public void Insert_ShouldAddARow_ToThe_Winner_Table_WithTheSuppliedValues()
     using (new TransactionScope()) {
         long attendeeID;
         long sponsorID;
         long swagID;
         string name = "Joe Smith";
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             attendeeID = (from x in dc.Attendees where x.IsEligible && !x.HasWon select x.AttendeeID).First();
             sponsorID = (from x in dc.Sponsors where x.ProvidedSwag select x.SponsorID).First();
             swagID = (from x in dc.Swags where x.SponsorID == sponsorID select x.SwagID).First();
         WinnerDTO winner = new WinnerDTO {AttendeeID = attendeeID, SponsorID = sponsorID, SwagID = swagID, Name = name};
         IWinnerRepository repo = new WinnerRepository();
         bool success = repo.Insert(winner);
         success.ShouldBeTrue("Expected Success To Be True");
         Winner retrievedWinner;
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             retrievedWinner = (from x in dc.Winners where x.AttendeeID == attendeeID select x).First();
         retrievedWinner.AttendeeID.ShouldEqual(attendeeID, "Wrong AttendeeID");
         retrievedWinner.SponsorID.ShouldEqual(sponsorID, "Wrong SponsorID");
         retrievedWinner.SwagID.ShouldEqual(swagID, "Wrong SwagID");
         retrievedWinner.Name.ShouldEqual(name, "Wrong Name");
 public bool DeleteAll()
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         dc.ExecuteCommand("Delete from Winner");
     return true;
 public void DeleteAll_ShouldRemoveAll_Winners_FromThe_Winner_Table()
     using (new TransactionScope()) {
         long attendeeID;
         long sponsorID;
         long swagID;
         string name = "Joe Smith";
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             attendeeID = (from x in dc.Attendees where x.IsEligible && !x.HasWon select x.AttendeeID).First();
             sponsorID = (from x in dc.Sponsors where x.ProvidedSwag select x.SponsorID).First();
             swagID = (from x in dc.Swags where x.SponsorID == sponsorID select x.SwagID).First();
             dc.Winners.InsertOnSubmit(new Winner{AttendeeID = attendeeID, SponsorID = sponsorID, SwagID = swagID, Name = name});
         IWinnerRepository rep = new WinnerRepository();
         bool success = rep.DeleteAll();
         success.ShouldBeTrue("Expected Success To Be True");
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             (from x in dc.Winners select x).Count().ShouldEqual(0, "Expected 0 rows in Winner table");
 public bool ResetAllHasWon()
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         dc.ExecuteCommand("Update Attendee Set HasWon = 'false'");
     return true;
 public bool Insert(WinnerDTO winner)
     Winner w = new Winner {AttendeeID = winner.AttendeeID, SponsorID = winner.SponsorID, SwagID = winner.SwagID, Name = winner.Name};
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
     return true;
 public void GetAll_ShouldReturn_All_Attendees_InThe_Database()
     int expectedCount;
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         expectedCount = (from x in dc.Attendees select x).Count();
     IAttendeeRepository attendeeRepository = new AttendeeRepository();
     IList<AttendeeDTO> attendees = attendeeRepository.GetAll();
 public void GetAll_Should_Return_All_Swags_From_The_Database()
     int expectedCount;
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()){
         expectedCount = (from x in dc.Swags select x).Count();
     ISwagRepository repo = new SwagRepository();
     IList<SwagDTO> swags = repo.GetAll();
     swags.Count.ShouldEqual(expectedCount, "Wrong number of Swags");
 public void GetAll_ShouldReturn_All_Sponsors_InThe_Database()
     int expectedCount;
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         expectedCount = (from x in dc.Sponsors select x).Count();
     ISponsorRepository repo = new SponsorRepository();
     IList<SponsorDTO> sponsors = repo.GetAll();
     sponsors.Count.ShouldEqual(expectedCount, "Wrong number of sponsors");
 public void DeleteAll_ShouldDelete_All_Attendees()
     using (new TransactionScope()) {
         IAttendeeRepository repo = new AttendeeRepository();
         bool successful = repo.DeleteAll();
         successful.ShouldBeTrue("Expected True");
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             (from x in dc.Attendees select x).Count().ShouldEqual(0, "Expected 0 Attendees");
 public void GetAllThatProvidedSwag_ShouldReturn_All_Sponsors_InThe_Database_Where_ProvidedSwag_Equals_True()
     int expectedCount;
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()){
         expectedCount = (from x in dc.Sponsors where x.ProvidedSwag select x).Count();
     ISponsorRepository repo = new SponsorRepository();
     IList<SponsorDTO> sponsors = repo.GetAllThatProvidedSwag();
     sponsors.Count.ShouldEqual(expectedCount, "Wrong number of sponsors");
     (from x in sponsors where !x.ProvidedSwag select x).Count().ShouldEqual(0, "Expected 0 Sponsors that did not provide swag!");
 public void GetAllEligible_ShouldReturn_All_Attendess_InThe_Database_Where_IsEligible_Equals_True()
     int expectedCount;
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         expectedCount = (from x in dc.Attendees where x.IsEligible select x).Count();
     IAttendeeRepository attendeeRepository = new AttendeeRepository();
     IList<AttendeeDTO> attendees = attendeeRepository.GetAllEligible();
     attendees.Count.ShouldEqual(expectedCount, "Wrong number of attendess");
     (from x in attendees where !x.IsEligible select x).Count().ShouldEqual(0, "Expected 0 Non-Eligible Attendees");
 public bool InsertAll(IList<AttendeeDTO> attendeeDtos)
     IList<Attendee> attendees = (from x in attendeeDtos select new Attendee {
                                                                                 FirstName = x.FirstName,
                                                                                 LastName = x.LastName,
                                                                                 Company = x.Company,
