public void SelectTarget(Point target)
            DungeonMap map     = RogueGame.DungeonMap;
            Player     player  = RogueGame.Player;
            Monster    monster = map.GetMonsterAt(target.X, target.Y);

            if (monster != null)
                RogueGame.MessageLog.Add($"{player.Name} casts a {Name} at {monster.Name}");
                Actor magicMissleActor = new Actor
                    Attack = _attack, AttackChance = _attackChance, Name = Name
                RogueGame.CommandSystem.Attack(magicMissleActor, monster);
Exemple #2
 public Player(DungeonMap map, Point location) : base(map, location)
         StepCounter = Game.Player.StepCounter;
         StepCounter = 0;
     Location = map.CurrentPlayerLocation;
     if (HasMultiKey)
         this.MultiKey = Game.Player.MultiKey;
Exemple #3
        private static void OnRootConsoleRender(object sender, UpdateEventArgs e)
            RLConsole.Blit(_mapConsole, 0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, _rootConsole, 0, _inventoryHeight);
            RLConsole.Blit(_statConsole, 0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, _rootConsole, _mapWidth, 0);
            RLConsole.Blit(_inventoryConsole, 0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, _rootConsole, 0, 0);
            Player.Draw(_mapConsole, DungeonMap);


            if (_renderRequired)
                DungeonMap.Draw(_mapConsole, _statConsole);
                Player.Draw(_mapConsole, DungeonMap);
Exemple #4
        public static void Main()
            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = "Hunter v0.0";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight,
                                             8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole     = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole    = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);

            Player           = new Player();
            CommandSystem    = new CommandSystem();
            QuestMenu        = new QuestMenu(_menuWidth, _menuHeight);
            DeathScreen      = new DeathScreen(_menuWidth, _menuHeight);
            WinMenu          = new WinMenu(_menuWidth, _menuHeight);
            Menu             = new Menu(_menuWidth, _menuHeight);
            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();

            // Create a new MessageLog and print the random seed used to generate the level
            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The rogue arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add("Prepare to fight for your life");

            //Generate the map
            TownMap mapCreation = new TownMap(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            //SimpleBsp mapCreation = new SimpleBsp(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            //FullRoomBsp mapCreation = new FullRoomBsp(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            DungeonMap = mapCreation.CreateMap();

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Exemple #5
        public static void Main()
            //Establish the seed for the random number generator from the current time
            int seed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);
            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            // also include the seed used to generate the level
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = $"RogueSharp V3 Tutorial - Level 1 - Seed {seed}";

            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;

            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            _mapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, Color.FloorBackground);
            _mapConsole.Print(1, 1, "", Color.TextHeading);

            //Create a new MessageLog and print the seed used to create the level
            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The rogue arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level created with seed '{seed}'");

            _statConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Pallette.DbOldStone);
            _statConsole.Print(1, 1, "Stats", Color.TextHeading);

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Pallette.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Color.TextHeading);

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 20, 13, 7);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();


        protected override bool PerformAbility()
            DungeonMap map    = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player = Game.Player;

            if (player.Mana < _manaCost)
                Game.MessageLog.Add($"You don't have enough mana to use this skill", Swatch.DbBlood);

                player.Mana -= _manaCost;
                Game.MessageLog.Add($"You perform a whirlwind attack against all enemies {_range} tile(s) away");
                List <Point> monsterLocations = new List <Point>();

                foreach (ICell cell in map.GetCellsInSquare(player.X, player.Y, _range))
                    foreach (Point monsterLocation in map.GetMonsterLocations())
                        if (cell.X == monsterLocation.X && cell.Y == monsterLocation.Y)

                foreach (Point monsterLocation in monsterLocations)
                    Monster monster = map.GetMonsterAt(monsterLocation.X, monsterLocation.Y);
                    if (monster != null)
                        Game.CommandSystem.Attack(player, monster);
                        if (Dice.Roll("1D100") < _poisonChance)
                            if (monster.IsPoisonedImmune == false && _poisonDamage != 0)
                                monster.State = new MonsterAbnormalState(monster, _poisonLength, "Poisoned", -2, -2, _poisonDamage);

