's {value.Length} characters while the limit is {UserProfileOption.ValueCharacterLimit})"); return; } switch (optionString) { case "--channel": if (!guid.TryParse(value.Trim('<', '>', '#'), out guid id) || (channel = cmdArgs.Server.Guild.GetTextChannel(id)) == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"Channel {value} not found."); return; } if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Channel set: `{channel.Name}`"); } break; case "--text": if (value.Length > GlobalConfig.MessageCharacterLimit) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--text` is too long (`{value.Length} > {GlobalConfig.MessageCharacterLimit}`)"); return; } text = value; if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Text set: `{value}`"); } break; case "--title": if (value.Length > 256) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--title` is too long (`{value.Length} > 256`)"); return; } embedBuilder.WithTitle(value); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Title set: `{value}`"); } break; case "--description": if (value.Length > 2048) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--description` is too long (`{value.Length} > 2048`)"); return; } embedBuilder.WithDescription(value); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Description set: `{value}`"); } break; case "--footer": if (value.Length > 2048) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--footer` is too long (`{value.Length} > 2048`)"); return; } embedBuilder.WithFooter(value); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Description set: `{value}`"); } break; case "--image": try { embedBuilder.WithImageUrl(value.Trim('<', '>')); } catch (Exception) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--image` is invalid url"); return; } if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Image URL set: `{value}`"); } break; case "--thumbnail": try { embedBuilder.WithThumbnailUrl(value.Trim('<', '>')); } catch (Exception) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--thumbnail` is invalid url"); return; } if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Thumbnail URL set: `{value}`"); } break; case "--color": try { uint color = uint.Parse(value.TrimStart('#'), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); if (color > uint.Parse("FFFFFF", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier)) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe("Color out of range."); return; } embedBuilder.WithColor(color); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Color `{value}` set."); } } catch (Exception) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe("Invalid color format."); return; } break; case "--fieldName": if (value.Length > 256) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--fieldName` is too long (`{value.Length} > 256`)\n```\n{value}\n```"); return; } if (currentField != null && currentField.Value == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"Field `{currentField.Name}` is missing a value!"); return; } if (embedBuilder.Fields.Count >= 25) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe("Too many fields! (Limit is 25)"); return; } embedBuilder.AddField(currentField = new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(value)); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Creating new field `{currentField.Name}`"); } break; case "--fieldValue": if (value.Length > 1024) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--fieldValue` is too long (`{value.Length} > 1024`)\n```\n{value}\n```"); return; } if (currentField == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`fieldValue` can not precede `fieldName`."); return; } currentField.WithValue(value); if (debug) { await cmdArgs.Channel.SendMessageSafe($"Setting value:\n```\n{value}\n```\n...for field:`{currentField.Name}`"); } break; case "--edit": if (!guid.TryParse(value, out guid msgId) || (msg = await channel?.GetMessageAsync(msgId)) == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"`--edit` did not find a message with ID `{value}` in the <#{(channel?.Id ?? 0)}> channel."); return; } break; default: await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"Unknown option: `{optionString}`"); return; } } if (currentField != null && currentField.Value == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe($"Field `{currentField.Name}` is missing a value!"); return; } switch (msg) { case null: if (pmInstead != null) { await pmInstead.SendMessageAsync(text : text, embed : embedBuilder.Build()); } else if (channel == null) { await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe(text : text, embed : embedBuilder.Build()); } else { await channel.SendMessageAsync(text : text, embed : embedBuilder.Build()); } break; case RestUserMessage message: await message?.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = embedBuilder.Build(); }); break; case SocketUserMessage message: await message?.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Content = text; m.Embed = embedBuilder.Build(); }); break; default: await cmdArgs.SendReplySafe("GetMessage went bork."); break; } }
/// <summary> /// Execute command /// </summary> /// <param name="commandArguments">Command arguments</param> /// <returns>Command result</returns> public ECommandResult Execute(ICommandArguments commandArguments) { ECommandResult ret = ECommandResult.Failed; ICommands[] commands_services = commandArguments.Bot.GetServices <ICommands>(); IChat[] chat_services = commandArguments.Bot.GetServices <IChat>(); HelpConfiguration help_configuration = commandArguments.Bot.GetService <HelpConfiguration>(); if ((commands_services != null) && (chat_services != null) && (help_configuration != null)) { List <Embed> embeds = new List <Embed>(); if (commandArguments.Arguments.Count > 0) { string command_string = commandArguments.Arguments[0]; List <KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommand> > command_list = new List <KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommand> >(); foreach (ICommands commands in commands_services) { ICommand command = commands.FindCommand(command_string); if (command != null) { command_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommand>(commands, command)); } } if (command_list.