                                                                                 Email = x.Email,
                                                                                 HasWon = x.HasWon,
                                                                                 IsEligible = x.IsEligible
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
     return true;
 public void GetAllBySponsor_Should_Return_All_Swags_ForTheSpecified_Sponsor_From_The_Database()
     int expectedCount;
     long sponsorID;
     using (DayOfDotNetDataContext dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         sponsorID = (from x in dc.Sponsors where x.ProvidedSwag select x.SponsorID).FirstOrDefault();
         expectedCount = (from x in dc.Swags where x.SponsorID == sponsorID select x).Count();
     ISwagRepository repo = new SwagRepository();
     IList<SwagDTO> swags = repo.GetAllBySponsor(sponsorID);
     swags.Count.ShouldEqual(expectedCount, "Wrong number of Swags");
     (from x in swags select x.SponsorID).Distinct().Count().ShouldEqual(1, "Expected 1 Distinct SponsorId");
     swags[0].SponsorID.ShouldEqual(sponsorID, "Wrong SponsorID");
 public IList<AttendeeDTO> GetAll()
     IList<AttendeeDTO> attendeeDTOList;
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         attendeeDTOList = (from x in dc.Attendees
                            select new AttendeeDTO {
                                                       AttendeeID = x.AttendeeID,
                                                       FirstName = x.FirstName,
                                                       LastName = x.LastName,
                                                       Email = x.Email,
                                                       Company = x.Company,
                                                       HasWon = x.HasWon,
                                                       IsEligible = x.IsEligible
     return attendeeDTOList;
 public IList<SwagDTO> GetAll()
     IList<SwagDTO> swags;
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext())
         swags = (from x in dc.Swags
                     select new SwagDTO
                         SwagID = x.SwagID,
                         SponsorID = x.SponsorID,
                         Name = x.Name,
                         ImageLocation = x.ImageLocation,
                         Position = x.Position
     return swags;
 public IList<SponsorDTO> GetAll()
     IList<SponsorDTO> sponsors;
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         sponsors = (from x in dc.Sponsors
                     select new SponsorDTO {
                                               SponsorID = x.SponsorID,
                                               Name = x.Name,
                                               ContactName = x.ContactName,
                                               ContactEmail = x.ContactEmail,
                                               SponsorshipLevel = x.SponsorshipLevel,
                                               ImageLocation = x.ImageLocation,
                                               Position = x.Position,
                                               ProvidedSwag = x.ProvidedSwag
     return sponsors;
 public void InsertAll_ShouldInsertAllTheSupplied_Attendees()
     AttendeeDTO attendee1 = new AttendeeDTO {FirstName = "FName1", LastName = "LName1", Company = "Company1", Email = "*****@*****.**", IsEligible = true, HasWon = true};
     AttendeeDTO attendee2 = new AttendeeDTO {FirstName = "FName2", LastName = "LName2", Company = "Company2", Email = "*****@*****.**", IsEligible = false, HasWon = false};
     IList<AttendeeDTO> attendees = new List<AttendeeDTO>{attendee1,attendee2};
     using (new TransactionScope()) {
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             dc.ExecuteCommand("Delete from Winner");
             dc.ExecuteCommand("Delete from Attendee");
         IAttendeeRepository repo = new AttendeeRepository();
         bool successful = repo.InsertAll(attendees);
         successful.ShouldBeTrue("Expected True");
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             (from x in dc.Attendees select x).Count().ShouldEqual(2, "Expected 2 Attendees");
 public void SetHasWon_ShouldSetThe_HasWon_Flag_To_True_OnThe_Attendee_WithTheSpecified_AttendeeID()
     long attendeeID;
     using (new TransactionScope()) {
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             Attendee attendee = (from x in dc.Attendees where x.IsEligible && !x.HasWon select x).FirstOrDefault();
             attendee.HasWon = true;
             attendeeID = attendee.AttendeeID;
         IAttendeeRepository repo = new AttendeeRepository();
         bool successful = repo.SetHasWon(attendeeID);
         successful.ShouldBeTrue("Expected True");
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             (from x in dc.Attendees where x.AttendeeID == attendeeID select x.HasWon).FirstOrDefault().ShouldBeTrue("Expected True");
 public bool SetHasWon(long attendeeID)
     using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
         Attendee attendee = (from x in dc.Attendees where x.AttendeeID == attendeeID select x).FirstOrDefault();
         if (attendee == null) return false;
         attendee.HasWon = true;
     return true;
 public void ResetAllHasWon_ShouldSetThe_HasWon_Flag_To_False_OnAll_Attendees()
     using (new TransactionScope()) {
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             Attendee attendee = (from x in dc.Attendees where x.IsEligible && !x.HasWon select x).FirstOrDefault();
             attendee.HasWon = true;
         IAttendeeRepository repo = new AttendeeRepository();
         bool successful = repo.ResetAllHasWon();
         successful.ShouldBeTrue("Expected True");
         using (var dc = new DayOfDotNetDataContext()) {
             (from x in dc.Attendees where x.HasWon select x).Count().ShouldEqual(0, "Expected 0 HasWon == True");