Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetApplicationName(string searchKey)
            var result = await _client.SearchAsync <StringResponse>("mcrp-*", PostData.String($@"
                ""timeout"": ""1000ms"",
                ""terminate_after"": 100000,
                ""size"": 0,
                ""aggs"": {{
                    ""termsAgg"": {{
                        ""terms"": {{
                            ""order"": {{
                                ""_count"": ""desc""
                            ""field"": ""fields.ApplicationName.keyword"",
                            ""include"": "".*{searchKey}.*""
                ""docvalue_fields"": [
		               {{ ""field"": ""@timestamp"", ""format"": ""date_time""}},
		               {{""field"": ""Commit.Timestamp"", ""format"": ""date_time""}},
		               {{ ""field"": ""Object_Attributes.Created_At"", ""format"": ""date_time""}},
		               {{ ""field"": ""Object_Attributes.Finished_At"",""format"": ""date_time""}},
		               {{ ""field"": ""fields.now"",""format"": ""date_time""}}
	                ""query"": {{
                        ""bool"": {{
                            ""must"": [],
			                ""filter"": [
                                        ""range"": {{
                                        ""@timestamp"": {{""format"": ""strict_date_optional_time"",
							                        ""gte"": ""{System.DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff")}"",
							                        ""lte"": ""{System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.fff")}"" }}
			            ""should"": [],
                        ""must_not"": []
            }}"), new SearchRequestParameters()
                IgnoreUnavailable = true, TotalHitsAsInteger = true

        public async Task <Stream> GetLogs(JObject query, string indexPattern = BASIC_INDEX_PATTERN,
                                           List <string> tokensToIgnore       = null)
            tokensToIgnore = tokensToIgnore ?? JsonPropertyEditor.BASIC_TOKENS_TO_IGNORE;
                var data = await client.SearchAsync <StringResponse>(indexPattern,
                                                                     JsonPropertyEditor.ExcludeGrayLogMeta(query, tokensToIgnore).ToString());

                var ms   = new MemoryStream();
                var json = JObject.Parse(data.Body);

                //elastic specification and graylog
                using (var r = new ChoJSONReader(json["hits"]["hits"].Select(x => x["_source"])))
                    using (var w = new ChoCSVWriter(ms, new ChoCSVRecordConfiguration {
                        HasExcelSeparator = true

                ms.Position = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("ElasticSearch error!", e);
        public async Task <string> ResponseData(string search)
            StringResponse searchResponse = await client.SearchAsync <StringResponse>(search);

            bool   successful   = searchResponse.Success;
            string responseJson = searchResponse.Body;

            return(successful ? responseJson : searchResponse.ApiCall.DebugInformation);
        private async Task <List <DomainId> > SearchAsync(object query,
                                                          CancellationToken ct)
            var result = await client.SearchAsync <DynamicResponse>(indexName, CreatePost(query), ctx : ct);

            if (!result.Success)
                throw result.OriginalException;

            var ids = new List <DomainId>();

            foreach (var item in result.Body.hits.hits)
                if (item != null)

Exemple #5
        public async Task <List <Guid>?> SearchAsync(string?queryText, IAppEntity app, SearchFilter?filter, SearchScope scope)
            var serveField = GetServeField(scope);

            var query = new
                query = new
                    @bool = new
                        must = new List <object>
                                term = new Dictionary <string, object>
                                    ["appId.keyword"] = app.Id
                                term = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                    [serveField] = "true"
                                multi_match = new
                                    fields = new[]
                                    query = queryText
                        should = new List <object>()
                _source = new[]
                size = 2000

            if (filter?.SchemaIds.Count > 0)
                var bySchema = new
                    term = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        ["schemaId.keyword"] = filter.SchemaIds

                if (filter.Must)
                    [email protected](bySchema);
                    [email protected](bySchema);

            var result = await client.SearchAsync <DynamicResponse>(IndexName, CreatePost(query));

            if (!result.Success)
                throw result.OriginalException;

            var ids = new List <Guid>();