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommand> command in command_list) { EmbedBuilder embed_builder = PrepareEmbedBuilder("Help topic for command \"" + command.Value.Name + "\""); embed_builder.AddField("Command", command.Value.Name, true); embed_builder.AddField("Description", command.Value.Description, true); embed_builder.AddField("Full description", command.Value.FullDescription); StringBuilder required_privileges = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, uint> privilege in command.Value.ForceRequiredPrivileges) { required_privileges.Append("\""); required_privileges.Append(privilege.Key); required_privileges.Append("\" : "); required_privileges.Append(privilege.Value.ToString()); } if (required_privileges.Length > 0) { embed_builder.AddField("Required privileges", required_privileges); } ICommandGroup command_group = command.Key.GetCommandGroup(command.Value.CommandGroup); if (command_group != null) { StringBuilder more_commands = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; foreach (ICommand command_group_command in command.Key.FromCommandGroup(command_group)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { more_commands.Append(", "); } more_commands.Append(command_group_command.Name); } if (first) { more_commands.Append("No commands?"); } embed_builder.AddField("More commands " + command_group.Icon, more_commands.ToString()); } embeds.Add(embed_builder.Build()); } } else { List <KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommandGroup> > command_group_list = new List <KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommandGroup> >(); string command_group_name_key = commandArguments.Arguments[0].Trim().ToLower(); foreach (ICommands commands in commands_services) { ICommandGroup command_group = commands.GetCommandGroup(command_string); if (command_group != null) { if (command_group.Name.Trim().ToLower() == command_group_name_key) { command_group_list.Add(new KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommandGroup>(commands, command_group)); } } } if (command_group_list.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <ICommands, ICommandGroup> command_group in command_group_list) { EmbedBuilder embed_builder = PrepareEmbedBuilder("Help topic for command group \"" + command_group.Value.Icon + " " + command_group.Value.Name + "\""); StringBuilder command_group_commands = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; foreach (ICommand command_group_command in command_group.Key.FromCommandGroup(command_group.Value)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { command_group_commands.Append(", "); } command_group_commands.Append(command_group_command.Name); } if (first) { command_group_commands.Append("No commands?"); } embed_builder.AddField("Commands", command_group_commands.ToString()); command_group_commands.Clear(); embeds.Add(embed_builder.Build()); } } else { foreach (ICommands commands in commands_services) { EmbedBuilder embed_builder = PrepareEmbedBuilder(); embed_builder.WithTitle("Help topics similar to \"" + command_string + "\""); StringBuilder all_commands_groups = new StringBuilder(); bool first = true; foreach (ICommand command in commands.AvailableCommands) { if (Levenshtein.GetDistance(command_string, command.Name) <= help_configuration.Data.MaximumLevenshteinDistance) { if (first) { first = false; } else { all_commands_groups.Append(", "); } all_commands_groups.Append(command.Name); } } if (first) { all_commands_groups.Append("No similar commands found"); } embed_builder.AddField("Commands", all_commands_groups.ToString()); all_commands_groups.Clear(); first = true; foreach (ICommandGroup command_group in commands.AvailableCommandGroups) { if (Levenshtein.GetDistance(command_string, command_group.Name) <= help_configuration.Data.MaximumLevenshteinDistance) { if (first) { first = false; } else { all_commands_groups.Append(", "); } all_commands_groups.Append(command_group.Icon); all_commands_groups.Append(" "); all_commands_groups.Append(command_group.Name); } } if (first) { all_commands_groups.Append("No similar command groups found"); } embed_builder.AddField("Command groups", all_commands_groups.ToString()); embeds.Add(embed_builder.Build()); } } command_group_list.Clear(); } command_list.Clear(); } else { foreach (ICommands commands in commands_services) { EmbedBuilder embed_builder = PrepareEmbedBuilder("Help topics"); StringBuilder command_group_commands = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ICommandGroup command_group in commands.AvailableCommandGroups) { bool first = true; command_group_commands.Clear(); foreach (ICommand command_group_command in commands.FromCommandGroup(command_group)) { if (first) { first = false; } else { command_group_commands.Append(", "); } command_group_commands.Append(command_group_command.Name); } if (first) { command_group_commands.Append("No commands specified yet."); } embed_builder.AddField(command_group.Icon + " " + command_group.Name, command_group_commands.ToString()); } embeds.Add(embed_builder.Build()); } } foreach (IChat chat in chat_services) { foreach (Embed embed in embeds) { chat.SendEmbedAsync(embed, commandArguments.MessageChannel); } } embeds.Clear(); ret = ECommandResult.Successful; } return(ret); }
public async Task Raffle() { if (MidRaffle) { return; } if (!HasPerms()) { var build = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, }; string desc = null; desc += $"Command reserved for Kingpins!"; build.Description = desc; await ReplyAsync("", false, build.Build()); return; } if (Program.LottoList.TicketCount.Count <= 1) { var builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Color.Red, }; string description = null; description += $"Not enough participants to start the raffle! <:omg:438433957173002242>"; builder.Description = description; await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); return; } MidRaffle = true; Random rng = new Random(); Random list = new Random(); Random RandomMember = new Random(); Shuffle(lottotickets); var builders = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = new Color(114, 137, 218), Description = $"Total pot: {lottotickets.Count} <:perin:462691285308932098>, Good Luck!" }; string descriptions = $"Starting Lottery in 3..."; builders.AddField(x => { x.Name = "Start up"; x.Value = descriptions; x.IsInline = false; }); var Message = await ReplyAsync("", false, builders.Build()); Thread.Sleep(1000); for (int i = 2; i >= 1; i--) { descriptions = $"Starting Lottery in {i}..."; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(descriptions)) { builders.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Start up").Value = $"Starting Lottery in {i}..."; await Message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = builders.Build()); } Thread.Sleep(1000); } builders.