Exemple #1
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            DirectShowCapture2 captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();

            captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._60Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                                           ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);


            // Use ALVAR marker tracker
            ALVARMarkerTracker tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();

            tracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.ZNearPlane     = arCameraNode.Camera.ZNearPlane;
            tracker.ZFarPlane      = arCameraNode.Camera.ZFarPlane;

            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "calib.xml", 32.4f);

            // Set the marker tracker to use for our scene
            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            // Display the camera image in the background. Note that this parameter should
            // be set after adding at least one video capture device to the Scene class.
            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;

            // Create a marker node to track a ground marker array.
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ALVARGroundArray.xml");
Exemple #2
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            IVideoCapture captureDevice = null;

            if (useStaticImage)
                captureDevice = new NullCapture();
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(1, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._800x600,
                                               ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);
                ((NullCapture)captureDevice).StaticImageFile = "MarkerImage";
                // Create our video capture device that uses DirectShow library. Note that
                // the combinations of resolution and frame rate that are allowed depend on
                // the particular video capture device. Thus, setting incorrect resolution
                // and frame rate values may cause exceptions or simply be ignored, depending
                // on the device driver.  The values set here will work for a Microsoft VX 6000,
                // and many other webcams.
                captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                                               ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add this video capture device to the scene so that it can be used for
            // the marker tracker

            IMarkerTracker tracker = null;

            // Create an optical marker tracker that uses ALVAR library
            tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            ((ALVARMarkerTracker)tracker).MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "calib.xml", 9.0);

            // Set the marker tracker to use for our scene
            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            // Display the camera image in the background. Note that this parameter should
            // be set after adding at least one video capture device to the Scene class.
            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;
Exemple #3
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            IVideoCapture captureDevice = null;

            if (useStaticImage)
                captureDevice = new NullCapture();
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._800x600,
                    ImageFormat.B8G8R8A8_32, false);
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._800x600,
                    ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);
                ((NullCapture)captureDevice).StaticImageFile = "MarkerImage";
                // Create our video capture device that uses DirectShow library. Note that 
                // the combinations of resolution and frame rate that are allowed depend on 
                // the particular video capture device. Thus, setting incorrect resolution 
                // and frame rate values may cause exceptions or simply be ignored, depending 
                // on the device driver.  The values set here will work for a Microsoft VX 6000, 
                // and many other webcams.
                captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._60Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                    ImageFormat.B8G8R8A8_32, false);
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._60Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                    ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add this video capture device to the scene so that it can be used for
            // the marker tracker

            NyARToolkitTracker tracker = new NyARToolkitTracker();
            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "camera_para.dat");
            ALVARMarkerTracker tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            tracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "calib.xml", 32.4f);

            // Set the marker tracker to use for our scene
            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            // Display the camera image in the background. Note that this parameter should
            // be set after adding at least one video capture device to the Scene class.
            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;
Exemple #4
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            DirectShowCapture2 captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add this video capture device to the scene so that it can be used for
            // the marker tracker

            // if we're using Wrap920AR, then we need to add another capture device for
            // processing stereo camera
            if (iTracker.ProductID == iWearDllBridge.IWRProductID.IWR_PROD_WRAP920)
                DirectShowCapture2 captureDevice2 = new DirectShowCapture2();
                captureDevice2.InitVideoCapture(1, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                    ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);


            IMarkerTracker tracker = null;

            #if USE_ARTAG
            // Create an optical marker tracker that uses ARTag library
            tracker = new ARTagTracker();
            // Set the configuration file to look for the marker specifications
            tracker.InitTracker(638.052f, 633.673f, captureDevice.Width,
                captureDevice.Height, false, "ARTag.cf");
            // Create an optical marker tracker that uses ALVAR library
            tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            ((ALVARMarkerTracker)tracker).MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "calib.xml", 9.0);

            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            if (iTracker.ProductID == iWearDllBridge.IWRProductID.IWR_PROD_WRAP920)
                scene.LeftEyeVideoID = 0;
                scene.RightEyeVideoID = 1;
                scene.TrackerVideoID = 0;

