Exemple #1
        public DepartureAreaControl(Thickness margin)

            //ustawienie marginesu
            this.Margin = margin;

            if (margin.Left < 0)
                direction = HorizontalRoadSign.Lewo;
            else if (margin.Left == 0)
                direction = HorizontalRoadSign.Prosto;
            else if (margin.Left > 0)
                direction = HorizontalRoadSign.Prawo;

            //dodanie DragDrop handlerow dla kontrolki
            DragDrop.AddDragEnterHandler(this, DepartureAreaControl_OnDragEnter);
            DragDrop.AddDragLeaveHandler(this, DepartureAreaControl_OnDragLeave);
            DragDrop.AddDropHandler(this, DepartureAreaControl_OnDrop);
Exemple #2
        private void OnScrollViewerMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // When "scrollViewer.CaptureMouse()" is called, mouse-move event will be
            // sent before "CaptureMouse" returns. So if this event is sent due to the
            // mouse being captured, then we won't process it at all.
            if (false != ignoreMouseMoveEvent)

            IScriptObject activeScript = Solution.Current.ActiveScript;

            if (activeScript == null)
                return; // There's no active script just yet.
            if (IsMouseInClickableRegion(sender, e) == false)

            // Retreive the coordinates of the mouse move event. Note that we always
            // want the mouse coordinates relative to the top-left corner of the canvas
            // instead of the scroll viewer (whose top coordinates are off if scroll
            // offset is not at the top of the view).
            CharPosition cursor = activeScript.CreateCharPosition();

            System.Windows.Point screenPoint = GetRelativeCanvasPosition(e);
            cursor.SetScreenPosition(screenPoint.X, screenPoint.Y);
            mouseCharacterPosition = cursor.GetCharacterPosition();

            if (-1 == clickedLineIndex)
                if (textCore.InternalDragSourceExists == false)
                    // There is nothing being dragged right now.
                    textCore.SetMouseMovePosition(mouseCharacterPosition.X, mouseCharacterPosition.Y, e);
                    // Stop caret blinking while dragging.
                    DragDrop.AddDragOverHandler(scrollViewer, OnDragOver);
                    DragDrop.AddDropHandler(scrollViewer, OnDrop);

                        string textToMove = textCore.SelectionText;
                        textToMove = textToMove.Replace("\n", "\r\n");

                        // Beginning the modal loop of "DoDragDrop" will immediately trigger
                        // a mouse-mvoe event before it returns (e.g. drop has been made or
                        // cancelled). So here we set the "ignoreMouseMoveEvent" to true and
                        // ignore the immediate mouse event from being processed (which will
                        // result in yet another "DoDragDrop" being called, causing two drop
                        // operations).
                        ignoreMouseMoveEvent = true;
                        DragDrop.DoDragDrop(textCanvas, textToMove, DragDropEffects.All);
                        ignoreMouseMoveEvent = false;
                        DragDrop.RemoveDragOverHandler(scrollViewer, OnDragOver);
                        DragDrop.RemoveDropHandler(scrollViewer, OnDrop);

                        textCanvas.PauseCaretTimer(false); // Resume caret blinking...

                // We turn the cursor to an arrow if it is within the breakpoint or line
                // column, and I-beam otherwise. Clicking on the breakpoint column triggers
                // a breakpoint and clicking on the line column selects the entire line.
                scrollViewer.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
                if (!IsPointWithinLineColumn(screenPoint))
                    if (!IsPointWithinBreakColumn(GetRelativeCanvasPosition(e)))
                        if (!textCore.IsPointInSelection(mouseCharacterPosition.X, mouseCharacterPosition.Y))
                            scrollViewer.Cursor = Cursors.IBeam;

                if (textCore.ReadOnlyState && (false != TextCanvasHasKeyboardFocus))
                    if (inspectionToolTipTimer == null)
                        inspectionToolTipTimer       = new DispatcherTimer();
                        inspectionToolTipTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnInspectionToolTipTimerTick);

                        // One has to hover over a word for 3/4ths of a second to be considered
                        // a valid 'Mouse Hover'. Yes, this is decided spontaneously.
                        inspectionToolTipTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 200);

                    // Restart timer as cursor moves.
                scrollViewer.Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
                int currentLine = mouseCharacterPosition.Y;
                textCore.SelectLines(clickedLineIndex, currentLine - clickedLineIndex);

            if ((e.LeftButton & MouseButtonState.Pressed) != 0)
                // If this message is sent by dragging a thumb on a scrollbar, then the
                // user wishes to scroll the text canvas, in which case we should not force
                // to bring the caret into view (which is what 'UpdateCaretPosition' does).
                if ((e.OriginalSource as Thumb) == null)