Exemple #1
    //** Debug Methods **//
    private void drawDebug()
        //Draw line from this cam to the observed object
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, observedObject.position, Color.gray);

        //Draw the hide obstruction Ray

        //Draw the ZoomClip Ray, this isnt up to date since the cam has already lerped before this is called
        DebugShapes.DrawRay(clipZoomRayPlayerToCam.getOrigin(), clipZoomRayPlayerToCam.getDirection(), clipZoomMinDistanceFactor * maxCameraDistance, Color.blue);
        DebugShapes.DrawRay(clipZoomRayPlayerToCam.getEnd(), -clipZoomRayPlayerToCam.getDirection(), clipZoomPaddingFactor * maxCameraDistance, Color.red);

        //Draw the angle restrictions
        Vector3 zeroOrientation = getHorizontalRotationAxis();
        Vector3 up   = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-camUpperAngleMargin, camTarget.right) * zeroOrientation;
        Vector3 down = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-camLowerAngleMargin, camTarget.right) * zeroOrientation;

        if (!UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            UnityEditor.Handles.color = Color.white;
            UnityEditor.Handles.DrawSolidArc(observedObject.position, camTarget.right, down, Vector3.SignedAngle(down, up, camTarget.right), maxCameraDistance / 4);

        //Draw Target Transform
        DebugShapes.DrawPoint(camTarget.position, Color.magenta, 0.1f);
        DebugShapes.DrawRay(camTarget.position, camTarget.forward, Color.blue);
        DebugShapes.DrawRay(camTarget.position, camTarget.right, Color.red);
        DebugShapes.DrawRay(camTarget.position, camTarget.up, Color.green);
    public static void DrawRect(Rect rect, Color col)
        Vector3 pos   = new Vector3(rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2, 0.0f);
        Vector3 scale = new Vector3(rect.width, rect.height, 0.0f);

        DebugShapes.DrawRect(pos, col, scale);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the <see cref="Text"/> with given <see cref="SpriteBatch"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch"><see cref="SpriteBatch"/> to draw with.</param>
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch)
            spriteBatch.DrawString(this.font, this.Contents, this.Position, this.Clr * this.Alpha, this.Rotation, Vector2.Zero, this.Scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
            DebugShapes.DrawRectagnle(spriteBatch, this.Position, this.Size, 1f, Color.Red);
        protected void DrawTileSelection(int tileX, int tileY)
            Color   fillColor = new Color(80, 100, 150, 150);
            Vector2 pos       = new Vector2(tileX * TileGrid.TileSize.X * TileGrid.Scale.X,
                                            tileY * TileGrid.TileSize.Y * TileGrid.Scale.Y);
            Vector2 size = new Vector2(TileGrid.TileSize.X * TileGrid.Scale.X,
                                       TileGrid.TileSize.Y * TileGrid.Scale.Y);

            DrawingManager.DrawFilledRectangle(TileGrid.Layer, pos, size,
                                               fillColor, TileGrid.BlendingType);
            DebugShapes.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle((int)(pos.X + 1), (int)(pos.Y + 1), (int)size.X - 2, (int)size.Y - 2),
Exemple #5
        protected void DrawBoneSceneItemBoundingRect(String boneTransformRef, Color color)
            CompositeBoneTransform boneTransform
                = ParentEditor.SelectedCompositeKeyFrame.GetBoneTransformFromKeyFrame(
                      ParentEditor.SelectedCompositeKeyFrame, boneTransformRef);
            SceneItem boneTransformSceneItem = boneTransform.GetSceneItem();

            if (boneTransform.IsVisible == true &&
                boneTransformSceneItem != null)
                Rectangle boundingRect = boneTransformSceneItem.BoundingRect;
                DebugShapes.DrawRectangle(boundingRect, color);
        /// <summary>
        /// Render the polygon using debug lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="verticesColor"></param>
        public void Draw(Vector2 position, Color verticesColor)
            for (int i = 0; i < _vertices.Count; i++)
                Color tint = OutlineColor;
                DebugShapes.DrawLine(_transformedVertices[i] + position,
                                     _transformedVertices[(i + 1) % _transformedVertices.Count] + position, tint);
            int centerLineSize = 3;

            DebugShapes.DrawLine(new Vector2(_center.X - centerLineSize, _center.Y - centerLineSize) + position,
                                 new Vector2(_center.X + centerLineSize, _center.Y + centerLineSize) + position, verticesColor);
            DebugShapes.DrawLine(new Vector2(_center.X - centerLineSize, _center.Y + centerLineSize) + position,
                                 new Vector2(_center.X + centerLineSize, _center.Y - centerLineSize) + position, verticesColor);
        protected void DrawGridLines()
            Color lineColor = Color.White;

            for (int i = 1; i < TileGrid.TileCols; i++)
                float x = i * _tileGrid.TileSize.X * _tileGrid.Scale.X;
                DebugShapes.DrawLine(new Vector2(x, 0),
                                     new Vector2(x, _tileGrid.BoundingRect.Height), lineColor);
            for (int i = 1; i < TileGrid.TileRows; i++)
                float y = i * _tileGrid.TileSize.Y * _tileGrid.Scale.Y;
                DebugShapes.DrawLine(new Vector2(0, y),
                                     new Vector2(_tileGrid.BoundingRect.Width, y), lineColor);
Exemple #8
    //** Debug Methods **//
    private void drawDebug()
        //Draw the two Sphere Rays

