Exemple #1
         * A method that allows us to determine the stage of the breast cancer. Stages are computed based on the rules given by Digital Health Assistant.
        internal short DetermineStage(DistantMetastasisState distantMetastasis, PrimaryTumorState primaryTumor, RegionalLymphNodesState regionalLymphNodes)
            // Stage 4 cancer
            if (distantMetastasis == DistantMetastasisState.M1)

            // Stage 0 cancer
            if (regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N0 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T0)

            // Stage 1 cancer
            if ((regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N1 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T0) ||
                (regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N1 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T1) ||
                (regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N1 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T1))

            // Stage 2 cancer
            if ((regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N1 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T1) ||
                (regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N0 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T2) ||
                (regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N1 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T2) ||
                (regionalLymphNodes == RegionalLymphNodesState.N0 && primaryTumor == PrimaryTumorState.T3))

            // Everything inbetween falls into the Stage 3 category
Exemple #2
        public static string TranslateMetastatsisState(DistantMetastasisState state)
            var distantMetastasisState = "";

            if (state == DistantMetastasisState.M0)
                distantMetastasisState += "M0 no evidence of distant metastases";
            else if (state == DistantMetastasisState.M1)
                distantMetastasisState += "M2 distant detectable metastases as determined by clinical and radiographic means";

Exemple #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateAsync(string patientId, PrimaryTumorState primaryTumor, DistantMetastasisState distantMetastasis, RegionalLymphNodesState regionalLymphNodes)
            Patient patient = await _patientService.GetByIdAsync(patientId);

            Doctor doctor = await _doctorService.GetByUserIdAsync(_userManager.GetUserId(HttpContext.User));

            if (patient.ActiveDiagnoseId != 0)
                var oldDiagnose = await _diagnoseService.GetByIdAsync(patient.ActiveDiagnoseId);

                if (oldDiagnose != null && oldDiagnose.Treatment != null)
                    oldDiagnose.Treatment.End = DateTime.Now;
                    await _diagnoseService.UpdateAsync();

            Diagnose diagnose = new Diagnose()
                Patient            = patient,
                Doctor             = doctor,
                DistantMetastasis  = distantMetastasis,
                PrimaryTumor       = primaryTumor,
                RegionalLymphNodes = regionalLymphNodes,
                Stage = _diagnoseService.DetermineStage(distantMetastasis, primaryTumor, regionalLymphNodes)

            HealthCheck healthCheck = new HealthCheck()
                Diagnose  = diagnose,
                Timestamp = DateTime.Now

            var healthCheckId = await _healthCheckService.CreateAsync(healthCheck);

            healthCheck = await _healthCheckService.GetByIdAsync(healthCheckId);

            patient.ActiveDiagnoseId = healthCheck.Diagnose.Id;

            await _patientService.UpdateAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("", "DoctorDashboard"));