Exemple #1
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.Position, Owner.BoundingBox.width / 2f, CurrentColor);
            Rect iconBoundingBox = new Rect(Owner.Position.x - (iconSize / 2f), Owner.Position.y - (iconSize / 2f), iconSize, iconSize);

            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawTexture(iconBoundingBox, plusIcon.Texture, Color.gray);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.BoundingBox.center, Owner.BoundingBox.size.x / 2f, CurrentColor);
            Rect StartLabelRect = new Rect(Owner.BoundingBox.center.x - LabelWidth / 2f, Owner.BoundingBox.center.y, LabelWidth, LabelHeight);

            EditorGUI.LabelField(StartLabelRect, "Start", EditorStyles.label);
Exemple #3
        private Rect DrawFoldable(Rect rect, MetadataWrapper wrapper, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label, bool isPartOfHeader)
            if (wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] == null)
                wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] = true;

            bool oldIsFoldedOutValue = (bool)wrapper.Metadata[foldableName];

            GUIStyle foldoutStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                fontSize  = 12

            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label)
                fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold,
                fontSize  = 12

            Rect foldoutRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, EditorDrawingHelper.HeaderLineHeight);

            if (isPartOfHeader)
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, foldoutRect.y, foldoutRect.width + foldoutRect.x + 8, foldoutRect.height), new Color(62f / 256f, 62f / 256f, 62f / 256f));
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, foldoutRect.y, foldoutRect.width + foldoutRect.x + 8, 1), new Color(26f / 256f, 26f / 256f, 26f / 256f));
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, foldoutRect.y + foldoutRect.height, foldoutRect.width + foldoutRect.x + 8, 1), new Color(48f / 256f, 48f / 256f, 48f / 256f));

            bool newIsFoldedOutValue = EditorDrawingHelper.DrawFoldoutWithReducedFocusArea(foldoutRect, oldIsFoldedOutValue, oldIsFoldedOutValue ? new GUIContent() : label, foldoutStyle, labelStyle);

            if (newIsFoldedOutValue != oldIsFoldedOutValue)
                wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] = newIsFoldedOutValue;

            // Collapsed
            if (newIsFoldedOutValue == false)
                rect.height = EditorDrawingHelper.HeaderLineHeight;

            rect.height = 0f;

            Rect wrappedRect = rect;

            wrappedRect.x     += EditorDrawingHelper.IndentationWidth;
            wrappedRect.width -= EditorDrawingHelper.IndentationWidth;

            return(DrawRecursively(wrappedRect, wrapper, foldableName, (newWrapper) =>
                // We want the user to be aware that value has changed even if the foldable was collapsed (for example, undo/redo).
                wrapper.Metadata[foldableName] = true;
            }, label));
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.Position, Owner.BoundingBox.width / 4f, CurrentColor);
            Rect iconRect = new Rect(Owner.Position.x - iconSize / 2f, Owner.Position.y - iconSize / 2f, iconSize, iconSize);

            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawTexture(iconRect, ingoingIcon.Texture, Color.gray);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Rect Draw(Rect rect, object currentValue, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label)
            EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(EditorConfigurator.Instance.AllowedMenuItemsSettings.GetBehaviorMenuOptions().Any() == false);
            if (EditorDrawingHelper.DrawAddButton(ref rect, "Add Behavior"))
                IList <TestableEditorElements.MenuOption> options = ConvertFromConfigurationOptionsToGenericMenuOptions(EditorConfigurator.Instance.BehaviorsMenuContent.ToList(), currentValue, changeValueCallback);

            if (EditorDrawingHelper.DrawHelpButton(ref rect))

            if (EditorConfigurator.Instance.AllowedMenuItemsSettings.GetBehaviorMenuOptions().Any() == false)
                rect.y     += rect.height + EditorDrawingHelper.VerticalSpacing;
                rect.width -= EditorDrawingHelper.IndentationWidth;
                EditorGUI.HelpBox(rect, "Your project does not contain any Behaviors. Either create one or import an Innoactive Creator Component.", MessageType.Error);
                rect.height += rect.height + EditorDrawingHelper.VerticalSpacing;