        //Draw the Gravity off distance
        Vector3 borderpoint = getColliderBottomPoint();

        Debug.DrawLine(borderpoint, borderpoint + getGravityOffDistance() * -transform.up, Color.magenta);

        //Draw the current transform.up and the bodys current Y orientation
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 2f * getColliderRadius() * transform.up, new Color(1, 0.5f, 0, 1));
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 2f * getColliderRadius() * body.TransformDirection(bodyY), Color.blue);

        //Draw the Centroids
        DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getDefaultCentroid(), Color.magenta, 0.1f);
        DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getLegsCentroid(), Color.red, 0.1f);
        DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getColliderBottomPoint(), Color.cyan, 0.1f);
Exemple #9
 protected override void Draw()
     Update(1f / 60f);
     if (CurrentScene != null)
         DrawingManager.ViewPortSize = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point(this.Width, this.Height);
         SquidCore.DrawSquidEngineScene(GraphicsDevice, 0.16f, SceneManager.ActiveScene);
         if (_highlightedItem != null)
             Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle re = _highlightedItem.BoundingRect;
             if (_highlightedItem.IgnoreCameraPosition)
                 Vector2 offset = CurrentScene.ActiveCameras[0].Position;
                 //offset *= -1;
                 re.Offset((int)offset.X, (int)offset.Y);
             DebugShapes.DrawRectangle(re, Color.Yellow);
         foreach (SceneItem item in _selectedItems)
             Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle re = item.BoundingRect;
             if (item.IgnoreCameraPosition)
                 Vector2 offset = CurrentScene.ActiveCameras[0].Position;
                 //offset *= -1;
                 re.Offset((int)offset.X, (int)offset.Y);
             DebugShapes.DrawRectangle(re, Color.White);
         if (PreviewedItem != null)
             Vector2 oldPosition = PreviewedItem.Position;
             Vector2 oldPivot    = PreviewedItem.Pivot;
             int     oldLayer    = PreviewedItem.Layer;
             PreviewedItem.Position = Vector2.Zero;
             PreviewedItem.Layer    = 1;
             PreviewedItem.Pivot    = new Vector2(PreviewedItem.BoundingRect.Width / 2f, PreviewedItem.BoundingRect.Height / 2f);
             PreviewedItem.Update(1f / 60f);
             PreviewedItem.Draw(1f / 60f);
             PreviewedItem.Position = oldPosition;
             PreviewedItem.Layer    = oldLayer;
             PreviewedItem.Pivot    = oldPivot;
         if (Preferences.ShowCameraBounds == true)
             Point size     = SceneManager.GlobalDataHolder.NativeResolution;
             Point safeSize = Point.Zero;
             safeSize.X = (int)(size.X * 0.8f);
             safeSize.Y = (int)(size.Y * 0.8f);
                 new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(-size.X / 2, -size.Y / 2, size.X, size.Y),
                 new Color(255, 0, 255, 200));
                 new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle(-safeSize.X / 2, -safeSize.Y / 2, safeSize.X, safeSize.Y),
                 new Color(255, 255, 255, 100));
         if (Preferences.ShowGrid == true)
             Point gridSize = Preferences.GridSizes[Preferences.SelectedGrid - 1];
             Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Rectangle screenBounds = SceneManager.ActiveScene.ActiveCameras[0].BoundingRect;
             Point start = new Point((int)Math.Floor((double)screenBounds.X / (double)gridSize.X),
                                     (int)Math.Floor((double)screenBounds.Y / (double)gridSize.X));
             Point end = new Point(1 + (int)Math.Floor((double)screenBounds.Right / (double)gridSize.X),
                                   1 + (int)Math.Floor((double)screenBounds.Bottom / (double)gridSize.Y));
             for (int x = start.X; x <= end.X; x++)
                 SquidEngine.Drawing.DebugShapes.DrawLine(new Vector2(x * gridSize.X, start.Y * gridSize.Y),
                                                          new Vector2(x * gridSize.X, end.Y * gridSize.Y), (x == 0) ? Color.Black : Preferences.GridColor);
             for (int y = start.Y; y <= end.Y; y++)
                 SquidEngine.Drawing.DebugShapes.DrawLine(new Vector2(start.X * gridSize.X, y * gridSize.Y),
                                                          new Vector2(end.X * gridSize.X, y * gridSize.Y), (y == 0) ? Color.Black : Preferences.GridColor);
Exemple #10
 public override void draw(Color col, float duration = 0)
     DebugShapes.DrawSphereRay(getOrigin(), getEnd(), getRadius(), 5, col, duration);
     * This function will perform debug drawing using Gizmos.
    private void drawDebug(bool points = true, bool steppingProcess = true, bool rayCasts = true, bool DOFArc = true)
        float scale = spider.getScale() * 0.0001f * debugIconScale;

        if (points)
            // Default Position
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getDefault(), Color.magenta, scale);

