Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the preconditioner and loads the internal data structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">
        /// The <see cref="Matrix"/> upon which this preconditioner is based. Note that the 
        /// method takes a general matrix type. However internally the data is stored 
        /// as a sparse matrix. Therefore it is not recommended to pass a dense matrix.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is not a square matrix.</exception>
        public void Initialize(Matrix matrix)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            var sparseMatrix = (matrix is SparseMatrix) ? matrix as SparseMatrix : new SparseMatrix(matrix);

            // The creation of the preconditioner follows the following algorithm.
            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            // for i = 1, .. , n
            // {
            //    w = a(i,*)
            //    for j = 1, .. , i - 1
            //    {
            //        if (w(j) != 0)
            //        {
            //            w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
            //            if (w(j) < dropTol)
            //            {
            //                w(j) = 0;
            //            }
            //            if (w(j) != 0)
            //            {
            //                w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    for j = i, .. ,n
            //    {
            //        if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
            //        {
            //            w(j) = 0
            //        }
            //    }
            //    spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
            //    lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
            //    l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
            //    lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
            //    u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
            //    w = 0
            //    if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
            //    {
            //        pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
            //        Update L, U
            //        Update P
            //    }
            //    spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
            // }
            // Create the lower triangular matrix
            _lower = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the upper triangular matrix and copy the values
            _upper = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the pivot array
            _pivots = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < _pivots.Length; i++)
                _pivots[i] = i;

            Vector workVector = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.RowCount);
            Vector rowVector = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.ColumnCount);
            var indexSorting = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];

            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            var spaceLeft = (int)_fillLevel * sparseMatrix.NonZerosCount;

            // for i = 1, .. , n
            for (var i = 0; i < sparseMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                // w = a(i,*)
                sparseMatrix.Row(i, workVector);

                // pivot the row
                var vectorNorm = workVector.Norm(Double.PositiveInfinity);

                // for j = 1, .. , i - 1)
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    // if (w(j) != 0)
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
                    //     if (w(j) < dropTol)
                    //     {
                    //         w(j) = 0;
                    //     }
                    //     if (w(j) != 0)
                    //     {
                    //         w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
                    //     }
                    if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                        // Calculate the multiplication factors that go into the L matrix
                        workVector[j] = workVector[j] / _upper[j, j];
                        if (workVector[j].Magnitude < _dropTolerance)
                            workVector[j] = 0.0;

                        // Calculate the addition factor
                        if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                            // vector update all in one go
                            _upper.Row(j, rowVector);

                            // zero out columnVector[k] because we don't need that
                            // one anymore for k = 0 to k = j
                            for (var k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                                rowVector[k] = 0.0;

                            rowVector.Multiply(workVector[j], rowVector);
                            workVector.Subtract(rowVector, workVector);

                // for j = i, .. ,n
                for (var j = i; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount; j++)
                    // if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = 0
                    // }
                    if (workVector[j].Magnitude <= _dropTolerance * vectorNorm.Real)
                        workVector[j] = 0.0;

                // spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
                var spaceRow = spaceLeft / (sparseMatrix.RowCount - i + 1);

                // lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
                var fillLevel = spaceRow / 2;
                FindLargestItems(0, i - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
                var lowerNonZeroCount = 0;
                var count = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _lower[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count += 1;
                    lowerNonZeroCount += 1;

                FindLargestItems(i + 1, sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
                fillLevel = spaceRow - lowerNonZeroCount;

                // u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i + 1, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
                var upperNonZeroCount = 0;
                count = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount - i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel - 1) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _upper[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count += 1;
                    upperNonZeroCount += 1;

                // Simply copy the diagonal element. Next step is to see if we pivot
                _upper[i, i] = workVector[i];

                // if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
                // {
                //     pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
                //     Update L, U
                //     Update P
                // }

                // Check if we really need to pivot. If (i+1) >=(mCoefficientMatrix.Rows -1) then
                // we are working on the last row. That means that there is only one number
                // And pivoting is useless. Also the indexSorting array will only contain
                // -1 values.
                if ((i + 1) < (sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1))
                    if (workVector[i].Magnitude < _pivotTolerance * workVector[indexSorting[0]].Magnitude)
                        // swap columns of u (which holds the values of A in the
                        // sections that haven't been partitioned yet.
                        SwapColumns(_upper, i, indexSorting[0]);

                        // Update P
                        var temp = _pivots[i];
                        _pivots[i] = _pivots[indexSorting[0]];
                        _pivots[indexSorting[0]] = temp;

                // spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
                spaceLeft -= lowerNonZeroCount + upperNonZeroCount;

            for (var i = 0; i < _lower.RowCount; i++)
                _lower[i, i] = 1.0;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the preconditioner and loads the internal data structures.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">
        /// The <see cref="Matrix"/> upon which this preconditioner is based. Note that the
        /// method takes a general matrix type. However internally the data is stored
        /// as a sparse matrix. Therefore it is not recommended to pass a dense matrix.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> If <paramref name="matrix"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">If <paramref name="matrix"/> is not a square matrix.</exception>
        public void Initialize(Matrix matrix)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            var sparseMatrix = (matrix is SparseMatrix) ? matrix as SparseMatrix : new SparseMatrix(matrix);

            // The creation of the preconditioner follows the following algorithm.
            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            // for i = 1, .. , n
            // {
            //    w = a(i,*)
            //    for j = 1, .. , i - 1
            //    {
            //        if (w(j) != 0)
            //        {
            //            w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
            //            if (w(j) < dropTol)
            //            {
            //                w(j) = 0;
            //            }
            //            if (w(j) != 0)
            //            {
            //                w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            //    for j = i, .. ,n
            //    {
            //        if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
            //        {
            //            w(j) = 0
            //        }
            //    }
            //    spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
            //    lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
            //    l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
            //    lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
            //    u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
            //    w = 0
            //    if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
            //    {
            //        pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
            //        Update L, U
            //        Update P
            //    }
            //    spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
            // }
            // Create the lower triangular matrix
            _lower = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the upper triangular matrix and copy the values
            _upper = new SparseMatrix(sparseMatrix.RowCount);

            // Create the pivot array
            _pivots = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];
            for (var i = 0; i < _pivots.Length; i++)
                _pivots[i] = i;

            Vector workVector   = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.RowCount);
            Vector rowVector    = new DenseVector(sparseMatrix.ColumnCount);
            var    indexSorting = new int[sparseMatrix.RowCount];

            // spaceLeft = lfilNnz * nnz(A)
            var spaceLeft = (int)_fillLevel * sparseMatrix.NonZerosCount;

            // for i = 1, .. , n
            for (var i = 0; i < sparseMatrix.RowCount; i++)
                // w = a(i,*)
                sparseMatrix.Row(i, workVector);

                // pivot the row
                var vectorNorm = workVector.Norm(Double.PositiveInfinity);

                // for j = 1, .. , i - 1)
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    // if (w(j) != 0)
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = w(j) / a(j,j)
                    //     if (w(j) < dropTol)
                    //     {
                    //         w(j) = 0;
                    //     }
                    //     if (w(j) != 0)
                    //     {
                    //         w = w - w(j) * U(j,*)
                    //     }
                    if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                        // Calculate the multiplication factors that go into the L matrix
                        workVector[j] = workVector[j] / _upper[j, j];
                        if (workVector[j].Magnitude < _dropTolerance)
                            workVector[j] = 0.0;

                        // Calculate the addition factor
                        if (workVector[j] != 0.0)
                            // vector update all in one go
                            _upper.Row(j, rowVector);

                            // zero out columnVector[k] because we don't need that
                            // one anymore for k = 0 to k = j
                            for (var k = 0; k <= j; k++)
                                rowVector[k] = 0.0;

                            rowVector.Multiply(workVector[j], rowVector);
                            workVector.Subtract(rowVector, workVector);

                // for j = i, .. ,n
                for (var j = i; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount; j++)
                    // if w(j) <= dropTol * ||A(i,*)||
                    // {
                    //     w(j) = 0
                    // }
                    if (workVector[j].Magnitude <= _dropTolerance * vectorNorm.Real)
                        workVector[j] = 0.0;

                // spaceRow = spaceLeft / (n - i + 1) // Determine the space for this row
                var spaceRow = spaceLeft / (sparseMatrix.RowCount - i + 1);

                // lfil = spaceRow / 2  // space for this row of L
                var fillLevel = spaceRow / 2;
                FindLargestItems(0, i - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // l(i,j) = w(j) for j = 1, .. , i -1 // only the largest lfil elements
                var lowerNonZeroCount = 0;
                var count             = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _lower[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count             += 1;
                    lowerNonZeroCount += 1;

                FindLargestItems(i + 1, sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1, indexSorting, workVector);

                // lfil = spaceRow - nnz(L(i,:))  // space for this row of U
                fillLevel = spaceRow - lowerNonZeroCount;