Exemple #7
        private static void OnRootConsoleRender(object sender, UpdateEventArgs e)
            if (_renderRequired)
                Player.Draw(_mapConsole, DungeonMap);
                RLConsole.Blit(_mapConsole, 0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight,
                               _rootConsole, 0, _headerHeight);
                RLConsole.Blit(_headerConsole, 0, 0, _headerWidth, _headerHeight,
                               _rootConsole, 0, 0);
                Player.Draw(_mapConsole, DungeonMap);

                _renderRequired = false;
        protected override bool UseItem()
            DungeonMap map       = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player    = Game.Player;
            Point      edgePoint = GetRandomEdgePoint(map);

            Game.MessageLog.Add($"You use a {Name} and chaotically unleashes a void beam");
            Actor voidAttackActor = new Actor
                Attack       = 12,
                AttackChance = 90,
                Name         = "The Void"

            ICell previousCell = null;

            foreach (ICell cell in map.GetCellsAlongLine(player.X, player.Y, edgePoint.X, edgePoint.Y))
                if (cell.X == player.X && cell.Y == player.Y)

                Monster monster = map.GetMonsterAt(cell.X, cell.Y);
                if (monster != null)
                    Game.CommandSystem.Attack(voidAttackActor, monster);
                    map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, true, true, true);
                    if (previousCell != null)
                        if (cell.X != previousCell.X || cell.Y != previousCell.Y)
                            map.SetCellProperties(cell.X + 1, cell.Y, true, true, true);
                    previousCell = cell;


Exemple #9
 public static void LoadPoIsEditorFiles()
     catch (System.Exception ex)
Exemple #10
    private void LateUpdate()
        if (_renderRequired)
            for (int i = 0; i < MonsterStat.transform.childCount; i++)
                var go = MonsterStat.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;


            _renderRequired = false;
Exemple #11
        private static void OnRootConsoleRender(object sender, UpdateEventArgs e)
            if (_renderRequired)
                Player.Draw(_mapConsole, DungeonMap);
                RLConsole.Blit(_mapConsole, 0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, _rootConsole, _messageWidth, 0);
                RLConsole.Blit(_messageConsole, 0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, _rootConsole, 0, 0);
                RLConsole.Blit(_statsConsole, 0, 0, _statsWidth, _statsHeight, _rootConsole, _mapWidth + _messageWidth, 0);
                RLConsole.Blit(_invConsole, 0, 0, _invWidth, _invHeight, _rootConsole, _mapWidth + _messageWidth, _statsHeight);
                // RLNET draw setted console

                _renderRequired = false;
            // throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #12
        public static Zombie Create(DungeonMap map, Point pos, int level)
            var health = Dice.Roll("2d5");

            return(new Zombie(map, pos, Colours.ZombieColour, Color.Black, 'Z', (int)MapLayers.MONSTERS)
                Attack = Dice.Roll("2d5") + level / 3,
                AttackChance = Dice.Roll("25d3"),
                Awareness = 10,
                Defense = Dice.Roll("1d3") + level / 3,
                DefenseChance = Dice.Roll("10d4"),
                Gold = Dice.Roll("5d5"),
                Health = health,
                MaxHealth = health,
                Name = "Zombur"
Exemple #13
        public static void Main()
            //establish the seed for the random number generator from the current time
            int seed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);

            // the title will appear on top of the console window and include the seed used to generate the level
            string consoleTitle = $"RogueSharp V4 - Level {_mapLevel} - Seed {seed}";
            //must be the exact name of the bitmap file or we will get an error
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            //tell RLNet to use the bitmap font we specified, and that each tile is 8x8 pixels.
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            //initialize the sub-consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 20, 13, 7, _mapLevel);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            //set up a handler for RLNET's update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            //set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            //Create a new MessageLog and print the  random seed used to generate the level
            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The rogue arrives on Level 1.");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level was created with seed '{seed}'");

            //Commented out below is just how to set the background color for the inventory console (can also be used for the messagelog or stats console, as well)
            //_inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, RLColor.Cyan)

            //begin RLNET's game loop
Exemple #14
        public void PlaceBoss(DungeonMap map, List <Rectangle> rooms)
            int roomIndex = GenerateRandomInt(0, rooms.Count);

