private DoubleVal parseRangeValue(string s0, bool isMin) { DoubleVal val = new DoubleVal { // empty translates to numeric range boundary value = isMin ? Double.MinValue : Double.MaxValue, isValid = true }; string s1 = s0.Trim(); if (s1.Length > 0) { bool isExcluded = false; string s2; if ((isMin && (s1[0] == '>')) || (!isMin && (s1[0] == '<'))) { isExcluded = true; s2 = s1.Substring(1); } else { s2 = s1; } val = parseValue(s2); val.isExcluded = isExcluded; } return(val); }
public static TdfDoubleVal Create(string Label, DoubleVal v) { TdfDoubleVal res = new TdfDoubleVal(); res.Set(Label, 8); res.Value = v; return(res); }
public static DoubleVal ReadDoubleVal(Stream s) { DoubleVal res = new DoubleVal(); res.v1 = DecompressInteger(s); res.v2 = DecompressInteger(s); return(res); }
protected bool Equals(PrimitivesReferenceModel other) { return(string.Equals(StringVal, other.StringVal) && IntVal == other.IntVal && BooleanVal == other.BooleanVal && ByteVal == other.ByteVal && LongVal == other.LongVal && FloatVal.Equals(other.FloatVal) && DoubleVal.Equals(other.DoubleVal) && DateTimeVal.Equals(other.DateTimeVal) && ShortVal == other.ShortVal && UShortVal == other.UShortVal && UIntVal == other.UIntVal && ULongVal == other.ULongVal && SByteVal == other.SByteVal && CharVal == other.CharVal); }
private DoubleVal parseValue(string s0) { string s1 = s0.Trim(); DoubleVal val = new DoubleVal { value = 0.0, isValid = false }; val.isValid = Double.TryParse(s1, NumberStyles.Float, mCommaCulture, out val.value); return(val); }
public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("TColumnValue("); sb.Append("BoolVal: "); sb.Append(BoolVal == null ? "<null>" : BoolVal.ToString()); sb.Append(",ByteVal: "); sb.Append(ByteVal == null ? "<null>" : ByteVal.ToString()); sb.Append(",I16Val: "); sb.Append(I16Val == null ? "<null>" : I16Val.ToString()); sb.Append(",I32Val: "); sb.Append(I32Val == null ? "<null>" : I32Val.ToString()); sb.Append(",I64Val: "); sb.Append(I64Val == null ? "<null>" : I64Val.ToString()); sb.Append(",DoubleVal: "); sb.Append(DoubleVal == null ? "<null>" : DoubleVal.ToString()); sb.Append(",StringVal: "); sb.Append(StringVal == null ? "<null>" : StringVal.ToString()); sb.Append(")"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = (StringVal != null ? StringVal.GetHashCode() : 0); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IntVal; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ BooleanVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ByteVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ LongVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ FloatVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DoubleVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ DateTimeVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ShortVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ UShortVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)UIntVal; hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ULongVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ SByteVal.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ CharVal.GetHashCode(); return(hashCode); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hashcode = 157; unchecked { if (__isset.boolVal) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + BoolVal.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.byteVal) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + ByteVal.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.i16Val) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + I16Val.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.i32Val) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + I32Val.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.i64Val) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + I64Val.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.doubleVal) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + DoubleVal.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.stringVal) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + StringVal.GetHashCode(); } if (__isset.binaryVal) { hashcode = (hashcode * 397) + BinaryVal.GetHashCode(); } } return(hashcode); }
public void Write(TProtocol oprot) { TStruct struc = new TStruct("TColumn"); oprot.WriteStructBegin(struc); TField field = new TField(); if (BoolVal != null && __isset.boolVal) { field.Name = "boolVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 1; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); BoolVal.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (ByteVal != null && __isset.byteVal) { field.Name = "byteVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 2; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); ByteVal.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (I16Val != null && __isset.i16Val) { field.Name = "i16Val"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 3; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); I16Val.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (I32Val != null && __isset.i32Val) { field.Name = "i32Val"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 4; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); I32Val.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (I64Val != null && __isset.i64Val) { field.Name = "i64Val"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 5; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); I64Val.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (DoubleVal != null && __isset.doubleVal) { field.Name = "doubleVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 6; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); DoubleVal.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (StringVal != null && __isset.stringVal) { field.Name = "stringVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 7; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); StringVal.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } if (BinaryVal != null && __isset.binaryVal) { field.Name = "binaryVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 8; oprot.WriteFieldBegin(field); BinaryVal.Write(oprot); oprot.WriteFieldEnd(); } oprot.WriteFieldStop(); oprot.WriteStructEnd(); }