                // u(i,j) = w(j) for j = i + 1, .. , n // only the largest lfil - 1 elements
                var upperNonZeroCount = 0;
                count = 0;
                for (var j = 0; j < sparseMatrix.RowCount - i; j++)
                    if ((count > fillLevel - 1) || (indexSorting[j] == -1))

                    _upper[i, indexSorting[j]] = workVector[indexSorting[j]];
                    count             += 1;
                    upperNonZeroCount += 1;

                // Simply copy the diagonal element. Next step is to see if we pivot
                _upper[i, i] = workVector[i];

                // if max(U(i,i + 1: n)) > U(i,i) / pivTol then // pivot if necessary
                // {
                //     pivot by swapping the max and the diagonal entries
                //     Update L, U
                //     Update P
                // }

                // Check if we really need to pivot. If (i+1) >=(mCoefficientMatrix.Rows -1) then
                // we are working on the last row. That means that there is only one number
                // And pivoting is useless. Also the indexSorting array will only contain
                // -1 values.
                if ((i + 1) < (sparseMatrix.RowCount - 1))
                    if (workVector[i].Magnitude < _pivotTolerance * workVector[indexSorting[0]].Magnitude)
                        // swap columns of u (which holds the values of A in the
                        // sections that haven't been partitioned yet.
                        SwapColumns(_upper, i, indexSorting[0]);

                        // Update P
                        var temp = _pivots[i];
                        _pivots[i] = _pivots[indexSorting[0]];
                        _pivots[indexSorting[0]] = temp;

                // spaceLeft = spaceLeft - nnz(L(i,:)) - nnz(U(i,:))
                spaceLeft -= lowerNonZeroCount + upperNonZeroCount;

            for (var i = 0; i < _lower.RowCount; i++)
                _lower[i, i] = 1.0;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixDimensions);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            var d = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var r = new DenseVector(input);

            var uodd  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var ueven = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            var v = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var pseudoResiduals = new DenseVector(input);

            var x     = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yodd  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yeven = new DenseVector(input);

            // Temp vectors
            var temp  = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp1 = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp2 = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Initialize
            var startNorm = input.Norm(2);

            // Define the scalars
            Complex alpha = 0;
            Complex eta   = 0;
            double  theta = 0;

            var     tau = startNorm.Real;
            Complex rho = tau * tau;

            // Calculate the initial values for v
            // M temp = yEven
            _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

            // v = A temp
            matrix.Multiply(temp, v);

            // Set uOdd

            // Start the iteration
            var iterationNumber = 0;

            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                // First part of the step, the even bit
                if (IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma = (v, r)
                    var sigma = v.DotProduct(r.Conjugate());
                    if (sigma.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && sigma.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    // alpha = rho / sigma
                    alpha = rho / sigma;

                    // yOdd = yEven - alpha * v
                    v.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                    yeven.Add(temp1, yodd);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yodd, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, uodd);

                // The intermediate step which is equal for both even and
                // odd iteration steps.
                // Select the correct vector
                var uinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? ueven : uodd;
                var yinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? yeven : yodd;

                // pseudoResiduals = pseudoResiduals - alpha * uOdd
                uinternal.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // d = yOdd + theta * theta * eta / alpha * d
                d.Multiply(theta * theta * eta / alpha, temp);
                yinternal.Add(temp, d);

                // theta = ||pseudoResiduals||_2 / tau
                theta = pseudoResiduals.Norm(2).Real / tau;
                var c = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (theta * theta));

                // tau = tau * theta * c
                tau *= theta * c;

                // eta = c^2 * alpha
                eta = c * c * alpha;

                // x = x + eta * d
                d.Multiply(eta, temp1);
                x.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // Check convergence and see if we can bail
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                    // Calculate the real values
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

                    // Calculate the true residual. Use the temp vector for that
                    // so that we don't pollute the pseudoResidual vector for no
                    // good reason.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, temp, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, temp))
                        // We're all good now.