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Start up").Value = "In Progress..."; await Message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = builders.Build()); int loops = list.Next(16, 30); var next = RandomMember.Next(0, Program.LottoList.TicketCount.Count); var messageToDisplay = Program.LottoList.TicketCount[next].Name; var mention = Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(messageToDisplay).Result; builders.AddField(x => { x.Name = "Raffle"; x.Value = mention.Nickname ?? mention.Username; x.IsInline = false; }); await Message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = builders.Build()); for (int i = 0; i <= loops; i++) { Thread.Sleep(rng.Next(50, 150)); var m = messageToDisplay; while (messageToDisplay == m) { next = RandomMember.Next(0, Program.LottoList.TicketCount.Count); messageToDisplay = Program.LottoList.TicketCount[next].Name; } var ment = Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(messageToDisplay).Result; builders.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Raffle").Value = ment.Nickname ?? ment.Username; await Message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = builders.Build()); } next = RandomMember.Next(0, lottotickets.Count); mention = Context.Guild.GetUserAsync(lottotickets[next]).Result; builders.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Raffle").Value = mention.Nickname ?? mention.Username; await Message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = builders.Build()); Thread.Sleep(800); builders.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Start up").Value = "Finished"; builders.AddField(x => { x.Name = ":trophy:"; x.Value = $"{mention.Mention} won the lottery! Congratulations! <:rich:438433957755748353>"; x.IsInline = false; }); await Message.ModifyAsync(msg => msg.Embed = builders.Build()); lottotickets.Clear(); Program.LottoList.TicketCount.Clear(); WriteToJson(Program.LottoList.TicketCount); MidRaffle = false; }
public async Task HelpCommand([Remainder] string para = null) { if (para == null) { await HelpCommand(); return; } para = para.ToLower(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Orange); var module = commands.Modules .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.StartsWithIgnoreCase(para)) ?? (int.TryParse(para, out int result) ? commands.Modules .OrderBy(x => x.Remarks ?? "Module Z") .ElementAtOrDefault(result - 1) : null); if (module != null) { var commandList = GetCommnadListFormatted(module); embed.WithAuthor("📦 Module Information") .WithTitle(module.Name) .WithDescription(module.Summary ?? "In Development".MarkdownCodeBlock()) .AddField("Commands", commandList); goto helpReplyProcedure; } para = para.StartsWith(prefix) ? para.Substring(prefix.Length) : para; var command = commands.Commands .Where(x => x.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(para) || x.Aliases.Any(y => y.EqualsIgnoreCase(para))) .ToList(); if (command.Count > 0) { command.Sort((a, b) => a.Name == para ? -1 : 1); var baseCommand = command.First(); string commandDescription = ""; command.ForEach(x => { commandDescription = !commandDescription.Contains(x.Summary ?? "") ? commandDescription + (x.Summary == null ? "" : x.Summary.AddSpace()) : commandDescription; }); commandDescription = commandDescription == "" ? "In Development".MarkdownCodeBlock() : commandDescription; embed.WithAuthor("📃 Command Information") .WithTitle(baseCommand.Name) .WithDescription(commandDescription); if (baseCommand.Aliases.Count > 0) { var alias = baseCommand.Aliases.Select(x => $"{(prefix + x).MarkdownCodeLine()}\t"); embed.AddField("Alias", string.Join(" ", alias)); } string restrictions = null; baseCommand.Module.Preconditions .ToList() .ForEach(x => restrictions += x.GetDescription().MarkdownCodeLine().AddLine()); baseCommand.Preconditions .ToList() .ForEach(x => restrictions += x.GetDescription().MarkdownCodeLine().AddLine()); if (restrictions != null) { embed.AddField("Restrictions", restrictions); } var usages = command.Select(x => $"{prefix}{x.Name.AddSpace() + x.GetCommandParametersInfo()}"); embed.AddField("Usage", string.Join("\n", usages).MarkdownCodeBlock("css")); string example = ""; command.ForEach(x => example += x.Remarks != null ? x.Remarks.AddLine() : ""); if (example != "") { embed.AddField("Example", example.MarkdownCodeBlock("ts")); } embed.WithFooter($"📦 {baseCommand.Module.Name} module"); goto helpReplyProcedure; } embed.WithDescription("🔎 module / command not found."); helpReplyProcedure: await ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build()); }
public async Task Report() { if (Config.ReportBanned.Contains(Context.User.Id)) { await ReplyAsync(":x: You have been banned from using the report system."); return; } if (!(Context.Channel is IDMChannel)) { await ReplyAsync(":x: Please only use the report system in DMs."); return; } await ReplyAsync(":exclamation: Welcome to the report system. We're sorry for the problem you are dealing with. You can reply with `cancel` at any time to cancel your report."); await ReplyAsync(":exclamation: NOTE: Misusing or spamming the report system will get you banned from using it."); //Ask if anonymous anonymous: await ReplyAsync("Do you wish to remain anonymous? Your User ID will be recorded regardless for security reasons. (`Y`/`N`)"); SocketMessage msg = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)); if (msg.Content == "cancel") { goto cancel; } bool anon = false; switch (msg.Content.ToLower()) { case "y": anon = true; break; case "n": anon = false; break; default: await ReplyAsync(":x: I don't understand. Please answer with `Y` or `N`."); goto anonymous; } //Get user(s) reported await ReplyAsync("Please specify the user(s) reported, each in one message. You can enter usernames, but IDs are preferred."); await ReplyAsync("Please reply with `done` after all usernames have been entered."); List <string> userlist = new List <string>(); while (true) { user2: msg = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)); if (msg == null) { goto user2; } if (msg.Content == "cancel") { goto cancel; } if (msg.Content != "done") { userlist.Add(msg.Content); } else if (userlist.Count() != 0) { break; } else { await ReplyAsync(":x: Please specify at least one user."); goto user2; } IEmote emote = new Emoji("✅"); await(msg as IUserMessage).AddReactionAsync(emote); } //Get messages await ReplyAsync("Please specify any offending messages, each in one message. Please use message links, or IDs."); await ReplyAsync("Please reply with `done` after all messages have been entered."); List <string> msglist = new List <string>(); while (true) { messages2: msg = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)); if (msg == null) { goto messages2; } if (msg.Content == "cancel") { goto cancel; } if (msg.Content != "done") { msglist.Add(msg.Content); } else if (msglist.Count() != 0) { break; } else { await ReplyAsync(":x: Please specify at least one message."); goto messages2; } IEmote emote = new Emoji("✅"); await(msg as IUserMessage).AddReactionAsync(emote); } //Get notes await ReplyAsync("Any notes you want to add? Type `none` if not."); string notes = "N/A"; notes2: msg = await NextMessageAsync(true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(120)); if (msg == null) { goto notes2; } if (msg.Content == "cancel") { goto cancel; } if (msg.Content.ToLower() != "none") { notes = msg.Content; IEmote emote = new Emoji("✅"); await(msg as IUserMessage).AddReactionAsync(emote); } //Finish up await ReplyAsync(":white_check_mark: Thank you for your report. We'll look into your case as soon as possible."); //Prep embed EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.WithTitle("User Report"); switch (anon) { case true: embed.WithDescription("User: `anonymous`."); break; case false: embed.WithDescription($"User: `{Context.User.Username}`"); break; } foreach (string user in userlist) { embed.AddField("Offending user", user); } foreach (string message in msglist) { embed.AddField("Message", message); } embed.AddField("Notes", notes); embed.WithFooter($"{DateTime.Now} | User ID: {Context.User.Id}"); SocketGuild guild = Context.Client.Guilds.FirstOrDefault(); SocketGuildChannel channel = guild.Channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Methods.Data.GetChnlId("moderation-log")); await(channel as SocketTextChannel).SendMessageAsync($"{guild.Roles.Where(x => x.Name == "Moderator").FirstOrDefault().Mention}", false, embed.Build()); return; cancel: IEmote emote_ = new Emoji("❌"); await(msg as IUserMessage).AddReactionAsync(emote_); return; }
public async Task UpdateEntry(SocketCommandContext context, string shareUrl, string title, string tags) { using (var soraContext = new SoraContext()) { var userDb = Utility.OnlyGetUser(context.User.Id, soraContext); if (userDb == null || userDb.ShareCentrals.Count == 0) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "You have no playlists")); return; } var shareResult = userDb.ShareCentrals.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ShareLink == shareUrl); if (shareResult == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "No playlist found with that URL!")); return; } string[] seperatedTags; if (tags.IndexOf(";", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 1) { seperatedTags = new[] { tags }; } else { seperatedTags = tags.Split(";"); } List <string> betterTags = new List <string>(); foreach (var tag in seperatedTags) { string finalTag = tag; if (finalTag.Contains(";")) { finalTag = finalTag.Replace(";", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(finalTag)) { betterTags.Add(finalTag.Trim()); } } if (betterTags.Count < 1) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Add at least one Tag!").WithDescription("Tags must be added like this: `trap;edm;chill music;other`")); return; } if (betterTags.Count > 10) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Please dont exceed 10 tags!")); return; } string joinedTags = String.Join(";", betterTags); var eb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Utility.BlueInfoEmbed, Title = $"{Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[3]} Are you sure you want Update this? y/n", Description = $"{shareUrl}", Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { IconUrl = context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Utility.StandardDiscordAvatar, Name = Utility.GiveUsernameDiscrimComb(context.User) } }; eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = false; x.Name = "Title"; x.Value = title; }); eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Tags"; x.Value = joinedTags.Replace(";", " - "); }); var msg = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : eb); var response = await _interactive.NextMessageAsync(context, true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45)); await msg.DeleteAsync(); if (response == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Didn't answer in time ;_;")); return; } if (response.Content.Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || response.Content.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { shareResult.Tags = joinedTags; shareResult.Titel = title; await soraContext.SaveChangesAsync(); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.GreenSuccessEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[0], $"Successfully updated playlist (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧")); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Didn't answer with y or yes! Discarded changes")); } } }
public async Task gamble(string amount) { string path = "C:\\Users\\Aidan Johnsotn\\Desktop\\coins\\"; if (!File.Exists($"{path}{Context.User.Username}.txt")) { await ReplyAsync($"Hey, you have not started a coin bank yet. You can start one with !coinstart"); } else { //Read current user balance int balance = int.Parse((await File.ReadAllTextAsync($"{path}{Context.User.Username}.txt")).Trim()); //Convert user bet amount to int, will fail if string contains anything other than a number int amount_int; bool isNumerical = int.TryParse(amount, out amount_int); //Check if amount_int is vaild number ( number != 0, number < 0) if (amount_int == 0) { await ReplyAsync("You can't bet that many coin dummie"); } if (amount_int > balance) { await ReplyAsync("You don't even have that many coins."); } if (amount_int > 0 && amount_int <= balance) { int ran = rand.Next(0, 100); //51% to win if (ran > 45) { //New balance amount after winning the bet picks random number between 100% and 150% of bet amount int amountwon = amount_int / 2 + rand.Next((amount_int / 2) + 1, amount_int + 2); balance = amountwon + balance; //Convert to string string balance_string = balance.ToString(); //Input value in text file await File.WriteAllTextAsync($"{path}{Context.User.Username}.txt", balance_string); //Print out info on bet EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder.AddField($"Aw shucks, you won {amountwon}", $"New balance is {balance}") .WithColor(Color.Orange); await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); } else { //Amount lost, chose the loss amount to be between 75% of and 100$ of bet int amountlost = 3 * (amount_int / 4) + rand.Next(1, (amount_int / 4) + 1); balance = balance - amountlost; //Bank acount cant go below 0 if (balance < 0) { balance = 0; } //Converting balance to string string balance_string = balance.ToString(); //Inputing new string in file await File.WriteAllTextAsync($"{path}{Context.User.Username}.txt", balance.ToString()); //Printing info EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder.AddField($"Heck yeah, you lost {amountlost} coins", $"New balance is {balance}") .WithColor(Color.Orange); await ReplyAsync("", false, builder.Build()); } } } }