Exemple #6
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.Position, Owner.BoundingBox.width / 2f, CurrentColor);

            if (Owner.DragDelta.magnitude > Owner.BoundingBox.width / 2f)
                EditorDrawingHelper.DrawArrow(Owner.Position, Owner.Position + Owner.DragDelta, CurrentColor, 40f, 10f);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Rect Draw(Rect rect, object currentValue, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label)
            if (EditorDrawingHelper.DrawAddButton(ref rect, "Add Transition"))
                ChangeValue(() => new Transition(), () => currentValue, changeValueCallback);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Rect Draw(Rect rect, object currentValue, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label)
            if (EditorDrawingHelper.DrawAddButton(ref rect, "Add Behavior"))
                IList <TestableEditorElements.MenuOption> options = ConvertFromConfigurationOptionsToGenericMenuOptions(EditorConfigurator.Instance.BehaviorsMenuContent.ToList(), currentValue, changeValueCallback);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Rect Draw(Rect rect, object currentValue, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label)
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(new Rect(0, rect.y, rect.width + 8, 1), new Color(26f / 256f, 26f / 256f, 26f / 256f));

            rect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y - 5, rect.width, rect.height);
            if (EditorDrawingHelper.DrawAddButton(ref rect, "Add Transition"))
                ChangeValue(() => EntityFactory.CreateTransition(), () => currentValue, changeValueCallback);

Exemple #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Draw()
            Color drawColor;

            int   lineCount = 0;
            float yPosTop   = 0;
            float yPosBot   = 0;

            float width  = BoundingBox.x + BoundingBox.width;
            float height = BoundingBox.y + BoundingBox.height;

            // Draw horizontal lines starting from (0, 0).
            while (yPosTop > BoundingBox.y || yPosBot <= height)
                drawColor = lineCount % 10 == 0 ? SecondaryColor : MainColor;

                if (yPosTop > BoundingBox.y)
                    EditorDrawingHelper.DrawHorizontalLine(new Vector3(BoundingBox.x, yPosTop), BoundingBox.width, drawColor);
                    yPosTop -= CellSize;

                if (yPosBot <= height)
                    EditorDrawingHelper.DrawHorizontalLine(new Vector3(BoundingBox.x, yPosBot), BoundingBox.width, drawColor);
                    yPosBot += CellSize;

            lineCount = 0;
            float xPosLeft  = 0;
            float xPosRight = 0;

            // Draw vertical lines starting from (0, 0).
            while (xPosLeft > BoundingBox.x || xPosRight <= width)
                drawColor = lineCount % 10 == 0 ? SecondaryColor : MainColor;
                if (xPosLeft > BoundingBox.x)
                    EditorDrawingHelper.DrawVerticalLine(new Vector3(xPosLeft, BoundingBox.y), BoundingBox.height, drawColor);
                    xPosLeft -= CellSize;

                if (xPosRight <= width)
                    EditorDrawingHelper.DrawVerticalLine(new Vector3(xPosRight, BoundingBox.y), BoundingBox.height, drawColor);
                    xPosRight += CellSize;
Exemple #11
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.Position, Owner.BoundingBox.width / 2f, CurrentColor);

            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    = { textColor = TextColor },
                wordWrap  = false,

            GUI.Label(Owner.BoundingBox, "+", labelStyle);
Exemple #12
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.Position, Owner.BoundingBox.width / 2f, CurrentColor);

            if (Owner.DragDelta.magnitude > Owner.BoundingBox.width / 2f)
                EditorDrawingHelper.DrawArrow(Owner.Position, Owner.Position + Owner.DragDelta, CurrentColor, 40f, 10f);

            Rect iconRect = new Rect(Owner.Position.x - iconSize / 2f, Owner.Position.y - iconSize / 2f, iconSize, iconSize);

            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawTexture(iconRect, outgoingIcon.Texture, Color.gray);
Exemple #13
        public override void Draw()
            Rect drawInRect = new Rect(Owner.Position - Owner.BoundingBox.size / 4f, Owner.BoundingBox.size / 2f);

            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.Position, drawInRect.width / 2f, CurrentColor);

            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    = { textColor = TextColor },
                wordWrap  = false,

            GUI.Label(drawInRect, ">", labelStyle);
Exemple #14
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawRoundedRect(Owner.BoundingBox, CurrentColor, 10f);

            IValidationHandler validation = EditorConfigurator.Instance.Validation;

            if (validation.IsAllowedToValidate())
                IContextResolver resolver = validation.ContextResolver;