            // Create a marker node to track a ground marker array.
            #if USE_ARTAG
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ground");

            // Create an array to hold a list of marker IDs that are used in the marker
            // array configuration (even though these are already specified in the configuration
            // file, ALVAR still requires this array)
            int[] ids = new int[28];
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                ids[i] = i;

            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ALVARGroundArray.txt", ids);

            // Add a transform node to tranlate the objects to be centered around the
            // marker board.
            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();


            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;
Exemple #5
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            DirectShowCapture2 captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);

            // Add this video capture device to the scene so that it can be used for
            // the marker tracker

            // if we're using Wrap920AR, then we need to add another capture device for
            // processing stereo camera
            DirectShowCapture2 captureDevice2 = null;
            if (iTracker.ProductID == iWearDllBridge.IWRProductID.IWR_PROD_WRAP920)
                captureDevice2 = new DirectShowCapture2();
                captureDevice2.InitVideoCapture(1, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                    ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);


                // Calculate the right projection matrix using the camera intrinsic parameters for the 
                // right camera
                ((StereoCamera)scene.CameraNode.Camera).RightProjection =
                    ALVARDllBridge.GetCameraProjection("Wrap920_1_Right.xml", captureDevice2.Width, 
                        captureDevice2.Height, 0.1f, 1000);

            // Create an optical marker tracker that uses ALVAR library
            ALVARMarkerTracker tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            tracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.ZNearPlane = 0.1f;
            tracker.ZFarPlane = 1000;
            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "Wrap920_1_Left.xml", markerSize);

            ((StereoCamera)scene.CameraNode.Camera).LeftProjection = tracker.CameraProjection;

            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            if (iTracker.ProductID == iWearDllBridge.IWRProductID.IWR_PROD_WRAP920)
                scene.LeftEyeVideoID = 0;
                scene.RightEyeVideoID = 1;
                scene.TrackerVideoID = 0;
                scene.LeftEyeVideoID = 0;
                scene.RightEyeVideoID = 0;
                scene.TrackerVideoID = 0;

            // Create a marker node to track a ground marker array. 
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ALVARGroundArray.xml");

            // Add a transform node to tranlate the objects to be centered around the
            // marker board.
            TransformNode transNode = new TransformNode();


            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;
Exemple #6
        //Markers Functions
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the marker tracking capture devices
        /// </summary>
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            IVideoCapture captureDevice = null;

                captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
                captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._30Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                    ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);
                Console.WriteLine("Error:  No Camera detected");
            // Add this video capture device to the scene so that it can be used for
            // the marker tracker


            // Create an optical marker tracker that uses ALVAR library
            ALVARMarkerTracker tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            tracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "calib.xml", 9.0);

            // Set the marker tracker to use for our scene
            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            // Display the camera image in the background. Note that this parameter should
            // be set after adding at least one video capture device to the Scene class.
            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;
Exemple #7
        private void SetupMarkerTracking()
            DirectShowCapture2 captureDevice = new DirectShowCapture2();
            captureDevice.InitVideoCapture(0, FrameRate._60Hz, Resolution._640x480,
                ImageFormat.R8G8B8_24, false);


            // Use ALVAR marker tracker
            ALVARMarkerTracker tracker = new ALVARMarkerTracker();
            tracker.MaxMarkerError = 0.02f;
            tracker.ZNearPlane = arCameraNode.Camera.ZNearPlane;
            tracker.ZFarPlane = arCameraNode.Camera.ZFarPlane;

            tracker.InitTracker(captureDevice.Width, captureDevice.Height, "calib.xml", 32.4f);

            // Set the marker tracker to use for our scene
            scene.MarkerTracker = tracker;

            // Display the camera image in the background. Note that this parameter should
            // be set after adding at least one video capture device to the Scene class.
            scene.ShowCameraImage = true;

            // Create a marker node to track a ground marker array.
            groundMarkerNode = new MarkerNode(scene.MarkerTracker, "ALVARGroundArray.xml");