Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Applying UI element to the GUI.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element">Shared UI element.</param>
        public void ApplyControl(FrameworkElement element)
            // Drop invalid.
            if (element == null)

            // Adding herader to layout.
            if (orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
                LayoutHandler.HorizontalLayoutAddChild(root, element);
                LayoutHandler.VerticalLayoutAddChild(root, element);
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiating member of descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Layer that will be shared to the elemen OnLayout handler.</param>
        /// <param name="memberMeta">Target member.</param>
        /// <param name="globalOptions">Options of the descriptor.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object InstantiateMember(ref LayoutLayer layer,
                                         MembersHandler.MemberMeta memberMeta,
                                         IEnumerable <Attribute> globalOptions)
            #region Definig handler
            // The handler that will apply options to the element.
            void ApplyOptionsHandler(
                FrameworkElement element,
                IEnumerable <Attribute> localAttributes)
                if (element == null)

                // Applying global options
                foreach (IGUILayoutOption option in globalOptions)

                // Perform options attributes.
                foreach (Attribute attr in localAttributes)
                    // Skip if not an option.
                    if (!(attr is IGUILayoutOption option))

                    // Applying option to the element.

                // Applying the shared options.
                foreach (ISharableGUILayoutOption option in SharedLayoutOptions)
                    // Applying option to the element.


            // Getting all attributes.
            IEnumerable <Attribute> attributes = memberMeta.Member.GetCustomAttributes <Attribute>(true);

            #region Perform general layout attributes
            // Perform general attributes.
            foreach (Attribute attr in attributes)
                // Skip if an option.
                if (attr is IGUILayoutOption)

                // Apply layout control to GUI.
                if (attr is IGUIElement attrControl)
                    attrControl.OnLayout(ref layer, this, memberMeta);

            #region Defining UI field type
            // Check if default control was overrided by custom one.
            var  customControlDesc = memberMeta.Member.GetCustomAttribute <CustomControlAttribute>();
            Type controlType;
            if (customControlDesc != null &&           // Is overriding requested?
                customControlDesc.ControlType != null) // Is target type is not null
                // Set redefined control like target to instinitation.
                controlType = customControlDesc.ControlType;
                //// Looking for the certain control only for derect defined descriptors.
                //if (memberMeta.SourceType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UIDescriptor)))
                //    // Set binded type like target to instiniation.
                //    controlType = LayoutHandler.GetBindedControl(memberMeta.SourceType, false);
                    // Set binded type like target to instiniation.
                    controlType = LayoutHandler.GetBindedControl(memberMeta.SourceType, true);

            // Is control defined to that member?
            if (controlType != null)
                // Instiniating target control by the type.
                var control = (IGUIField)Activator.CreateInstance(controlType);

                #region Set prefix label
                // Is spawned elelment has a label.
                if (control is UI.Controls.ILabel label)
                    // Instiniating handle that will provide managmend of the control.
                    ContentAttribute localizationHandler;

                    // Try to get described one.
                    if (UniformDataOperator.AssembliesManagement.MembersHandler.
                        TryToGetAttribute(memberMeta.Member, out ContentAttribute attribute))
                        // Buferize if found.
                        localizationHandler = attribute;
                        // Initialize new one.
                        localizationHandler = ContentAttribute.Empty;

                    // Binding spawned element to the conent.
                    localizationHandler.BindToLabel(label, memberMeta.Member);

                #region Perform Layout options
                // Check if spawned control is framework element.
                if (control is FrameworkElement fEl)
                    // Applying options to the element.
                    ApplyOptionsHandler(fEl, attributes);

                #region Binding to a layout
                // Sign up this control on desctiptor events.
                TryToBindControl(control, this, memberMeta.Member);

                // Adding instiniated element to the layout.
                //activeLayer?.ApplyControl(control as FrameworkElement);

                // Initialize control.
                control.OnLayout(ref layer, this, memberMeta.Member, globalOptions, attributes);

                // Adding field to the registration table.
                RegistredFields.Add(memberMeta.Member, control);