public async Task SharePlaylist(SocketCommandContext context, string shareUrl, string title, string tags, bool isPrivate) { using (var soraContext = new SoraContext()) { var userDb = Utility.OnlyGetUser(context.User.Id, soraContext); if (userDb == null || ExpService.CalculateLevel(userDb.Exp) < MIN_LEVEL) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], $"You need to be at least lvl {MIN_LEVEL} to share playlists!")); return; } if (await CanAddNewPlaylist(context, userDb) == false) { return; } if (!shareUrl.StartsWith("")) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "The link must be a valid hastebin link!")); return; } if (!shareUrl.EndsWith(".sora") && !shareUrl.EndsWith(".fredboat")) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Must be an originaly exported sora or fredboat playlist!") .WithDescription( $"Use `{Utility.GetGuildPrefix(context.Guild, soraContext)}export` when you have a Queue! This is to minimize errors.")); return; } if (shareUrl.EndsWith(".fredboat")) { shareUrl = shareUrl.Replace(".fredboat", ".sora"); } if (soraContext.ShareCentrals.Any(x => x.ShareLink == shareUrl)) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Playlist already exists!")); return; } string[] seperatedTags; if (tags.IndexOf(";", StringComparison.Ordinal) < 1) { seperatedTags = new[] { tags }; } else { seperatedTags = tags.Split(";"); } List <string> betterTags = new List <string>(); foreach (var tag in seperatedTags) { string finalTag = tag; if (finalTag.Contains(";")) { finalTag = finalTag.Replace(";", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(finalTag)) { betterTags.Add(finalTag.Trim()); } } if (betterTags.Count < 1) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Add at least one Tag!").WithDescription("Tags must be added like this: `trap;edm;chill music;other`")); return; } if (betterTags.Count > 10) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Please dont exceed 10 tags!")); return; } string joinedTags = String.Join(";", betterTags); var eb = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Utility.BlueInfoEmbed, Title = $"{Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[3]} Are you sure you want share this? y/n", Description = $"{shareUrl}\n" + $"You can change the Title and Tags afterwards but never the playlist link!", Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder() { IconUrl = context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? Utility.StandardDiscordAvatar, Name = Utility.GiveUsernameDiscrimComb(context.User) } }; eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = false; x.Name = "Title"; x.Value = title; }); eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Tags"; x.Value = joinedTags.Replace(";", " - "); }); eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Is Private?"; x.Value = $"{(isPrivate ? "Yes" : "No")}"; }); var msg = await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : eb); var response = await _interactive.NextMessageAsync(context, true, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(45)); await msg.DeleteAsync(); if (response == null) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Didn't answer in time ;_;")); return; } if (response.Content.Equals("y", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || response.Content.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { userDb.ShareCentrals.Add(new ShareCentral() { CreatorId = context.User.Id, Downvotes = 0, Upvotes = 0, ShareLink = shareUrl, Titel = title, IsPrivate = isPrivate, Tags = joinedTags }); await soraContext.SaveChangesAsync(); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.GreenSuccessEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[0], $"Successfully {(isPrivate ? "saved" : "shared")} playlist (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧")); } else { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : Utility.ResultFeedback(Utility.RedFailiureEmbed, Utility.SuccessLevelEmoji[2], "Didn't answer with y or yes! Discarded changes")); } } }
public async Task Register([Remainder] string username = null) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); if (username == null) { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Please specify a name to be registered with"); embed.WithColor(Color.Red); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); return; } if (username.Length > 20) { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Username Must be 20 characters or less"); embed.WithColor(Color.Red); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); return; } var server = Servers.ServerList.First(x => x.ServerId == Context.Guild.Id); if (server.UserList.Count >= 20 && !server.IsPremium) { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Free User limit has been hit. To upgrade the limit from 20 users to unlimited users, Purchase premium here:"); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); return; } try { if (server.UserList.Any(member => member.UserId == Context.User.Id)) { var userprofile = server.UserList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.UserId == Context.User.Id); if (userprofile == null) { await ReplyAsync("ERROR: User not registered!"); return; } if (!((IGuildUser)Context.User).RoleIds.Contains(server.RegisterRole) && server.RegisterRole != 0) { try { var serverrole = Context.Guild.GetRole(server.RegisterRole); try { await((IGuildUser)Context.User).AddRoleAsync(serverrole); } catch { embed.AddField("ERROR", "User Role Unable to be modified"); } } catch { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Register Role is Unavailable"); } } try { await UserRename(server.UsernameSelection, Context.User, username, userprofile.Points); userprofile.Username = username; } catch { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Username Unable to be modified (Permissions are above the bot)"); } embed.AddField("ERROR", "User is already registered, role and name have been updated accordingly"); embed.WithColor(Color.Red); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); return; } } catch { // } var user = new Servers.Server.User { UserId = Context.User.Id, Username = username, Points = 0 }; server.UserList.Add(user); embed.AddField($"{Context.User.Username} registered as {username}", $"{server.Registermessage}"); embed.WithColor(Color.Blue); try { await UserRename(server.UsernameSelection, Context.User, user.Username, 0); } catch { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Username Unable to be modified (Permissions are above the bot)"); } if (server.RegisterRole != 0) { try { var serverrole = Context.Guild.GetRole(server.RegisterRole); try { await((IGuildUser)Context.User).AddRoleAsync(serverrole); } catch { embed.AddField("ERROR", "User Role Unable to be modified"); } } catch { embed.AddField("ERROR", "Register Role is Unavailable"); } } await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task fmfullhelpAsync() { string