                // The odd step
                if (!IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    if (rho.Real.AlmostEqual(0, 1) && rho.Imaginary.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    var rhoNew = pseudoResiduals.DotProduct(r.Conjugate());
                    var beta   = rhoNew / rho;

                    // Update rho for the next loop
                    rho = rhoNew;

                    // yOdd = pseudoResiduals + beta * yOdd
                    yodd.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, yeven);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, ueven);

                    // v = uEven + beta * (uOdd + beta * v)
                    v.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    uodd.Add(temp1, temp);

                    temp.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    ueven.Add(temp1, v);

                // Calculate the real values
                _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Solves the matrix equation Ax = b, where A is the coefficient matrix, b is the
        /// solution vector and x is the unknown vector.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The coefficient matrix, <c>A</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="input">The solution vector, <c>b</c></param>
        /// <param name="result">The result vector, <c>x</c></param>
        public void Solve(Matrix matrix, Vector input, Vector result)
            // If we were stopped before, we are no longer
            // We're doing this at the start of the method to ensure
            // that we can use these fields immediately.
            _hasBeenStopped = false;

            // Error checks
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("matrix");

            if (matrix.RowCount != matrix.ColumnCount)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentMatrixSquare, "matrix");

            if (input == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("input");

            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("result");

            if (result.Count != input.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.ArgumentVectorsSameLength);

            if (input.Count != matrix.RowCount)
                throw Matrix.DimensionsDontMatch<ArgumentException>(input, matrix);

            // Initialize the solver fields
            // Set the convergence monitor
            if (_iterator == null)
                _iterator = Iterator.CreateDefault();

            if (_preconditioner == null)
                _preconditioner = new UnitPreconditioner();


            var d = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var r = new DenseVector(input);

            var uodd = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var ueven = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            var v = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var pseudoResiduals = new DenseVector(input);

            var x = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yodd = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var yeven = new DenseVector(input);

            // Temp vectors
            var temp = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp1 = new DenseVector(input.Count);
            var temp2 = new DenseVector(input.Count);

            // Initialize
            var startNorm = input.Norm(2);

            // Define the scalars
            double alpha = 0;
            double eta = 0;
            double theta = 0;

            var tau = startNorm;
            var rho = tau * tau;

            // Calculate the initial values for v
            // M temp = yEven
            _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

            // v = A temp
            matrix.Multiply(temp, v);

            // Set uOdd

            // Start the iteration
            var iterationNumber = 0;
            while (ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                // First part of the step, the even bit
                if (IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    // sigma = (v, r)
                    var sigma = v.DotProduct(r);
                    if (sigma.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    // alpha = rho / sigma
                    alpha = rho / sigma;

                    // yOdd = yEven - alpha * v
                    v.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                    yeven.Add(temp1, yodd);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yodd, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, uodd);

                // The intermediate step which is equal for both even and
                // odd iteration steps.
                // Select the correct vector
                var uinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? ueven : uodd;
                var yinternal = IsEven(iterationNumber) ? yeven : yodd;

                // pseudoResiduals = pseudoResiduals - alpha * uOdd
                uinternal.Multiply(-alpha, temp1);
                pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // d = yOdd + theta * theta * eta / alpha * d
                d.Multiply(theta * theta * eta / alpha, temp);
                yinternal.Add(temp, d);

                // theta = ||pseudoResiduals||_2 / tau
                theta = pseudoResiduals.Norm(2) / tau;
                var c = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (theta * theta));

                // tau = tau * theta * c
                tau *= theta * c;

                // eta = c^2 * alpha
                eta = c * c * alpha;

                // x = x + eta * d
                d.Multiply(eta, temp1);
                x.Add(temp1, temp2);

                // Check convergence and see if we can bail
                if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, pseudoResiduals))
                    // Calculate the real values
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);

                    // Calculate the true residual. Use the temp vector for that
                    // so that we don't pollute the pseudoResidual vector for no
                    // good reason.
                    CalculateTrueResidual(matrix, temp, result, input);

                    // Now recheck the convergence
                    if (!ShouldContinue(iterationNumber, result, input, temp))
                        // We're all good now.

                // The odd step
                if (!IsEven(iterationNumber))
                    if (rho.AlmostEqual(0, 1))
                        // FAIL HERE

                    var rhoNew = pseudoResiduals.DotProduct(r);
                    var beta = rhoNew / rho;

                    // Update rho for the next loop
                    rho = rhoNew;

                    // yOdd = pseudoResiduals + beta * yOdd
                    yodd.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    pseudoResiduals.Add(temp1, yeven);

                    // Solve M temp = yOdd
                    _preconditioner.Approximate(yeven, temp);

                    // uOdd = A temp
                    matrix.Multiply(temp, ueven);

                    // v = uEven + beta * (uOdd + beta * v)
                    v.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    uodd.Add(temp1, temp);

                    temp.Multiply(beta, temp1);
                    ueven.Add(temp1, v);

                // Calculate the real values
                _preconditioner.Approximate(x, result);