private void parseExplicitMapping(string[] valueRepresentation, ref PlaceholderInfo outInfo) { if (valueRepresentation.Length == 2) { string[] rangeStrings = valueRepresentation[0].Split('.'); if (rangeStrings.Length == 1) { DoubleVal value = parseValue(rangeStrings[0]); if (value.isValid) { Mapping mapping = new Mapping { minValue = value.value, maxValue = value.value, representation = valueRepresentation[1] }; outInfo.mappings.Add(mapping); } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvalidValue"; return; } } else if ((rangeStrings.Length == 3) && (rangeStrings[1].Length == 0)) { DoubleVal minValue = parseRangeValue(rangeStrings[0], /* isMin = */ true); DoubleVal maxValue = parseRangeValue(rangeStrings[2], /* isMin = */ false); if (minValue.isValid && maxValue.isValid) { if (minValue.value < maxValue.value) { Mapping mapping = new Mapping { minValue = minValue.value, isMinValueExcluded = minValue.isExcluded, maxValue = maxValue.value, isMaxValueExcluded = maxValue.isExcluded, representation = valueRepresentation[1] }; outInfo.mappings.Add(mapping); } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvertedRange"; return; } } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvRngVal"; return; } } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvalidRange"; return; } } else { // Paranoia; should be checked by caller outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "MappingWrongAssignment"; return; } }
public static void WriteDoubleValue(DoubleVal v, Stream s) { CompressInteger(v.v1, s); CompressInteger(v.v2, s); }
public override string ToString() { var sb = new StringBuilder("TColumn("); bool __first = true; if (BoolVal != null && __isset.boolVal) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("BoolVal: "); sb.Append(BoolVal == null ? "<null>" : BoolVal.ToString()); } if (ByteVal != null && __isset.byteVal) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("ByteVal: "); sb.Append(ByteVal == null ? "<null>" : ByteVal.ToString()); } if (I16Val != null && __isset.i16Val) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("I16Val: "); sb.Append(I16Val == null ? "<null>" : I16Val.ToString()); } if (I32Val != null && __isset.i32Val) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("I32Val: "); sb.Append(I32Val == null ? "<null>" : I32Val.ToString()); } if (I64Val != null && __isset.i64Val) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("I64Val: "); sb.Append(I64Val == null ? "<null>" : I64Val.ToString()); } if (DoubleVal != null && __isset.doubleVal) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("DoubleVal: "); sb.Append(DoubleVal == null ? "<null>" : DoubleVal.ToString()); } if (StringVal != null && __isset.stringVal) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("StringVal: "); sb.Append(StringVal == null ? "<null>" : StringVal.ToString()); } if (BinaryVal != null && __isset.binaryVal) { if (!__first) { sb.Append(", "); } __first = false; sb.Append("BinaryVal: "); sb.Append(BinaryVal == null ? "<null>" : BinaryVal.ToString()); } sb.Append(")"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public async Task WriteAsync(TProtocol oprot, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { oprot.IncrementRecursionDepth(); try { var struc = new TStruct("TColumn"); await oprot.WriteStructBeginAsync(struc, cancellationToken); var field = new TField(); if (BoolVal != null && __isset.boolVal) { field.Name = "boolVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 1; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await BoolVal.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (ByteVal != null && __isset.byteVal) { field.Name = "byteVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 2; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await ByteVal.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (I16Val != null && __isset.i16Val) { field.Name = "i16Val"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 3; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await I16Val.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (I32Val != null && __isset.i32Val) { field.Name = "i32Val"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 4; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await I32Val.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (I64Val != null && __isset.i64Val) { field.Name = "i64Val"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 5; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await I64Val.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (DoubleVal != null && __isset.doubleVal) { field.Name = "doubleVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 6; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await DoubleVal.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (StringVal != null && __isset.stringVal) { field.Name = "stringVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 7; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await StringVal.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } if (BinaryVal != null && __isset.binaryVal) { field.Name = "binaryVal"; field.Type = TType.Struct; field.ID = 8; await oprot.WriteFieldBeginAsync(field, cancellationToken); await BinaryVal.WriteAsync(oprot, cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteFieldEndAsync(cancellationToken); } await oprot.WriteFieldStopAsync(cancellationToken); await oprot.WriteStructEndAsync(cancellationToken); } finally { oprot.DecrementRecursionDepth(); } }
private void parseExplicitNumericMapping(string[] valueRepresentation, ref PlaceholderInfo outInfo) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.Assert(valueRepresentation.Length == 2); string[] rangeStrings = valueRepresentation[0].Split('.'); if (rangeStrings.Length == 1) { DoubleVal value = parseValue(rangeStrings[0]); if (value.isValid) { NumericMapping mapping = new NumericMapping { minValue = value.value, maxValue = value.value, representation = valueRepresentation[1] }; outInfo.numericMappings.Add(mapping); } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvalidValue"; return; } } else if ((rangeStrings.Length == 3) && (rangeStrings[1].Length == 0)) { DoubleVal minValue = parseRangeValue(rangeStrings[0], /* isMin = */ true); DoubleVal maxValue = parseRangeValue(rangeStrings[2], /* isMin = */ false); if (minValue.isValid && maxValue.isValid) { if (minValue.value < maxValue.value) { NumericMapping mapping = new NumericMapping { minValue = minValue.value, isMinValueExcluded = minValue.isExcluded, maxValue = maxValue.value, isMaxValueExcluded = maxValue.isExcluded, representation = valueRepresentation[1] }; outInfo.numericMappings.Add(mapping); } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvertedRange"; return; } } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvRngVal"; return; } } else { outInfo.result.HasError = true; outInfo.result.Message = "ExplicitMappingInvalidRange"; return; } }