prefix = ConfigData.Data.CommandPrefix; ISelfUser SelfUser = Context.Client.CurrentUser; string description = null; int length = 0; EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); foreach (ModuleInfo module in _service.Modules.OrderByDescending(o => o.Commands.Count()).Where(w => !w.Name.Contains("SecretCommands") && !w.Name.Contains("OwnerCommands") && !w.Name.Contains("AdminCommands") && !w.Name.Contains("GuildCommands"))) { foreach (CommandInfo cmd in module.Commands) { PreconditionResult result = await cmd.CheckPreconditionsAsync(Context); if (result.IsSuccess) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmd.Summary)) { description += $"{prefix}{cmd.Aliases.First()} - {cmd.Summary}\n"; } else { description += $"{prefix}{cmd.Aliases.First()}\n"; } } } if (description.Length < 1024) { builder.AddField (module.Name + (module.Summary != null ? " - " + module.Summary : ""), description != null ? description : ""); } length += description.Length; description = null; if (length < 1990) { await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); builder = new EmbedBuilder(); length = 0; } } builder = new EmbedBuilder { Title = "Additional information", }; builder.AddField("Quick tips", "- Be sure to use 'help' after a command name to see the parameters. \n" + "- Chart sizes range from 3x3 to 10x10 \n" + "- Most commands have no required parameters"); builder.AddField("Setting your username", "Use `" + prefix + "fmset 'username' 'embedfull/embedmini/textfull/textmini'` to set your global LastFM username. " + "The last parameter means the mode that your embed will be"); builder.AddField("Making album charts", "`" + prefix + "fmchart '3x3-10x10' 'weekly/monthly/yearly/overall' 'notitles/titles' 'user'`"); builder.AddField("Making artist charts", "`" + prefix + "fmartistchart '3x3-10x10' 'weekly/monthly/yearly/overall' 'notitles/titles' 'user'`"); builder.AddField("Setting the default server settings", "Please note that server defaults are a planned feature. \n" + "Only users with the 'Ban Members' permission or admins can use this command. \n" + "`" + prefix + "fmserverset 'embedfull/embedmini/textfull/textmini' 'Weekly/Monthly/Yearly/AllTime'`"); builder.WithFooter("Still need help? Join the FMBot Discord Server:"); await Context.User.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!guildService.CheckIfDM(Context)) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Check your DMs!").ConfigureAwait(false); } }
internal static Embed SignupDetails(string profileName, string id, string profileLink, string status, string platformLinks, ulong requestor) { EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Constants.SuccessColor, }; switch (status) { case "Notify of Approval": status = "Awaiting Acceptance"; break; case "Pending": status = "Awaiting Calculation"; break; case "Requirements not reached": status = "Denied"; break; case "Notify of Denied Signup": status = "Awaiting Denial"; break; case "Approved and Notified": status = "Accepted"; break; case "Investigate App": case "Issue": case "Missing Data": status = "Missing Data/Information/Signup Incomplete"; break; case "Left Discord before Denial": case "Active Player left the IEL discord": status = "Player Left Discord"; break; default: status = "Pending Review"; break; } builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Profile Name", Value = profileName }); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Discord Id", Value = id }); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Profile Link", Value = profileLink }); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Application Status", Value = status }); builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "Accounts Linked", Value = platformLinks }); builder.Description = "Here are the details of your application. If you have any questions please ask a member of the Support or Applications teams."; if (status == "Missing Data/Information/Signup Incomplete" && id == requestor.ToString()) { builder.Description += "\r\nIf you were denied due to your games played, please type !rechecksignup to have your games recounted."; } return(builder.Build()); }
public async Task statusAsync() { ISelfUser SelfUser = Context.Client.CurrentUser; EmbedAuthorBuilder eab = new EmbedAuthorBuilder { IconUrl = SelfUser.GetAvatarUrl(), Name = SelfUser.Username }; EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder(); builder.WithAuthor(eab); builder.WithDescription(SelfUser.Username + " Statistics"); TimeSpan startTime = (DateTime.Now - Process.GetCurrentProcess().StartTime); DiscordShardedClient client = Context.Client as DiscordShardedClient; SocketSelfUser SocketSelf = Context.Client.CurrentUser as SocketSelfUser; string status = "Online"; switch (SocketSelf.Status) { case UserStatus.Offline: status = "Offline"; break; case UserStatus.Online: status = "Online"; break; case UserStatus.Idle: status = "Idle"; break; case UserStatus.AFK: status = "AFK"; break; case UserStatus.DoNotDisturb: status = "Do Not Disturb"; break; case UserStatus.Invisible: status = "Invisible/Offline"; break; } string assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); int fixedCmdGlobalCount = GlobalVars.CommandExecutions + 1; int fixedCmdGlobalCount_Servers = GlobalVars.CommandExecutions_Servers + 1; int fixedCmdGlobalCount_DMs = GlobalVars.CommandExecutions_DMs + 1; builder.AddField("Bot Uptime: ", startTime.ToReadableString(), true); builder.AddField("Server Uptime: ", GlobalVars.SystemUpTime().ToReadableString(), true); builder.AddField("Usercount: ", (await userService.GetUserCountAsync()).ToString(), true); builder.AddField("Servercount: ", client.Guilds.Count, true); builder.AddField("Commands used since bot start: ", fixedCmdGlobalCount); builder.AddField("Commands in servers: ", fixedCmdGlobalCount_Servers); builder.AddField("Commands in DMs ", fixedCmdGlobalCount_DMs); builder.AddField("Bot status: ", status, true); builder.AddField("Latency: ", client.Latency + "ms", true); builder.AddField("Shards: ", client.Shards.Count, true); builder.AddField("Bot version: ", assemblyVersion, true); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build()).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public List <Command> Load() { List <Command> commands = new List <Command>(); Command addwarning = new Command("addwarning"); addwarning.Description += "Add a warning to the database"; addwarning.Usage = "addwarning <user> <warning>"; addwarning.