public void init(Object launcher, Dialog.Fragment frg) { this.picture = frg.Face; = frg.Name; this.msg = frg.Msg; this.launcher = launcher; this.mode = 0; }
private void DrawFragment(Rect rect, int index, bool active, bool focused) { Dialog.Fragment frg = (Dialog.Fragment)fragmentsReorderableList.list[index]; EditorGUI.LabelField(moveRect(entityRect, rect), "Target: "); frg.IsEntityFragment = true; frg.Entity = (Entity)EditorGUI.ObjectField(moveRect(objectRect, rect), frg.Entity, typeof(Entity), true); frg.IsEntityFragment = frg.Entity != null; frg.Face = EditorGUI.ObjectField(moveRect(faceRect, rect), frg.Face, typeof(Texture2D), true) as Texture2D; frg.Name = EditorGUI.TextField(moveRect(nameRect, rect), frg.Name); frg.Msg = EditorGUI.TextArea(moveRect(textRect, rect), frg.Msg); // If you are using a custom PropertyDrawer, this is probably better // EditorGUI.PropertyField(rect, serializedObject.FindProperty("list").GetArrayElementAtIndex(index)); // Although it is probably smart to cach the list as a private variable ;) }
public override void Tick() { if (IcaroSocket.Instance.isConnected()) { List <string> messages = IcaroSocket.Instance.getMessages(); if (messages.Count == 0) { return; } Secuence secuence = null; Dialog dialog = null; foreach (string s in messages) { GameEvent ge = GameEvent.CreateInstance <GameEvent>(); ge.fromJSONObject(JSONObject.Create(s)); // TODO Maybe this showmessage thing will be in another event manager if ( == "show message") { if (secuence == null && dialog == null) { secuence = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Secuence>(); secuence.init(); dialog = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <Dialog>(); secuence.Root.Content = dialog; } dialog.addFragment(); Dialog.Fragment[] fragments = dialog.getFragments(); Dialog.Fragment fragment = fragments[fragments.Length - 1]; fragment.Name = "ChatterBotten"; fragment.Msg = (string)ge.getParameter("message"); } else if ( == GameEvent.RECEIVE_TEXT_EVENT) { if (ge.containsParameter("message")) { var msg = (string)ge.getParameter("message"); var menu = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <MenuBehaviour>(); if (menu) { menu.AddLineToReceivedText(msg); } } } else { Game.main.enqueueEvent(ge); eventsSendedToGame.Add(ge.GetInstanceID(), ge); } } if (secuence != null) { GameEvent secuenceGE = new GameEvent(); secuenceGE.Name = "start secuence"; secuenceGE.setParameter("Secuence", secuence); secuenceGE.setParameter("syncronized", true); Game.main.enqueueEvent(secuenceGE); secuencesStarted.Add(secuenceGE.GetInstanceID(), secuenceGE); } } }