                // Check if that just other descriptor.
                if (memberMeta.SourceType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UIDescriptor)))
                    //#region Configurating layout
                    //// Add horizontal shift for sub descriptor.
                    //new BeginHorizontalGroupAttribute().OnLayout(ref activeLayer);
                    //new Controls.SpaceAttribute().OnLayout(ref activeLayer);

                    // Add vertical group.
                    var vertGroup = new BeginVerticalGroupAttribute();
                    vertGroup.OnLayout(ref layer, this, memberMeta);

                    #region Applying options to the new root
                    // Applying options to the element.
                    ApplyOptionsHandler(vertGroup.Layer.root as FrameworkElement, attributes);


                    #region Looking for descriptor object.
                    // Bufer that will contain value of the descriptor.
                    // Trying to get value via reflection.
                    UIDescriptor subDesc = memberMeta.Property != null?
                                           memberMeta.Property.GetValue(this) as UIDescriptor:// Operate like property.
                                           memberMeta.Field.GetValue(this) as UIDescriptor;

                    // Instiniate default in case if value is null.
                    if (subDesc == null)
                            // Insiniate empty constructor.
                            subDesc = Activator.CreateInstance(memberMeta.SourceType) as UIDescriptor;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Log error.
                            MessageBox.Show("UIDescriptor must contain empty constructor, " +
                                            "or be instiniated before calling into UI." +
                                            "\n\nDetails:\n" + ex.Message);

                            // Skip to the next member.

                        // Updating stored value for current member.
                        if (memberMeta.Property != null)
                            memberMeta.Property.SetValue(this, subDesc);
                            memberMeta.Field.SetValue(this, subDesc);

                    // Defining the sharable options.
                    var sharableOption = InsertSharableOptions(SharedLayoutOptions, attributes, true);
                    sharableOption = InsertSharableOptions(sharableOption, globalOptions, false);
                    subDesc.SharedLayoutOptions = sharableOption.ToArray();

                    // Binding descriptor to the UI.
                    Panel subPanel = (Panel)layer.root;

                    if (subDesc.IsVirtualized)
                        _ = subDesc.BindToAsync(subPanel);

                    // End descriptor layer.
                    new EndGroupAttribute().OnLayout(ref layer);

                    // Subscribing on the sub descriptor changed update.
                    subDesc.ValueChanged += OnValueChangedCallback;


        /// <summary>
        /// Insiniate UI by descriptor's attributes map and add it as child to parent element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">UI element that would contain instiniated UI elemets.</param>
        public void BindTo(Panel root)
            #region Getting descripting data
            // Getting relevant type.
            var selfType = this.GetType();

            // Getting options applied to every memeber.
            var globalOptions = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(selfType, typeof(Attribute)).Where
                                    (f => f.GetType().GetInterface(typeof(IGUILayoutOption).FullName) != null);

            // Get all memebers.
            var members = selfType.GetMembers();

            // Sorting by order.
            var orderedMembers = members.Where(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <OrderAttribute>() != null).
                                 OrderBy(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <OrderAttribute>().Order);

            // Sorting disordered members by metadata.
            var disorderedMembers = members.Where(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <OrderAttribute>() == null).
                                    OrderBy(f => f.MetadataToken);

            // Sort in declaretion order.
            members = orderedMembers.Concat(disorderedMembers).ToArray();

            // Instiniate first UILayer.
            activeLayer = new LayoutLayer()
                root = root // Thet binding target as root for cuurent layer.

            // Perform all descriptor map.
            foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
                #region Validation
                // Skip if the member is not field or property.
                if (!MembersHandler.GetSpecifiedMemberInfo(
                        member, out PropertyInfo prop, out FieldInfo field))

                // Skip if member excluded from instpector.
                if (member.GetCustomAttribute <HideInInspectorAttribute>() != null)

                // Getting all attributes.
                var attributes = member.GetCustomAttributes <Attribute>(true);

                // Allocating and defining types.
                var  memberType  = MembersHandler.GetSpecifiedMemberType(member);
                Type controlType = null;

                #region Perform general layout attributes
                // Perform general attributes.
                foreach (Attribute attr in attributes)
                    // Skip if an option.
                    if (attr is IGUILayoutOption)

                    // Apply layout control to GUI.
                    if (attr is IGUIElement attrControl)
                        attrControl.OnLayout(ref activeLayer, this, member);

