// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { foreach (object key in ES3.GetKeys()) { Debug.Log(key); // Last save date and time recall // Differential data recall // These data set to json // json uploads // } }
public void RemoveAllSettings() { string[] keys = ES3.GetKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { ES3.DeleteKey(keys[i]); } }
public void ReturnLobby() { if (ES3.FileExists("WeaponList.es3")) { var keys = ES3.GetKeys("WeaponList.es3"); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { if (ES3.KeyExists(i.ToString(), "WeaponList.es3")) { ES3.DeleteKey(i.ToString(), "WeaponList.es3"); } } } if (this.weaponParent == null) { this.weaponParent = GameObject.Find("GunSlot").transform; } weaponList.Clear(); GameObject weaponObj; CWeapon weapon; if (ES3.KeyExists("BaseGun", "Weapon.es3")) { string weaponName = ES3.Load <string>("BaseGun", "Weapon.es3"); weaponObj = GameObject.Instantiate(CResourceManager.Instance.GetObjectForKey("Prefabs/Gun/" + weaponName), this.weaponParent); weapon = weaponObj.GetComponent <CWeapon>(); weapon.gunName = weaponName; } else { weaponObj = GameObject.Instantiate(CResourceManager.Instance.GetObjectForKey("Prefabs/Gun/DAKGUN"), this.weaponParent); weapon = weaponObj.GetComponent <CWeapon>(); weapon.gunName = "DAKGUN"; } weapon.SetGunImageSetting(); bulletArray[0] = weapon.GetMaxBullet(); for (int i = 1; i < bulletArray.Length; i++) { bulletArray[i] = -1; } if (this.weaponParent == null) { this.weaponParent = GameObject.Find("GunSlot").transform; } this.SetCurrentWeapon(weapon); this.AddWeapon(weapon); ES3.Save <int>("CurrentWeaponIndex", this.currentWeaponIndex, "Weapon.es3"); ES3.Save <string>("BaseGun", weapon.gunName, "Weapon.es3"); }
/// <summary> /// 全セーブデータ削除 /// </summary> public static void DeleteAllSaveData() { var keys = ES3.GetKeys() .ToList(); keys.ForEach(key => ES3.DeleteKey(key)); MainUIManager.I.ShowAnnounceMessage("全セーブデータを削除\nしました。(再起動後有効)", 2); }
public void NewGame() { PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); foreach (var key in ES3.GetKeys()) { ES3.DeleteKey(key); } tutorialQuests.SetQuests(defaultTutorialQuests); quests.SetQuests(defaultQuests); NewGameEvent.Invoke(); }
public void LoadWeaponList() { if (this.weaponParent == null) { this.weaponParent = GameObject.Find("GunSlot").transform; } bool isExist = ES3.FileExists("WeaponList.es3"); if (isExist) { var keys = ES3.GetKeys("WeaponList.es3"); bulletArray = ES3.Load <int[]>("BulletCount", "Weapon.es3"); if (keys.Length != 0) { for (int i = keys.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { string gunName = ES3.Load <string>(keys[i], "WeaponList.es3"); GameObject weaponObj = GameObject.Instantiate(CResourceManager.Instance.GetObjectForKey("Prefabs/Gun/" + gunName), this.weaponParent); var weapon = weaponObj.GetComponent <CWeapon>(); weapon.gunName = gunName; weapon.SetGunImageSetting(); this.SetCurrentWeapon(weapon); this.AddWeapon(weapon); } this.currentWeaponIndex = ES3.Load <int>("CurrentWeaponIndex", "Weapon.es3"); this.ChangeWeapon(this.currentWeaponIndex); } } else { //베이스건으로 놓아야함. GameObject weaponObj = GameObject.Instantiate(CResourceManager.Instance.GetObjectForKey("Prefabs/Gun/DAKGUN"), this.weaponParent); var weapon = weaponObj.GetComponent <CWeapon>(); weapon.gunName = "DAKGUN"; weapon.SetGunImageSetting(); for (int i = 0; i < bulletArray.Length; i++) { bulletArray[i] = -1; } this.SetCurrentWeapon(weapon); this.AddWeapon(weapon); this.currentWeaponIndex = 0; ES3.Save <int>("CurrentWeaponIndex", this.currentWeaponIndex, "Weapon.es3"); } }
void LoadEntireFile() { string saveDir; if (Get().TryGetSaveFileDirectory(out saveDir)) { Debug.Log("Directory: " + saveDir); foreach (var key in ES3.GetKeys(saveDir)) { Debug.Log(key); } } }
public override void Enter() { keyCount.Value = ES3.GetKeys(filePath.Value, GetSettings()).Length; }
public override void Enter() { keys.Values = ES3.GetKeys(filePath.Value, GetSettings()); keys.SaveChanges(); }
public string[] Keys() { return(ES3.GetKeys()); }
/// <summary> /// 復号化を介して、SaveDataからTempDataを作成。 /// </summary> static void CreateTempData() { var keys = ES3.GetKeys(SaveSettings); TempData = keys.ToDictionary(key => key, key => ES3.Load <dynamic> (key, SaveSettings)); }