            Rectangle room = rooms[roomIndex];
            Point     randomRoomLocation = map.GetRandomWalkableLocationInRoom(room);

            if (randomRoomLocation != null)
                // Temporarily hard code this monster to be created at level 1
                var boss = Outlaw.Create(1);
                boss.X = randomRoomLocation.X;
                boss.Y = randomRoomLocation.Y;
                map.AddMonster(map, boss);
Exemple #15
    public IEnumerator Execute(DungeonMap map)
        Config config    = map.mainCells;
        int    max       = map.generateCells.maxArea;
        int    min       = map.generateCells.minArea;
        int    threshold = (int)(min * (1f - config.areaThreshold) + max * config.areaThreshold);

        foreach (Cell c in map.cells)
            if (c.width * c.length >= threshold)
                c.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color =;
        yield break;
Exemple #16
        protected override bool UseItem()
            DungeonMap map = Game.DungeonMap;

            Game.MessageLog.Add($"You read the {Name} and gains knowledge of the surrounding area");

            foreach (ICell cell in map.GetAllCells())
                if (cell.IsWalkable)
                    map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.IsTransparent, cell.IsWalkable, true);

        public bool Act(Monster monster, CommandSystem commandSystem)
            bool didReveal = false;

            DungeonMap dungeonMap = Game.DungeonMap;
            Player     player     = Game.Player;
            MessageLog messageLog = Game.MessageLog;

            foreach (ICell cell in dungeonMap.GetCellsInSquare(monster.X, monster.Y, 1))
                if (dungeonMap.CheckForPlayer(cell.X, cell.Y) && didReveal == false)
                    monster.Name            = "Mimic";
                    monster.Symbol          = 'M';
                    monster.IsMimicInHiding = false;
                    messageLog.Add("That's no armor, that a Mimic", Swatch.DbBlood);
                    messageLog.Add("The mimic spat poison at you", Swatch.DbBlood); // hp debug

                    if (Dice.Roll("1D10") < 7)
                        if (player.IsPoisonedImmune == false)
                            messageLog.Add("You were hit! The poison starts to enter your system", Swatch.DbBlood);
                            player.State = new AbnormalState(4, "Poisoned", "The Poison has stated to take its full effect", -2, -2, -3, 2, 3);
                        else if (player.Status == "Hardened")
                            messageLog.Add("You were hit! However, the poison has no effect on you in your hardened state");
                            messageLog.Add("You were hit! However, you are completely immune to the poison", Swatch.DbBlood);
                        messageLog.Add("You swifty dodge the poison");

                    didReveal = true;

        private void GenerateMap()
            // Create the map
            //RogueSharp.MapCreation.IMapCreationStrategy<RogueSharp.Map> mapCreationStrategy
            //    = new RogueSharp.MapCreation.RandomRoomsMapCreationStrategy<RogueSharp.Map>(Width, Height, 100, 20, 7);
            //rogueMap = RogueSharp.Map.Create(mapCreationStrategy);
            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(Width, Height, 50, 12, 6);

            // TODO: I don't think I should have two maps
            detailedMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();
            rogueMap    = detailedMap;

            rogueFOV = new RogueSharp.FieldOfView(rogueMap);
            mapData  = new MapObjects.MapObjectBase[Width, Height];

            // Loop through the map information generated by RogueSharp and create our cached visuals of that data
            foreach (var cell in rogueMap.GetAllCells())
                if (cell.IsWalkable)
                    if (detailedMap.GetDoor(cell.X, cell.Y) == null)
                        mapData[cell.X, cell.Y] = new Floor();
                        mapData[cell.X, cell.Y] = new Door('+');
                    mapData[cell.X, cell.Y].RenderToCell(this[cell.X, cell.Y], false, false);
                    //rogueMap.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, false, false);
                    mapData[cell.X, cell.Y] = new MapObjects.Wall();
                    mapData[cell.X, cell.Y].RenderToCell(this[cell.X, cell.Y], false, false);

                    // We're a wall, so we block LOS
                    rogueMap.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, false, cell.IsWalkable);