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.Moderator; addwarning.ToExecute += async(context) => { if (context.Parameters.IsEmpty()) { await context.Message.ReplyAsync("You must specify a user"); return; } ulong uid; if (ulong.TryParse(context.Parameters[0].TrimStart('<', '@', '!').TrimEnd('>'), out uid)) { context.Parameters.RemoveAt(0); string warning = context.Parameters.Rejoin(); warning += $" (Added By `{context.Author}` At `{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm tt")} GMT`)"; var finalUser = Core.GetUserFromGuild(uid, context.Guild.Id).AddWarning(warning); Core.SaveUserToGuild(finalUser, context.Guild.Id); var builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Warning Added") .WithDescription(warning) .WithColor(new Color(0xFFFF00)) .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText($"By {context.Author} at {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm tt")} GMT"); }); EmbedFieldBuilder warningCountField = new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Warning Count").WithValue(finalUser.Warnings.Count).WithIsInline(true); builder.AddField(warningCountField); try { var user = Core.DiscordClient.GetUser(uid); builder.Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(user.ToString()).WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()); } catch (Exception ex) { await Core.Logger.LogErrorMessage(ex, context); builder.Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(uid.ToString()); } await context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : builder.Build()); if (Core.GetGuildConfig(context.Guild.Id).LoggingChannelId != 0) { await((SocketTextChannel)Core.DiscordClient.GetChannel(Core.GetGuildConfig(context.Guild.Id).LoggingChannelId)) .SendMessageAsync("", embed: builder.Build()); } } else { await context.Message.ReplyAsync("Could not find that user"); } }; commands.Add(addwarning); Command issuewarning = new Command("issuewarning"); issuewarning.Description += "Add a warning to the database and send it to the user"; issuewarning.Usage = "issuewarning <user> <warning>"; issuewarning.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.Moderator; issuewarning.ToExecute += async(context) => { if (context.Parameters.IsEmpty()) { await context.Message.ReplyAsync("You must specify a user"); return; } if (context.Message.GetMentionedUsers().Any()) { var user = context.Message.GetMentionedUsers().First(); if (!context.Guild.Users.Any(u => u.Id.Equals(user.Id))) { await context.Message.ReplyAsync("Could not find that user"); return; } context.Parameters.RemoveAt(0); string warning = context.Parameters.Rejoin(); warning += $" (Issued By `{context.Author}` At `{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm tt")} GMT`)"; var finalUser = Core.GetUserFromGuild(user.Id, context.Guild.Id).AddWarning(warning); Core.SaveUserToGuild(finalUser, context.Guild.Id); try { await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync().Result.SendMessageAsync( $"The Moderator team of **{context.Guild.Name}** has issued you the following warning:\n{context.Parameters.Rejoin()}"); } catch (Exception ex) { await Core.Logger.LogErrorMessage(ex, context); warning += $"\nCould not message {user}"; } var builder = new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Warning Issued") .WithDescription(warning) .WithColor(new Color(0xFFFF00)) .WithFooter(footer => { footer .WithText($"By {context.Author} at {DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(@"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm tt")} GMT"); }); EmbedFieldBuilder warningCountField = new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Warning Count").WithValue(finalUser.Warnings.Count).WithIsInline(true); builder.AddField(warningCountField); builder.Author = new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(user.ToString()).WithIconUrl(user.GetAvatarUrl()); await context.Message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : builder.Build()); if (Core.GetGuildConfig(context.Guild.Id).LoggingChannelId != 0) { await((SocketTextChannel)Core.DiscordClient.GetChannel(Core.GetGuildConfig(context.Guild.Id).LoggingChannelId)) .SendMessageAsync("", embed: builder.Build()); } } else { await context.Message.ReplyAsync("Could not find that user"); } }; commands.Add(issuewarning); Command removeWarning = new Command("removeWarning"); removeWarning.RequiredPermission = Command.PermissionLevels.Moderator; removeWarning.Usage = "removewarning <user>"; removeWarning.Description = "Remove the last warning from a user"; removeWarning.ToExecute += async(context) => { if (context.Parameters.IsEmpty()) { await context.Message.ReplyAsync($"You need to add some arguments. A user, perhaps?"); return; } ulong uid; if (ulong.TryParse(context.Parameters[0].TrimStart('<', '@', '!').TrimEnd('>'), out uid)) { var user = Core.GetUserFromGuild(uid, context.Guild.Id); try { Core.SaveUserToGuild(user.RemoveWarning(), context.Guild.Id); await context.Message.ReplyAsync($"Done!"); } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) { await Core.Logger.LogErrorMessage(ex, context); await context.Message.ReplyAsync("User had no warnings"); } } else { await context.Message.ReplyAsync($"No user found"); } }; commands.Add(removeWarning); return(commands); }
public static async Task InspectCharacter(string _characterName, string _realmName, ICommandContext _context) { var requestResultCharacter = await warcraftClient.GetCharacterAsync(_realmName, _characterName, CharacterFields.All); if (requestResultCharacter.Value == null) { await _context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Character not found."); return; } Character character = requestResultCharacter.Value; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Title = character.Name + "-" + character.Realm, Description = "Level " + character.Level + " " + character.Race + " " + character.Class, ThumbnailUrl = "" + character.Thumbnail, Color = character.Faction == Faction.Alliance ? Color.Blue : Color.Red, Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Last updated on: " + character.LastModified } }; if (character.Guild != null) { embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "<" + character.Guild.Name + ">", Value = "\u200B" }); } embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "__**Achievement Points:**__ " + character.AchievementPoints.ToString() + " " + "__**Honorable Kills:**__ " + character.TotalHonorableKills.ToString(), Value = "\u200B" }); List <Proffessions> bfaProffessionIds = new List <Proffessions> { Proffessions.Alchemy, Proffessions.Blacksmithing, Proffessions.Enchanting, Proffessions.Engineering, Proffessions.Herbalism, Proffessions.Inscription, Proffessions.Jewelcrafting, Proffessions.Leatherworking, Proffessions.Mining, Proffessions.Skinning, Proffessions.Tailoring }; Profession firstPrimaryProf = (character.Professions.Primary as List <Profession>).Find(x => bfaProffessionIds.Contains((Proffessions)x.Id)); if (firstPrimaryProf != null) { bfaProffessionIds.Remove((Proffessions)firstPrimaryProf.Id); } Profession SecondPrimaryProf = (character.Professions.Primary as List <Profession>).Find(x => bfaProffessionIds.Contains((Proffessions)x.Id)); if (SecondPrimaryProf != null) { bfaProffessionIds.Remove((Proffessions)SecondPrimaryProf.Id); } string firstPrimaryProfString = firstPrimaryProf == null ? "N/A" : firstPrimaryProf.Name + "[" + firstPrimaryProf.Rank + "/" + firstPrimaryProf.Max + "]"; string secondPrimaryProfString = SecondPrimaryProf == null ? "N/A" : SecondPrimaryProf.Name + "[" + SecondPrimaryProf.Rank + "/" + SecondPrimaryProf.Max + "]"; embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "__**Proffesions:**__\n" + "- " + firstPrimaryProfString + "\n" + "- " + secondPrimaryProfString, Value = "\u200B" }); string offhandString = character.Items.OffHand != null ? "__Offhand:__ " + character.Items.OffHand.Name + " [Ilvl: " + character.Items.OffHand.