                IContext context = resolver.FindContext(Owner.Step.Data, GlobalEditorHandler.GetCurrentCourse());
                if (validation.LastReport != null)
                    List <EditorReportEntry> errors = validation.LastReport.GetEntriesFor(context);
                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        string tooltip = ValidationTooltipGenerator.CreateStepTooltip(errors,
                                                                                      resolver.FindContext(Owner.ActiveChapter.Data, GlobalEditorHandler.GetCurrentCourse()));
                        GUIContent content = new GUIContent("", null, tooltip);
                        Rect       rect    = new Rect(Owner.BoundingBox.x + Owner.BoundingBox.width * 0.70f, Owner.BoundingBox.y - 8, 16, 16);
                        // Label icons are too small so we draw a label for the tool tip and icon separated.
                        GUI.Label(rect, content);
                        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("Warning").image);

            float labelX      = Owner.BoundingBox.x + labelBorderOffsetInwards;
            float labelY      = Owner.BoundingBox.y + labelBorderOffsetInwards;
            float labelWidth  = Owner.BoundingBox.width - labelBorderOffsetInwards * 2f;
            float labelHeight = Owner.BoundingBox.height - labelBorderOffsetInwards * 2f;

            Rect labelPosition = new Rect(labelX, labelY, labelWidth, labelHeight);

            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    = { textColor = TextColor },
                wordWrap  = false,

            string name = EditorDrawingHelper.TruncateText(Owner.Step.Data.Name, labelStyle, labelPosition.width);

            GUIContent labelContent = new GUIContent(name);

            GUI.Label(labelPosition, labelContent, labelStyle);
Exemple #15
        private Rect DrawSeparated(Rect rect, MetadataWrapper wrapper, Action <object> changeValueCallback, GUIContent label)
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawRect(new Rect(0f, rect.y - 1f, rect.x + rect.width, 1f), Color.grey);

            Rect wrappedRect = rect;

            wrappedRect.y += EditorDrawingHelper.VerticalSpacing;

            wrappedRect = DrawRecursively(wrappedRect, wrapper, separatedName, changeValueCallback, label);

            wrappedRect.height += EditorDrawingHelper.VerticalSpacing;

            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawRect(new Rect(0f, wrappedRect.y + wrappedRect.height - 1f, wrappedRect.x + wrappedRect.width, 1f), Color.grey);

            rect.height = wrappedRect.height;
Exemple #16
        private void OnGUI()
            if (activeCourse == null)



            float width      = chapterMenu.IsExtended ? TrainingMenuView.ExtendedMenuWidth : TrainingMenuView.MinimizedMenuWidth;
            Rect  scrollRect = EditorDrawingHelper.GetNextLineRect(new Rect(width, 0f, position.size.x - width, position.size.y));


Exemple #17
        ///<inheritdoc />
        public override void Draw()
            Rect rect = Owner.BoundingBox;

            rect.x      = Mathf.Round(rect.x);
            rect.y      = Mathf.Round(rect.y);
            rect.height = Mathf.Round(rect.height);
            rect.width  = Mathf.Round(rect.width);

            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawRoundedRect(rect, CurrentColor, 4f);
            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle()
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    = new GUIStyleState()
                    textColor = TextColor

            GUI.Label(rect, "+", style);
Exemple #18
        public override void Draw()
            EditorDrawingHelper.DrawRoundedRect(Owner.BoundingBox, CurrentColor, 10f);

            float labelX      = Owner.BoundingBox.x + labelBorderOffsetInwards;
            float labelY      = Owner.BoundingBox.y + labelBorderOffsetInwards;
            float labelWidth  = Owner.BoundingBox.width - labelBorderOffsetInwards * 2f;
            float labelHeight = Owner.BoundingBox.height - labelBorderOffsetInwards * 2f;

            Rect labelPosition = new Rect(labelX, labelY, labelWidth, labelHeight);

            GUIStyle labelStyle = new GUIStyle
                alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
                normal    = { textColor = TextColor },
                wordWrap  = false,

            string name = EditorDrawingHelper.TruncateText(Owner.Step.Data.Name, labelStyle, labelPosition.width);

            GUIContent labelContent = new GUIContent(name);

            GUI.Label(labelPosition, labelContent, labelStyle);
Exemple #19
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override void Draw()
     EditorDrawingHelper.DrawCircle(Owner.BoundingBox.center, Owner.BoundingBox.size.x / 2f, CurrentColor);
Exemple #20
 ///<inheritdoc />
 public override void Draw()
     EditorDrawingHelper.DrawPolyline(Owner.PolylinePoints, CurrentColor);
     EditorDrawingHelper.DrawTriangle(Owner.PolylinePoints, CurrentColor);