Exemple #1
    /* Interpole une valeur pour la position, en supposant aucun input du joueur, dans nbFrames frames */
    /// <summary>
    /// Tries to predict the object's position in nbFrames units of time.<br/>
    /// Currently does a pretty poor job at it.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="nbFrames">The number of units of time ahead we want to know the object's position</param>
    /// <returns>A position vector</returns>
    public Vector2 interpolation(int nbFrames)
        Vector temp = new DenseVector(estimation.ToArray());

        for (int i = 0; i < nbFrames; i++)
            temp = (Vector)(F * temp);
        return(new Vector2((float)temp.At(0), (float)temp.At(2)));
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns two correlated randomly generated values according to a gauss(0,1)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="var">The stddev of the correlation</param>
    /// <returns>A vector2 made of two correlated randomly generated values</returns>
    public static Vector2 gaussCorrelated(double stddev = 1)
        double t1 = Laws.gauss();
        double t2 = Laws.gauss();

        Vector vect = new DenseVector(new double[] { t1, t2, });

        Matrix R = new DenseMatrix(2, 2);

        R.SetRow(0, new double[] { 1, 0, });
        R.SetRow(1, new double[] { 0, 1, });
        R = (Matrix)R.Multiply(Math.Pow(stddev, 2));

        Matrix sqrtR = sqrtm(R);

        vect = (Vector)(sqrtR * vect);

        return(new Vector2((float)vect.At(0), (float)vect.At(1)));
Exemple #3
    /* Prends une observation (pos.x, speed.x, pos.y, speed.y) non bruitée, la bruite et estime les nouveaux paramètres */
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes a sensor-perfect observation as entry for a Kalman filter iteration, adds realistic sensor imperfection and updates the internal state accordingly
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obs">A noised sensor-perfect position+speed observation</param>
    public void addObservation(Vector4 obs)
        Vector tempVector = new DenseVector(4);

        double[] storage = new double[4];
        storage[0] = obs.x; storage[1] = obs.y; storage[2] = obs.z; storage[3] = obs.w;
        //tempVector = addNoise(tempVector);

        // public noised values
        posBruit.x = (float)tempVector.At(0);
        posBruit.y = (float)tempVector.At(2);

        /****************** Prédiction ******************/
        // n(k|k-1) = F * n(k-1|k-1)
        Vector nkminus1 = (Vector)(F * estimation);

        // P(k|k-1) = F * P(k-1|k-1) * F^T + Q
        Matrix Pkminus1 = (Matrix)(F * P * F.Transpose() + Q);

        // Mise à jour
        // K = P(k|k-1) * H^T * (R + H * P(k|k-1) * H^T)^-1
        Matrix S = (Matrix)(R + H * Pkminus1 * H.Transpose());

        K = (Matrix)(Pkminus1 * H.Transpose() * S.Inverse());

        // P(k|k) = (I - KH) * P(k| k-1)
        P = (Matrix)((I - K * H) * Pkminus1);

        // n(k|k) = n(k|k-1) + K(y - H*n(k|k-1))
        Vector y = (Vector)(H * tempVector);

        y            = addImprecision(y);
        posImprecise = new Vector2((float)y.At(0), (float)y.At(1));
        estimation   = (Vector)(nkminus1 + K * (y - (H * nkminus1)));
        posInterp.x  = (float)estimation.At(0);
        posInterp.y  = (float)estimation.At(2);
        private void AddPatterns(IList <DenseVector> chaoticSeries, int firstIndex)
            for (int i = firstIndex; i < chaoticSeries.Count; i++)
                Pattern     adding = new Pattern(startTime + i);
                DenseVector input  = new DenseVector(historyLength);
                for (int j = 1; j <= historyLength; j++)
                    input.At(j - 1, chaoticSeries[i - j].At(0)); // At(i) is likely faster than [i] in Math.NET

                adding.Input       = input;
                adding.IdealOutput = chaoticSeries[i];
Exemple #5
        private bool BayesTrain(List <List <double> > feature, List <int> label)
            var featNum = feature.Count;
            var featDim = feature[0].Count;
            var labNum  = label.Count;

            if (labNum != featNum)

            for (var i = 0; i < GestureNumber; i++)

            Matrix <double> featMat = new DenseMatrix(featNum, featDim);

            for (var i = 0; i < featNum; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < featDim; j++)
                    featMat[i, j] = feature[i][j];

            var             cNum        = _mClassLabel.Count;
            Matrix <double> meanMat     = new DenseMatrix(cNum, featDim);
            Matrix <double> covMat      = new DenseMatrix(featDim * cNum, featDim);
            Matrix <double> poolCovMat  = new DenseMatrix(featDim, featDim);
            Vector <double> numPerClass = new DenseVector(cNum);

            // compute the mean vector for each class
            for (var i = 0; i < featNum; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < cNum; j++)
                    if (label[i] != _mClassLabel[j])
                    meanMat.SetRow(j, meanMat.Row(j) + featMat.Row(i));
                    numPerClass.At(j, numPerClass.At(j) + 1);
            for (var i = 0; i < cNum; i++)
                meanMat.SetRow(i, meanMat.Row(i) / numPerClass.At(i));
            //compute the covariance matrix for each class and pool covariance matrix
            for (var i = 0; i < featNum; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < cNum; j++)
                    if (label[i] == _mClassLabel[j])
                        covMat.SetSubMatrix(j * featDim, featDim, 0, featDim,
                                            covMat.SubMatrix(j * featDim, featDim, 0, featDim) +
                                            (featMat.Row(i) - meanMat.Row(j)).OuterProduct(featMat.Row(i) - meanMat.Row(j)));
            for (var i = 0; i < cNum; i++)
                poolCovMat += covMat.SubMatrix(i * featDim, featDim, 0, featDim);
                //PoolCovMat += CovMat.block(i* feat_dim,0,feat_dim,feat_dim);
                covMat.SetSubMatrix(i * featDim, featDim, 0, featDim,
                                    covMat.SubMatrix(i * featDim, featDim, 0, featDim) / (numPerClass.At(i) - 1));
                //CovMat.block(i* feat_dim,0,feat_dim,feat_dim)=CovMat.block(i* feat_dim,0,feat_dim,feat_dim)/(feat_num_perclass(i)-1);
            poolCovMat /= featNum - cNum;
            poolCovMat  = poolCovMat.Inverse();

            //transform the data format from Eigen to member vectors

            List <double> temp;

            for (var i = 0; i < cNum; i++)
                temp = new List <double>();
                for (var j = 0; j < featDim; j++)
                    temp.Add(meanMat[i, j]);
            for (var i = 0; i < featDim; i++)
                temp = new List <double>();
                for (var j = 0; j < featDim; j++)
                    temp.Add(poolCovMat[i, j]);