void OnDraw(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, DirectXCanvas.Layer layer) { if (layer == DirectXCanvas.Layer.Background) { canvas.Draw(BackgroundMesh); } Rect box = new Rect(0, 0, Scroll.Width, Scroll.Height); foreach (ThreadRow row in Rows) { box.Height = row.Height; row.Render(canvas, Scroll, layer, box); box.Y = box.Y + row.Height; } if (layer == DirectXCanvas.Layer.Foreground) { if (ForegroundMesh != null) { Matrix world = new Matrix(Scroll.Zoom, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -Scroll.ViewUnit.Left * Scroll.Zoom, 0.0); ForegroundMesh.WorldTransform = world; canvas.Draw(ForegroundMesh); } DrawSelection(canvas); DrawHover(canvas); DrawMeasure(canvas); } }
void DrawSelection(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas) { foreach (Selection selection in SelectionList) { if (selection.Frame != null && selection.Row != null) { ThreadRow row = selection.Row; IDurable intervalTime = selection.Focus == null ? selection.Frame.Header : selection.Focus; Interval intervalPx = Scroll.TimeToPixel(intervalTime); Rect rect = new Rect(intervalPx.Left, row.Offset /*+ 2.0 * RenderParams.BaseMargin*/, intervalPx.Width, row.Height /*- 4.0 * RenderParams.BaseMargin*/); for (int i = 0; i < SelectionBorderCount; ++i) { if (rect.IsEmpty) { break; } rect.Inflate(SelectionBorderStep, SelectionBorderStep); SelectionMesh.AddRect(rect, FrameSelection.Color); } } } SelectionMesh.Update(canvas.RenderDevice); canvas.Draw(SelectionMesh); }
public static void Draw(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, List <Mesh> meshes, Matrix world) { meshes.ForEach(mesh => { mesh.WorldTransform = world; canvas.Draw(mesh); }); }
public void Render(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas) { Freeze(canvas.RenderDevice); canvas.RenderDevice.ImmediateContext.PixelShader.SetSampler(0, canvas.TextSamplerState); canvas.RenderDevice.ImmediateContext.PixelShader.SetShaderResource(0, SegoeUI.TextureView); canvas.Draw(TextMesh); }
void DrawMeasure(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas) { if (IsMeasuring()) { Durable activeInterval = Input.MeasureInterval.Normalize(); Interval pixelInterval = Scroll.TimeToPixel(activeInterval); MeasureMesh.AddRect(new Rect(pixelInterval.Left, 0, pixelInterval.Width, Scroll.Height), MeasureBackground); canvas.Text.Draw(new Point(pixelInterval.Left, Scroll.Height * 0.5), activeInterval.DurationF3, Colors.White, TextAlignment.Center, pixelInterval.Width); MeasureMesh.Update(canvas.RenderDevice); canvas.Draw(MeasureMesh); } }
public override void BuildMesh(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, ThreadScroll scroll) { DirectX.DynamicMesh builder = canvas.CreateMesh(); builder.Geometry = DirectX.Mesh.GeometryType.Lines; double headerHeight = 1.0; //(Height - RenderParams.BaseMargin) / scroll.Height; // Adding Tickers if (EnableTickers) { for (double tick = Math.Ceiling(scroll.TimeSlice.StartMS); tick < Math.Ceiling(scroll.TimeSlice.FinishMS); tick += 1.0) { double longX = scroll.TimeToUnit(new Tick { Start = Durable.MsToTick(tick) }); builder.AddLine(new Point(longX, headerHeight * 3.0 / 6.0), new Point(longX, headerHeight), TickColor); double medX = scroll.TimeToUnit(new Tick { Start = Durable.MsToTick(tick + 0.5) }); builder.AddLine(new Point(medX, headerHeight * 4.0 / 6.0), new Point(medX, headerHeight), TickColor); for (double miniTick = 0.1; miniTick < 1.0; miniTick += 0.1) { double miniX = scroll.TimeToUnit(new Tick { Start = Durable.MsToTick(tick + miniTick) }); builder.AddLine(new Point(miniX, headerHeight * 5.0 / 6.0), new Point(miniX, headerHeight), TickColor); } } } BackgroundMeshLines = builder.Freeze(canvas.RenderDevice); DirectX.DynamicMesh builderHeader = canvas.CreateMesh(); builderHeader.AddRect(new Rect(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, headerHeight), new Color[] { GradientTop, GradientTop, GradientBottom, GradientBottom }); BackgroundMeshTris = builderHeader.Freeze(canvas.RenderDevice); }