                #region Defining UI field type
                // Check if default control was overrided by custom one.
                var customControlDesc = member.GetCustomAttribute <CustomControlAttribute>();
                if (customControlDesc != null &&                                   // Is overriding requested?
                    customControlDesc.ControlType != null &&                       // Is target type is not null?
                    customControlDesc.ControlType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(IGUIField))) // Is target type has correct inherience
                    // Set redefined control like target to instinitation.
                    controlType = customControlDesc.ControlType;
                    // Set binded type like target to instiniation.
                    controlType = LayoutHandler.GetBindedControl(memberType, true);

                // Is control defined to that member?
                if (controlType != null)
                    #region Insiniation UI field
                    // Instiniating target type.
                    var control = (IGUIField)Activator.CreateInstance(controlType);

                    // Sing up this control on desctiptor events.
                    TryToBindControl(control, this, member);

                    // Initialize control.
                    control.OnLayout(ref activeLayer, this, member);

                    // Adding field to the registration table.
                    RegistredFields.Add(member, control);

                    #region Set prefix label
                    // Is spawned elelment has a label.
                    if (control is UI.Controls.ILabel label)
                        // Instiniating handle that will provide managmend of the control.
                        ContentAttribute localizationHandler = null;

                        // Try to get described one.
                        if (UniformDataOperator.AttributesHandler.
                            TryToGetAttribute(member, out ContentAttribute attribute))
                            // Buferize if found.
                            localizationHandler = attribute;
                            // Initialize new one.
                            localizationHandler = ContentAttribute.Empty;

                        // Binding spawned element to the conent.
                        localizationHandler.BindToLable(label, member);

                    #region Perform Layout options
                    // Check if spawned control is framework element.
                    if (control is FrameworkElement fEl)
                        // Applying global options
                        foreach (IGUILayoutOption option in globalOptions)

                        // Perform options attributes.
                        foreach (Attribute attr in attributes)
                            // Skip if not an option.
                            if (!(attr is IGUILayoutOption option))

                            // Applying option to the element.
                    // Check if that just other descriptor.
                    if (memberType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(UIDescriptor)))
                        #region Configurating layout
                        // Add horizontal shift for sub descriptor.
                        new BeginHorizontalGroupAttribute().OnLayout(ref activeLayer);
                        new Controls.SpaceAttribute(10).OnLayout(ref activeLayer);

                        // Add vertical group.
                        var vertGroup = new BeginVerticalGroupAttribute();
                        vertGroup.OnLayout(ref activeLayer);

                        #region Looking for descriptor object.
                        // Bufer that will contain value of the descriptor.
                        UIDescriptor subDesc = null;

                        // Trying to get value via reflection.
                        subDesc = prop != null?
                                  prop.GetValue(this) as UIDescriptor:  // Operate like property.
                                  field.GetValue(this) as UIDescriptor; // Operate like fields.

                        // Instiniate default in case if value is null.
                        if (subDesc == null)
                                // Insiniate empty constructor.
                                subDesc = Activator.CreateInstance(memberType) as UIDescriptor;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                // Log error.
                                MessageBox.Show("UIDescriptor must contain empty constructor, " +
                                                "or be instiniated before calling into UI." +
                                                "\n\nDetails:\n" + ex.Message);

                                // Skip to the next member.

                            // Updating stored value for current member.
                            if (prop != null)
                                prop.SetValue(this, subDesc);
                                field.SetValue(this, subDesc);

                        // Binding descriptor to the UI.

            // Marking as loaded.
            IsLoaded = true;

            // Inform subscribers.
        /// <summary>
        /// Unbinding descriptor from panel.
        /// Will affect only memeber defied into descriptor and leave and other GUI elements childed to the panel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">Root panle that was binding target for descriptor.</param>
        public void UnbindFrom(Panel root)
            // Get all memebers.
            var members = GetType().GetMembers();

            // Checking every child into the root.
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Children.Count; i++)
                // Getting current child.
                var child = root.Children[i];

                // If child is layout control and has a binded memeber.
                if (child is IGUIField control &&
                    control.BindedMember != null)
                    #region Validation
                    // Checking is the binded memeber is a part of the descriptor.
                    bool thisDesc = false;
                    foreach (var member in members)
                        // Check if binded member is the one from the descriptor.
                        if (member.Equals(control.BindedMember))
                            thisDesc = true;

                    // Skip if not possesed to that descriptor.
                    if (!thisDesc)

                    #region Unbind control from UI
                    // Unsubscribe element from hadler's events.