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.OffHand) + "]\n" : "__Offhand:__ N/A"; embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "__**AvgIlvl:**__ " + character.Items.AverageItemLevelEquipped + "\n__**Gear:**__", Value = "__Head:__ " + character.Items.Head.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Head.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Head) + "]\n" + "__Neck:__ " + character.Items.Neck.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Neck.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Neck) + "]\n" + "__Shoulders:__ " + character.Items.Shoulder.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Shoulder.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Shoulder) + "]\n" + "__Back:__ " + character.Items.Back.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Back.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Back) + "]\n" + "__Chest:__ " + character.Items.Chest.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Chest.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Chest) + "]\n" + "__Wrists:__ " + character.Items.Wrist.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Wrist.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Wrist) + "]\n" + "__Hands:__ " + character.Items.Hands.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Hands.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Hands) + "]\n" + "__Waist:__ " + character.Items.Waist.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Waist.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Waist) + "]\n" + "__Leggs:__ " + character.Items.Legs.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Legs.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Legs) + "]\n" + "__Feet:__ " + character.Items.Feet.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Feet.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Feet) + "]\n" + "__Ring 1:__ " + character.Items.Finger1.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Finger1.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Finger1) + "]\n" + "__Ring 2:__ " + character.Items.Finger2.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Finger2.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Finger2) + "]\n" + "__Trinket 1:__ " + character.Items.Trinket1.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Trinket1.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Trinket1) + "]\n" + "__Trinket 2:__ " + character.Items.Trinket2.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.Trinket2.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.Trinket2) + "]\n" + "__Mainhand:__ " + character.Items.MainHand.Name + " [Ilvl " + character.Items.MainHand.ItemLevel + " " + GetItemQualityString(character.Items.MainHand) + "]\n" + offhandString }); embed.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = "__**Talents:**__", Value = ListTalents(character) }); await _context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
public async Task Rps(RpsPick pick, ShmartNumber amount = default) { long oldAmount = amount; if (!await CheckBetOptional(amount).ConfigureAwait(false) || (amount == 1)) { return; } string getRpsPick(RpsPick p) { switch (p) { case RpsPick.R: return("🚀"); case RpsPick.P: return("📎"); default: return("✂️"); } } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); var nadekoPick = (RpsPick) new NadekoRandom().Next(0, 3); if (amount > 0) { if (!await _cs.RemoveAsync(Context.User.Id, "Rps-bet", amount, gamble: true).ConfigureAwait(false)) { await ReplyErrorLocalized("not_enough", Bc.BotConfig.CurrencySign).ConfigureAwait(false); return; } } string msg; if (pick == nadekoPick) { await _cs.AddAsync(Context.User.Id, "Rps-draw", amount, gamble : true).ConfigureAwait(false); embed.WithOkColor(); msg = GetText("rps_draw", getRpsPick(pick)); } else if ((pick == RpsPick.Paper && nadekoPick == RpsPick.Rock) || (pick == RpsPick.Rock && nadekoPick == RpsPick.Scissors) || (pick == RpsPick.Scissors && nadekoPick == RpsPick.Paper)) { amount = (long)(amount * Bc.BotConfig.BetflipMultiplier); await _cs.AddAsync(Context.User.Id, "Rps-win", amount, gamble : true).ConfigureAwait(false); embed.WithOkColor(); embed.AddField(GetText("won"), amount); msg = GetText("rps_win", Context.User.Mention, getRpsPick(pick), getRpsPick(nadekoPick)); } else { embed.WithErrorColor(); amount = 0; msg = GetText("rps_win", Context.Client.CurrentUser.Mention, getRpsPick(nadekoPick), getRpsPick(pick)); } embed .WithDescription(msg); await Context.Channel.EmbedAsync(embed).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public static async Task MakeAnimeObjectAsync(IMessage message, IGuildUser author, object obj) { var anime = obj as Models.AnimeModel; if(anime == null) { await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{author.Mention}: Something went wrong! I'm so sorry :("); return; } EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder(); eb.WithColor(new Color(0, 255, 0)) .WithTitle(anime.Title) .WithDescription(anime.Genre) .WithUrl(anime.Url) .WithThumbnailUrl(anime.ImageUrl) .WithAuthor(x=> { x.Name = author.Nickname == null ? author.Username : author.Nickname; x.IconUrl = author.AvatarUrl; }); //Add Episodes field eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Episodes"; x.Value = anime.Episodes; }); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(anime.Duration)) { eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Duration"; x.Value = anime.Duration; }); } eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Score"; x.Value = anime.Score; }); eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = true; x.Name = "Type"; x.Value = anime.Type; }); eb.AddField(x => { x.IsInline = false; x.Name = "Description"; x.Value = anime.Description; }); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", embed: eb); }