            foreach (var item in result.Body.hits.hits)
                if (item != null)

        public async Task Elasticsearch_Span_Does_Not_Have_Http_Child_Span()
            var payloadSender = new MockPayloadSender();

            using (var agent = new ApmAgent(new TestAgentComponents(payloadSender: payloadSender, configuration: new MockConfiguration(exitSpanMinDuration: "0", spanCompressionEnabled: "false"))))
                using (agent.Subscribe(new ElasticsearchDiagnosticsSubscriber(), new HttpDiagnosticsSubscriber()))
                    var searchResponse = await agent.Tracer.CaptureTransaction("Call Client", ApiConstants.ActionExec,
                                                                               async() => await _client.SearchAsync <StringResponse>(PostData.Empty)


                    var spans = payloadSender.SpansOnFirstTransaction;
                    spans.Should().NotBeEmpty().And.NotContain(s => s.Subtype == ApiConstants.SubtypeHttp);
Exemple #7
        async Task <ISearchResults> ISearch.Search(
            string[] securityIdentifiers,
            API.Common.Models.SearchRequest searchRequest)
            var query = new
                from = searchRequest.Paging.PageIndex * searchRequest.Paging.PageSize,
                size = searchRequest.Paging.PageSize,
                sort = new[]
                    new { _score = new { order = "desc" } }
                highlight = new
                    pre_tags  = new[] { "<em>" },
                    post_tags = new[] { "</em>" },
                    fields    = new
                        content = new
                            number_of_fragments = 3,
                            boundary_max_scan   = 50,
                            type = "fvh"
                aggs = new
                    facet_strings = new
                        nested = new { path = "facets" },
                        aggs   = new
                            facet_name = new
                                terms = new { field = "facets.name" },
                                aggs  = new
                                    facet_value = new { terms = new { field = "facets.value", size = 10 } }
                _source = new[] {
                query = new
                    @bool = new
                        should = UserQuery(searchRequest),
                        filter = OrganizationAndFolderFilter(searchRequest.OrganizationIdentifier, searchRequest.FolderIdentifier)
                        minimum_should_match = 1

            var queryJSON      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(query);
            var searchResponse = await lowLevelClient.SearchAsync <StringResponse>(IndexName, PostData.String(queryJSON));

            var deserialized = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SearchResposne>(searchResponse.Body);

            var searchResults = new SearchResults
                Rows = deserialized.Hits.Hits.Select(d => new SearchResult
                    FileIdentifier = new FileIdentifier
                        OrganizationKey = d._Source.OrganizationKey,
                        FolderKey       = d._Source.FolderKey,
                        FileKey         = d._Source.FileKey

                    Name      = d._Source.Name,
                    Extension = d._Source.Extension,
                    MimeType  = d._Source.MimeType,

                    Metadata = d._Source.Metadata,

                    Created    = d._Source.Created,
                    Modified   = d._Source.Modified,
                    Highlights = d.Highlight?.SelectMany(h => h.Value).ToArray(),

                    Fields = d._Source.Fields.Where(f => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Value)).ToDictionary(f => f.Key, f => f.Value)

                TotalMatches = deserialized.Hits.Total,
                DebugQuery   = queryJSON

            var facetModels = new List <FacetModel>();

            foreach (var facet in deserialized.Aggregations.Facet_Strings.Facet_Name.Buckets)
                var model = new FacetModel
                    Name = facet.Key.ToString()

                var values = new List <FacetValue>();
                model.Values = values;

                foreach (var facetValue in facet.Facet_Value.Buckets)
                    values.Add(new FacetValue
                        Value = facetValue.Key.ToString(),
                        Count = facetValue.Doc_Count

                if (model.Values.Any() && facet.Facet_Value.Sum_Other_Doc_Count == 0)
                    if (model.Values.Count() == 1 &&
                        model.Values.First().Count == deserialized.Hits.Total)
                        // this is a single facet describing all
                        // results. it doesn't further differentiate the resultset.

                        // skip it
            searchResults.Facets = facetModels;
