Exemple #1
        protected override bool PerformAbility()
            DungeonMap map    = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player = Game.Player;

            Game.MessageLog.Add($"{player.Name} performs a whirlwind attack against all adjacent enemies");

            List <Point> monsterLocations = new List <Point>();

            foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(player.X, player.Y, 1))
                foreach (Point monsterLocation in map.GetMonsterLocations())
                    if (cell.X == monsterLocation.X && cell.Y == monsterLocation.Y)

            foreach (Point monsterLocation in monsterLocations)
                Monster monster = map.GetMonsterAt(monsterLocation.X, monsterLocation.Y);
                if (monster != null)
                    Game.CommandSystem.Attack(player, monster);

Exemple #2
        protected override bool PerformAbility()
            DungeonMap map    = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player = Game.Player;

            foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(player.X, player.Y, _revealDistance))
                if (cell.IsWalkable)
                    map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.IsTransparent, cell.IsWalkable, true);

Exemple #3
        private void PlaceSaloon(DungeonMap map, Rectangle Room)
            //10x10 box of wall tiles with a door, east of the player
            int centerX = Room.Center.X;
            int centerY = Room.Center.Y;

            int buildingCenter = centerX + 25;
            int doorCoord      = buildingCenter - 5;

            foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(buildingCenter, centerY, 5))
                map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, false, false, true);
            MakeTownDoor(map, doorCoord, centerY, '2');
Exemple #4
        private void PlaceSheriffsOffice(DungeonMap map, Rectangle Room)
            //10x10 box of wall tiles with a door, north of the player
            int centerX = Room.Center.X;
            int centerY = Room.Center.Y;

            int buildingCenter = centerY - 25;
            int doorCoord      = buildingCenter + 5;

            foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(centerX, buildingCenter, 5))
                map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, false, false, true);
            MakeTownDoor(map, centerX, doorCoord, '1');
        protected override bool PerformAbility()
            DungeonMap map    = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player = Game.Player;

            if (player.Mana < _manaCost)
                Game.MessageLog.Add($"You don't have enough mana to use this skill", Swatch.DbBlood);

                player.Mana -= _manaCost;
                Game.MessageLog.Add($"You perform a whirlwind attack against all enemies {_range} tile(s) away");
                List <Point> monsterLocations = new List <Point>();

                foreach (ICell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(player.X, player.Y, _range))
                    foreach (Point monsterLocation in map.GetMonsterLocations())
                        if (cell.X == monsterLocation.X && cell.Y == monsterLocation.Y)

                foreach (Point monsterLocation in monsterLocations)
                    Monster monster = map.GetMonsterAt(monsterLocation.X, monsterLocation.Y);
                    if (monster != null)
                        Game.CommandSystem.Attack(player, monster);
                        if (Dice.Roll("1D100") < _poisonChance)
                            if (monster.IsPoisonedImmune == false && _poisonDamage != 0)
                                monster.State = new MonsterAbnormalState(monster, _poisonLength, "Poisoned", -2, -2, _poisonDamage);

        public bool Act(Monster monster, CommandSystem commandSystem)
            bool didReveal = false;

            DungeonMap dungeonMap = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player     = Game.Player;
            MessageLog messageLog = Game.MessageLog;

            foreach (ICell cell in dungeonMap.GetCellsInSquare(monster.X, monster.Y, 1))
                if (dungeonMap.CheckForPlayer(cell.X, cell.Y) && didReveal == false)
                    monster.Name            = "Mimic";
                    monster.Symbol          = 'M';
                    monster.IsMimicInHiding = false;
                    messageLog.Add("That's no armor, that a Mimic", Swatch.DbBlood);
                    messageLog.Add("The mimic spat poison at you", Swatch.DbBlood); // hp debug

                    if (Dice.Roll("1D10") < 7)
                        if (player.IsPoisonedImmune == false)
                            messageLog.Add("You were hit! The poison starts to enter your system", Swatch.DbBlood);
                            player.State = new AbnormalState(4, "Poisoned", "The Poison has stated to take its full effect", -2, -2, -3, 2, 3);
                        else if (player.Status == "Hardened")
                            messageLog.Add("You were hit! However, the poison has no effect on you in your hardened state");
                            messageLog.Add("You were hit! However, you are completely immune to the poison", Swatch.DbBlood);
                        messageLog.Add("You swifty dodge the poison");

                    didReveal = true;

Exemple #7
        public void SelectTarget(Point target)
            DungeonMap map    = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player = Game.Player;

            Game.MessageLog.Add($"{player.Name} casts a {Name}");
            Actor fireballActor = new Actor {
                Attack       = _attack,
                AttackChance = _attackChance,
                Name         = Name

            foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(target.X, target.Y, _area))
                Monster monster = map.GetMonsterAt(cell.X, cell.Y);
                if (monster != null)
                    Game.CommandSystem.Attack(fireballActor, monster);
Exemple #8
        public void Draw(RLConsole mapConsole)
            if (IsPlayerTargeting)
                DungeonMap map    = Game.DungeonMap;
                Player     player = Game.Player;
                if (_selectionType == SelectionType.Area)
                    foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(_cursorPosition.X, _cursorPosition.Y, _area))
                        mapConsole.SetBackColor(cell.X, cell.Y, Palette.DbSun);
                else if (_selectionType == SelectionType.Line)
                    foreach (Cell cell in map.GetCellsAlongLine(player.X, player.Y, _cursorPosition.X, _cursorPosition.Y))
                        mapConsole.SetBackColor(cell.X, cell.Y, Palette.DbSun);

                mapConsole.SetBackColor(_cursorPosition.X, _cursorPosition.Y, Palette.DbLight);