            Monsters = detailedMap.getMonsters(Position - textSurface.RenderArea.Location);
Exemple #19
        public static void Main()
            //Establish the seed for the random number generator from the current time
            int seed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);

            //Title will appear at the top of the console window and will include the seed for the level
            string consoleTitle = $"RPG_Game - Level {_mapLevel} - Seed {seed}";

            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();
            CommandSystem    = new CommandSystem();
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            //Tells RLNet to use the bitmap font and that each tile is 8x8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 20, 13, 7, _mapLevel);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            //Set background color and text color for each console

            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The rogue arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level created with seed '{seed}'");

            _statConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Swatch.DbOldStone);
            _statConsole.Print(1, 1, "Stats", Colors.TextHeading);

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Colors.TextHeading);

Exemple #20
    public void SelectTarget(Point target)
        DungeonMap map     = Game.DungeonMap;
        Player     player  = Game.Player;
        Monster    monster = map.GetMonsterAt(target.X, target.Y);

        if (monster != null)
            Game.MessageLog.Add(string.Format("{0} casts a {1} at {2}", player.Name, Name, monster.Name));
            Actor magicMissleActor = new Actor
                Attack       = _attack,
                AttackChance = _attackChance,
                Name         = Name
            Game.CommandSystem.Attack(magicMissleActor, monster);
    public void SetDungeon(DungeonMap dungeon)

        //Reset dungeon container to default position befor initializing
        transform.position =;
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        this.dungeon = dungeon;




Exemple #22
    private IEnumerator Start()
        yield return(new WaitUntil(() => RootConsole.s_Singleton.Initialized == true));

        active = true;

        player     = new Player();
        commandSys = new CommandSystem();

        MapGenerator mapGen = new MapGenerator(Map.GetWidth(), Map.GetHeight());

        dunegonMap = mapGen.CreateMap();
Exemple #23
        public bool SelectMonster(ITargetable targetable)
            _selectionType = SelectionType.Target;
            DungeonMap map = Game.DungeonMap;

            _selectableTargets = map.GetMonsterLocationsInFieldOfView().ToList();
            _targetable        = targetable;
            _cursorPosition    = _selectableTargets.FirstOrDefault();
            if (_cursorPosition == null)

            IsPlayerTargeting = true;
Exemple #24
        public void ShutDown()
            if (nextScene == SceneType.Pause)       //次のシーンがPauseだったら以下のものShutdownしない

            map.Clear();                            //マップ解放
            map = null;

            mapItemManager.Initialize();            //Item解放
            mapItemManager = null;

            gameManager.EnemySetting.Clear();       //SpawnSettingを削除

            ui = null;
Exemple #25
        private static void OnRootConsoleRender(object sender, UpdateEventArgs e)
            if (_renderRequired)
                Player.Draw(_mapConsole, DungeonMap);

                // Blits other consoles to root console
                RLConsole.Blit(_mapConsole, 0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, _rootConsole, 0, _inventoryHeight);
                RLConsole.Blit(_statConsole, 0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, _rootConsole, _mapWidth, 0);
                RLConsole.Blit(_messageConsole, 0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, _rootConsole, 0, _screenHeight - _messageHeight);
                RLConsole.Blit(_inventoryConsole, 0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, _rootConsole, 0, 0);


                _renderRequired = false;
    protected override bool UseItem()
        DungeonMap map = Game.DungeonMap;

        Game.MessageLog.Add(string.Format("{0} reads a {1} and gains knowledge of the surrounding area", Game.Player.Name, Name));

        foreach (RogueSharp.Cell cell in map.GetAllCells())
            if (cell.IsWalkable)
                map.SetCellProperties(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.IsTransparent, cell.IsWalkable, true);


Exemple #27
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //establish seed from random number generator from current time
            int seed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);

            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            //include title at top of console window
            string consoleTitle = $"Rougelike - Level {_mapLevel} - Seed {seed}";

            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight,
                                             8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            //initialize all the sub consoles that blit onto the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 20, 13, 7, _mapLevel);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            //create new MessageLog and print the random seed used to generate level
            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The player arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level created with seed '{seed}'");