            // Last Resort Position
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getLastResortTarget().position, Color.cyan, scale);

            //Draw the top and bottom ray points
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getTopFocalPoint(), Color.green, scale);
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(getBottomFocalPoint(), Color.green, scale);

            //Target Point
            if (isStepping)
                DebugShapes.DrawPoint(ikChain.getTarget().position, Color.cyan, scale, 0.2f);
                DebugShapes.DrawPoint(ikChain.getTarget().position, Color.cyan, scale);

        if (steppingProcess)
            //Draw the prediction process
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(lastEndEffectorPos, Color.white, scale);
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(projPrediction, Color.grey, scale);
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(overshootPrediction, Color.green, scale);
            DebugShapes.DrawPoint(prediction, Color.yellow, scale);
            Debug.DrawLine(lastEndEffectorPos, projPrediction, Color.white);
            Debug.DrawLine(projPrediction, overshootPrediction, Color.grey);
            Debug.DrawLine(overshootPrediction, prediction, Color.green);

        if (rayCasts)
            Color col = Color.black;
            foreach (var cast in casts)
                if (cast.Key.Contains("Default"))
                    col = Color.magenta;
                else if (cast.Key.Contains("Prediction"))
                    col = Color.yellow;

                if (cast.Key != lastHitRay)
                    col = Color.Lerp(col, Color.white, 0.5f);

        if (DOFArc)
            Vector3 v = spider.transform.TransformDirection(minOrient);
            Vector3 w = spider.transform.TransformDirection(maxOrient);
            Vector3 p = spider.transform.InverseTransformPoint(rootJoint.getRotationPoint());
            p.y = defaultPositionLocal.y;
            p   = spider.transform.TransformPoint(p);
            DebugShapes.DrawCircleSection(p, v, w, rootJoint.getRotationAxis(), minDistance, chainLength, Color.red);
Exemple #12
     * This coroutine is a copy paste of the original CCD solver above. It exists due to debug reasons.
     * It allows me to go through the iterations steps frame by frame and pause the editor.
     * This will be deleted once i dont need the frame by frame debuging anymore.
    public static IEnumerator solveChainCCDFrameByFrame(JointHinge[] joints, Transform endEffector, TargetInfo target, float tolerance, float minimumChangePerIteration = 0, float singularityRadius = 0, bool hasFoot = false, bool printDebugLogs = false)
        int   iteration = 0;
        float error     = Vector3.Distance(target.position, endEffector.position);
        float oldError;
        float errorDelta;

        if (printDebugLogs)
            Debug.Log(endEffector.gameObject.name + " is starting the CCD solving process.");
        yield return(null);

        while (iteration < maxIterations && error > tolerance)
            if (printDebugLogs)
                Debug.Log("Starting iteration " + iteration + " with an error of " + error);
            yield return(null);

            for (int i = 0; i < joints.Length; i++)
                int k = mod((i - 1), joints.Length);

                // start: Not clean but for now just initialize variables again and draw stuff here
                Vector3 rotPoint = joints[k].getRotationPoint();
                Vector3 rotAxis  = joints[k].getRotationAxis();
                Vector3 toEnd    = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane((endEffector.position - rotPoint), rotAxis);
                Vector3 toTarget = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(target.position - rotPoint, rotAxis);
                DebugShapes.DrawPlane(rotPoint, rotAxis, toTarget, 1.0f, Color.yellow);
                Debug.DrawLine(rotPoint, rotPoint + toTarget, Color.blue);
                Debug.DrawLine(rotPoint, rotPoint + toEnd, Color.red);
                // end

                if (printDebugLogs)
                    Debug.Log("Iteration " + iteration + ", joint " + joints[k].gameObject.name + " gonna happen now.");
                yield return(null);

                solveJointCCD(ref joints[k], ref endEffector, ref target, singularityRadius, hasFoot && k == joints.Length - 1);

                // start: Not clean but for now just initialize variables again and draw stuff here
                toEnd = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane((endEffector.position - rotPoint), rotAxis);
                DebugShapes.DrawPlane(rotPoint, rotAxis, toTarget, 1.0f, Color.yellow);
                Debug.DrawLine(rotPoint, rotPoint + toTarget, Color.blue);
                Debug.DrawLine(rotPoint, rotPoint + toEnd, Color.red);
                // end

                if (printDebugLogs)
                    Debug.Log("Iteration " + iteration + ", joint " + joints[k].gameObject.name + " done.");
                yield return(null);

            oldError   = error;
            error      = Vector3.Distance(target.position, endEffector.position);
            errorDelta = Mathf.Abs(oldError - error);
            if (errorDelta < minimumChangePerIteration)
                if (printDebugLogs)
                    Debug.Log("Only moved " + errorDelta + ". Therefore i give up solving");

        if (printDebugLogs)
            if (error > tolerance)
                Debug.Log(endEffector.gameObject.name + " could not solve with " + iteration + " iterations. The error is " + error);
                Debug.Log(endEffector.gameObject.name + " completed solving with " + iteration + " iterations and an error of " + error);
        yield return(null);