Exemple #1
        private Rect DrawFoldable(Rect rect, MetadataWrapper wrapper, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label, bool isPartOfHeader)
            if (wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] == null)
                wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] = true;

            bool oldIsFoldedOutValue = (bool)wrapper.Metadata[foldableName];

            GUIStyle foldoutStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                fontSize  = 12

            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                fontSize  = 12

            Rect foldoutRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, EditorDrawingHelper.HeaderLineHeight);

            if (isPartOfHeader)
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, foldoutRect.y, foldoutRect.width + foldoutRect.x + 8, foldoutRect.height), new Color(62f / 256f, 62f / 256f, 62f / 256f));
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, foldoutRect.y, foldoutRect.width + foldoutRect.x + 8, 1), new Color(26f / 256f, 26f / 256f, 26f / 256f));
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, foldoutRect.y + foldoutRect.height, foldoutRect.width + foldoutRect.x + 8, 1), new Color(48f / 256f, 48f / 256f, 48f / 256f));

            bool newIsFoldedOutValue = EditorDrawingHelper.DrawFoldoutWithReducedFocusArea(foldoutRect, oldIsFoldedOutValue, oldIsFoldedOutValue ? new GUIContent() : label, foldoutStyle, labelStyle);

            if (newIsFoldedOutValue != oldIsFoldedOutValue)
                wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] = newIsFoldedOutValue;

            // Collapsed
            if (newIsFoldedOutValue == false)
                rect.height = EditorDrawingHelper.HeaderLineHeight;

            rect.height = 0f;

            Rect wrappedRect = rect;

            wrappedRect.x     += EditorDrawingHelper.IndentationWidth;
            wrappedRect.width -= EditorDrawingHelper.IndentationWidth;

            return(DrawRecursively(wrappedRect, wrapper, foldableName, (newWrapper) =>
                // We want the user to be aware that value has changed even if the foldable was collapsed (for example, undo/redo).
                wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] = true;
            }, label));