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Exemple #28
        public static void Main()
            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = "RougeSharp V3 Tutorial - Level 1";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            Player = new Player();
            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            // Set background color and text for each console so that we can verify they are in the correct positions
            _messageConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, Swatch.DbDeepWater);
            _messageConsole.Print(1, 1, "Messages", Colors.TextHeading);

            _statConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Swatch.DbOldStone);
            _statConsole.Print(1, 1, "Stats", Colors.TextHeading);

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Colors.TextHeading);

            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Exemple #29
        public static void Main()
            //font file we're using, this is in my file
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = "RogueSharp V3 Tutorial - Level 1";

            //Initialize the sub consoles that will attach to root
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            Player = new Player();
            //Use map generator to generate dungeon
            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            //Instantiate CommandSystem();
            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            _rootConsole         = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
            //Set background color and text for each console
            //Used to verify correct positions
            //Map console color for text and background
            _mapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, Colors.FloorBackground);
            _mapConsole.Print(1, 1, "Map", Colors.TextHeading);

            //Message console color for text and background
            _messageConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, Swatch.DbDeepWater);
            _messageConsole.Print(1, 1, "Messages", Colors.TextHeading);

            //Stat console color for text and background
            _statConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Swatch.DbOldStone);
            _statConsole.Print(1, 1, "Stats", Colors.TextHeading);

            //Inventory console color for text and background
            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Colors.TextHeading);
Exemple #30
 public void PlaceMonsters(DungeonMap map, Rectangle room)
     // Each room has a 60% chance of having monsters
     //if (Dice.Roll("1D10") < 7)
     //    // Generate between 1 and 4 monsters
     //    var numberOfMonsters = Dice.Roll("1D4");
     //    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMonsters; i++)
     //    {
     //        // Find a random walkable location in the room to place the monster
     //        Point randomRoomLocation = _map.GetRandomWalkableLocationInRoom(room);
     //        // It's possible that the room doesn't have space to place a monster
     //        // In that case skip creating the monster
     //        if (randomRoomLocation != null)
     //        {
     //            // Temporarily hard code this monster to be created at level 1
     //            var monster = Kobold.Create(1);
     //            monster.X = randomRoomLocation.X;
     //            monster.Y = randomRoomLocation.Y;
     //            _map.AddMonster(_map, monster);
     //        }
     //    }
     if (test == true)
         // Generate between 1 and 4 monsters
         var numberOfMonsters = 1;
         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMonsters; i++)
             // Find a random walkable location in the room to place the monster
             Point randomRoomLocation = map.GetRandomWalkableLocationInRoom(room);
             // It's possible that the room doesn't have space to place a monster
             // In that case skip creating the monster
             if (randomRoomLocation != null)
                 // Temporarily hard code this monster to be created at level 1
                 var monster = Goon.Create(1);
                 monster.X = randomRoomLocation.X;
                 monster.Y = randomRoomLocation.Y;
                 map.AddMonster(map, monster);
    public void GenerateMap()
        Map = new DungeonMap();
        int roomCount = Random.Range(Constants.FT_RoomCountMax, Constants.FT_RoomCountMin);
        bool isRestExists = false;
        bool isTrainingExists = false;
        bool isShopExists = false;
        for (int i=0; i < roomCount; i++)
            RoomClass room = new RoomClass();
            if (Map.Compartments.Count == 0)
                room.Type = FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Start;
                room.Background = StartRoomSprite;
                room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room);
            else if (Map.Compartments.Count == (roomCount - 1) * 2)
                room.Type = FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Final;
                room.Background = FinalRoomSprite;
                room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room);
                room.Enemy = FT_EnemyCollection.DDTheRock;
                    room.Type = MinorRoomTypes[Random.Range(0, MinorRoomTypes.Length)];
                } while (!(room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Training && !isTrainingExists || room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Shop && !isShopExists
                || room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Rest && !isRestExists || isTrainingExists && isShopExists && isRestExists));
                if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Training)
                    isTrainingExists = true;
                else if(room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Shop)
                    isShopExists = true;
                else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Rest)
                    isRestExists = true;
                room.Background = MinorRoomSprites[(int)room.Type-1];
                room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room);
                if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Shop)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Random.Range(1, Constants.FT_ItemsPerShop); j++)
                else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Rest)
                else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomTypes.Training)
                    room.Enemy = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomMinorBoss();
            if (i < roomCount - 1)
                PassageClass passage = new PassageClass();
                passage.Tiles = new PassageTile[Random.Range(Constants.FT_PassageMinTileLength, Constants.FT_PassageMaxTileLength+1)];
                AbActiveItem[] activeItems = new AbActiveItem[passage.Tiles.Length * 4];