                    // Remove from UI.

                    #region Sub descriptor processing
                    // If member is UI descriptor.
                    if (control is Panel subPanel &&
                            // Requiest descriptor unbinding.
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // Log error.
                            MessageBox.Show("Subpanel UIDescriptor unbind operation failed." +
                                            "\n\nDetails:\n" + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Binding UIDescriptor content to the layer's root.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">Target layer.</param>
        public async Task BindToAsync(LayoutLayer layer)
            // Storing layer.
            RootLayer   = layer;
            activeLayer = layer;

            #region Getting descripting data
            // Getting relevant type.
            var selfType = this.GetType();

            // Getting options applied to every memeber.
            var globalOptions = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(selfType, typeof(Attribute)).Where
                                    (f => f.GetType().GetInterface(typeof(IGUILayoutOption).FullName) != null);

            // Get all memebers.
            var members = selfType.GetMembers();

            // Sorting by order.
            var orderedMembers = members.Where(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <OrderAttribute>() != null).
                                 OrderBy(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <OrderAttribute>().Order);

            // Sorting disordered members by metadata.
            var disorderedMembers = members.Where(f => f.GetCustomAttribute <OrderAttribute>() == null).
                                    OrderBy(f => f.MetadataToken);

            // Sort in declaretion order.
            members = orderedMembers.Concat(disorderedMembers).ToArray();

            // Perform all descriptor map.
            foreach (MemberInfo member in members)
                var memberMeta = new MembersHandler.MemberMeta(member);

                #region Validation
                // Skip if the member is not field or property.
                if (!memberMeta.IsValue)

                // Skip if member excluded from instpector.
                if (member.GetCustomAttribute <HideInInspectorAttribute>() != null)

                #region Virtualization
                // Suspending virtualization
                if (IsVirtualized &&
                    virtualizedPackCounter == VirtualizedItemsPack)
                    // Droping the counter.
                    virtualizedPackCounter = 0;

                    // Waiting till loading.
                    while (!lastVirtualizedElement.IsLoaded)
                        await Task.Delay(5);

                    Panel rootPanel = (Panel)RootLayer.root;

                    // Checking if the last element still in the visible bounds.
                    bool isVisible = LayoutHandler.IsUserVisible(lastVirtualizedElement, Window.GetWindow(lastVirtualizedElement));

                    // Suspending if the last not visible till view update.
                    if (!isVisible)
                        // Marker that using for blocking the thread.
                        bool unlocked = false;

                        var window = Window.GetWindow(lastVirtualizedElement);

                        // Waiting till the root will change a size/
                        window.Activated      += Activated;
                        rootPanel.SizeChanged += SizeChanged;

                        void Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)

                        void SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)

                        void VirtValHandler()
                            // Checking if the last element is already visible.
                            isVisible = LayoutHandler.IsUserVisible(lastVirtualizedElement, window);
                            if (isVisible)
                                // Unsubscribing from event.
                                window.Activated      -= Activated;
                                rootPanel.SizeChanged -= SizeChanged;

                                // Unblocking the thread.
                                unlocked = true;

                        // Unblocking instantiation of next group of elements.
                        while (!unlocked)
                            await Task.Delay(5);


                if (!(RegistredFields[member] is IGUIField virtualizedElement))
                    // Instantiating a member.
                    var field = InstantiateMember(ref activeLayer, memberMeta, globalOptions);

                    // Skip in case if not instantiated.
                    if (field == null)

                    // Storing in virtualization meta.
                    var meta = new VirtualizedItemMeta(
                        ref activeLayer,

                    // Settup into virtualization system.
                    lastVirtualizedElement = meta.Element ?? lastVirtualizedElement;

                    // Applying to the layout.
                    activeLayer?.ApplyControl(field as FrameworkElement);