public TextManager(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas) { double baseFontSize = 16.0; int desiredFontSize = (int)(RenderSettings.dpiScaleY * baseFontSize); int fontSize = 16; int[] sizes = { 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 }; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.Length; ++i) { if (desiredFontSize < sizes[i]) { break; } fontSize = sizes[i]; } SegoeUI = Font.Create(canvas.RenderDevice, String.Format("SegoeUI_{0}_Normal", fontSize)); VertexBuffer = new DynamicBuffer <Vertex>(canvas.RenderDevice, BindFlags.VertexBuffer); IndexBuffer = new DynamicBuffer <int>(canvas.RenderDevice, BindFlags.IndexBuffer); TextMesh = canvas.CreateMesh(DirectXCanvas.MeshType.Text); TextMesh.UseAlpha = true; }
public abstract void ApplyFilter(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, ThreadScroll scroll, HashSet <EventDescription> descriptions);
public abstract void BuildMesh(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, ThreadScroll scroll);
public abstract void Render(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, ThreadScroll scroll, DirectXCanvas.Layer layer, Rect box);
public override void Render(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, ThreadScroll scroll, DirectXCanvas.Layer layer, Rect box) { if (!IsVisible) { return; } Matrix world = GetWorldMatrix(scroll); if (layer == DirectXCanvas.Layer.Background) { Draw(canvas, Blocks, world); if (FilterMesh != null) { FilterMesh.WorldTransform = world; canvas.Draw(FilterMesh); } if (scroll.SyncDraw == ThreadScroll.SyncDrawType.Wait) { Draw(canvas, SyncMesh, world); } if (SyncWorkMesh != null && scroll.SyncDraw == ThreadScroll.SyncDrawType.Work) { Draw(canvas, SyncWorkMesh, world); } Data.Utils.ForEachInsideInterval(EventData.Events, scroll.ViewTime, frame => { GetTree(frame).ForEachChild((node, level) => { Entry entry = (node as EventNode).Entry; Interval intervalPx = scroll.TimeToPixel(entry); if (intervalPx.Width < TextDrawThreshold || intervalPx.Right < 0.0 || level >= MaxDepth) { return(false); } if (intervalPx.Left < 0.0) { intervalPx.Width += intervalPx.Left; intervalPx.Left = 0.0; } double lum = Data.Utils.GetLuminance(entry.Description.ForceColor); Color color = lum < Data.Utils.LuminanceThreshold ? Colors.White : Colors.Black; canvas.Text.Draw(new Point(intervalPx.Left + TextDrawOffset, Offset + level * RenderParams.BaseHeight), entry.Description.Name, color, TextAlignment.Left, intervalPx.Width - TextDrawOffset); return(true); }); }); } if (layer == DirectXCanvas.Layer.Foreground) { if (CallstackMeshPolys != null && CallstackMeshLines != null && (scroll.DrawCallstacks != 0 || scroll.DrawDataTags)) { double width = CallstackMarkerRadius; double height = CallstackMarkerRadius; double offset = Offset + RenderParams.BaseHeight * 0.5; if (scroll.DrawCallstacks != 0) { Data.Utils.ForEachInsideInterval(EventData.Callstacks, scroll.ViewTime, callstack => { if ((callstack.Reason & scroll.DrawCallstacks) != 0) { double center = scroll.TimeToPixel(callstack); Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(center - width, offset), new Point(center, offset - height), new Point(center + width, offset), new Point(center, offset + height) }; Color fillColor = (callstack.Reason == CallStackReason.AutoSample) ? CallstackColor : SystemCallstackColor; Color strokeColor = Colors.Black; CallstackMeshPolys.AddRect(points, fillColor); CallstackMeshLines.AddRect(points, strokeColor); } }); } if (scroll.DrawDataTags && EventData.TagsPack != null) { Data.Utils.ForEachInsideInterval(EventData.TagsPack.Tags, scroll.ViewTime, tag => { double center = scroll.TimeToPixel(tag); Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(center - width, Offset), new Point(center + width, Offset), new Point(center, offset) }; CallstackMeshPolys.AddTri(points, CallstackColor); CallstackMeshLines.AddTri(points, Colors.Black); }); } CallstackMeshPolys.Update(canvas.RenderDevice); CallstackMeshLines.Update(canvas.RenderDevice); canvas.Draw(CallstackMeshPolys); canvas.Draw(CallstackMeshLines); } } }
public override void BuildMesh(DirectX.DirectXCanvas canvas, ThreadScroll scroll) { SetBusy(true); UpdateDepth(); // Build Mesh DirectX.ComplexDynamicMesh builder = new ComplexDynamicMesh(canvas, DIPSplitCount); DirectX.ComplexDynamicMesh syncBuilder = new ComplexDynamicMesh(canvas, DIPSplitCount); DirectX.ComplexDynamicMesh syncWorkBuilder = new ComplexDynamicMesh(canvas, DIPSplitCount); if (EventData.Sync != null && EventData.Sync != null) { SyncReason stallReason = SyncReason.SyncReasonCount; long stallFrom = 0; int frameSyncIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < EventData.Sync.Count; i++) { SyncInterval sync = EventData.Sync[i]; Interval workInterval = scroll.TimeToUnit(sync); //draw work int coreColorIndex = (int)sync.Core; coreColorIndex = coreColorIndex % WorkColors.Length; Color WorkColor = WorkColors[coreColorIndex]; syncWorkBuilder.AddRect(new Rect(workInterval.Left, 0, workInterval.Right - workInterval.Left, SyncLineHeight / Height), WorkColor); if (i == 0) { stallReason = sync.Reason; stallFrom = sync.Finish; continue; } long workStart = sync.Start; long workFinish = sync.Finish; while (frameSyncIndex < EventData.Events.Count && EventData.Events[frameSyncIndex].Finish < stallFrom) { ++frameSyncIndex; } //Ignoring all the waiting outside marked work to simplify the view if (frameSyncIndex < EventData.Events.Count && EventData.Events[frameSyncIndex].Start <= workStart) { Durable syncDurable = new Durable(stallFrom, workStart); Interval syncInterval = scroll.TimeToUnit(syncDurable); double syncWidth = syncInterval.Right - syncInterval.Left; if (syncWidth > 0) { // draw sleep Color waitColor = IsUserInitiatedSync(stallReason) ? SynchronizationColorUser : SynchronizationColor; syncBuilder.AddRect(new Rect(syncInterval.Left, 0, syncWidth, SyncLineHeight / Height), waitColor); } } stallFrom = workFinish; stallReason = sync.Reason; } } foreach (EventFrame frame in EventData.Events) { Durable interval = Group.Board.TimeSlice; EventTree tree = GetTree(frame); foreach (EventNode node in tree.Children) { BuildMeshNode(builder, scroll, node, 0); } } Blocks = builder.Freeze(canvas.RenderDevice); SyncMesh = syncBuilder.Freeze(canvas.RenderDevice); SyncWorkMesh = syncWorkBuilder.Freeze(canvas.RenderDevice); CallstackMeshPolys = canvas.CreateMesh(); CallstackMeshPolys.Projection = Mesh.ProjectionType.Pixel; CallstackMeshLines = canvas.CreateMesh(); CallstackMeshLines.Geometry = Mesh.GeometryType.Lines; CallstackMeshLines.Projection = Mesh.ProjectionType.Pixel; SetBusy(false); }