                for (int j = 3; j < activeItems.Length-2; j++)
                    if ((j%Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile==2 || j % Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile == 3) && Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_AltarChance)
                        activeItems[j] = FT_AltarCollection.GetRandomAltar();
                        j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1;
                AbEnemy[] enemies = new AbEnemy[passage.Tiles.Length * 4];

                if (i == 0)
                    enemies[2] = FT_EnemyCollection.TutorialTurtle;
                for (int j = 2; j < enemies.Length; j++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1;
                        if (j % Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile != 0 && Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_EnemyChance)
                            if (activeItems[j] != null)
                                enemies[j - 1] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomTrashEnemy();
                                enemies[j] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomTrashEnemy();
                            j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < passage.Tiles.Length; j++)
                    PassageTile passageTile = new PassageTile();
                    passageTile.Background = PassageSprites[Random.Range(0, PassageSprites.Length)];

                    for(int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++)
                        passageTile.ActiveItems[k] = activeItems[j * 4 + k];
                    for (int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++)
                        passageTile.Enemies[k] = enemies[j * 4 + k];

                    passage.Tiles[j] = passageTile;

    public void GenerateMap()
        Map = new DungeonMap();
        int roomCount = Random.Range(Constants.FT_RoomCountMax, Constants.FT_RoomCountMin);
        for(int i=0; i < roomCount; i++)
            RoomClass room = new RoomClass();
            room.Background = RoomSprites[Random.Range(0, RoomSprites.Length - 1)];
            room.Type = RoomTypes[Random.Range(0, RoomTypes.Length - 1)];
            room.Furniture = SetRoomFurniture(room);
            if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Shop)
                for(int j=0; j < Constants.FT_ItemsPerShop; j++)
            else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Rest)
                room.ActiveItems.Add(new FakeAltar());
            else if (room.Type == FloodedTempleRoomType.Training)
                room.Enemy = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomEnemy();

            if (i < roomCount - 1)
                PassageClass passage = new PassageClass();
                passage.Tiles = new PassageTile[Random.Range(Constants.FT_PassageTileLengthMin, Constants.FT_PassageTileLengthMax)];
                AbActiveItem[] activeItems = new AbActiveItem[passage.Tiles.Length * 4];

                //#todo generate doors
                activeItems[1] = new FakeAltar();
                //activeItems[1].Action = previous;
                activeItems[activeItems.Length-2] = new FakeAltar();
                //activeItems[activeItems.Length-2].Action = next;

                for (int j = 3; j < activeItems.Length-2; j++)
                    if (Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_AltarChance)
                        activeItems[j] = FT_AltarCollection.GetRandomAltar();
                        j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1;
                AbEnemy[] enemies = new AbEnemy[passage.Tiles.Length * 4];
                for (int j = 2; j < enemies.Length; j++)
                    if (Random.Range(1, 100) <= Constants.FT_AltarChance)
                        if (activeItems[j]!=null)
                            enemies[j-1] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomEnemy();
                            enemies[j] = FT_EnemyCollection.GetRandomEnemy();
                        j += Constants.FT_SameEventsMinDistance - 1;
                for (int j = 0; j < passage.Tiles.Length; j++)
                    PassageTile passageTile = new PassageTile();
                    passageTile.Background = PassageSprites[Random.Range(0, PassageSprites.Length - 1)];

                    for(int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++)
                        passageTile.ActiveItems[k] = activeItems[j * 4 + k];
                    for (int k = 0; k < Constants.FT_EventSlotsPerPassageTile; k++)
                        passageTile.Enemies[k] = enemies[j * 4 + k];

                    passage.Tiles[j] = passageTile;

Exemple #33
 public void SetMap(DungeonMap dungeonMap)
     _dungeonMap = dungeonMap;